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To read about Dangasm, click Dangasm. The pages are split in two, the new testament (this) are the logs, the old testament is Dangasm the person / lolcow.

Dangasm has a flipper for a left hand.

Dangasm Oswald Cobblepot log

  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: oswald cobblepot
  ÐŮ˲ЮËÅm™:      lol
  ~†~S†ewie~†~:     alot of girls just want sex too
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: too bad we didnt get to ask him about the flipper
  conan:            dangasm
  ÐŮ˲ЮËÅm™:      i know and they end up wit diseases lol
  conan:            is fucking ugly
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: conan ask him about the flipper
  Dangasm:          Conan, you use fake pictures and hide your face.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: why does he have a flipper for a left hand?
  Dangasm:          *mutes*
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: LOL!!!!!
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: jealous much dangasm?
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: hahahahahahaha 
  conan:            want to see me?
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: betterthanme ask him about his flipper
  Dangasm:          *pages*
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: why does he have a flipper?
  Dangasm:          Wtf is a flipper anyway?
  ~†~S†ewie~†~:     i want companionship and love more than sex
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: your flipper
  Dangasm:          Must be some sort of arcade slang.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: your left hand is a flipper
  Dan- Why do you have a flipper?: LOL
  BetterThanMe:     me too
  Dan- Why do you have a flipper?: ARCADE SLANG
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: LOL
  conan:            A FLIPPER
  Dan- Why do you have a flipper?: LOLOL
  BetterThanMe:     i've only had sex with one guy
  Dan- Why do you have a flipper?: DAN DOES NOT KNOW WHAT A FLIPPER IS
  BetterThanMe:     and i loved him more than anything 
  ÐŮ˲ЮËÅm™:      holy shit well thats 1 guy in here thats good
  Dan- Why do you have a flipper?: GOD IS RUSTY ON HIS VOCAB.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: look conan is a hot dude, he deserves to wear his pic as an av
  ÐŮ˲ЮËÅm™:      <<<<
  C:\ShawnC.exe:    ok
  ÐŮ˲ЮËÅm™:      <
  BetterThanMe:     i mean i almost walked out on my family for him...
  ~†~S†ewie~†~:     i was in love once
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: i bet conan doesnt drive a mopad like dangasm either
  ÐŮ˲ЮËÅm™:      i id it and trust me it isnt worth it
  Vicky:            go to lockbel 10
  ...................: welll you should know girl dont trust no men
  conan:            hehe
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: dangasm why do you look like a lady?
  BetterThanMe:     i've figured that out 
  ÐŮ˲ЮËÅm™:      yes.
  BetterThanMe:     lol
  ~†~S†ewie~†~:     but i ended up breaking me
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: shopping for groceries?
  Dan- Why do you have a flipper?: DUDE LOOKS LIKE A LADY
  Dan- Why do you have a flipper?: WOAH WOAH WOAH
  ÐŮ˲ЮËÅm™:      lol
  BetterThanMe:     my ex was a mindgame player
  ...................: thats y iam avirgin
  ~†~S†ewie~†~:     so was my ex
  conan:            i love is hair
  ÐŮ˲ЮËÅm™:      lol
  Soph.:            ^brb
  ~†~S†ewie~†~:     i hate that
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: omg dangasm steals avs
  Vicky:            go there
  ÐŮ˲ЮËÅm™:      ^ funny guy
  metal man:        LOL u look like a monkey
  metal man:        <<<<
  conan:            laite en tabarnak
  ~†~S†ewie~†~:     who's funny
  ÐŮ˲ЮËÅm™:      ^^^^^^^ funny guy
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: DAN THE MUTE FAGGOT
  Vicky:            lockabel 10
  BetterThanMe:     anyone wanna add meh to myspace if yall have it 
  Vicky:            is the best
  BetterThanMe:     www.myspace.com/loveforeverandalwayz
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: dangasm wears offensive WTC avs
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: page
  ÐŮ˲ЮËÅm™:      sure
  ...................: ew hes ugly ahahahaha
  ~†~S†ewie~†~:     am i funny?
  Räïñbøw RäÑGër [Ðilly]: Jews did WTC.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: lol
  Dan- Why do you have a flipper?:  'page Dangasm's avatar offends me. He is mocking 9/11.
  woooo:            hey dangasm you pink haired freak take that shit off
  ...................: yeahhh
  Dangasm:          Only good american, is a dead american.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: LOL
  Dan- Why do you have a flipper?: LOL
  ...................: fuck you
  Dan- Why do you have a flipper?: DAN IS BITTER
  Dan- Why do you have a flipper?: WHAT ABOUT THE DUTCH?
  ...................: you fucking ass hole
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: hahahahahah
  LªdyTºm:          <
  BetterThanMe:     i'm an american...
  Dangasm:          Haha.
  Dangasm:          Riled up much.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: hes as angry as the world as SWEET N SOUR
  Dangasm:          Obsessive chatter syndrome.
  Dan- Why do you have a flipper?: SWEET N SOURPUSS
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: hey dangasm we found you a girlfriend last night
  Dangasm:          Created and instigated by Dangasm.
  ~†~S†ewie~†~:     strange i took no offense to that whatsoever
  BetterThanMe:     wow is that you conana
  ÐŮ˲ЮËÅm™:      whats your last name?
  Dangasm:          You are now at DanChat V2.6
  BetterThanMe:     rice
  Dangasm:          Superior version.
  Dan- Why do you have a flipper?: LNMFAO
  Dan- Why do you have a flipper?: DSKPOFGA
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: LOL
  Dan- Why do you have a flipper?: LOOLOL
  ...................: if thats realy him he looks like a porch monkey
  conan:            its me 1 years ago
  Dan- Why do you have a flipper?: Viking
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: my eyes are all teary with laughter!!!!!
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: LITERALLY
  Dan- Why do you have a flipper?: There is no way this guy is for real.
  BetterThanMe:     i <3 your eyes
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: he cant be
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: nobody is such a fag
  Dan- Why do you have a flipper?: His whole persona is different on his Myspace.
  Dangasm:          It's great when people are so weak they require a gang.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: and like everybody hates him on av palass
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: and yet he comes back
  Dangasm:          I need other people to try to insult someone.
  ...................: use requir a gang
  BetterThanMe:     lol
  Dan- Why do you have a flipper?: I think we genuinely offended him getting his pics.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: hey dangasm where is your fat angry trucker bulldyke sidekick?
  Dangasm:          Because I cannot do it myself.
  Räïñbøw RäÑGër [Ðilly]: ..Can you do this whisper?
  BetterThanMe:     brb myspace
  woooo:            he looks like a rejected beatles band member
  Räïñbøw RäÑGër [Ðilly]: It's really fucking annoying.
  ...................: cause he looks like a monkey thats y 
  Dan- Why do you have a flipper?: LOL WOOO
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: hahahahahahaha
  Dan- Why do you have a flipper?: REJECTED BEATLE
  Dangasm:          I apologise for ruining this chatroom.
  Dan- Why do you have a flipper?: WITH A FLIPPER
  ...................: he belongs ina zoooo
  ~†~S†ewie~†~:     lol
  Dangasm:          <.< Blame them for their obsession.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: FLIPPER
  ...................: and he smells like one tooo
  Räïñbøw RäÑGër [Ðilly]: >>
  ~†~S†ewie~†~:     webberdewebdedb
  Räïñbøw RäÑGër [Ðilly]: It was fine when it was just you, lol.
  Dan- Why do you have a flipper?: DAN CAN JUMP THROUGH HOOPS AND DO TRICKS
  Dan- Why do you have a flipper?: LIKE FLIPPER
  BetterThanMe:     k bak
  Räïñbøw RäÑGër [Ðilly]: Your black cloud is annoying as shit though.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: hey dan OOGH OOGH OOGH OOGH *CLAP CLAP CLAP*
  woooo:            when john lennon seen his pink hair he slapped his mom and made dan suck him off
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®:  *SPINS BALL ON NOSE*
  Dan- Why do you have a flipper?: HAHAHAHA
  Dangasm:          *mutes* woooo
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: LOL
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: hahahahahaha
  Dan- Why do you have a flipper?: HAHAHAHA
  woooo:            PWNED
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: muted again is 2 points for me
  Dangasm:          Obviously a palace32 chat client from one of those.
  woooo:            obviously not
  Dangasm:          So predictable.
  Räïñbøw RäÑGër [Ðilly]: Oh, lol.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: heres a fish for you dangasm!
  ...................: his nose is big to
  Räïñbøw RäÑGër [Ðilly]: I forgot I could mute.
  Dangasm:          Good plan.
  Dangasm:          Muting works.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: lol
  ...................: hes just fucking ugly
  Dangasm:          If they have nobody to preach to, they'll leave.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: muting works when you have to cry
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: muting works when you drive a mopad
  Dangasm:          Because you're taking away their entertainment.
  Räïñbøw RäÑGër [Ðilly]: Now it's all quite. c:
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: muting works when you have a flipper for a left hand
  ~†~S†ewie~†~:     it's the guvnuh
  Räïñbøw RäÑGër [Ðilly]: quiet*
  Dangasm:          They're sitting there right now, angry with themselves.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: LOL
  LªdyTºm:          < BOnJouR
  BetterThanMe:     if i log off i'll be right back
  ...................: yo does dude realy have a flipper
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: dangasm we were waiting for you for DAYS
  Vicky:            HI PPL SOME ON TALK TO ME
  conan:            tu parles francais?
  Vicky:            !HI PPL SOME ON TALK TO ME
  ~†~S†ewie~†~:     k
  Dangasm:          Trying to get reactions and this is the last reaction they have from me.
  E-gads™{Waffle}:  HI!
  LªdyTºm:           :]
  Dangasm:          Because they no longer exist.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: we are OBSESSED WITH YOU
  ÐŮ˲ЮËÅm™:      man im bored
  Dangasm:          Prop stripped etc, etc.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: hahahahaha
  BetterThanMe:     my step-dad's in the kitchen he hates me on the computer 
  LªdyTºm:          je ne fais que ça
  BetterThanMe:     lol
  E-gads™{Waffle}:  meh too
  *** Avatar changes are limited here
  ~†~S†ewie~†~:     qui a coupe le fromage (sp?)
  E-gads™{Waffle}:  haha
  Räïñbøw RäÑGër [Ðilly]: Poor guys.
  Dangasm:          Haha.
  conan:            d'ou viens-tu?
  Dangasm:          They are poor.
  ÐŮ˲ЮËÅm™:      lol
  ...................: everyones cutting on him ahahahaha
  LªdyTºm:          France
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: I DID IT ALL FOR TEH LULZ
  E-gads™{Waffle}:  to prends le saucisaun dans le darier?9sp0
  conan:            Hehe ok
  ÐŮ˲ЮËÅm™:      so where you from stewie?
  LªdyTºm:          on s'est croisé hier il me semble
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: yes and yet another gay, big surprise
  E-gads™{Waffle}:  *(sp)
  ~†~S†ewie~†~:     tennessee
  conan:            Je vien du Québec
  LªdyTºm:          je sais :)
  ÐŮ˲ЮËÅm™:      oh
  E-gads™{Waffle}:  cool
  ÐŮ˲ЮËÅm™:      i see
  ~†~S†ewie~†~:     somerville, about an hour from memphis
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: hahahahahaha
  dan=the monkey in the zoo: can i have his av
  DAN=thepinkhairedrejectedbeatle: NOW IMCOOLZZ WIT MY PINK HAIR
  Räïñbøw RäÑGër [Ðilly]: .Oh what the fuck
  *** You have offered your avatar to dan=the monkey in the zoo
  Dangasm:          Mute+propstrip.
  Räïñbøw RäÑGër [Ðilly]: A third one?
  ÐŮ˲ЮËÅm™:      koo
  LªdyTºm:          tes expression ne trompe pas
  Dangasm:          Eas.
  E-gads™{Waffle}:  O.o
  conan:            pourquoi tu le sais?
  Vicky:            cona i love that pick so sexyt
  ~†~S†ewie~†~:     not really
  Dangasm:          And again.
  *** You have offered your avatar to conan
  conan:            haha
  Dangasm:          Sorted.
  conan:            j'avoue
  DAN=thepinkhairedrejectedbeatle: I SO COOL, I PWN PEOPLE BY MUTING
  ~†~S†ewie~†~:     i hate this bitch
  Dangasm:          I'm quite famous.
  BetterThanMe:     i''m sitting on your head lol
  ~†~S†ewie~†~:     what the hell is going on
  E-gads™{Waffle}:  idk
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: captured the screen
  Dangasm:          I am owning the chatroom.
  Räïñbøw RäÑGër [Ðilly]: Do they have huge e-penises, too?
  ÐŮ˲ЮËÅm™:      idk they r retarded
  *** You have offered your avatar to ~†~S†ewie~†~
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: LOL
  Dangasm:          Well.
  Dangasm:          No.
  dan=the monkey in the zoo: with your ugly-ness
  Dangasm:          Is the simple answer to that one.
  LªdyTºm:          je le sais je l'ai ca en arrivant > conan:            laite en tabarnak
  *** You have offered your avatar to BetterThanMe
  BetterThanMe:     mmm i'm going to the next room if anyone wants to come i'll see ya there
  dan=the monkey in the zoo: your owning the chat with your uglyness
  Räïñbøw RäÑGër [Ðilly]:  :(
  Dangasm:          Good plan.
  *** You have offered your avatar to ÐŮ˲ЮËÅm™
  *** Repeated chat messages are limited here
  conan:            haha
  LªdyTºm:          puis jt'ai vu hier
  DAN=thepinkhairedrejectedbeatle: he looks like a fucking hobit from lord of the rings
  LªdyTºm:          sur un autre palace
  conan:            hier?
  ~†~S†ewie~†~:     lol
  E-gads™{Waffle}:  lmao
  dan=the monkey in the zoo: he looks like a creature 
  LªdyTºm:          francophone
  E-gads™{Waffle}:  i thought he was one.. lol
  ~†~S†ewie~†~:     he is gollum
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: hes in cz 11 everyone!!!!
  conan:            jvais juste sur giganet
  E-gads™{Waffle}:  ididnt know it was him
  Dangasm:          I have screenshotted all this, etc, etc.
  DAN- WHY DO YOU HAVE A FLIPPER?: I just want to know about the flipper.
  BetterThanMe:     ahh
  DAN- WHY DO YOU HAVE A FLIPPER?: It is killing me.
  Dangasm:          I am building up a case file.
  ÐŮ˲ЮËÅm™:      im goin back
  Dangasm:          When you get banned.  I will laugh.
  dan=the monkey in the zoo: go ahead report me or w.e fucker
  Dangasm:          Because I know you care more about this than me.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: lol
  ~†~S†ewie~†~:     damn they followed me
  Dangasm:          That's the facts.
  Dangasm:          I have an idea.
  Dangasm:          I can create my own palace room.
  Dangasm:          Then kick you.
  Dangasm:          =)
  E-gads™{Waffle}:  lol
  ~†~S†ewie~†~:     what that shit about a flipper
  Dangasm:          Good plan.
  dan=the monkey in the zoo: your a pussy
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: LOL
  Dangasm:          You're*
  Dangasm:          You're illiterate.
  DAN=thepinkhairedrejectedbeatle: of course hes a pussy
  dan=the monkey in the zoo: you cant stand being botherd but its ok for you too bother ppl
  ~†~S†ewie~†~:     yes i know, but tht didnt answer my quetion
  DAN=thepinkhairedrejectedbeatle: he wears avs about WTC what pussy wouldnt wear that
  dan=the monkey in the zoo: you fucking ugly ass monkey looking creature looking faggot
  Dangasm:          Can't stand being bothered?  No, this is entertainment.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: YOU ARE ILLETERATE
  Räïñbøw RäÑGër [Ðilly]: Shit, Dan.
  Dangasm:          And my entertainment is getting you deliberately banned.
  E-gads™{Waffle}:  wth do you all have pictures of him
  Räïñbøw RäÑGër [Ðilly]: I was gonna make my own room, but I forgot the script.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: I DRIVE A MOPAD
  Dangasm:          Because I bother you with words I am allowed to use.
  DAN=thepinkhairedrejectedbeatle: so when are we getting banned?
  dan=the monkey in the zoo: GOOD LIKE I GIVE A SHIT ASS HOLE
  Dangasm:          But you try to bother me with illegal palace moves.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: I DRIVE A MOPAD
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: YOU ARE ILLETERATE
  Dangasm:          Which means.  In the end I will win.
  E-gads™{Waffle}:  lol
  dan=the monkey in the zoo: get me banned i aint gonna fucking cry
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: I HAVE A FLIPPER
  Dangasm:          Because I can get you banned.
  Dangasm:          You will cry.
  DAN=thepinkhairedrejectedbeatle: hey dan, when are we getting banned?
  Dangasm:          This is your life.
  Dangasm:          Serious?
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: WITH A FACE LIKE THIS
  mikey | danse.macabre: rofl.
  Dangasm:          Hardly, palace is not serious business.
  E-gads™{Waffle}:  hello>
  dan=the monkey in the zoo: i hope you know this isnt my life i have a real one off palace ahahah
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: LOL
  Dangasm:          Why do you wait for me to come to chat?
  Dangasm:          Do you need me?
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: LOL
  E-gads™{Waffle}:  wow....
  Dangasm:          Satire won't save you.
  E-gads™{Waffle}:  ^brb
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: LOL SATIRE WONT SAVE U
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: THE FLIPPER WILL
  Dangasm:          "LOL" I say LOL because I have no better response.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: I DID IT ALL 4 TEH LULZ
  mikey | danse.macabre: lol.
  Dangasm:          I am going to now make you miss me.
  Dangasm:          Because there is nobody I wish to converse with on palace.
  Dangasm:          So I am going to shut this program down.
  Dangasm:          How does that make you feel?
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: SO WHY NOT LEAVE DAN?
  dan=the monkey in the zoo: you fucking ugly fucker
  mikey | danse.macabre: pwned.
  DAN=thepinkhairedrejectedbeatle: yeah go away pussy
  dan=the monkey in the zoo: we win
  Dangasm:          Pwned is when you care about palace.
  mikey | danse.macabre: lol who cares about palace..
  Dangasm:          These folks do.
  Dangasm:          Because they feel the need for "revenge".
  E-gads™{Waffle}:  ^tornado watch brb
  Dangasm:          So I must have bothered them that much in the first place.
  dan=the monkey in the zoo: cause your ugly
  Dangasm:          Not shut this place down.
  dan=the monkey in the zoo: and i feel like bothering someone so why not someone who is ugly as you
  Dangasm:          Shut YOU down.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: LOL
  mikey | danse.macabre: he IS god.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: YOU CANT
  Dangasm:          When you connect to palace you have an IP address.
  mikey | danse.macabre: he can do that.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: NO RLY?
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: IP RLY?
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: I HAVE AN IP?
  Dangasm:          You can be banned via IP.
  `[shank a sknk];: :nowai
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: NO WA!!!!!
  mikey | danse.macabre: lol.
  Dangasm:          I bet you'd go to your friends.
  Dangasm:          Just to log onto palace.
  Dangasm:          Oh wait.
  DAN=thepinkhairedrejectedbeatle: dan, stop stating the obvious, we really dont care
  Dangasm:          The only friends you have are on palace.
  Dangasm:          Haha.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: PROXY RLY?
  dan=the monkey in the zoo: like we give to fucking flying shits
  mikey | danse.macabre: you can change your ip..
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: FLIPPER?
  Dangasm:          I think it's best to concentrate on one person.
  Dangasm:          Mutes everyone.
  dan=the monkey in the zoo: oh shit iam getting banned
  Dangasm:          Hi <
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: MUTE X3
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: 3X PWND
  mikey | danse.macabre: too bad i have my ip protected
  DAN=thepinkhairedrejectedbeatle: Hello mr. pink hair
  Dangasm:          What is your problem with me?
  mikey | danse.macabre: it gives a fake ip that says im in the atlantic.
  mikey | danse.macabre: 0_o
  DAN=thepinkhairedrejectedbeatle: that av is my problem with you
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: SO BAN THIS IP TO SHIT
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: HAHAHAHAHAH
  Dangasm:          Is that it?
  dan=the monkey in the zoo: me to
  Dangasm:          If I remove it, will you have a problem?
  `[shank a sknk];: :im in the ocean off the coast of africa.
  DAN=thepinkhairedrejectedbeatle: Yes, since ive lost friends from the WTC
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: SEE IF I CARE
  Dangasm:          Shall I replace it with a bin laden joke?
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: LULZ
  mikey | danse.macabre: lol.
  DAN=thepinkhairedrejectedbeatle: Sure why not
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: DAN A\THE MUTE FAGGOT
  Dangasm:          Are you happy now?
  mikey | danse.macabre: where is dan lite
  mikey | danse.macabre: lets have them fight to the death.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: I DUNNO
  woooo:            JUST DANDY
  dan=the monkey in the zoo: he still had it up
  Dangasm:          That is one happy customer.
  Dangasm:          Who is "Felix".
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: STEALN OUR IP
  Dangasm:          Isn't that an irrelevant chatter?
  mikey | danse.macabre: where is the lesbian.
  Dangasm:          Haha, I know who you are now.
  Dangasm:          Why was I even debating with you.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: OMH
  Dangasm:          You're under 16.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: YOU KNO WHO I IS?
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: NO WA
  mikey | danse.macabre: hahaha.
  Dangasm:          See ya.
  `[shank a sknk];: :o.o
  dan=the monkey in the zoo: if you dont want us botern you then y did you give them your picture
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: *saves log*

