Desmond is Amazing

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This article is about a person who is under 18 years old.
You can help by knocking down their self esteem, telling them to stay in school and to get off of the Internets until then.
This person has Assburgers Syndrome,
so you can't say anything bad! :-(

Be aware of that, you insensitive fuck.
Totally doesn't look like a child star doomed to OD in an alleyway behind a gay strip club.

Desmond Napoles AKA, "Desmond Is Amazing", is a 17-year-old twisted psychology experiment to see what happens when parents decide that their male child is a gay little girl BEFORE HE IS THREE FUCKING YEARS OLD!!!! He is a confirmed autistic, probably because his parents smoked crack before having him (which might explain their high levels of batshit insanity). He is known for showing up at LGBTQ+ events and reminding America that it's ok to be a little conservative; nobody in their right mind should be ok with this shit.

His Parents

Desmond explaining his early love life, which apparently happens WHEN YOU'RE A FUCKING BABY??

Desmond himself is not to blame for this madness, it's 100% his parent's fault, especially his dangerously retarded mother, Wendy Napoles. His father, Andrew, just likes to hide in the closet and watch while furiously masturbating. These insane bags of monkey shit have brainwashed their child since he was born into believing things like:

  • He is transgender.
  • He is gay and wants to have sex with other little boys his age.
  • He really wants to be a drag queen.

His parents proceeded to create a monster of their own making by doing the following to their impressionable, developing child.

  • 1.) Expose him to transgender/gay stimuli.
  • 2.) Tell themselves that he was transgender/gay because he interacted with said stimuli.
  • 3.) Tell their son that he was transgender/gay.
  • 4.) Encourage/reward his increasing transgender/gay behavior.
  • 5.) Expose him to the LGBTQ+ community through social media and other means so they can turn him into a transgender spectacle for cash.
  • 6.) Repeat.

Examples of transgender/gay stimuli include:

  • Giving him women's clothes to try on. Dress up is is just a fun game for kids, but for his parents, it was a serious declaration that he was obviously an intelligent adult choosing to wear these clothes on his own and not just being a silly toddler that didn't know any better.
  • Exposing him to transgender media, such as RuPaul's Drag Race, and saying that he was trans just because he looked at the screen.
  • Claiming that he was gay because he apparently had crushes on little boys when he was a toddler. Desmond can't remember this, and that doesn't seem odd to him.

Soon enough they had a completely brainwashed child that knew nothing else except that he was transgender, gay, and a spokeschild for the LGBTQ+ community. You could put a gun to this kids head and threaten to kill him unless he admitted that he wasn't really transgender/gay, but it wouldn't work. Whether he is or isn't is irrelevant because he truly believes that he is thanks to having been brainwashed all of his life. A truly disturbing, but successful, experiment completed by his parents sets a dangerous precedent for the coming generation.

Child Abuse

Besides the terrible shit that Desmond's parents have already done to him that we mentioned above, they have also been criticized for blatantly sexualizing him AT GAY NIGHT CLUBS!!!

In December 2018, during an appearance at the 3 Dollar Bill, a gay nightclub, Desmond removed an outer layer of clothing to reveal a crop-top and accepted tips from the audience, (we'd show pics but ED has standards and doesn't permit gay CP you sick fuck). According to his mother, this is totally appropriate for a child to do for a bunch of horny older faggots. The performance resulted in several reports of child abuse filed with child protective services agencies. It was the "most investigated case the agencies had ever received. That's REALLY saying something considering the fact that this took place in Brooklyn New York, a highly-populated area filled with lots of shitty poor parents clogging the system. She set the record, beating every nigger parent in the area. It even made its way all the way up to the governor's office. According to eyewitnesses with him at the time, the governor took one look at the report and was quoted saying "I don't want to live on this planet anymore." He then immediately left for Mars.

Desmond's mother defended her actions of exposing her son to this environment as perfectly normal, even adding that all kids should be allowed to do it. She hopes for an ancient Roman-style future where gay men and little "gay" boys can gather together in groups and fuck all night long without judgment or harassment by bigots who claim that it's "wrong" or "grossly immoral and cruel to force upon children". One can only hope that Wendy is stricken with flesh-eating bacteria as punishment for being one of the worst parents on the planet.

Moar Shit

Haven't changed the channel yet? Here's a video that sums up just about everything else we missed about this child's tragic life:

Desmond is NOT Amazing!.

External Links

See Also

Desmond is Amazing is part of a series on

Homosexual Deviants

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