Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Nao/May 7, 2011

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4chon.net is a relatively shitty imageboard with only two boards: a cancerous and seldom-used /r9k/ board, and a /stormfront/ board. 4chon.net is also the only run-off 4chan site that is unofficially supported by moot.
4chon.net has, since its launch, attempted to spam the older 4chon.org to steal users, as well as spammed elsewere on the interbutts. Because of this, 4chon.net is wordfiltered on 4chan and will earn you a 24 hour ban if your post text contains that url.

In late march and early April 2011 the admins attempted to require users log on via their facebook account to post, however noone wanted to and realizing it would cause shit storm if it went mandatory as planned, it was given up. Rumors also indicate that 4chon.net intends to exchange banners with ohinternet.

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