Extra special event: Dangasm's sidekick

  * [sXe]Slab of Concrete[SSC]4lyfe * ^kickin' @$$
  .l3sbatronix:     Fat Pussy hahahhahaa
  Dangasm:          I know.
  Dangasm:          I've gone so commercial pussy now.
  Sweet Guy:        you are a fatty l3sbatronix
  .l3sbatronix:     And?
  Dangasm:          I have obesity.
  Dangasm:          It's in my penis.
  .l3sbatronix:     hahaha
  Dangasm:          Come touch it.
  Sweet Guy:        a fatty mc fat fat fat
  .l3sbatronix:     I have Obesity.
  Dangasm:          Feel the obesity.
  .l3sbatronix:     It's in my Tits.
  Sweet Guy:        dangasm you are just a loser
  Sweet Guy:        everybody knows that
  Dangasm:          Yeah, yet you speak to me.
  .l3sbatronix:     Sweet Guy, I call my dog Fat McFatfat
  Sweet Guy:        making you happy
  Dangasm:          You must be the most dumbest palace chatter going.
  Sweet Guy:        whats the matter dangasm trying on the fat chicks now?
  .l3sbatronix:     ?
  Dangasm:          She's a dyke.
  Sweet Guy:        did you become a chubby chaser now too?
  .l3sbatronix:     I'm a lesbian.
  .l3sbatronix:     Idiot.
  Dangasm:          I don't have much of a chance.
  Sweet Guy:        so you MUST be desperate these days huh?
  Dangasm:          Unless I have a video camera...
  Dangasm:          And some hot women.
  Dangasm:          But even then.
  Sweet Guy:        you dont even have a chance in a morgue buddy
  Dangasm:          That's just porno.
  Dangasm:          Mortuary.
  Dangasm:          Get the phrase right.
  Sweet Guy:        hang on dangasm i gotta make some coffee
  Dangasm:          You couldn't pull in a whore house.
  Dangasm:          Run away you mean.
  Sweet Guy:        nope dude
  Dangasm:          You need stimulants just to invent some phrases.
  Sweet Guy:        make some coffee
  Dangasm:          www.google.com
  Sweet Guy:        i just feel like some coffee ok
  Dangasm:          Search for inventive phrases to beat internet experts.
  Dangasm:          You might win something.
  Sweet Guy:        ehhhh yeah sure whatever you say dangasm
  Dangasm:          You for the win  You for the win.
  Dangasm:          Come on pal.
  Dangasm:          Lets go.
  Dangasm:          Efight!!
  Sweet Guy:        yeah yeah
  Dangasm:          Efight!!!
  Sweet Guy:        jumping up and down again
  Dangasm:          EFight!!!!
  Sweet Guy:        as always
  Dangasm:          you have to reply.
  Sweet Guy:        good luck with your fatty
  Dangasm:          To everything I type.
  Dangasm:          You are a puppet.
  Sweet Guy:        now let me get some coffee
  Sweet Guy:        brb
  Dangasm:          Dance puppet dance.
  Dangasm:          Omfg.
  Sweet Guy:        ^coffee dangasm LOL
  Dangasm:          Puppet just died.
  Dangasm:          That was easy.
  .l3sbatronix:     That guy's an idiot.
  Dangasm:          I need more challenging people to troll.
  Dangasm:          People get annoyed because I want them to.
  Dangasm:          then they get obsessed with trying to win something on here.
  Dangasm:          Best amusement ever.
  .l3sbatronix:     Eh
  .l3sbatronix:     I'm happy with my girl.
  Dangasm:          I play games!
  Dangasm:          I'm happy with your girl too.
  .l3sbatronix:      ;p
  .l3sbatronix:     Wanna see a photo?
  Dangasm:          Ok.
  .l3sbatronix:     Lemme get it
  Dangasm:          Alrightttt!
  Dangasm:          September 11th was a gr8 day.
  .l3sbatronix:     MY GIRL'S GOT A NEW PHOTO UP
  Dangasm:          OKAY
  .l3sbatronix:     And it's sexy
  .l3sbatronix:     The coloring is crazy.
  Sweet Guy:        dangasm can u do me a favour?
  Sweet Guy:        yooohoooo dangasm
  Sweet Guy:        u there buddy?
  .l3sbatronix:     He's away.
  Sweet Guy:        !DAAAAANGASM
  .l3sbatronix:     Looking at your mom blow you.
  Sweet Guy:        oh can you do me a favour then?
  °pirate°:         That was brilliant, Amy.
  Sweet Guy:        can you stand next to dangasm real quick?
  °pirate°:         Truly brilliant.
  Sweet Guy:        just stand over matthew there for a minute
  .l3sbatronix:     Really?
  Sweet Guy:        yes plz
  .l3sbatronix:     >.>
  °pirate°:         No. You're a retarded dyke, actually.
  Sweet Guy:        LOL
  Sweet Guy:        anyway l3sbatronix can you do that for me for just a second?
  .l3sbatronix:     Hey, deaf in one ear, yes, but retarded. I don't think so.
  Sweet Guy:        l3sbatronix
  Sweet Guy:        do me this favour for a sec
  Sweet Guy:        stand next to dangasm
  Sweet Guy:        for just a second
  Sweet Guy:        you were doing it just a second ago
  Sweet Guy:        come on
  Sweet Guy:        jesus fuck
  ·¸[ Åñgèl ]¸·:    Lol.
  Sweet Guy:        FINE
  Sweet Guy:        anyway let me save the lulz log
  .l3sbatronix:     Fucking lag
  ·¸[ Åñgèl ]¸·:    < wb
  .l3sbatronix:     Thanks bb ;]\
  °pirate°:         Hey Amy.
  Sweet Guy:        yeah yeah say you fat hog stand next to dangasm for a second
  °pirate°:         Don't call my girlfriend bb.
  °pirate°:         Or any pet names for that matter.
  ·¸[ Åñgèl ]¸·:    o.o
  .l3sbatronix:     I call everyone bb.
  °pirate°:         I would not call your dyke girlfriend anything of the sort.
  .l3sbatronix:     Hey bb <3
  °pirate°:         You do not do the same for mine.
  Dangasm:          Woah he is really obsessed.
  .l3sbatronix:     More than likely.
  Sweet Guy:        GOD DAMNIT
  Dangasm:          I come back and he has said my name "Dangasm" 10 times in 60 seconds.
  .l3sbatronix:     My girlfriend isn't a dyke.
  Sweet Guy:        no dude
  Sweet Guy:        im saving the log
  Sweet Guy:        for more lulz
  Sweet Guy:        on your webpage
  Dangasm:          That's nearly the same as my girlfriend when she is cumming.
  °pirate°:         You mean "pretending to cum".
  .l3sbatronix:     ahahaha
  Sweet Guy:        dangasm you know you are on ED right?
  Dangasm:          If she was pretending to cum, she wouldn't be squirting woman juice all over my dick and balls.
  Sweet Guy:        jooohooo dangasm
  Dangasm:          But I will save some for you in a jar next time, dood.
  Sweet Guy:        u know you are on ED right?
  Dangasm:          I fart in your general direction.
  Sweet Guy:        im thinking of editing a special page just for you
  Sweet Guy:        can you wear your picture again plz?
  Sweet Guy:        and stand next to the fat lesbo
  Sweet Guy:        it would be perfect
  Sweet Guy:        for the site
  Sweet Guy:        matthew can u move for a second?
  Dangasm:          Your site is going to be www.dyslexic-anger-management.com
  .l3sbatronix:     Sweet Guy, no one's going to do anything you say.
  Sweet Guy:        so i can get these two lovebirds together?
  Sweet Guy:        ohhhh you got me there you fat hog!
  Dangasm:          This is like a really bad episode of LOST.
  Sweet Guy:        anyway, i gotta edit the previous lulz in the page
  Sweet Guy:        catch you later!
  .l3sbatronix:     Seriosuly, come up with something better than fat.
  Dangasm:          Yeah run away.
  Sweet Guy:        we can go make more lulz in a minute, k?
  Dangasm:          Bye!
  Sweet Guy:        no no ill be back!
  °pirate°:         All episodes of LOST are bad, you nimrod.
  Sweet Guy:        for the lulz, more lulz
  Sweet Guy:        ty!
  Sweet Guy:        dangasm thank you!!!!!
  No connection - Click Anywhere to enter a Palace

Felix 4 teh win.

