Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Nao/April 30, 2012

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Do you hate internet freedom? Are you pissed SOPA got shot down by those hipsters? Good news! The American government has just the thing for you! CISPA (also known as H.R. 3523, The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, and SOPA MK II Electric Boogaloo) is the newest great idea shat out by the man in Washington currently awaiting approval in the House Senate.

Sometime last November, when all the cool kids were trying to get their internet censorship bills pushed through the House and Senate, Republican and professional asshat Michael Rogers of Michigan decided it would be a good idea to write his own bill to control who looks at what porn, and apparently didn't get the memo that his buddy Lamar Smith caused a complete clusterfuck and shitstorm with his bill until it got completely cockblocked altogether.

What have I missed?
Heidi Crowter
2 days ago
4 days ago
6 days ago