Electronic Frontier Foundation

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A huge fucking mecha is currently in development by the EFF. Noone knows what they will use if for.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation was founded outside the Internet to protect coders rights and free speech, but mostly gets itself pissed off over copyright. A worthy cause, and one of the few things standing between you and getting your ass v& for stealing Justin Beavers latest album, you fucking faggot.

The Story

The EFF is a pretty cool organization, it cracks DES and doesn't afraid of anything.

The EFF is one of the things keeping places like ED here on the web, as staunch supporters of free speech, they are the buddies and behind the screen supporters of anons everywhere. Unlike most of the web, they know what they are talking about and are more than content to spit in the face of those who would infringe on freedom. So they are pretty cool dudes. Also they have giant fucking mecha clearly for defensive reasons. If it weren't for the EFF, tor would be a tiny shit hole and you would have already been vanned for all that CP you download, amiright? Also, they support crypto, so even if you get caught, you can call the 5th Amendment and try to protect yourself. The feds can't demand your password, so you have a bit of protection, unless its niggers1. Nevermind, Lost that right. Thanks court system.

The EFF often join forces with the ACLU to mess with some bureaucrat's day, from this we can assume that they do at least some of this for the lulz. They are pretty cool dudes when it comes to shutting down shit faced laws passed by drunk rednecks. Based on at least some of the laws they oppose, it can be assumed that at least some of them are pro-pedo. But who cares? They help you stay anon on the internet, and oppose faggots who wish that you could say nothing mean on the internet. Like the entire state of Tennessee. But who gives a fuck about that state, really. It looks like its getting humped by Kentucky. Also they hate facebook, and think moot is a pretty cool guy for making anonymous talk on the internet popular.

The EFF are IRL OL lawyers, and as such demand IRL respect.


Trolling the EFF is easy, just be a Congressman and support some batshit insane law to take away freedom. They will be down your necks so fast it will make you head spin, with their legions of fanbois sending you hate mail. Have fun.


See Also