  Dangasm:          Majority of Americans do.
  Sweet Guy:        you are so awesome
  Dangasm:          Hence it being internationally shown.
  Sweet Guy:        im going to make a couple of cigarettes
  .l3sbatronix:     Fuckin America's Next Top Model
  Sweet Guy:        but hey can you show ur picta?
  °pirate°:         And all Brits are effeminate limey twats.
  Sweet Guy:        so i can save it for the site?
  Dangasm:          Limey isn't an insult, because eating lime is preferable to getting scurvy.
  Kelly:            ^brb
  Dangasm:          You scurvy ridden yank.
  Sweet Guy:        yeah yeah dangasm show your picture
  Sweet Guy:        please
  Sweet Guy:        most of the time we dont get you anyway
  Sweet Guy:        so you might as well do it
  Dangasm:          Most of the time you don't get anything.
  Sweet Guy:        nobody gets you!
  Dangasm:          Your IQ doesn't allow this.
  Sweet Guy:        but thats the funny part
  Sweet Guy:        yeah yeah iq
  Sweet Guy:        hey let me make some cigarettes
  .l3sbatronix:     Dangasm.
  Sweet Guy:        and ill be back to play with you some more
  Dangasm:          Yes.
  Sweet Guy:        ok?
  .l3sbatronix:     You fuckin' rule :D
  Sweet Guy:        i promise
  Dangasm:          Haha thanks.
  Sweet Guy:        yeah dangasm rocks alright!
  ;zod. [SSC] til death: I look forward to more lulz.
  .l3sbatronix:     You're very welcome :]
  Sweet Guy:        no . 1 lolcow!
  Sweet Guy:        thank you zod!
  Dangasm:          <.< Go play on train tracks.
  .l3sbatronix:     I muted him.
  Sweet Guy:        ^cigarettes DANGASM LOL!!!! HES BACK!!!!!!
  Dangasm:          Good plan.
  .l3sbatronix:     He was annoying the crap out of me.
  Dangasm:          He has OCD.
  .l3sbatronix:     He was dropped on his head at an early age.
  Dangasm:          Which is not a bad spelling of another shit TV show called The OC.
  °pirate°:         Amy, again. A brilliant statement.
  °pirate°:         You and Dan, you were made for each other.
  Dangasm:          I was not made for a lesbian.
  .l3sbatronix:     We should be drinkin' buddies, Dan.
  °pirate°:         Dan, you're British. You barely qualify as male.
  Dangasm:          I was made to like spread sperm with random women in nightclubs, and get drunk and forget who they were.
  °pirate°:         And get drunk and forget they were men.
  °pirate°:         gj, dan
  Dangasm:          I wouldn't know.
  Dangasm:          Seeing as I had forgotten.
  Dangasm:          Your logic is messed up.
  °pirate°:         So you do not deny that you have plowed men. Brilliant.
  .l3sbatronix:     FUCK
  .l3sbatronix:     I'll watch The L Word later
  last shot at heaven.: Larry?
  °pirate°:         Or, more accurately, have been plowed by men.
  Dangasm:          I don't have to deny, or accept anything.  This is just a palace conversation, and also I am not scared or afraid of my own heterosexuality.
  Sweet Guy:        dangasm i am wondering
  Sweet Guy:        how do you come up with your great material? i mean having a fat dyke as your buddy now
  Dangasm:          Psychologically, you are weaker than me.
  Sweet Guy:        i mean its genius!
  Dangasm:          Since you seem to think calling someone homosexual is an insult.
  .l3sbatronix:     I miss Steph.
  Sweet Guy:        me?
  Sweet Guy:        oh no
  ;zod. [SSC] til death: Sweet Guy has some hard hitting questions for you Dan.
  ·¸[ Åñgèl ]¸·:    :You think everyone is weaker than you.
  °pirate°:         Considering your british, being homosexual probably isn't an insult.
  Sweet Guy:        i would not call you a homosexual
  Dangasm:          You're*
  °pirate°:         It's commonplace, I'm sure.
  last shot at heaven.: His british what?
  Sweet Guy:        i mean homosexuals usually have witty replies
  last shot at heaven.: Beat me to it
  Sweet Guy:        but now you have this fat dyke as your "friend" helping you to "pwn" people
  Sweet Guy:        its comedy gold
  Dangasm:          I'd rather be British and be able to spell English, than be American and only be capable of five stars in McDonalds.
  Sweet Guy:        no wonder they have a whole web page about you
  ;zod. [SSC] til death: He is an accomplished lolcow.
  .l3sbatronix:     S, can I get a hug =/
  ·¸[ Åñgèl ]¸·:    Aw.
  °pirate°:         Oh, I mispelled one word, I obviously fail at the English language.
  Sweet Guy:        like your dyke friend? 5 stars mcdonalds?
  Sweet Guy:        do you take your date there?
  Sweet Guy:        to mcdonalds?
  ·¸[ Åñgèl ]¸·:    -hugs amy.
  .l3sbatronix:     *hug*
  Dangasm:          I am now forcing you to type correctly.
  .l3sbatronix:     I have a bad ear infection =/
  Sweet Guy:        im wondering, was she a dyke before she met you, or after?
  Dangasm:          Hence my statement about you being weaker than me, being absolutely correct.
  °pirate°:         Of course you are. Because, you know, I never have typed correctly before.
  .l3sbatronix:     klfjksldfjsdfjslf
  Sweet Guy:        LOL i love dangasm
  Dangasm:          I rest my case, internet court is adjourned.
  ·¸[ Åñgèl ]¸·:    :Did you go to the doctor?
  Sweet Guy:        i could kiss him
  Sweet Guy:        he is so awesome man
  Sweet Guy:        hes the best lolcow on the whole internet!!!!!
  .l3sbatronix:     I'm going on Wednesday.
  ;zod. [SSC] til death: By far.
  Sweet Guy:        better even than jeremy of messedup haha
  °pirate°:         So Dan, how often do you get the piss pounded out of you? Really.
  Sweet Guy:        but he hasnt made me LOL yet truly lol as i sometimes do at him
  Sweet Guy:        ehrm zod and pirate
  Dangasm:          As often as I manipulate you into arguing with me aimlessly.
  Sweet Guy:        just an announcement
  .l3sbatronix:     Hopefully it's nothing major.
  ;zod. [SSC] til death: Yes?
  Sweet Guy:        this log is going on ED
  °pirate°:         Yes. You definitely manipulated me.
  Captain Kool:     lolcow
  Dangasm:          I like wasting your time, because you are a pixelated piece of entertainment.
  Sweet Guy:        you guys know that right?
  .l3sbatronix:     Like blockage or something.
  ;zod. [SSC] til death: Yes.
  ·¸[ Åñgèl ]¸·:    :I hope you feel better!
  Sweet Guy:        so if you wanna say hello to the people on ED now is your chance
  .l3sbatronix:     Me too
  Dangasm:          I don't feel anything.
  ;zod. [SSC] til death: Hello Maryanne!
  °pirate°:         I like how, everytime you start losing arguments, you resort to your patented "I manipulated you" tactic. Brilliant.
  Dangasm:          Emotions are for real life, not the internet.
  .l3sbatronix:     I don't wanna see Stephanie with an ear that doesn't work =/
  ;zod. [SSC] til death: SSC FOR LIFE
  °pirate°:         What do emotions have to do with anything, you moronic cunt?
  Dangasm:          Patent pending.
  ;zod. [SSC] til death: ED RULES
  ;zod. [SSC] til death: OW!
  ·¸[ Åñgèl ]¸·:    aw
  Dangasm:          (TM)
  Sweet Guy:        zod and pirate if you wanna say hello to your friends
  Sweet Guy:        just go ahead and say it
  Sweet Guy:        im saving this all
  .l3sbatronix:     Benji, why do you care so much?
  ;zod. [SSC] til death: Tranny Zack is indeed a faggit homosexual, by the way. For the record.
  Dangasm:          Cunt.  Resorting to cheap slang insults.
  Sweet Guy:        to show what a lolcow dangasm is
  Dangasm:          Anger, anger.
  Sweet Guy:        anyway back to dangasm
  Sweet Guy:        dangasm?
  °pirate°:         Yes. So much anger.
  .l3sbatronix:     Tranny Zack?
  Sweet Guy:        are you still with us?
  ;zod. [SSC] til death: Yes.
  ;zod. [SSC] til death: Tranny Zack.
  °pirate°:         You have the great ability to read emotions through text.
  °pirate°:         Dangasm, you win. So hard.
  .l3sbatronix:     Whose he?
  Dangasm:          How long has a certain person been trying to get my attention.
  ;zod. [SSC] til death: .. A tranny named Zack. Retard.
  Sweet Guy:        dangasm can i do an interview with you?
  Sweet Guy:        for ED?
  Sweet Guy:        for starters how old are you dangasm? where do you live?
  .l3sbatronix:     I mean, it's random.
  Sweet Guy:        do you have any hobbys?
  °pirate°:         "I am Dangasm. I'm snooty, effeminate, and British. You are not. I obviously have the upper hand."
  .l3sbatronix:     I'm just askin' who, like as in details about the guy.
  Sweet Guy:        oh he's british?
  Dangasm:          England invented America.
  ;zod. [SSC] til death: He likes coq.
  .l3sbatronix:     Not just the fact that he's a tranny and his name being Zack.
  Sweet Guy:        i thought british people are supposed to have humor?
  Dangasm:          Please, don't forget your roots.
  Dangasm:          Unless you are a nigger.
  Dangasm:          In which case, remember your roots, slavegirl.
  Sweet Guy:        dangasm hates niggers!!!!
  Sweet Guy:        theres a hobby
  Sweet Guy:        so you are british and you hate niggers
  ;zod. [SSC] til death: You are getting some good information.
  .l3sbatronix:     I'm Cajun.
  Dangasm:          I don't hate niggers, I'm just white.
  Sweet Guy:        anything else you wanna tell the ED readers about yourself dangasm?
  .l3sbatronix:     My roots are French.
  Sweet Guy:        ok and you are white
  Dangasm:          Are you chatting me up?
  ;zod. [SSC] til death: Also that he is buddy buddy with a burly lesbian.
  Dangasm:          I'm not attracted to you.
  Sweet Guy:        no dude
  Sweet Guy:        this is very important for the lulz
  Sweet Guy:        i want to tell ED a little about you
  Sweet Guy:        the readers i mean
  .l3sbatronix:     ?
  Sweet Guy:        this is your big break
  Sweet Guy:        15 minutes of fame all that
  .l3sbatronix:     That's cool, Zod.
  Dangasm:          Trust me, I'm already eFamous.
  Sweet Guy:        that you are my friend, that you are
  .l3sbatronix:     dkfkdlksfj
  .l3sbatronix:     Fuck
  .l3sbatronix:     This ear.
  Sweet Guy:        like everybody knows what a dumbass you are here
  Sweet Guy:        =)
  Dangasm:          All publicity is good publicity.
  ;zod. [SSC] til death: lulz are all over the place in here!
  .l3sbatronix:     It makes music sound like crap.
  Sweet Guy:        but.... extremely funny! if not intended
  °pirate°:         Maybe if the music you listened to didn't suck, Amy.
  Dangasm:          No, I  intended to be darkly sarcastic.
  Sweet Guy:        zod you are somewhat of a celebrity too on av palace, but as a lol troll :)
  .l3sbatronix:     >.>
  .l3sbatronix:     ALL music.
  Dangasm:          Trolls.  Yuck.
  Sweet Guy:        do you have anything you wanna ad to this whole dangasm article?
  Dangasm:          Trolls don't have a targeted aim.
  Sweet Guy:        make it lulzy
  .l3sbatronix:     It's like listening to something with only one speaker working.
  Sweet Guy:        plz
  Dangasm:          They just want attention.
  ;zod. [SSC] til death: Yes. I think he played with my balls once in College.
  Dangasm:          Trolling is the most pointless internet sport ever.
  Sweet Guy:        ok!
  Sweet Guy:        this is zod ppl
  .l3sbatronix:     Trolling?
  °pirate°:         Dangasm never wants attention. That's why he always has to mention how he manipulated people into giving him attention.
  ;zod. [SSC] til death: Also, his scarf is gayer than gay sex.
  Sweet Guy:        one of the finer gentlemen on av palass
  Sweet Guy:        lulz!
  Dangasm:          No, I wanted to manipulate you.
  Dangasm:          I didn't want "attention".
  Sweet Guy:        and why is that do you think pirate?
  ·¸[ Åñgèl ]¸·:    :This is kind of annoying.
  Dangasm:          It's the manipulation itself that is entertainment.
  .l3sbatronix:     Why the fuck can't we all agree that pussy is good and get along?
  Sweet Guy:        this is pirate dear readers
  Dangasm:          Shall I change format, Zod?
  Sweet Guy:        pirate tell us a little about dangasm
  Sweet Guy:        if you will
  Dangasm:          Time to wipe i-Slate clean.
  Dangasm:          SUP GUYZ.
  Dangasm:          LOLOL
  .l3sbatronix:     SUP G
  °pirate°:         There's nothing to tell. Besides the fact that he's a twat.
  .l3sbatronix:     LAWWWL
  Dangasm:          HEY NIG.
  Sweet Guy:        you are getting owned again dangasm, as usual
  .l3sbatronix:     Benj, you're a twat too.
  Sweet Guy:        so how long have you known dangasm on the palass?
  Dangasm:          LOLOLOLZ
  .l3sbatronix:     You're exactly alike.
  °pirate°:         Amy, you're a dyke. Stop talking.
  .l3sbatronix:     Reason you probably hate eachother.
  Sweet Guy:         (amy is l3sbatronix)
  Sweet Guy:         (and dangasm's fellow clown)
  Dangasm:          "Sweet Guy".  n00b.
  Sweet Guy:        PICTURE moment
  Sweet Guy:        l3sbatronix mind showing us your picture again?
  ;zod. [SSC] til death: Sweet Guy is the most coherent fellow around here.
  Dangasm:          Coherent?
  Dangasm:          Haha.
  ;zod. [SSC] til death: Yes.
  Sweet Guy:        this is a perfect screen cap moment for ED
  Sweet Guy:        you two together
  ·¸[ Åñgèl ]¸·:     
  Dangasm:          You must just both be on the same level.
  .l3sbatronix:     Welcome back S <3
  Dangasm:          Which is disappointing for you, Zod.
  ·¸[ Åñgèl ]¸·:    lol, ty.
  ;zod. [SSC] til death: LULZ GUD 1 DAN
  °pirate°:         Dangasm is british, he's above all of us.
  Sweet Guy:        so dangasm
  Dangasm:          I thought you had at least a reasonable level of IQ.
  .l3sbatronix:     You're welcome :]
  Sweet Guy:        you think you pwnd us all again?
  Sweet Guy:        ah the IQ again
  ƒèlí×:            lol
  Sweet Guy:        whats it with you and IQ's dangasm?
  Sweet Guy:        ah felix, aka dangasm lite also decided to join us now!
  .l3sbatronix:     I have a suggestion, Dan.
  Dangasm:          Iq tests measure cognitive ability.
  ƒèlí×:            iq tests arent valid anymore anyway
  Dangasm:          IQ tests are still used everywhere to measure cognitive ability.
  Sweet Guy:        its a perfect LOLROOM
  ƒèlí×:            re rejectesp on
  Sweet Guy:        dangasm AND felix on
  °pirate°:         The IQ thing and him "manipulating" people are Dangasm's favorite tactics when he starts losing in trollfights.
  ƒèlí×:            ?
  Sweet Guy:        how much lulz can i take?????
  ƒèlí×:            sups
  Dangasm:          Apparently, Felix we're alike.
  Dangasm:          I don't see how.
  Sweet Guy:        yes felix is you lite
  ƒèlí×:            dangasm iq tests are antiquated
  .l3sbatronix:     Not intellectually.
  Dangasm:          IQ tests don't measure intelligence.
  Sweet Guy:        oh yes they are you fat dyke you!
  Dangasm:          =P
  .l3sbatronix:     By personality.
  ;zod. [SSC] til death: Hahahaha.
  Dangasm:          They measure cognitive ability.
  Sweet Guy:        so according to you what do they measure dangasm? your aura?
  Dangasm:          Cognitive ability.
  Dangasm:          Intelligence Quota.
  Dangasm:          It's a quota of intelligence.
  ƒèlí×:            man dan
  .l3sbatronix:     You're both douchebags, as well as talk about "manipulation" and bitch at one another whenever in the same room.
  ƒèlí×:            just shut up alrady damn
  Sweet Guy:        you read that in a pawn shop somewhere dangasm?
  ;zod. [SSC] til death: Dangasm has a dark aura because he is a level 14 Necromancer.
  Sweet Guy:        ELOL
  Dangasm:          You obviously don't know anything about psychology, or psychological profiling.
  Sweet Guy:        dangasm you see a lot of psychiatrists?
  ƒèlí×:            i find it funny someone knows enough abot not only me, but dan also to say that they can try to point out how we're alike
  Captain Kool:     Dangasm did it for the lulz
  Dangasm:          I am a psychiatrist.
  Sweet Guy:        that he did
  Sweet Guy:        thanks for joining us captain kool
  ƒèlí×:            strange
  .l3sbatronix:     Not you Felix.
  ƒèlí×:            someone said me
  Sweet Guy:        i mean we got dangasm and felix in a room
  ƒèlí×:            earlier
  .l3sbatronix:     I'm talkin' about Pirate over in the corner.
  ·¸[ Åñgèl ]¸·:    This shit gets boring.
  ƒèlí×:            so assumed you still were but ok
  Sweet Guy:        and a fat dyke who feels like she needs to defend dangasm to boot
  Dangasm:          Sweet Guy.  You're a troll, and your name is George.
  ƒèlí×:            still just as funny
  Sweet Guy:        LOL
  Dangasm:          I know exactly who you are.
  Sweet Guy:        he thinks im george!!!!!!!
  Sweet Guy:        elollio!
  Dangasm:          (09:42:25) You are muting Sweet Guy
  Sweet Guy:        let me show my true identity dangasm
  Sweet Guy:        hahahahahah
  .l3sbatronix:     S, do you know what I mean?
  Sweet Guy:        muted!!!!!
  Sweet Guy:        dan the mute faggot!!!!!
  ƒèlí×:            fake muted most likely
  ·¸[ Åñgèl ]¸·:    I'm not paying attention.
  Sweet Guy:        thats my dan!!!!!!
  .l3sbatronix:     Like, they both can be real pricks.
  Dangasm:          < Should have taken your advice ages ago.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý: here i am!!!!!!!
  ;zod. [SSC] til death: Calling you George is all a part of the manipulation.
  .l3sbatronix:     Told you >
  ƒèlí×:            zod im bored fix it
  ·¸[ Åñgèl ]¸·:    I've muted half of the room.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý: man oh man
  ;zod. [SSC] til death: Oh its viking.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý: comedy gold
  ƒèlí×:            same
  ·¸[ Åñgèl ]¸·:    It's boring.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý: yes its me
  ;zod. [SSC] til death: Cool
  Dangasm:          Zod.  I'm bored of manipulating right now.
  ·¸[ Åñgèl ]¸·:    And very annoying.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý: sorry i was just trolling some preps earlier
  .l3sbatronix:     You still on aim S?
  ·¸[ Åñgèl ]¸·:    yup.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý: didnt mean to hide :D
  .l3sbatronix:     k
  ƒèlí×:            fine be like that, i wont be nice to you anymore either
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý: im gonna save this log again
  ƒèlí×:            gjgj
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý: and post a full page on dangasm
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý: hes worth it
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý: catch u on the flipside!!!!!
  ;zod. [SSC] til death: Looking forward to it.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý: thnx!
  ;zod. [SSC] til death: I want to read a book about Dangasm.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý: should i mention you too?
  ƒèlí×:            wow
  ;zod. [SSC] til death: Always.
  Dangasm:          Read the bible.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý: ok dude!!!!
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý: read the bible LULZ
  °pirate°:         Haha. I just realized that Weird Al parodied this Billy Joel song.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý: hahahahahahaha
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý: killer!!!!!!!!
  Dangasm:          Lots of references to "God" in there.
  ;zod. [SSC] til death: Zod*
  ƒèlí×:            mm weird al
  Dangasm:          AKA Dangasm.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý: hahahahahahaha
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý: oh yeah dangasm thinks hes god again
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý: i think we broke him.... AGAIN
  ;zod. [SSC] til death: Hahaha.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý: oh my god
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý: i could write a bible on dangasm
  ;zod. [SSC] til death: Dangasm has a kid the Jews killed.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý: " I did it all for the lulz "
  ;zod. [SSC] til death: I say good.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý: man oh man
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý: brb!!!!!!
  Dangasm:          Jews killed people?
  No connection - Click Anywhere to enter a Palace
Thanks General Zod.

Dangasm, the obsession

  (7:30:01 AM) Dangasm : Following = Obsession.
  (7:30:05 AM) Dangasm : Knew you'd do that.
  (7:30:10 AM) BetterThanMe : lol
  (7:30:19 AM) DAN- WHY DO YOU HAVE A FLIPPER? : Just explain the flipper.
  (7:30:20 AM) DAN- WHY DO YOU HAVE A FLIPPER? : Please!
  (7:30:20 AM) BetterThanMe : that room was getting a little idk lol
  (7:30:22 AM) Dangasm : I've now got good grounds to have you IP banned.
  (7:30:27 AM) ÐŮ˲ЮËÅm™ : lol god they followed us lol
  a 32bit pirate:   °pirate°:         http://encyclopediadramatica.com/index.php/Image:Dangasm5.jpg Have you seen Dan's flipper?
    Räïñbøw RäÑGër [Ðilly]: I don't know.
    °pirate°:         Look at that picture, it is of Dan's flipper.
    Räïñbøw RäÑGër [Ðilly]: I gave him ownership of the room, then restarted my computer.
    °pirate°:         Check out the flipper, man. Like the Penguin, from Batman.
    °pirate°:         Same sized nose, too.
    °pirate°:         I just want to know its secrets. I'm sure it is full of many mysteries.
    Räïñbøw RäÑGër [Ðilly]: Question.
    °pirate°:         A retarded, uppity Brit by day. The Penguin by night.
    Räïñbøw RäÑGër [Ðilly]: Why do you all hate Dan?
    *** We are currently looking for 4-5 outstanding new staff members. Think you have what it takes?  Say wizapp to find out.
    Dangasm:          LOL
    Dangasm:          I see what you mean by that picture.
    Dangasm:          Haha
    °pirate°:         THERE YOU ARE, CHRIST.
    °pirate°:         So where did you get the flipper?
    Dangasm:          I do have a life, pirate person.
    Dangasm:          Well.
    Dangasm:          It's like this.
    °pirate°:         Fascinating, I don't care. I just want to know about the flipper.
    Dangasm:          When you have photoshop.
    Dangasm:          You can do anything.
    °pirate°:         ...
    °pirate°:         You photoshopped yourself a flipper?
    Dangasm:          Correct.
    °pirate°:         ...
    °pirate°:         I am so disappointed right now.
    Dangasm:          ..... Sorry.  I wish I was just like penguin.
    Dangasm:          Danny De Vito is a funny guy.
    °pirate°:         ...
    Dangasm:          Haven't you seen him in Twins too?
  - This is where I left the room.

