Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Nao/June 13, 2012

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Gabrielle Chana
A complete mindfuck of a story if I ever heard one...
A complete mindfuck of a story if I ever heard one...

To the eyes of common men, Gabrielle Chana or "Gail" is a 50 something divorced schizophrenic old coot who got hit hard with the fugly stick, but if Admiral Ackbar ever taught us something, is that appearances are deceitful. One need not to dig much to find a complete mindfuck of a story that can bring even the sanest man to start taking Valium mixed with Haloperidol.

Besides being a lauded author, an Academy Award and Nobel Price laureate, Gabrielle finds the spare time to make shit tons of videos and write huge fucking walls of text denouncing the constant global conspiracy against her and the rich and famous men on her marriage list. All the machinations and assaults are orchestrated by a mysterious organization known as The Order of Jesuits.

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