Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Nao/December 7, 2011

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Lt. John Pike, a.k.a. The Pepper Spray cop a.k.a Dr Pepper is a badass policeman who appropriately dealt with a large line of dirty jobless hippies at the Occupy CU Davis in California, by pwning their ugly faces with nice hot stream of pepper spray. Pike couldn't stand their newfaggotry and bitchy whining, plus the little shits were blocking his way to an ice cream van on the other side of the park, and did what any God-Loving patriot would do, proceeded to whip out his Pepper spray can and cover the irritating nerds in liquidized orange pain for the lulz.

Since the incident, Pike has become a forced meme, and every hipster in the universe has applied their brilliant photoshop skillz, cunt and pasting Pike's chillax lulzy strolling onto any random picture they can find. He also hates fags whatta guy.

((I fought the law and i wo-OH GAWD MY EYYYESSSS))

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