The passion of the Dangasm

  DDtop:            That is attractive.
  intølerance:      from being fucked so damn much
  Waldo's Corpse:   Roll a dice to eat a fry.
  Waldo's Corpse:    <3
  DDtop:            If I shake them.
  intølerance:      haha
  DDtop:            Will they slap together?
  DDtop:            Because I want to make a vaginal band.
  intølerance:      absolutely
  intølerance:      in several places
  DDtop:            Great.
  intølerance:      oh lmfao
  DDtop:            You can be the high-hat vagina.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: :even moar evidence
  intølerance:      like a belt?
  intølerance:      i'm 20, stfu
  ,furti^e:         a vaginal band?
  DDtop:            I need other vaginas for different tunes.
  ,furti^e:         with a vaginal flute and everything?
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: doesnt matter
  DDtop:            Haha
  DDtop:            Vaginal flute.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: you know your boy here (given that you arent his 2nd client sock puppet) likes to hit on underage girls?
  BDSMxxxN3<r0ph1/14_<3's her Je: ?
  DDtop:            Uso.  Hai.
  intølerance:      um, DDtop, i hate to inform you, but i find your sexual comments and inuendos very offensive. i feel violated. from the internet.
  DDtop:            I usually feel violated intolerance.
  intølerance:      it was sarcasm darlinggg
  intølerance:      please keep going
  DDtop:            .... Well.
  DDtop:            Sometimes my chat program crashes.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: having fun there talking to yourself dan?
  DDtop:            It violates.
  DDtop:            Only violation I have ever felt on internets. =(
  intølerance:      that's so sad :(
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: was today getting buttfucked by zod and pirate
  DDtop:            If you feel violated.  I get turned on.
  DDtop:            This is perfect relationship.
  cadburry; ENEMA,: i hate having a job.
  intølerance:      haha
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: just you, your left hand
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: and two clients
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: perfect fantasy relation
  DDtop:            We can do whole lotta love, with your vaginal lips.
  DDtop:            The song.  Not literally a whole lotta love.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: :fleshlight
  intølerance:      haha
  Papa Phopho:      hey Britt
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: hey britt!
  intølerance:      heyyyyyYyy
  DDtop:            Vaginal lips down to the knees would definitely cause problems with friction.
  intølerance:      yes
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: britt u there?
  * © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™® * britt u there?
  intølerance:      i typically used half a bottle of 8 oz lube whenever i have intercourse
  DDtop:            Eh.  Muting these member people.
  cadburry; ENEMA,: good lord.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: you'll need that with dangasm yes
  Papa Phopho:      are you a transexual?
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: otherwise you wont get wet
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: from a face like this
  cadburry; ENEMA,: 8 oz of lube per session?
  intølerance:      riaa, where's your picture?
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: given that you arent his sock puppet
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: this is mine
  DDtop:            Or maybe more!
  intølerance:      4 oz, technically
  cadburry; ENEMA,: good god.
  intølerance:      how is paul bunyan gonna attempt to insult dangasm?
  cadburry; ENEMA,: one dab and i'm good to go.
  DDtop:            I find that if you open a girl up, and turn her upside down...
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: paul bunyan?
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: who is he honey?
  DDtop:            And put the entire tube in.
  DDtop:            It works.
  intølerance:      ...
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: and careful you are giving yourself away
  intølerance:      the giant lumberjack?
  DDtop:            Haha
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: thats a dangasm remark
  intølerance:      damn dude, learn your childhood stories
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: laughing at your own jokes?
  BDSMxxxN3<r0ph1/14_<3's her Je: hi
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: bdsm dangasm has hit on you right?
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: and you are underage
  BDSMxxxN3<r0ph1/14_<3's her Je: o.o
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: its ok i can understand you still are a bit in shock
  DDtop:            Do you think I go too far in winding people up?
  intølerance:      lmao
  intølerance:      whatever entertains, darling.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: see?
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: dangasm sock puppet
  DDtop:            Good point!
  BDSMxxxN3<r0ph1/14_<3's her Je: o.o..
  Waldo's Corpse:   ^//
  intølerance:      i know i haven't had anyone obsess over me on palace.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: so dangasm how long are you going to keep up the sharade?
  intølerance:      you inspire me, dan.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: now we know you are using two clients dan
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: you are so transparent right now
  DDtop:            I will obsess over you.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: hhahahahahaha
  intølerance:      lmao
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: i have to post this
  Member 4651:      hola member
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: dangasms fake girlfriend sock puppet
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: =D
  DDtop:            INTOLERANCE!!!  NOBODY LOVES YOU!!!!
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: hahahahahaha
  DDtop:            I AM GOING TO TELL YOU THIS!!!
  DDtop:            100 TIMES!!!
  DDtop:            WITH SPAM!
  BDSMxxxN3<r0ph1/14_<3's her Jew: ..
  intølerance:      o_O
  DDtop:            AND INVITE MY FRIENDS TO SPAM!!!!
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: dangasm alone not getting pwnd is even enough for the lulz
  DDtop:            But really.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: i mean just seeing him talk to himself
  DDtop:            I love you.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: pretending to have an online honey
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: is enough for uberlulz
  DDtop:            Omg.  Emotional talk. =*(
  intølerance:      lmao
  DDtop:            Palace breakdown
  DDtop:            =*(
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: so how can you see me talking dan?
  DDtop:            Haha
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: i have one theory
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: two clients
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: you see me talking from the 2nd intolerance client
  intølerance:      i'm going to be pissed if i see my palace name on some faggot site, claiming i'm a british male
  DDtop:            FUCK.
  DDtop:            That would suck.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: thats how you mute me from dangasm
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: and yet still see me talking in the intolerance client
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: pretending to have an online client
  intølerance:      i haven't muted you, riaa.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: also: intolerance is a word you frequent a lot
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: no i know dan
  intølerance:      my name's christina. i have no idea who you are, except that you obsess over Dangasm.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: you muted me in the dangasm client
  DDtop:            Haha.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: but not in the intolerance one
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: like christina aguilera much dan?
  DDtop:            I didn't even know your name was Christina.
  intølerance:      intolerance is the name of one of my favorite songs.
  DDtop:            But I do now.
  BDSMxxxN3<r0ph1/14_<3's her Jew: lol
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: you defending it: big lulz again
  intølerance:      haha <
  DDtop:            You are better than Aguilera, bb.
  jeffrey dahmer;wsb: ^
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: yet again dangasm's masterplan foiled
  intølerance:      i know, i know
  intølerance:      jp
  intølerance:      brb again >.<
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: pretending to be his own lady friend
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: yes you go cry a little
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: i can imagine you need some time now
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: you going to create another name on your other client?
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: big surprise furtile is back
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: the dude who defended you
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: while your "girlfriend" is gone
  ,furti^e:         I've known Christina for years
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: so now you can defend yourself again as furtile
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: LOL!!!!!!
  BDSMxxxN3<r0ph1/14_<3's her Jew: hahahaha
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: of course furtile
  ,furti^e:         and I've seen Dangasm around (but never known him) for ..years, I think.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: because you have to defend the existance of christina
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: yet its again your other client
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: dangasm you may think you are smart
  ,furti^e:         because you're repetitive and you've gotten annoying, yet.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: but even stupid people like me find you out
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: easily
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: also your grammer gives you away
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: you have to try harder at failing
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: boom obession is back
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: dangasm is gone
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: whats the matter dan cant open up more than two clients atonce?
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: i thought you were l337
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: try getting furtile, obsession, christina and dangasm in one room
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: and i MIGHT believe you
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: ....PWND
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: im going to make some coffee now
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: its been joygasmic
  BDSMxxxN3<r0ph1/14_<3's her Jew: omg
  BDSMxxxN3<r0ph1/14_<3's her Jew: i think ur right
  BDSMxxxN3<r0ph1/14_<3's her Jew: lmao
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: its obvious
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: i mean who in his right mind would defend dangasm?
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: or be his lady friend for that matter
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: i mean rly?
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: he has a face only a mother can love

Dangasm on Canadians

  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: would i fit in canada?
  ï¡÷¡ïÐiš†·}{ß©·:  Lol
  H o l l e y:      O_O
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: yes or no?
  [[Smile, Devvy]]: TIME TO MAKE A ROOM.
  ;tara terror.:    fuckin hottay !
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: be honest i can take it
  RäinBØw/¢mƒ/RÐ/Ç¢©)}{ß©|§³): thats the usa
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: ty tara
  H o l l e y:      the fatty?
  H o l l e y:      lol
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: see i show my tits?
  ï¡÷¡ïÐiš†·}{ß©·:  sucka muh asshole
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: holley hey thats mean
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: i suck your mans cock baby
  H o l l e y:      lol
  *** Avatar changes are limited here
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: shit
  .mr big:          sexy
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: ty!
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: i would fit in canada right?
  .mr big:          i dono
  .mr big:          fit?
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: or is it not big enough for the likes of me?
  .mr big:          too big to fit
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: yeah fit in
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: true that!
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: see canada is not for me :(
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: it just wouldnt fit
  ;tara terror.:    oops
  ;tara terror.:    :D
  DanMario:         Palace is not for you either.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: danmario oh shut up dangasm
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: just because we pwnd you so bad today
  DanMario:         Haha manipulated.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: isnt any reason to stay angry
  DanMario:         Straight away I pull your strings.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: nope!
  DanMario:         Now you have no support, you will falter to my every whim.
  ï¡÷¡ïÐiš†·}{ß©·:  Faggot wars
  DanMario:         That is how it feels to be RIAA, lonely, desolate, and in need of internet friends. =(
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: no support?
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: i wasnt aware i needed any
  ;tara terror.:    ew im homophobic
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: LOL DANGASM!
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: HES BACK!!!!
  DanMario:         Trust me..  The only reason you creat epages, etc...
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: OH I LOVE IT
  ï¡÷¡ïÐiš†·}{ß©·:  Homophobic
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: i knew it was you
  ï¡÷¡ïÐiš†·}{ß©·:  why are you homophobic
  .mr big:          you are not down with homos?
  Gothic Flower:     hi all
  DanMario:         Is to attempt to get a show from your friends.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: whats the matter couldnt get rid of the full dan name?
  DanMario:         However, I come in many names, and guises.
  Kg:               Hay thur. <.<
  ;tara terror.:    not two girls, i feel uncomforable
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: lol yes because you are afraid
  DanMario:         I shall continue to evade, and coerce you.
  DanMario:         No.
  Gothic Flower:    hi
  ;tara terror.:    2 guys is fine
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: and now you think you have me
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: and pull me down because im gay
  .mr big:          hah
  DanMario:         Because you can't create a webpage about someone who has no name.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: are you a homophobic dan?
  ï¡÷¡ïÐiš†·}{ß©·:  girl on girl is nice
  DanMario:         If I change names all the time, I'm not a label.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: oh the website stays up
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: and your face is on it
  DanMario:         I'm just a constant changing virus of irritation.
  .mr big:          i'm ok with either, tho i wouldn't try anything with another guy
  DanMario:         That's my face?
  .mr big:          not my cup of tea
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: yeah you are a virus alright
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: although
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: virusses do something
  ;tara terror.:    truuue
  .mr big:          take on 2 girls and yeah i'm all over that
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: while you in fact do not succeed ever
  DanMario:         Haha.  A fake picture, used as a persona.
  DanMario:         Nice, nice.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: suuuure buddy
  DanMario:         Prove it's me.
  ;tara terror.:    id NEVER EVEVRVEVVRVEVRVER kiss or do anything with a girl
  ;tara terror.:    id rather kill myself 
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: "some call it posing, i call it sharing my beauty"
  DanMario:         No proof, no case.
  .mr big:          not even try
  .mr big:          ?
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: tara dangasm is angry because i made a website about him
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: you wanna see?
  ï¡÷¡ïÐiš†·}{ß©·:  My nipples are gay
  DanMario:         Dangasm does not get angry.
  DanMario:         RIAA is annoyed because he is emotional, and I am not.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: http://encyclopediadramatica.com/index.php/Dangasm
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: here u go
  DanMario:         RIAA is obsessed with Dangasm.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: this is him btw
  ï¡÷¡ïÐiš†·}{ß©·:  ew
  ï¡÷¡ïÐiš†·}{ß©·:  He is ugly
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: he thinks hes beautiful
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: be honest who is more cute
  Papa Phopho:      dude needs a proper haircut
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: me?
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: or him?
  Papa Phopho:      that guy
  ï¡÷¡ïÐiš†·}{ß©·:  Looks like a woman more or less a homeless woman
  DanMario:         You are fat and have a moustache?
  DanMario:         And you are comparing to a fake picture?
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: yes he looks like a single mom
  DanMario:         Haha.
  Kg:               XD
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: about to go shopping for groceries
  Papa Phopho:      another WWII would help him
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: now he says its fake
  ï¡÷¡ïÐiš†·}{ß©·:  Lol
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: yet he has them on his myspace
  DanMario:         Prove it's real.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: http://encyclopediadramatica.com/index.php/Dangasm
  DanMario:         You can't.
  DanMario:         What myspace?
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: no one would use an UGLY person to show it off as "him"
  DanMario:         Dangasm has no real myspaces.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: also you have been hitting on the wrong girls
  DanMario:         Dangasm only displays fake myspace sites in order to manipulate people.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: suuuure
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: oh now you claim to be a mastermind?
  cavalli:          your really pretty>
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: was getting pwnd in your master plan?
  ;tara terror.:    thank youuu<333
  DanMario:         I've been nothing but a mastermind.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: was that your whole brilliant plan?
  cavalli:          np
  DanMario:         Because you're the one trying to compete.
  cavalli:           :)
  DanMario:         I am the one stringing you along.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: lets get pwnd to the point where you have to change your nickname after 10 years?
  DanMario:         That is the power I have over you.
  cavalli:          do you have a myspace??
  ;blah:            !HI
  DanMario:         Actually.  During wonderland I wasn't known as "Dangasm".
  ;blah:            =]
  ;tara terror.:    me?
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: so you have pretended to be an ugly, self involved, british, moped driving stupid dumbass for 10 years just for palace?
  cavalli:          yeah
  cavalli:          ?
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: and you call yourself a mastermind?
  ;tara terror.:    mhm, myspace.com/sup_myspace
  DanMario:         I didn't pretend to be anything.  I merely let people assume.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: you better should have tried to take over the world
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: or become president
  DanMario:         Assumptions create personas.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: sure buddy
  cavalli:          oh ok are you on
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: so who are you now?
  ;tara terror.:    mhm
  DanMario:         Also, 10 years on palace?
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: normally you always say you are god
  DanMario:         Hardly.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: who do you claim to be now?
  DanMario:         I've been on here for about 6 months!
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: yes honey ten years
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: ive seen you around for 10 years
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: no you havent
  cavalli:          ok
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: we both know thats a lie
  DanMario:         ....... You've been on palace for 10 years?
  DanMario:         And you admit that?
  DanMario:         Omg.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: you were on wonderland, mansion and here
  DanMario:         You have failings.
  DanMario:         You are definitely a n00b.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: always dangasm, and always the same dumb british fuck
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: hahahahahahaah now im a n00b?
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: major lulz
  DanMario:         You self-pwned.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: why cant you just admit you failed dude?
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: sure if that makes you sleep better at night
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: you go ahead and tell yourself that
  Kg:               v.v
  DanMario:         You admitted to being online for 10 years.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: why are you suddenly claiming not to be the guy in the pictures?
  Kg:               Tara.
  Kg:               Grace my inbox? x)
  ;tara terror.:    yes
  DanMario:         I have the chatlog.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: do you want me to remove your ED page?
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: yes, so?
  ;tara terror.:    lol what?
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: you have, everybody knows that
  Kg:               Grace my inbox, silly.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: sharon knows that
  Kg:               Translation:
  DanMario:         I'd rather you kept the page going.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: lots of people do
  Kg:               Send your picture(s) to my email address.
  ;tara terror.:    wtf is grace my inbox
  DanMario:         Because I have something to do on palace.
  ;tara terror.:    ohhh
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: ahhh reverse psychology
  Kg:               XD
  ;tara terror.:    hmm
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: the internet shrink again
  DanMario:         It's not reverse psychology.
  ;tara terror.:    well if you want somee
  DanMario:         One of the most entertaining times...
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: go ahead dangasm, tell us about your brilliant plan
  Kg:               x)
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: i cant wait to see what happens next
  DanMario:         Was seeing everyone in chat, wanting to be me.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: what happens next dan?
  DanMario:         Talk about ego boost.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: in your brilliant plan?
  Kg:               [email protected]
  Kg:                :D
  DanMario:         I don't make plans.
  DanMario:         Plans make themselves.
  Kg:               <.<
  DanMario:         =)
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: you just said you are a mastermind
  Kg:               HAI2U.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: you must be going somewhere with this plan
  ; ¬HøllywøødHørrør ™: KG.
  DanMario:         No, you said I was a mastermind.
  DanMario:         Please refer to the log.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: was all this to "reverse pwn me?"
  DanMario:         I never once used that reference.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: hahahahaha
  Kg:               LAWL HELLO.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: the log will get posted
  ; ¬HøllywøødHørrør ™: LOLS.
  Kg:               HOW RU.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: as dangasms big return
  cavalli:          your only 14
  DanMario:         You will self-pwn yourself.
  ; ¬HøllywøødHørrør ™: AWSM YOU.
  cavalli:          >
  ;tara terror.:    mhmm
  DanMario:         Plus, I am DanMario.
  Kg:               JUST GREAT. x)
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: people will be glad to see you cant stop being the great pretender
  ; ¬HøllywøødHørrør ™: glad to hear.
  DanMario:         People won't care about your page.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: the british moped driving ugly single mom looking faggot
  Kg:               xP
  DanMario:         Because they'll get bored.
  cavalli:          omg you look like you are much older lol
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: they dont?
  DanMario:         You'll become just another troll.
  ;tara terror.:    urghhh i get taht SO much
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: have you looked at the hit counter below?
  ;tara terror.:    but thankss
  ; ¬HøllywøødHørrør ™: brb.
  ;tara terror.:     :]
  DanMario:         You can't keep the page entertaining enough to keep it going.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: theres a hit counter under your page
  cavalli:          ohh sorry
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: go check it out
  ;tara terror.:    its chill
  Kg:               I have been neglected. D:
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: or did you access it over a 1000 times?
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: crying?
  DanMario:         I bet it was you.
  DanMario:         Trying to make the page more popular.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: of course hon
  cavalli:           ok
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: you tell yourself that
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: i did all that in 3 days?
  DanMario:         Besides, I must be THAT popular.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: over a 1000 hits and counting?
  DanMario:         Either way.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: yes you are
  DanMario:         Egotistically speaking.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: you are the biggest lolcow on av palace
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: you are the very essence of failure
  DanMario:         I'm having the best entertaining time in palace I've ever had.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: and now you pretend it was all just a big lie
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: a lie of ten years on palace
  DanMario:         I get better at creating entertainment every time.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: so create some
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: make a joke dangasm
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: now is your change
  cavalli:          ^brb
  DanMario:         You are my major obsessor.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: im allllll e-lone
  DanMario:         You are my major creation.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: hahahahahaha
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: so you are god again?
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: and you created me?
  DanMario:         I created you like Frankenstein.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: look at me buddy you created your own nemesis :D
  DanMario:         Unfortunately, you turned out to be a monster.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: but its not just me
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: everybody here hates you
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: and they laugh at your pictures
  DanMario:         I created hate.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: laugh at what you say
  DanMario:         =P
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: laugh at your stupid "comebacks"
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: you are the laughing stock of avatar palace
  DanMario:         I don't care if people laugh/whatever.
  DanMario:         As long as I am entertained.
  DanMario:         Besides I will win over your little friend Zod soon.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: you can never ever show your face here again
  DanMario:         Create some sympathy for me in him.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: or any other palace for that matter
  DanMario:         No, this is what you want to believe.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: heck i made you change your nick
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: your precious you
  DanMario:         That palace has some meaning, or that it matters.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: you used to be proud of what you were
  DanMario:         Palace does not matter.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: and i made you change your nickname
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: "the great dangasm"
  DanMario:         This is purely entertainment.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: it doesnt? youve been on it for 10 years
  DanMario:         If I was that proud, I'd defend myself.
  DanMario:         I'm not defending myself.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: and you are on here now
  DanMario:         I'm merely making you look stupid.
  DanMario:         I will turn your online friends against you, then pwn them.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: if you dont care why are you here?
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: why are you debating me even?
  DanMario:         Actually, you're doing that yourself.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: if i am such a dumbass
  DanMario:         Because I'm entertained.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: if i am what you say i am?
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: YOU'RE entertained?
  DanMario:         I watch boring television sometimes.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: you must be into S&M
  DanMario:         And that's entertaining.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: can i buy you a planeticket?
  ï¡÷¡ïÐiš†·}{ß©·:  Dan why do you hit on fat lesbians?
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: we can discuss this over some whipping
  DanMario:         Retards fighting amongst themselves would be entertaining.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: dan
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: you hit on 16 year old girls
  DanMario:         That's why palace is entertaining at times.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: and fail each and every single time
  ï¡÷¡ïÐiš†·}{ß©·:  Hm
  DanMario:         Prove I hit on 16 year old girls.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: you cant even cough without lying to us and to yourself
  DanMario:         No proof, no case.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: ohhh i can interview some girls buddy
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: your latest log was another prime example
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: you know we can have you arrested for that?
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: for hitting on underage girls?
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: we can you know
  DanMario:         I'd like to see you try explaining how your page is "proof".
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: because you talked about a casefile
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: what do you think the judge is going to say when we produce witnesses
  DanMario:         Please do so.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: underage girls you tried to hit on and when denied you'd flame them
  DanMario:         I emplore you into doing so.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: and claim it was yet another one of your "master plans"
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: implore?
  DanMario:         Idle threats.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: im glad you saw the matrix too
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: you are such a jackass dangasm
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: actually i pity you now
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: you arent even lulzy anymore
  DanMario:         Haha, you're the one spending your entire palace life on me.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: i just feel pity
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: no i didnt
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: i just saw you
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: and laughed at you
  DanMario:         You will be the one being pitied once i turn your friends on you.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: you came back
  DanMario:         Lets see how many obsessive comments you can then make.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: and i saw the whole palace in anger over you
  DanMario:         I will first pwn you, then Zod, then the rest.
  DanMario:         I will set you all up against each other. You'll see.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: mention your very name anywhere and they have your jackass adventures to tell
  DanMario:         It's the internet, I don't have emotion.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: so why discuss this with me?
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: after all i am nothing compared to the great dangasm
  DanMario:         Good point.
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: you have it all
  DanMario:         -stops discussing-
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: you get worshipped
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: you have your own web page
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: you drive a moped
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: you have a flipper
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: why even talk to me?
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: after all you did foil palace batman for 10 years
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: wow i finally shut you up?
  Papa Phopho:      dangasm wishes he was a Beatle
  © R‡ÅÅ ÇöÞý®îgh† Gµý™®: this IS palace news
  Papa Phopho:      so he could have buttsecks with Paul McFartney

