David Shadle

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Watch out for that knife!

David Shadle is a 21 year old cockjuggler from Slickville, PA. He enjoys the American Pie series, killing his girlfriend, and the music of Nirvana and Metallica. On March 1st 2006 he was charged with first-degree murder and criminal homicide in the death of his girlfriend Jessica.


Jessica was found dead at 4:30 PM on February 28th by some guy who apparently has no name. She was last seen alive with this cockmongrel of a boyfriend at 10:30 PM the previous day.

State police charged Shadle with criminal homicide and first-degree pwning, as well as receiving stolen property. They said they received a tip from some hobo who saw Shadle in a car with another person.

Shadle is currently enrolled in the Accelerated Rehabilitative Dipshit program for shitheads in Westermoreland County.

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