Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Nao/June 7, 2011

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I'm a reasonable person... no really, I am!
I'm a reasonable person... no really, I am!

Ray Dixon (also known as 'Ray Dixon (Bright)' or 'Sockpuppet) is an mentally-unstable Australian blogger, famous in the Oz bloggosphere (sic) for his try-hard views, his failed attempts at humorous parody and his extensive knowledge of Internet law, especially defamation. Ray Dixon is of indeterminate age and lives in Bright, Victoria with his hotel, his wife and their extensive collection of pet gravel. Ray Dixon is best known for his association with fellow Internet muppet Iain Hall. Ray Dixon is a frequent commenter on Iain Hall's odious blog and also makes posts there as 'Sockpuppet' as part of a failed attempt at comedy. Despite a considerable dossier of evidence to the contrary, Ray Dixon flatly denies being 'Sockpuppet', revealing himself as a fraudulent liar.

Ray Dixon is a unique, colourful and expressive individual (in other words, he's a cunt). Ray Dixon has several clearly identifiable personality traits. Most prominently, he is never wrong about anything, never averse to saying so and always determined to have the last word. Ray Dixon is an outspoken critic of Internet stalking (unless his best mate Iain Hall is doing it) and people who criticise others anonymously (unless, as 'Sockpuppet', he's doing it himself). He also demonstrates sleazy characteristics when dealing with female Internet peoples, once sending one a picture of himself in bathers with a comment about how good his body was for his age. Ray Dixon has no friends in real life, a Gallup poll in his hometown of Bright suggests that 99.4% of people there think he is full of shit.