Dangasm's one true love

  x god of xp x: I tried to turn mic on...
  x god of xp x: but it said rejected.
  x god of xp x: Lol
  yeah its a bit of a shitty computer here but its all i can afford right now, poor student and all lol
  x god of xp x: I see I have four computers here.
  x god of xp x: O.o
  x god of xp x: Because I build computers...
  x god of xp x: I usually end up with a lot.
  nikkiboom19: wow no i only have this one windows NT machine my brother gave it to me
  x god of xp x: Bits and pieces here and there... and my main machine has windows Vista.
  x god of xp x: Windows NT!
  x god of xp x: Christ!
  x god of xp x: Lol
  nikkiboom19: yeah i know haha my brother had it installed on it
  x god of xp x: If we get to be good friends or whatever, I will send you a cd that has windows 2000 on it.
  x god of xp x: That should work with your hardware... and win2000 is OK
  nikkiboom19: that would rock! is it better than NT?
  x god of xp x: Yeah it is.
  x god of xp x: NT isn't very user friendly.
  x god of xp x: Windows 2000 is!
  nikkiboom19: id have to check that out then! well mostly i do homework on this computer, book reports etc
  x god of xp x: I see =) the main thing to check for really is that your computer has the requirements that the operating system needs.
  x god of xp x: Like windows 2000 has to have 200mhz processor, and 64mb ram
  nikkiboom19: ohhh i dont know much about computers, i do know plenty about the liver right now though haha
  x god of xp x: Which most computers have anyway! Lol
  x god of xp x: The liver and pancreas eh?!
  x god of xp x: =P
  nikkiboom19: computers have a liver? lol :) hahaha yeah and the galblatter
  x god of xp x: =P
  x god of xp x: Absorbtion of sugars.
  x god of xp x: Etc, etc.
  x god of xp x: And alcohol. Lolol =D
  nikkiboom19: yeah its pretty easy stuff, the pictures can be pretty gory though but i can handle it
  x god of xp x: Haha. I have cut up a lambs heart in biology before.
  x god of xp x: I know how gory it gets.
  x god of xp x: I stole a lot of the heart, and threw it on the bus at a girl I didn't like.   
  nikkiboom19: lol yeah, well so far i can handle it pretty well, i watch a lot of gory movies too to get used to the idea
  x god of xp x: I got in quite a bit of trouble for that.
  x god of xp x: You have nice eyes.
  x god of xp x: They look sort of oriental.
  nikkiboom19: i can imagine, i wanna be a family doctor, you know have my own practice. thank you :D yes i am, i am part vietnamese
  x god of xp x: Cool. Do you know about the war history of Vietnam.
  x god of xp x: Do they teach that in schools?
  x god of xp x: Are Americans really over-patriotic? I mean do they want to die for their country and that. Or is that just some people.
  nikkiboom19: yeah they do :) actually its how my parents met
  x god of xp x: That's a cute story.
  x god of xp x: I always wanted to be a soldier in Vietnam.
  x god of xp x: War nowadays seems really undramatic.
  nikkiboom19: thank you, well it was actually on one of the later missions after the war
  x god of xp x: I see. =) Still it's nice.
  nikkiboom19: my dad doesnt talk about it much, he says most of the stuff is still classified, but he met my mom there and im here now so its all good ;)
  nikkiboom19: my dad still does something vague in the military, i have no idea what it is, i asked him sometimes you know but he cant tell about it
  x god of xp x: O.O
  x god of xp x: Must be top secret stuff.
  x god of xp x: Lol
  x god of xp x: Maybe he is like a spy.
  x god of xp x: O.o
  x god of xp x: Is he James Bond? Lol
  nikkiboom19: yeah i think so, i was raised with it so im kinda used to it. :) well i do know he works for the military, but besides that your guess is as good as mine lol
  x god of xp x: Wow. =D Your Dad is James Bond!
  x god of xp x: Lol
  nikkiboom19: lol well he doesnt wear suits, its mostly his military outfit. it has like a gazillion of these badges on it, colored ones you know
  x god of xp x: You don't get those easily.
  x god of xp x: Your Dad was probably in special forces. And has probably seen some horrid stuff.   
  nikkiboom19: i know, but take one look at him and you see he's not james bond lol. he's pretty small, and bald and he has a tummy haha
  x god of xp x: Lol
  x god of xp x: If I tried to date you.
  x god of xp x: I'd probably die.
  x god of xp x: =( Lol
  nikkiboom19: but he's a good guy. lol no :) he was always nice to my ex and all, my ex asked him once what he did but he's always like : "thats classified" 
  x god of xp x: Lol
  x god of xp x: That's cool stuff.
  x god of xp x: Every guy wants a Dad like that, haha
  nikkiboom19: i know its the airforce though, we used to live at the airbase even, im a total army brat. they do have excellent education though.
  x god of xp x: I love F16's.
  nikkiboom19: hah yeah they are pretty great. :) im not really in to military stuff though. oh yes mustangs are great :D
  x god of xp x: Old warplanes. 
  nikkiboom19: hah then you'd have great talks with my dad, he can talk about that endlessly lol he bored my ex to death with it too
  x god of xp x: I wouldn't get bored with it.
  x god of xp x: Lol
  nikkiboom19: lol yeah but you'd forget about me at the table hahahaha 
  x god of xp x: That's true!
  x god of xp x: But I can still move my foot ;-)
  x god of xp x: Lol
  nikkiboom19: lol :D that would be nice too i guess haha id still be pretty bored though, you never heard my father talk lol
  x god of xp x: Haha I guess
  x god of xp x: We'd have to go out somewhere and have a good roll about ;-) Haha
  nikkiboom19: lol :) 
  x god of xp x: How old are you then?
  nikkiboom19: i'm 19 :)
  x god of xp x: O.o
  x god of xp x: I am 25
  nikkiboom19: wow :) well thats still young :)
  x god of xp x: Only just!
  x god of xp x: Lol
  nikkiboom19: haha yeah you are still at the good side of the 25 ;) 
  x god of xp x: I have good experience in bed. So it's all good.
  x god of xp x: Haha
  nikkiboom19: wow naughty naughty :)))) so far ive only been with one guy, i was with him since i was 13
  x god of xp x: Really!
  x god of xp x: That's cool though, guys can be assholes. I know. I'm a guy.
  nikkiboom19: yeah, me and steven have been together for 6 years. but we decided to split up 2 months ago. steven was a great guy, there just wasnt any more in love there, it was more love like brother and sister at one point
  x god of xp x: I like passion.
  x god of xp x: Romantic passion in relationships.
  x god of xp x: Where you are all over each other when you are together.
  x god of xp x: But then you can still be apart, and not die.
  x god of xp x: That's a good relationship.
  nikkiboom19: me too, and we used to have that. 
  x god of xp x: Some girls are all like. I want a relationship, but without the sex...
  x god of xp x: Which.
  x god of xp x: To me.
  x god of xp x: Is a bit shit?
  x god of xp x: Haha
  nikkiboom19: yes of course, i mean we all want sex, and to be intimate, its only normal. its what i started to miss with steven. but it wasnt his fault. 
  x god of xp x: Yeah I guess so. I think sometimes things like that die out.
  x god of xp x: You have to keep relationships alive and with fire
  nikkiboom19: he was and still is a great guy, he seems to mind less than me that we broke up though. not that i want him back but if the rumours are true he's already dating this ditzy little blonde lol
  x god of xp x: I'm a bit addicted to sex in a relationship. I think it makes girls think that I am only after that. But I'm not. I am just overly intimate like that.
  x god of xp x: It does make me paranoid and that.
  nikkiboom19: i love it too, we waited a long time to actually do it though, i was 16 and i never really regretted it, waiting i mean
  x god of xp x: Waiting is a good thing. It's better to be sure than sorry.
  x god of xp x: But. Don't make me wait!
  x god of xp x: Haha =P
  nikkiboom19: lol :) i havent even seen your pictures yet ;)
  x god of xp x: Lol! Good point!
  x god of xp x: I have a myspace
  x god of xp x: If that helps.
  x god of xp x: There are pictures of me on there
  nikkiboom19: ok :) i deleted my own myspace though :( i got so many weird messages it started to freak me out. 
  x god of xp x: Yeah guys on there are perverted.
  x god of xp x: I'll link you to a page with pictures
  nikkiboom19: i had like this 45 year old that sent me these really creepy messages i was afraid he'd one day show up at my dorm or something
  x god of xp x: Lol
  x god of xp x: I can imagine how weird people are on there.
  x god of xp x: There are a lot of paedophilic type guys
  x god of xp x: and general idiots
  x god of xp x: -picta link of dangasm-
  nikkiboom19: he was creepy, really. those messages where so odd, my roomy even wanted me to go to the police with them which i didnt. i figured you know maybe its just a horny old pervert lol
  x god of xp x: It was a horny old pervert trying to get off on the internet.
  x god of xp x: It happens.
  nikkiboom19: you are a good looking guy! i like the raver kind of picture :)
  x god of xp x: -picta link of dangasm-
  x god of xp x: =P Lol, trust me. At 25, I've done rather too many things I shouldn't have.
  x god of xp x: But I'm "straight" now.
  nikkiboom19: like what? :)
  x god of xp x: I don't do those sort of things anymore.
  x god of xp x: Smoke pot, take hardcore drugs....
  x god of xp x: Go to weird places with weird people.
  x god of xp x: Haha.
  nikkiboom19: ive smoked pot before haha, i love to party like raves and such
  x god of xp x: I've been to loads of raves.
  x god of xp x: Be careful.
  x god of xp x: I've seen some freaky shit at raves.
  x god of xp x: Like guys giving girls drugs to get them fucked up so they have sex.
  nikkiboom19: yeah i know :) i always go with lots of friends, i love to dance
  x god of xp x: And all sorts of dumb shit.
  nikkiboom19: i once had a party where they tried to sell me drugs like 5 times, i was like ok time to go now :) so we went
  x god of xp x: Good. Don't bother with them. Trust me, I've been there done that and it ain't worth it.
  x god of xp x: =)
  nikkiboom19: yeah im just like i dont wanna do anything i'd regret the following day. ive been tempted to do drugs but i have seen what it did to one of my high school friends 
  x god of xp x: One of my "close" friends died of a heroin overdose.
  x god of xp x: In a flat, by himself near the beachfront.
  x god of xp x: It was sad.
  x god of xp x: These things happen though to people that experiment with things their body can't deal with. 
  nikkiboom19: thats awful :( i kind of had the same with my high school friend, last ive heard she is homeless now, i havent got a clue where she is now
  x god of xp x: These things happen.
  nikkiboom19: its pretty terrible she used to be so smart, one day she just fell for the wrong guy they started doing drugs together and that was the beginning of the end she barely even came to school in the end
  x god of xp x: I tend to accept pretty much everything now, lol. I used to fight for what I thought was right... but now I just do things right myself... and stop worrying about the world being wrong.   nikkiboom19: i guess im just trying to better the world a little bit myself, like you know help people, as a doctor i could do that. also, i love children
  x god of xp x: =) Lets have kids.
  nikkiboom19: lol wow thats quick! haha :)
  x god of xp x: Haha! Yeah we've moved on pretty fast in this relationship!
  x god of xp x: Haha
  nikkiboom19: lol :) well i dont want to have kids yet till i have my own practice lol
  x god of xp x: I can wait. We can practise making babies for now. 
  x god of xp x: Haha 
  nikkiboom19: im all for that lol :) ive been so horny lately, i almost called my ex for a bootiecall a week ago but i am so glad i didnt
  x god of xp x: Just touch yourself. It works.
  x god of xp x: =P
  x god of xp x: Doggie style? =P
  x god of xp x: Haha
  nikkiboom19: lol yeah i did that night, i was really glad the next day that i didnt call steven, i mean i would have regretted it
  x god of xp x: The easiest solution to a problem can usually be solved yourself, haha
  nikkiboom19: lol yeah i like it better with someone else though :) 
  x god of xp x: I would have let you bootycall me!
  nikkiboom19: yeah but you live like a gazillion miles away haha
  x god of xp x: That's true. and sad! =(
  nikkiboom19: so unless you have a private plane ready ;)
  x god of xp x: I wish! =(
  nikkiboom19: me too, you are the type i'd go for and also i love musicians :)
  x god of xp x: You like sex. You are pretty. You are interesting.
  x god of xp x: You must be my type! =P
  nikkiboom19: *blush* thank you :) well i tend to go for guys that aren't so smooth you know, like baby face types. my friends like that type of guys, but i dont. 
  x god of xp x: I know what you mean, but I can't get a baby face if I tried.
  x god of xp x: Haha
  nikkiboom19: thats good :) im also one of the last women left who likes chest hair i guess :) 
  x god of xp x: I can't get that either.
  x god of xp x: Lol
  x god of xp x: I have a little rats tail.
  x god of xp x: That's it.
  x god of xp x: Lol
  nikkiboom19: lol well thats ok :) my friends are always like a guy needs to be waxed and all
  x god of xp x: Do you shave your bits?
  nikkiboom19: *blush* well yeah brazilian style :)
  x god of xp x: =O Hot =D
  nikkiboom19: thank you :))
  x god of xp x: I don't mind going down on a girl that keeps it tidy down there. =P
  nikkiboom19: hmmmmm now you are making me all warm *blush*
  x god of xp x: Warm and wet ;-)
  nikkiboom19: a little bit, my room mate could be back any minute though so i guess it would have to be a quicky lol
  x god of xp x: Lol how do you like it in bed?
  x god of xp x: =P Doggie style?
  nikkiboom19: yes but i also like to be on top :)
  x god of xp x: I like that. I like to thrust up into a girl that is on top.
  x god of xp x: And like bend them forward.
  x god of xp x: That's hot.
  nikkiboom19: hmmmmmm :) tell me more please
  x god of xp x: Well it's hot when I'm about to cum.
  x god of xp x: And not wearing a condom...
  x god of xp x: And have to do it over a belly.
  x god of xp x: =P
  nikkiboom19: hmmmmm :) just help me out a little bit here, you made me randy as hell lol
  x god of xp x: Well. I'd like to stick my fingers in you, and kiss you at the same time.
  x god of xp x: And maybe put your hand on my dick.
  nikkiboom19: hmmmmm :) yes play with me.... and ill play with you
  x god of xp x: But I know I'd definitely like to throw you around the bedroom a bit with my cock in you, because I am dominant like that.
  nikkiboom19: i love that.... :) i can be submissive
  x god of xp x: Are you noisy?
  nikkiboom19: *blush* i must admit yes i can be
  x god of xp x: I'd want you to suck my dick. =P
  x god of xp x: but if you didn't want to. I wouldn't mind. =P
  nikkiboom19: oh i love to suck :) im good at it
  x god of xp x: Swallow?
  nikkiboom19: i can, for you. *starts to work her tongue over your penis*
  x god of xp x: I would call you names.
  x god of xp x: Like "dirty fucking bitch".
  x god of xp x: etc etc. =P
  nikkiboom19: hmmmm well while we are doing it you can do that :)
  x god of xp x: Exactly! =D
  nikkiboom19: hmmmm :) i love it.... will you give me head too?
  x god of xp x: I will definitely lick your pussy.
  nikkiboom19: hmmm i love getting head as much as giving it
  x god of xp x: You like it when a guy licks your clit and sticks his fingers inside you?
  nikkiboom19: i love that.... :))) hmmmmmm
  nikkiboom19: i bet you are good with your fingers from playing the guitar....
  x god of xp x: =P I have long fingers.
  nikkiboom19: are you long down there too? :)))
  x god of xp x: =P 9 1/2 inches.
  nikkiboom19: hmmmmm :) I love it!!!! thats a bit longer than my ex even *blush*
  x god of xp x: Heh =P
  x god of xp x: The distance between us is painful!
  x god of xp x: Stupid ocean.
  nikkiboom19: i also love 69 have you ever done that with a girl?
  x god of xp x: Of course! x god of xp x: =P
  nikkiboom19: well if you could buy a planeticket you are welcome to come over.... :)
  x god of xp x: =P I will think about that when I am on holidays!
  x god of xp x: =D
  nikkiboom19: tell me what else you would do to me, please, i really need to cum now.... *blush*
  x god of xp x: Well. I'd run my fingers over your tits, and grind you up against a wall.
  x god of xp x: And grab your legs and thrust into you against the wall.
  nikkiboom19: hmmmm would you also hold my bum? :)
  x god of xp x: Totally. =P
  x god of xp x: And smack it.
  nikkiboom19: *kisses you passionatly*
  x god of xp x: =D *kisses back!*
  nikkiboom19: hmmmm i love it! take me
  x god of xp x: You are way too hot. =P
  x god of xp x: Heh.
  nikkiboom19: would you like to call me up? i can give you my number if you like
  x god of xp x: you shouldn't give your number out to people just like that!
  nikkiboom19: i trust you. just give me a call so i can hear you on the phone, please, hurry
  x god of xp x: I can't call you right now, because I'd have to get a "calling card" thing to get international calls.
  x god of xp x: Which annoyingly I don't have.
  x god of xp x: Can you hear sound files?
  x god of xp x: I will send you a sound file of me speaking.
  nikkiboom19: awww darn :( no not here right now
  x god of xp x: Damn.
  nikkiboom19: :( i know i'd love to hear your voice and you could hear me, you are turning me on
  x god of xp x: Aw. This ocean is annoying me more and more
  x god of xp x: Lol
  x god of xp x: I write poetry too. I don't think I said that.
  x god of xp x: and my own songs.
  nikkiboom19: well there is one more thing that is bothering me about all this
  x god of xp x: =P
  x god of xp x: Yeah?
  nikkiboom19: well its like this, ehrm, i am riaa copyright guy.
  x god of xp x has signed off.

The great Dangasm mute

  Dangasm:          I love bikes.
  mmmrow:           thats my question
  zack -elitist-:   yes you do
  zack -elitist-:   you love dicks alright.
  Hand Grenade:     I have nitrous on my skateboard
  mmmrow:           so get a bicyle
  Dangasm:          Especially female bikes.
  ··•(`·-·°n‡kk‡°·-·')•··: HELLLLOOOOO DANGASM!
  zack -elitist-:   female dicks?
  zack -elitist-:   wow, everyone shuts up
  Dangasm:          Nikki = RIAA.  I have your number and address.
  m0rbid[Velveteen]: my bad
  yakuza:           because he cant afford one jenna
  m0rbid[Velveteen]: distracted
  ··•(`·-·°n‡kk‡°·-·')•··: then tell me!!!!!
  m0rbid[Velveteen]: anyway zack
  Dangasm:          Have you got any homosexual mail yet?
  m0rbid[Velveteen]: howold is she?
  mmmrow:           oh gees
  ··•(`·-·°n‡kk‡°·-·')•··: not rly! lol!
  mmmrow:           i would ride a vespa
  Dangasm:          I signed you up two days ago.
  zack -elitist-:   poor dan.
  ··•(`·-·°n‡kk‡°·-·')•··: tell me my address and phonenumber!
  Hand Grenade:     homosexual male
  mmmrow:           but i woundnt be a fag
  mmmrow:           rofl
  zack -elitist-:   i want gay mail =/
  ··•(`·-·°n‡kk‡°·-·')•··: just say it right here in the chat zone
  zack -elitist-:   sounds fun.
  Hand Grenade:     I want gay male
  zack -elitist-:   me too.
  zack -elitist-:   a hot one, please.
  Dangasm:          http://www.freewebs.com/dangasm/
  Hand Grenade:     lol
  Dangasm:          Check on there.
  Hand Grenade:     soaking wet
  Dangasm:          Your number is on there.
  zack -elitist-:   when do i get my own page, seriously.
  m0rbid[Velveteen]: ZACK
  Dangasm:          570-286-0506
  Hand Grenade:     www.phonetracer.com
  ··•(`·-·°n‡kk‡°·-·')•··: that number of the pizza place i gave you? :D luuuulz
  m0rbid[Velveteen]: *shanks*
  zack -elitist-:   PERSON I DONT KNOW!
  zack -elitist-:   >
  m0rbid[Velveteen]: HOW OLD IS THAT GIRL
  zack -elitist-:   -shanks back-!
  m0rbid[Velveteen]: *dodge*
  zack -elitist-:   old enough to have sex with me.
  Hand Grenade:     I would guess 12
  m0rbid[Velveteen]: ooh.
  m0rbid[Velveteen]: so
  m0rbid[Velveteen]: 15
  m0rbid[Velveteen]: pedophile
  m0rbid[Velveteen]:  ;o
  zack -elitist-:   11.
  m0rbid[Velveteen]: youre going to jail
  zack -elitist-:   yes i am.
  Dangasm:          Haha.  Your last name is Weinkel.
  m0rbid[Velveteen]: ^calling the police on zack
  zack -elitist-:   but im going with a smile on my face.
  Dangasm:          I looked your address up.
  ··•(`·-·°n‡kk‡°·-·')•··: dangasm you fruity little brit, did you REALLY think i'd give you my real number?
  Dangasm:          You live in San Francisco.
  zack -elitist-:   ^fucks 11 year olds left and right.
  m0rbid[Velveteen]: lmfao
  Dangasm:          Everyone knows it's you.
  Kulchure:         omg
  ··•(`·-·°n‡kk‡°·-·')•··: loooooooolz
  Hand Grenade:     kulchure
  Dangasm:          You have the gall to call me homosexual, yet you have cyber sex with me...
  mmmrow:           lol call it dangasm
  zack -elitist-:   fuck yes chimichangas are good
  Dangasm:          On my terms...
  Kulchure:         Yeah?
  ··•(`·-·°n‡kk‡°·-·')•··: hahahahahahahahaha
  m0rbid[Velveteen]: i want some taquitos
  Dangasm:          =P
  Hand Grenade:     mmmrow, did you check out the space?
  mmmrow:           somone should call it
  mmmrow:           ya i did
  Hand Grenade:     hi
  mmmrow:           i like your hat alot
  Kulchure:         what?
  Hand Grenade:     haha
  Hand Grenade:     thanks
  Hand Grenade:     I'm wearing it now
  ··•(`·-·°n‡kk‡°·-·')•··: pwnd trying to pwn? hahahahahahaha
  m0rbid[Velveteen]: wtf
  m0rbid[Velveteen]: what is that
  Dangasm:          http://www.freewebs.com/dangasm/riaaocd.htm
  mmmrow:           i have a regular bomber hat
  Hand Grenade:     my friends mom made it for me
  mmmrow:           really?
  mmmrow:           lucky
  Dangasm:          I'm getting furthur on psychoanalysis of RIAA.
  Hand Grenade:     yeah
  ··•(`·-·°n‡kk‡°·-·')•··: "RIAA was caught on many occasions pretending to be a female in chat.  I have seen this about four or five times," ?
  Hand Grenade:     so good
  ··•(`·-·°n‡kk‡°·-·')•··: five times? looooool
  Hand Grenade:     what's your space?
  m0rbid[Velveteen]: ROB HAS PORNO ON:O
  ··•(`·-·°n‡kk‡°·-·')•··: but alright i shall post it on ED hahahahaha
  m0rbid[Velveteen]: illegal!
  Dangasm:          Yes.  Four times proven, one time not sure.
  mmmrow:           i dont really have one
  mmmrow:           haha
  Hand Grenade:     hmmm
  mmmrow:           i have 16 friends
  ··•(`·-·°n‡kk‡°·-·')•··: hahahahahahaha
  Hand Grenade:     haha
  Hand Grenade:     so
  ROB:              yo mom is illgal
  ··•(`·-·°n‡kk‡°·-·')•··: zack did you check dangasms site? :D
  m0rbid[Velveteen]:  'page lol
  Dangasm:          When people ignore you and get bored of you RIAA, you'll change the ED anyway.
  zack -elitist-:   checking it out now.
  mmmrow:           uh
  mmmrow:           ill add you
  zack -elitist-:   ^site.
  ··•(`·-·°n‡kk‡°·-·')•··: LOOOOL
  Hand Grenade:     no no
  mmmrow:           i dont know my url
  Dangasm:          Zack has already read it yesterday.
  ROB:              shu'up zacc fucc face
  ··•(`·-·°n‡kk‡°·-·')•··: this is awesome hahahahaha
  mmmrow:           haha
  Dangasm:          Why is he pretending to read it again.
  Kulchure:         Hand, you called my name?
  Hand Grenade:     I don't add anyone I don't know
  Hand Grenade:     sorry
  ··•(`·-·°n‡kk‡°·-·')•··: i finally have you riled up hahahahaha
  mmmrow:           lol
  Dangasm:          I'm not riled up.
  mmmrow:           its private
  Hand Grenade:     hmm
  mmmrow:           ill link the pictures
  Hand Grenade:     ok, but I'm gonna delete you after I look at it
  mmmrow:           i only have 3
  mmmrow:           oh ok
  Dangasm:          I've been using palace for a psychology experiment for ages.
  ··•(`·-·°n‡kk‡°·-·')•··: " Which I admit, I shouldn't have played along" yet you did even moar now hahahahahahaha
  Kulchure:         Hand Grenade
  Kulchure:         You called my name?
  Hand Grenade:     what's up?
  ··•(`·-·°n‡kk‡°·-·')•··: this is a total joygasm hahahahahaha
  Dangasm:          There have been two other case studies done using palace as an internet chat analysis.
  Dangasm:          Haven't you seen them?
  ··•(`·-·°n‡kk‡°·-·')•··: hey dan you still think im george? :D
  ··•(`·-·°n‡kk‡°·-·')•··: hahahahahahahaha
  Dangasm:          I know how to rile you up in one move, Riaa.
  Dangasm:          Watch.
  mmmrow:           added
  Hand Grenade:     word
  Kulchure:         Hand
  ··•(`·-·°n‡kk‡°·-·')•··: in fact dangasm, no, no you don't hahahahaha
  Dangasm:          (07:05:37) You are muting ··•(`·-·°n‡kk‡°·-·')•··
  Dangasm:          Bet you obsess.
  zack -elitist-:   wtf.
  Kulchure:         Why the fuck are you ignoring me
  Dangasm:          I put money on it.
  ··•(`·-·°n‡kk‡°·-·')•··: LOL!!!!! muted again hahahahaha
  m0rbid[Velveteen]: ^aim
  ··•(`·-·°n‡kk‡°·-·')•··: and yet, he "pwnd" me hahahahaha

The sad unfunny truth about Dangasm

Here's the log of his latest panic attack:

  zack -elitist-:   FIELD TRIP!
  Bedtime For Democracy: my teeth hurt
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: LULZ
  Preeta <3:        shit
  Dangasm:          Lol
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: 4. Its all lies
  Preeta <3:        i just scratched over a booboo
  Bedtime For Democracy: ew
  Dangasm:          You're going to die
  Bedtime For Democracy: dont do that
  Preeta <3:        lol
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: hahahaha
  Preeta <3:        dannnn
  Preeta <3:        i need you
  jeffrey dahmer;wsb: o yah buck naked
  Preeta <3:        the logo for dvd santa is on my burned disc
  Preeta <3:        wtf is that shit
  *** You have been offered an avatar by Buck Naked in Chat Zone 5 (585). To accept it type 'accept
  Preeta <3:        get out zack
  Buck Naked:        
  sanitarium:       put that shit away trying to make it smell like stank pussy in here
  Preeta <3:        dannn
  Dangasm:          Fuck off Buck Naked.
  Preeta <3:        dan
  Dangasm:          Yeah
  Preeta <3:        you didnt tell me the dvdsanta logo was gonna be burnt with the dvd
  Dangasm:          I didn't know that.
  Buck Naked:       spun
  zack -elitist-:   how lam!
  Preeta <3:        <3
  zack -elitist-:   how lame*
  Dangasm:          I have a cracked version
  zack -elitist-:   she was like 'yeah...i have these avs'
  Preeta <3:        i want it >: [
  zack -elitist-:   how lame!
  Buck Naked:       spun was an awesome movie
  zack -elitist-:   hi naked.
  Bedtime For Democracy: ya
  zack -elitist-:   yes, it was.
  Preeta <3:        spawn?
  Bedtime For Democracy: spun
  sanitarium:       spun
  Bedtime For Democracy: dumbie
  Buck Naked:       spun
  Bedtime For Democracy: shoo
  Preeta <3:        never heard of it
  Bedtime For Democracy: d/l it
  zack -elitist-:   nice discolored vaginal area.
  Bedtime For Democracy: unrated
  Bedtime For Democracy: OFF
  Bedtime For Democracy: PAGING
  zack -elitist-:   ha.
  Bedtime For Democracy: i scared her
  zack -elitist-:   wtf...
  Buck Naked:       the pussy speach
  zack -elitist-:   yeah.
  jeffrey dahmer;wsb: im going to bleach my hair out today
  Dangasm:          Haha I have my face on my tee.
  Dangasm:          I rox.
  jeffrey dahmer;wsb: to a brown
  jeffrey dahmer;wsb: its black now
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: "His last name is WEIKEL.  He obviously lives at home.  PWNT.  If you have any queries there are his details... These details are quite useful for various "reasons".  Lets just say if someone uses a s
  Preeta <3:        pussy hurtz
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: lol dangasm you are so far off its hilarious
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: hahahahahahahaha
  zack -elitist-:   <
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: you are giving people the address of a poor old lady who knows NOTHING about anything
  Dangasm:          I feel a mute coming on.
  jeffrey dahmer;wsb: Haha Dan
  jeffrey dahmer;wsb: i<3dan
  Bedtime For Democracy: whos adress
  sanitarium:       i hope u die
  Dangasm:          I'm bored of RIAA arguments now.
  Dangasm:          So is everyone else.
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: hahahahahahaha
  Bedtime For Democracy: wtf is riaa
  zack -elitist-:   dan, i feel a hate crime of english people coming on.
  Preeta <3:        argue with me
  jeffrey dahmer;wsb: yeah i dont know riaa
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: why are you giving people that poor old ladys address dan?
  jeffrey dahmer;wsb: you need to explain to me dan
  Bedtime For Democracy: ii thought i was on block
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: did you REALLY think i was giving out my real number?
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: you dumbass
  Dangasm:          Dr Phail, number 2.
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  Bedtime For Democracy: what is riaa
  Bedtime For Democracy: f'ers
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: no im not
  jeffrey dahmer;wsb: i watch dr phil everyday :(
  jeffrey dahmer;wsb: haha
  Dangasm:          (15:53:19) You are muting †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: i am finished with you
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: for a long time now
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: hahahahahaha
  Dangasm:          Obviously he has had the gay mail.

Dangasm the AIM pedophile

From his own website, please note how he asked nudie pictures from a 13 year old girl over AIM, even though he says he has an irl gf:

  (02:11:26): hasdf : dangasm tried to send me his penis
  (02:11:26): Preeta <3 : bb?
  (02:11:27): Kaiser Oobz : shes swell
  (02:11:28): ·¹²³søbêr· : Thank you.
  (02:11:28): wgr. [px] : yeahz
  (02:11:33): wgr. [px] : i was making texas toast
  (02:11:33): hasdf : a picture of his penis**
  (02:11:34): Preeta <3 : wake up time
  (02:11:36): Dangasm : I'm a girl.
  (02:11:36): xxlil-taylaxx has left the room.
  (02:11:38): Dangasm : Wtf.
  (02:11:39): hasdf : no you're not
  (02:11:41): Dangasm : ........
  (02:11:43): hasdf : you're this ugly red headed kid
  (02:11:44): hasdf : with bad acne
  (02:11:47): Dangasm : I'm not the real Dangasm
  (02:11:49): hasdf : who tried to show me his penis
  (02:11:50): Dangasm : I'm just using his name.
  (02:11:54): ·¹²³søbêr· : ...
  (02:11:55): .. Sara[H] .. : ...
  (02:11:57): kana-ichigo. has joined the room.
  (02:11:57): Tuggy [||||||__]98% has joined the room.
  (02:11:58): hasdf : i remember you exactly
  (02:11:59): Tuggy [||||||__]98% has left the room.
  (02:12:00): hasdf : you nasty little fuck
  (02:12:00): Dangasm : ?
  (02:12:01): .. Sara[H] .. : wtf are you rambling on about
  (02:12:02): ·¹²³søbêr· : Eric is a red-head...
  (02:12:05): wgr. [px] : we fly high is on the radio
  (02:12:05): devotchka has joined the room.
  (02:12:10): Bri† has signed off.
  (02:12:11): Dangasm : What is wromng with dis guy
  (02:12:12): Dangasm : Lol
  (02:12:12): devotchka has left the room.
  (02:12:13): ·¹²³søbêr· :  ^ Oh, Jebbus.
  (02:12:14): Preeta <3 : >i know your location of living
  (02:12:16): kana-ichigo. has left the room.
  (02:12:16): Preeta <3 : bingggg
  (02:12:17): Dangasm : i can use dangasm name
  (02:12:17): hasdf : im a girl
  (02:12:22): .. Sara[H] .. : Go figure.
  (02:12:26): ·¹²³søbêr· : I'm a girl, too.
  (02:12:26): Dangasm : and look at people go
  (02:12:27): Dangasm : lol
  (02:12:38): ·¹²³søbêr· : But, your gender doesn't seem to matter, does it?
  (02:12:44): hasdf : he is one of the biggest weirdos on palace
  (02:12:53): Dangasm : hasdf did u make that webpage
  (02:12:53): .. Sara[H] .. : Really?
  (02:12:55): ·¹²³søbêr· :  
  (02:12:56): Dangasm : on freewebs
  (02:12:56): .. Sara[H] .. : I'd say you are.
  (02:12:57): ~Rock Yo Hipz~ has joined the room.
  (02:12:58): Dangasm : lol
  (02:12:58): hasdf : what webpage?
  (02:12:59): CC has joined the room.
  (02:13:00): CC has left the room.
  (02:13:03): ~Rock Yo Hipz~ has left the room.
  (02:13:05): Dangasm : the one that is about hating palace icons
  (02:13:06): Dangasm : lol
  (02:13:08): christy has joined the room.
  (02:13:09): .//the.pirate.cortez. : I dunno, Dangasm is really not that weird compared to some people.
  (02:13:10): xtreme has joined the room.
  (02:13:11): hasdf : not sure what you're saying
  (02:13:13): xtreme has left the room.
  (02:13:14): christy has left the room.
  (02:13:16): xtreme has joined the room.
  (02:13:16): xtreme has left the room.
  (02:13:25): Dangasm : i think dangasm is quite logical thats why i want to be like him
  (02:13:32): hasdf : well at least the other weird people dont ask you to get nude on cam, well a lot of them do, but they dont try and force you to see a picture of their penis
  (02:13:35): ·¹²³søbêr· : I think Dangasm seems totally normal.
  (02:13:36): Dangasm : at least he doesnt get emotional lol
  (02:13:38): .//the.pirate.cortez. : He's actually an okay guy if you can get on his good side.
  (02:13:48): Preeta <3 : i'll make him get emotional
  (02:13:51): hasdf : i told him how old i was
  (02:13:51): Preeta <3 : when he comes off
  (02:13:53): hasdf : and he didnt care
  (02:13:53): christy has joined the room.
  (02:13:55): christy has left the room.
  (02:13:56): Preeta <3 : AHHH TAMICA YES
  (02:14:00): Preeta <3 : YOU FEEL GOOD BB
  (02:14:00): hasdf : hes a lonely dog
  (02:14:00): Dangasm : hasdf is obviously a made up person
  (02:14:01): ~Shay~ has joined the room.
  (02:14:07): Dangasm : created by someone who hates dangasm
  (02:14:08): Dangasm : lol
  (02:14:09): ·¹²³søbêr· : Of course.
  (02:14:09): Dangasm : funny shit
  (02:14:09): wb has joined the room.
  (02:14:11): hasdf : incorrect
  (02:14:13): hasdf : you can try though
  (02:14:15): wb has left the room.
  (02:14:21): Dangasm : lol ur an attention seeker hasdf
  (02:14:21): .//the.pirate.cortez. : Dangasm does many things.
  (02:14:21): hasdf : if i posted my usual sn youd know me
  (02:14:24): .//the.pirate.cortez. : He does them for the lulz.
  (02:14:27): Dangasm : dangasm is coca-cola
  (02:14:30): xxlil-taylaxx has joined the room.
  (02:14:30): xxlil-taylaxx has left the room.
  (02:14:32): hasdf has changed their name to: frito lay me.
  (02:14:32): Dangasm : he has many different brands
  (02:14:35): .//the.pirate.cortez. : I am Dangasm.
  (02:14:36): Dangasm : but there is only one true one
  (02:14:36): `zombielauraz™ has joined the room.
  (02:14:38): fuh q has joined the room.
  (02:14:39): frito lay me. : look familiar you brittish scooter riding buttplug
  (02:14:40): ·¹²³søbêr· : I'd like to see documented proof, Frito.
  (02:14:40): Dangasm : i am dangasm
  (02:14:41): fuh q has signed off.
  (02:14:41): Dangasm : lol
  (02:14:43): Final_Fantasy has joined the room.
  (02:14:44): `zombielauraz™ has left the room.
  (02:14:45): Final_Fantasy has left the room.
  (02:14:49): .:B1LLAB0NG:. has joined the room.
  (02:14:52): .:B1LLAB0NG:. has left the room.
  (02:14:55): ~Shay~ has signed off.
  (02:14:57): .//the.pirate.cortez. : Everyone is Dangasm.
  (02:14:58): frito lay me. : oh and i blocked you on AIM dan
  (02:15:01): frito lay me. : so dont try and IM me bitching
  (02:15:04): Xuxu has joined the room.
  (02:15:07): Xuxu has left the room.
  (02:15:08): Dangasm : lol frito i think dangasm called her ugly earlier today
  (02:15:09): ×Þiñkië» has joined the room.
  (02:15:11): Kaiser Oobz has left the room.
  (02:15:11): ×Þiñkië» has left the room.
  (02:15:12): Dangasm : and she is annoyed if it is her
  (02:15:13): Chap_Stick has joined the room.
  (02:15:16): Dangasm : lol
  (02:15:17): Chap_Stick has left the room.
  (02:15:21): Dangasm : is frito even real
  (02:15:26): Dangasm : maybe its the real dangasm
  (02:15:26): frito lay me. : lol nice try daniel
  (02:15:26): G has joined the room.
  (02:15:27): Soultryp has joined the room.
  (02:15:29): frito lay me. : you know me good and well
  (02:15:30): G has left the room.
  (02:15:32): Soultryp has left the room.
  (02:15:32): Dangasm : lol
  (02:15:34): frito lay me. : but try and show off your palace fans
  (02:15:38): frito lay me. : ill enjoy watching
  (02:15:38): triple H has joined the room.
  (02:15:41): triple H has left the room.
  (02:15:45): ·¹²³søbêr· :  
  (02:15:46): Dangasm : lol i hope everyone enjoys this
  (02:15:49): ·¹²³søbêr· : Bitter much?
  (02:15:49): leannnne has joined the room.
  (02:15:50): frito lay me. : i hope so to
  (02:15:51): [søƒa.queeñ] has joined the room.
  (02:15:52): frito lay me. : <not at all
  (02:15:53): Dangasm : thats what its about rite
  (02:15:53): frito lay me. : hes creepy
  (02:15:57): frito lay me. : he Im's me often
  (02:15:59): .. Sara[H] .. has left the room.
  (02:16:00): ·¹²³søbêr· : I'm so sure.
  (02:16:00): [søƒa.queeñ] has left the room.
  (02:16:00): frito lay me. : askin to see my tits and shit
  (02:16:03): frito lay me. : hes nasty
  (02:16:07): .//the.pirate.cortez. : Frito.
  (02:16:08): frito lay me. : have you seen his pic?
  (02:16:10): .//the.pirate.cortez. : Can I see your tits?
  (02:16:13): Dangasm : lol
  (02:16:13): frito lay me. : sure>
  (02:16:14): jessica[get low] has joined the room.
  (02:16:19): jessica[get low] has left the room.
  (02:16:22): metal man has joined the room.
  (02:16:24): Dangasm : everyone has seen fritos tits i expect
  (02:16:25): .//the.pirate.cortez. : ...
  (02:16:26): metal man has left the room.
  (02:16:26): frito lay me. : show them your pic daniel
  (02:16:28): .//the.pirate.cortez. : well? I'm waiting.
  (02:16:31): xtreme has joined the room.
  (02:16:32): xtreme has left the room.
  (02:16:34): Breanna has joined the room.
  (02:16:37): Breanna has left the room.
  (02:16:37): ·¹²³søbêr· : Does it matter?
  (02:16:39): <3~Cassie~<3 has joined the room.
  (02:16:40): <3~Cassie~<3 has left the room.
  (02:16:40): ·¹²³søbêr· : Not to me.
  (02:16:41): Dangasm : anyway i have it on good autority that dangasm has a stable girlfriend
  (02:16:42): .//the.pirate.cortez. : This is Dangasm.
  (02:16:45): Dangasm : l;ol
  (02:16:45): frito lay me. : well you're lonely anyways<
  (02:16:48): Dangasm : dangasm is a scary guy
  (02:16:50): Dangasm : he is evil
  (02:16:51): ·¹²³søbêr· :  
  (02:16:57): ·¹²³søbêr· : And this is proven, how?
  (02:16:57): frito lay me. : the same girlfriend that dumped him 4 weeks ago?
  (02:16:57): .//the.pirate.cortez. : He tried blowing up parliament.
  (02:17:01): Shaun™ has joined the room.
  (02:17:01): frito lay me. : or a DIFFERENT one?
  (02:17:02): thè trúth iš §£âŸër™ has joined the room.
  (02:17:06): thè trúth iš §£âŸër™ has left the room.
  (02:17:07): ·¹²³søbêr· : LOL, Cortez
  (02:17:08): Dangasm : no this was another one
  (02:17:09): leannnne has left the room.
  (02:17:12): frito lay me. : your life gets lamer each day daniel
  (02:17:15): Preeta <3 : dangasm
  (02:17:15): frito lay me. has left the room.
  (02:17:19): Dangasm : emily was just some whore from enarby tht he had sex with
  (02:17:20): Preeta <3 : im hungry as fuccc
  (02:17:22): ·¹²³søbêr· : Wow....bitterhoe.
  (02:17:23): Dangasm : Haha.  Anyway.
  (02:17:24): Keep It Green has joined the room.
  (02:17:25): Shaun™ has left the room.
  (02:17:26): <iAnTjUuH> has joined the room.
  (02:17:27): Dangasm : That was entertaining.
  (02:17:28): <iAnTjUuH> has left the room.
  (02:17:30): Keep It Green has left the room.
  (02:17:30): SaveUsFromOurselves has joined the room.
  (02:17:33): Dangasm : See how you can rile people up.
  (02:17:35): Preeta <3 : dang man
  (02:17:44): Dangasm : Even with just a bit of bad grammar.
  (02:17:49): Dangasm : I am palace actor.
  (02:17:50): Um, ya... ok! has joined the room.
  (02:17:54): Um, ya... ok! has left the room.
  (02:17:54): Dangasm : Haha.
  (02:17:57): Preeta <3 : we'll see
  (02:17:58): Dangasm : Sup
  (02:18:00): SaveUsFromOurselves has left the room.
  (02:18:06): ·¹²³søbêr· : Grrrr
  (02:18:06): killakVA-Ryan- has joined the room.
  (02:18:07): Dangasm : Life is a soap opera baby.
  (02:18:08): killakVA-Ryan- has left the room.
  (02:18:09): .//the.pirate.cortez. : Dan, you should totally write books.
  (02:18:09): ·¹²³søbêr· : ^f00dz
  (02:18:12): Preeta <3 : mucus build up
  (02:18:12): [d3adlyINFECTION]; has joined the room.
  (02:18:14): killakVA-Ryan- has joined the room.
  (02:18:15): killakVA-Ryan- has left the room.
  (02:18:16): ·¹²³søbêr· : ^f00dz
  (02:18:16): [d3adlyINFECTION]; has left the room.
  (02:18:20): Dangasm : Haha, I had an ECG..
  (02:18:23): Dangasm : And blood pressure test.
  (02:18:30): Dangasm : Everything is OK, Tamica.
  (02:18:39): Preeta <3 : nope
  (02:18:42): Preeta <3 : you're going to die
  (02:18:47): Dangasm : I hope so.
  (02:18:52): Preeta <3 : STFU
  (02:18:53): Karyen has joined the room.
  (02:18:53): Dangasm : I'll be like palace martyr then.
  (02:18:54): Preeta <3 : ^crying
  (02:18:54): Karyen has left the room.
  (02:19:06): _rawr_its randi_ has joined the room.
  (02:19:07): _rawr_its randi_ has left the room.
  (02:19:09): Dangasm : Dangasm.  The Che Guevara of palace.
  (02:19:10): Dangasm : LOL

blocked & pwnd, yet again. Of course, oblivious to his own continues epic phailure Dangasm doesn't see it this way.

Dangasm betray's oak

Dangasm isn't buttbuddy's with oak anymoar:

  Dangasm:               LOLOLOL
  zack -elitist-:   oak is sexy.
  Dangasm:               Oak is a prick.
  zack -elitist-:   ha.
  fierljepper:      hello
  Dangasm:               Who cares about "Phalanx".
  zack -elitist-:   he has that super cool mircophone, though.
  Dangasm:               He is even in their credits.
  Slow Down Ghandi.(Matt): lol
  Dangasm:               Trust me.  I have a hohner 70's mic.
  uso no jisatsu:   Oakley is nice to me Dan.
  Dangasm:               It's a metal one that they hang from ceilings.
  Dangasm:               I am sure he is nice to you.
  fierljepper:      hello everyone
  Dangasm:               You're a female.
  Dangasm:               He's an internet paedophile.
  zack -elitist-:   oak?
  uso no jisatsu:   haha no hes not
  zack -elitist-:   isnt everyone a internet pedophile now?
  Dangasm:               No.
  zack -elitist-:   seriously, isnt that the standard by now?
  Zarathustra:      Yes.
  Dangasm:               But OAK definitely is.
  Slow Down Ghandi.(Matt): I'm one in real life.
  zack -elitist-:   hey zara.
  fierljepper:      oak is no pedophile
  +Juggalo+:        whahaha
  fierljepper:      he has a 23 year old gf
  Zarathustra:      You especially are a pedo, Zack.
  Dangasm:               Oak is a definite paedophile.  I'll get proof for you.
  fierljepper:      i know for a FACT
  zack -elitist-:   jepper, you dont know what we are talkinga bout.
  Slow Down Ghandi.(Matt): Everyone around here is a pedo.
  zack -elitist-:   you can ask matt
  Slow Down Ghandi.(Matt): lol
  Dangasm:               jepper is probably oak.
  uso no jisatsu:   Oakley isn't single 
  Zarathustra:      I'm not a pedo.
  zack -elitist-:   matt, am i a pedo?
  Dangasm:               LOL
  Slow Down Ghandi.(Matt): Not that I know of.
  fierljepper:      oak has a gf
  Slow Down Ghandi.(Matt): Garrett is though
  Dangasm:               OK ZARA
  Zarathustra:      How can I be a pedo when I'm too young to be one? o.O
  zack -elitist-:   thank you.
  Slow Down Ghandi.(Matt): hahaha
  zack -elitist-:   ha, he is.
  Dangasm:               Zara isn't a paedo?
  fierljepper:      dont be talking bad about oak, he's my friend ok?
  Dangasm:               Stfu jepper.
  Slow Down Ghandi.(Matt): He's my friend ok?
  Dangasm:               Go back to Phalanx chat.
  fierljepper:      no u!
  Dangasm:               Get off this palace.  You fag.
  Zarathustra:      Aw, dog. ^_^
  Dangasm:               I shall bring down Oak.
  Dangasm:               It is my new mission.
  fierljepper:      NO U
  Dangasm:               Bring down oak, and oak's fans.
  zack -elitist-:   get the fuck off my palace.
  Dangasm:               Anyone that associates with oak.  Is oak.
  Slow Down Ghandi.(Matt): lol
  Dangasm:               And therefore must be destroyeDangasm
  fierljepper:      NO U
  Dangasm:               Dangasm > Oak.
  Slow Down Ghandi.(Matt): Who is oak?
  Dangasm:               I am a man with a plan now.
  Dangasm:               =)
  zack -elitist-:   this pedophile, from what im gathering.
  uso no jisatsu:   Dan
  Slow Down Ghandi.(Matt): Nevermind, I don't really care.
  zack -elitist-:   ha.
  zack -elitist-:   do you ever care?
  Dangasm:               I'll catch him out!!
  Slow Down Ghandi.(Matt): Nope.
  uso no jisatsu:   Zack <3
  Slow Down Ghandi.(Matt): I think that's what my mom says is my problem.
  Slow Down Ghandi.(Matt): lol
  Dangasm:               He needs to care about his big nose.
  zack -elitist-:   but zara, this is matt, hes my friend from like fourth grade.
  Slow Down Ghandi.(Matt): Back in the day.
  Zarathustra:      Who is?
  zack -elitist-:   >
  Slow Down Ghandi.(Matt): Who is zara?
  Zarathustra:      Ah.
  Dangasm:               LOLOL
  Dangasm:               HI ZARA
  Zarathustra:      I'm his victim.
  zack -elitist-:   zarathrustra
  Dangasm:               I AM HORSE
  Dangasm:               RIDE ME
  Dangasm:               PLZTHX
  Slow Down Ghandi.(Matt): lol
  Zarathustra:      nah.
  Dangasm:               FUCK
  zack -elitist-:   yeah, im stalking her.
  Zarathustra:      You're probably a shitty riding horse.
  Dangasm:               YOU ARE LIKE NUN
  .£il Adam™:       :<.<
  Dangasm:               LOL
  Slow Down Ghandi.(Matt): ?
  fierljepper:      NO U
  uso no jisatsu:   ...
  Zarathustra:      I'll stick with Zee.
  Slow Down Ghandi.(Matt): What?
  Zarathustra:      Thankyou.
  Dangasm:               PFFT
  .£il Adam™:       :...
  Dangasm:               Damnnnn.
  Dangasm:               Denied
  Zarathustra:      Denied, forever.
  zack -elitist-:   oh sorry, im stalking kelly 2.
  Zarathustra:      Always denieDangasm
  Dangasm:               She is hot Texan ride!
  Zarathustra:      -_-
  zack -elitist-:   my bad, im stalking alot of people.
  fierljepper:      i think you need to apologize to oak.
  uso no jisatsu:    <3
  Dangasm:               One day I will look like Sawyer!
  Slow Down Ghandi.(Matt): Get a stalker journal dude.
  Dangasm:               I think you need to stop harassing me, or else I will have you killeDangasm
  zack -elitist-:   i should
  Zarathustra:      I don't care what you look like, it will always be no.
  Slow Down Ghandi.(Matt): I invested in one, they're great.
  Dangasm:               By a professional wizard too.
  fierljepper:      NO U
  zack -elitist-:   wait what?
  Slow Down Ghandi.(Matt): Zara, can you and I bone?
  Dangasm:               Oak is not particularly liked by wizards here.
  Dangasm:               I have support of people that matter.
  zack -elitist-:   matt is pretty sexy.
  Zarathustra:      No. I don't like pedos.
  fierljepper:      what you got against oak anyway?
  Slow Down Ghandi.(Matt): A little.
  Zarathustra:      Or any boys or girls for that matter.
  zack -elitist-:   oh wait, youre 20 too?
  Slow Down Ghandi.(Matt): My sideburns always get them.
  Dangasm:               1.  He flirts on the internet.
  Slow Down Ghandi.(Matt): Yeah.
  fierljepper:      oak hasnt done anything to you
  zack -elitist-:   yeah.
  zack -elitist-:   i have a fucking beard man.
  Dangasm:               2.  He flirts with me.
  Slow Down Ghandi.(Matt): Do I not have the gnarliest sideburns ever?
  Slow Down Ghandi.(Matt): Do you?
  Slow Down Ghandi.(Matt): Badass.
  zack -elitist-:   yeah, its awesome.
  Slow Down Ghandi.(Matt): Congrats.
  fierljepper:      oak is way cooler than you are, i dont think you are very nice
  Dangasm:               3.  He isn't even attractive.
  fierljepper:      are you jealous of oak?
  Slow Down Ghandi.(Matt): lol
  Dangasm:               Jealous?
  uso no jisatsu:   mkay
  Dangasm:               It's the internet.
  fierljepper:      yes, jealous
  fierljepper:      yes he is
  Zarathustra:      Perhaps his flirting is a joke?
  uso no jisatsu:   enough about Oakley.
  zack -elitist-:   its like a neck beard, but its working its way to be a full grizzly adams type.
  fierljepper:      show me your picture then
  Dangasm:               That's the point I am trying to get across.
  Dangasm:               Pictures don't matter, it's the internet.
  Slow Down Ghandi.(Matt): I still got my burns man.
  zack -elitist-:   nice.
  Slow Down Ghandi.(Matt): I ALMOST shaved them off.
  fierljepper:      why do you hate oak so much?
  Dangasm:               It does matter when you are being all sly with women on the internet.
  zack -elitist-:   ha, im about to.
  Slow Down Ghandi.(Matt): I've had them since........I was born pretty mu8ch.
  Dangasm:               AND you're supposed to have a gf IRL.
  zack -elitist-:   my sideburns are blond, you cant even see them.
  fierljepper:      so? oak has a girlfriend, he is allowed to flirt
  Dangasm:               If his girlfriend saw what he does online.
  Slow Down Ghandi.(Matt): I can even braid them.
  Dangasm:               Haha. Actually.
  Dangasm:               This is a good plan.
  fierljepper:      don't you have a girlfriend d?
  zack -elitist-:   v.v
  Dangasm:               Man, this guy is really gay about Oak.
  Slow Down Ghandi.(Matt): lol
  Slow Down Ghandi.(Matt): Yeah I see that.
  Dangasm:               I never knew people could have bodyguards on the internet.
  fierljepper:      i just like oak ok, hes cool
  zack -elitist-:   wow, this is better than tv.
  Zarathustra:      Indeed it is.
  Dangasm:               You need to get a life and stop caring about people on the internet.
  fierljepper:      NO U
  Slow Down Ghandi.(Matt): Only because ti's 5 am cody.
  Zarathustra:      Now all we need to do is get them drunk on a whole bottle of tequila.
  Dangasm:               That is a poor response.
  zack -elitist-:   yeah, true.
  Slow Down Ghandi.(Matt): Nothing on tc.
  fierljepper:      NO U
  Slow Down Ghandi.(Matt): tv
  zack -elitist-:   i dont have it anyways.
  Dangasm:               A lot of the time you are saying "no u" it doesn't go with what I am saying.
  Zarathustra:      Then watch 'em go.
  fierljepper:      NO U!!!!!
  Slow Down Ghandi.(Matt): Fuck that, get me drnk on a whole bottle of tequila, let them argu8e.
  Dangasm:               So, you're not even using the internet phrase properly.
  zack -elitist-:   thats half the reason i started palace up again, for entertainment.
  Dangasm:               You can't answer that with "no u".
  fierljepper:      NO U!!!!!
  Slow Down Ghandi.(Matt): Yeah dude.
  Slow Down Ghandi.(Matt): And to show 14 year old girls my penis.
  Dangasm:               It's grammatically incorrect, plus I am pretty sure Oak is bisexual now.
  fierljepper:      !NO U!!!!!
  zack -elitist-:   yep.
  Zarathustra:      Pedos.
  zack -elitist-:   hey zara, want to see a puppet show?
  Slow Down Ghandi.(Matt): Haha.
  Zarathustra:      No, sorry.
  Dangasm:               Are you going to fist her ass?
  fierljepper:      !NO U, D!!!!!
  Zarathustra:      I'd rather kill puppets.
  Slow Down Ghandi.(Matt): I'll be striaght up about it, hey Zara, wanna see my penis?
  Dangasm:               (10:58:58) You are muting fierljepper
  zack -elitist-:   yeah dude, i think im actually convincing her that im a pedo, more than im making her believe im not.
  fierljepper:      hahahaha pwnd again
  Dangasm:               Spamming is wrong.
  Zarathustra:      Nope. Same thing. I'd rather kill it.
  ydnar:            ?
  zack -elitist-:   14?
  Slow Down Ghandi.(Matt): Let's talk abou8t her like she's not here dude.
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: dangasm you faggot
  Slow Down Ghandi.(Matt): It'll piss her off.
  Zarathustra:      That always works.
  Dangasm:        (10:59:22) You are muting †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†
  zack -elitist-:   she doesnt care.
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: i thought oak was your buttbuddy?
  Zarathustra:      I really don't care if you do. Doesn't bother me.
  Slow Down Ghandi.(Matt): I know.
  zack -elitist-:   see.
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: you cant hold a friend to save your life, literally
  zack -elitist-:   called that one.
  Slow Down Ghandi.(Matt): No one ever cares these days.
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: see how afraid he is of me?
  Zarathustra:      Of course.
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: he mutes me right away
  Slow Down Ghandi.(Matt): Fucking useless waste of fetus.
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: PWND
  Zarathustra:      Because you're such a good stalker that you know me that well.
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: i will alert oak of your treathory
  Slow Down Ghandi.(Matt): I'm not stalking you8.
  Dangasm:               Only people that are insecure require 100 identities.
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: pwndddddd x 389560956459364019563490
  zack -elitist-:   oh we are, matt.
  Zarathustra:      No, I was talking to Zack.
  Slow Down Ghandi.(Matt): Oh ok.
  No connection - Click Anywhere to enter a Palace

Also he wants to kill me, even though he doesn't care and it's all entertainment and he has no emotion what so ever. Says he. :-D

The great Dangasm / Preeta breakup

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  ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||: Stalin hates jews
  °[ƒ®ãñkíê]°™:     I'd be delighted.
  I'mBlue[px]|Megasm|™: ^Brb.
  Dani?:            Shut your mouth bitch.
  X.Horror.X.Lullaby.X: go next>
  °[ƒ®ãñkíê]°™:     STALIN! Werd
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: dangasm you fuckhead!
  Shrap:            yarr!
  Wreked McGuinnty?: You didn't just have an orgasm, you had a . . . . dangasm
  Dangasm:          oh god its my biggest fan
  Cas:              I KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!!!! I SAW YOU ON LAST NIGHT
  Dangasm:          what you want now?
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: i want to pwn you!
  Dangasm:          you are only pwning yourself
  Preeta <3:        cleared up the room nice dan
  Preeta <3:        thnx
  ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||: watch what pwn-os 
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: dan the mute faggot!
  ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||: lmao
  Dangasm:          -mutes-
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: see he always mutes me?
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: hes afraid of me
  Dangasm:          all those fans
  Preeta <3:        dandan
  Dangasm:          where did jewnose go?
  Preeta <3:         :P
  Dangasm:          whats wrong preeta
  Dangasm:          want to worship me?
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: lol hes so self obsessed
  Preeta <3:        kinda, but in bed
  Dangasm:          i wouldn't fuck you with a stolen dick
  Dangasm:          preeta
  Preeta <3:        k
  Dangasm:          i am way out of your league
  Preeta <3:        it's just sex
  Preeta <3:        give it up
  Preeta <3:        big foot
  Dangasm:          i wouldn't fuck you for practice
  Dani?:            Lmao.
  Dangasm:          i don't fuck ugly girls
  Preeta <3:        you dont need practice
  Preeta <3:        dont be mean
  ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||: your a oduchebag
  ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||: douchebag
  Dangasm:          i am not being mean, i am dangasm
  Dangasm:          i am here for the entertainment
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: yeah you ARE the entertainment
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: lulz
  Preeta <3:        so the thing on yahoo what u said was a lie?
  Dangasm:          i found a new girl friend
  Dangasm:          younger than you
  Dangasm:          and better looking
  Preeta <3:        you never saw my pic
  Dangasm:          but the better looking thing isn't that hard
  Preeta <3:        and i never wanted you as a bf
  Dangasm:          you are ugly
  Preeta <3:         ;o
  Dangasm:          and fat
  Dangasm:          and you know it
  |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||: your not worth the kizz shot preeta
  Confuzzled:       well ur a smoker
  Dani?:            The fuck.
  |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||: jizz*
  Preeta <3:        uh
  Preeta <3:         ;o
  Dangasm:          i found someone better than you
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: preeta omg you actually wanted this faggit?
  Preeta <3:        he's my brother
  Confuzzled:       LMFAO"
  Dangasm:          you wish
  Fang:             back
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: he's in to incest now?
  Dani?:            Wb Fangizzle.
  Fang:             lol ty
  Dangasm:          preeta you stupid child the game is up
  * Confuzzled *    say hes a immature faget crack smoker!!!
  Preeta <3:        ?
  * Confuzzled *    lmfao
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: hes a immature faget crack smoker!!!
  Preeta <3:        I dont get why  you're acting like this outta nowheres
  Dangasm:          because i heard what you said about me
  Confuzzled:       LMFAO!!!!!
  Dangasm:          and you should not talk about dangasm this way
  Confuzzled:       boo hoo
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: lulz
  Preeta <3:        I dont see why you'd believe whoever it is
  Preeta <3:        I would never talk about you
  Preeta <3:        I think you know me better
  Dangasm:          besides i have a sweet 14 year old girl now who's better than you
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: omg PEDO
  Preeta <3:        Dan, what was said?
  Dangasm:          she is everything i ever dreamt off
  Dangasm:          you said i am possibly a closet gay
  Dangasm:          and i am as a fact... not.
  Confuzzled:       stupid u said off not of
  Dangasm:          -mutes-
  Preeta <3:        Why would you believe I'd say that?
  Dangasm:          because i know you
  Dangasm:          you said it
  Dangasm:          i have someone new now
  Dangasm:          stop begging
  Preeta <3:        No, I wouldnt
  Dangasm:          its emberassing.
  * Confuzzled *    tell him
  Preeta <3:         ;o
  * Confuzzled *    that hes a
  Preeta <3:        I wouldn't say such things about you
  Dangasm:          you may leave now preeta
  Preeta <3:        no
  Dangasm:          yes
  Preeta <3:        no
  Dangasm:          kim is everything i ever wanted in a woman
  * Confuzzled *    immature faget playboi that lost his balls and has a 2 inch penis
  Preeta <3:        you're expressing sadness
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: woman? girl!
  Preeta <3:        for something I didnt do
  |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||: lmao preeta ur fucked in the head
  * Confuzzled *    lmfao
  Preeta <3:         >; [
  |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||: douche bag
  Dangasm:          go away child you bother me
  Dangasm:          you are not worthy of the dangasm
  Preeta <3:        you're 4-5 years older than me
  Preeta <3:        man, this sucks
  Preeta <3:        ok dan
  Dangasm:          yes thats why you are way too old
  Preeta <3:        believe whoever over me
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: preeta why are you trying to get with dangasm?
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: he sucks ass!
  Preeta <3:        I didnt
  Confuzzled:       LMFAO
  Dangasm:          yes you did
  Dangasm:          you want me
  Dangasm:          but you are too old
  Fang:             :zzZZzZzZzZ
  Dangasm:          i like younger girls
  Preeta <3:        I could make up things too
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: OMG PEDO
  Preeta <3:        like now
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: DIRTY PEDO
  Dangasm:          go ahead
  Dangasm:          the dangasm cant be pwnd
  Preeta <3:        zack said dan called me fat long ago
  Dangasm:          RIAA tried it
  Dangasm:          and failed
  Preeta <3:        and thats why we couldnt be friends
  Dangasm:          you are fat
  Dangasm:          and old
  Dangasm:          and stupid
  Dangasm:          now leave
  Dangasm:          i am with kim now
  Dangasm:          and i love her
  Dangasm:          she is everything you can never be
  Preeta <3:        well, you are obviously hurt
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: omg dangasm romance
  Dangasm:          no im happy
  Dangasm:          happy to get rid of your bitch fat ass
  Preeta <3:        Dan, I dont care if you have a girlfriend
  Dangasm:          obviously you do
  Preeta <3:        I never knew you wanted me
  Dangasm:          i dont
  Preeta <3:        why would I?
  Dangasm:          never have and never will
  Dangasm:          you suck
  Preeta <3:        I only care what you think of me
  Preeta <3:        because you were my friend
  Preeta <3:        but..
  Dangasm:          well hows this: i think you stink
  Preeta <3:        that has changed yesterday
  Dangasm:          and i think you are stupid
  Preeta <3:        and i wouldnt be surprised if it was
  Dangasm:          and i think you are an immature bag lady
  Preeta <3:        angelica or zack
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: OMG
  Dangasm:          zack can bite my wire
  Dangasm:          that backstabbing bitch
  |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||: Shes a jew!
  Dangasm:          yes preeta you are a jew
  |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||: kill her!
  Preeta <3:        Well dan, I'll leave your decision up to you
  Dangasm:          go suck gass
  Preeta <3:        I know you're smart
  Dangasm:          decision made you suck, game over
  Preeta <3:        sup
  Dangasm:          yes and you are stupid
  |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||: hey ^-^
  Dangasm:          and immature
  Preeta <3:        okay dan
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: holy crap
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: preeta you stand for this?!
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: the guy sucks balls!
  Preeta <3:         ;o
  Preeta <3:        keke
  ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||: >.>
  ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||: >.>
  Preeta <3:        it's cold here
  Dangasm:          preeta you may leave my presence now
  Preeta <3:        ya know
  ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||: argh wrong way
  ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||: <,<
  Preeta <3:        I think in the 40s
  Dangasm:          dangasm has dumped you
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: dude
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: dumped by dangasm
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: talk about no self value
  Preeta <3:        I'm not ashamed dan
  $$~c@t~[PinKyS]~$$: lisi
  Dani?:            :She has nice hair.
  Preeta <3:        plus, I'm here talking
  Dangasm:          you should be
  .»Lisi«.:         ya?
  $$~c@t~[PinKyS]~$$: xD
  Preeta <3:        why dan/
  Dangasm:          you were stupid enough to think i liked you
  .»Lisi«.:         xD
  Dangasm:          while it was all a game
  Dangasm:          another dangasm pwn
  Preeta <3:        o
  .»Lisi«.:         kay
  .»Lisi«.:         xD
  Dangasm:          i made you leave zack
  Preeta <3:        Well, my bad
  Dangasm:          and now you are alone
  Dangasm:          zack pwnd, you pwnd
  .»Lisi«.:         <wie gehts?
  Dangasm:          double score for dangasm
  Preeta <3:        I never wanted zack
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: jesus christ
  Preeta <3:        he's under age
  $$~c@t~[PinKyS]~$$: guad
  Dangasm:          yes you did
  Preeta <3:        wtf
  Dangasm:          now go be with him
  |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||: you wanted me
  $$~c@t~[PinKyS]~$$: xD
  |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||: jkks
  .»Lisi«.:         xDD
  $$~c@t~[PinKyS]~$$: dia ?
  Preeta <3:        I dont want him
  Dangasm:          age is just a number
  Fang:             :zzZZzZzZzZ
  .»Lisi«.:         gut ^^
  Dangasm:          my true love is 14
  Dangasm:          and i love her
  Preeta <3:        okay
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: PEDOPHILE
  Preeta <3:        who are you barcode
  |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||: lawl
  Preeta <3:         vv
  Preeta <3:         O_O
  $$~c@t~[PinKyS]~$$: auch hia gibts preb -.-
  .»Lisi«.:         xD
  $$~c@t~[PinKyS]~$$: *prebs
  Dangasm:          preeta if you have anything remotely interesting to say i suggest you say it now
  .»Lisi«.:         leida
  Dangasm:          else i will just mute you
  .»Lisi«.:          ^^
  $$~c@t~[PinKyS]~$$: jo
  Preeta <3:        I have nothing to say now
  Preeta <3:         ;p
  Dangasm:          -mutes-
  Dangasm:          pwnd.
  $$~c@t~[PinKyS]~$$: welschen ???
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: holy crap preeta
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: you actually digged this fag?
  Preeta <3:        wut
  Preeta <3:        I told you
  Preeta <3:        he's my brother
  Preeta <3:        but
  Preeta <3:        he's in the UK
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: your brother?!
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: wth?
  Preeta <3:        yeah
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: your rl brother?
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: or make believe?
  Dangasm:          :life is goo
  Dangasm:          good
  Preeta <3:        irl
  Dani?:            Goo.
  Dani?:            Lmao.
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: so how come you live on the other side of the planet?
  Dangasm:          i made a typo
  Preeta <3:        school
  Dangasm:          yet i am the great dangasm
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: holy fuck i never knew he had a sister
  Dani?:            Paha. Noticed.
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: must suck being his sister
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: hey loisson
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: dangasm just broke up with his girlfriend for a 14 year old!!!!
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: lulz
  l'oisson du feu:  hey dr phil
  l'oisson du feu:  aww you can't mean that
  l'oisson du feu:  poor gf
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: yes i do!
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: hahahaha
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: but she says shes his sister
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: irl
  l'oisson du feu:  what an asshole it that dangasm
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: i dont get it
  Preeta <3:         ;o
  Dangasm:          i am not an asshole
  Dangasm:          i am dangasm
  Dangasm:          and i am great
  l'oisson du feu:  whats the difference?
  l'oisson du feu:  between asshole and dangasm?
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: preeta so you mean to say you are truly rly dangasms sister?!
  ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||: in other words hes a faggot
  Preeta <3:        yeah
  Dangasm:          dr. phail = asshole
  Preeta <3:        hello
  Dangasm:          dangasm = dangasm
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: explain it to me a little more preeta
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: i think its makebelieve
  l'oisson du feu:  and cigarettes = bad
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: theres no way you are his sister if he breaks up with you
  Preeta <3:        it is
  Dangasm:          smoking is the british way
  Preeta <3:        he didnt break up with me
  Dani?:            Yes yes.
  l'oisson du feu:  unless there is incest going on dr phail
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: so what was that about just now?
  Preeta <3:        he was told that i said something abouut him
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: yeah i bet!
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: and you are truly his sister?
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: you grew up with this guy?
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: where in the UK do you guys live what town?
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: and where are you right now?
  Preeta <3:        <i was kidding
  Preeta <3:        rotfl
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: i thought so
  Dani?:            Lmao Preeta.
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: he dumped you cold
  Preeta <3:        rotfl
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: pretty harsh
  Preeta <3:        we never e-dating
  Preeta <3:        e-dated
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: apparantly he thinks you did
  Preeta <3:         :O
  Dangasm:          :loves his gf
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: 14 year olds dude
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: 14 year olds
  l'oisson du feu:  sounds pedo-ish
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: yeah dude srsly
  Dangasm:          i assure you i am not a pedo
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: yes you are
  Dangasm:          i shall leave now
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: good!
  Preeta <3:         :O
  Dani?:            Stuck.
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: what a dick dude, srsly
  Dani?:            Well that was certainly different.
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: what do u mean dani?
  Dani?:            Not the sort of 'arguments' you find on palace,
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: yeah
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: i didnt even know dangasm HAD a girlfriend
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: and he dumped the bitch COLD
  Preeta <3:        wtf
  Preeta <3:        me and dan never dated dumb ass
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: word to the motherfucker
  Preeta <3:        he has real life friends
  Preeta <3:        not online
  Preeta <3:        girlfriends*
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: lulz
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: yeah and pigs fly
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: he CLAIMS he has them
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: yet he hits on anything with a skirt no matter the age
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: its funny as hell rly
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: now he dumped you
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: for a 14 year old
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: thats harsh
  l'oisson du feu:  it sure is
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: yeah dude
  Dani?:            They wern't e-dating.
  Preeta <3:        You're dumb as hell
  Preeta <3:        dan doesn't e-date
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: i never dated dangasm hahahaha
  Preeta <3:        dumb ass
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: so that makes you even moar stupid
  l'oisson du feu:  lol
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: its good to know your his ex gf though
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: it generates moar lulz
  Dani?:            JEEZ.
  l'oisson du feu:  da steht ein pferd auf dem Flur
  Dani?:            You have a thick skull Dr.P/
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: so tell me then
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: what do i not get?
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: explain it to me
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: so i will understand it
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: so?
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: turns out i am right
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: if you cant explain it otherwise
  Dani?:            The fact that she has been telling you that they wern't e-dating or had any sort of 'relationship', about  million times.
  Dani?:            Jeez.
  l'oisson du feu:  perhaps they liked to have poopsex with each other
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: so why did dangasm tell her he broke up with her?
  Dani?:            Argh.
  Dani?:            You make my head hurt.
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: obviously dangasm thought they where e-dating
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: so what do you call it then, a "miscommunication"?
  Dani?:            You really are like Dr.Phil.
  l'oisson du feu:  Dangasm seems to me to be someone that cybers
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: yeah dude
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: srsly
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: ok preeta what was it then what you guys had
  Dani?:            Slow at receiving and taking in information
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: brother and sister
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: lovers
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: or whatever?
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: zack dangasm just dumped preeta COLD
  zack -elitist-:   whats this happy horse shit about?
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: yet she claims they wherent e-dating
  Preeta <3:        ....
  zack -elitist-:   they wornt.
  zack -elitist-:   wow
  zack -elitist-:   wernt*
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: i'm at a loss here
  Dani?:            Dr.Phail.
  Preeta <3:        i'm gunna find a better room, u guys talk better without me
  Dani?:            Shush.
  Preeta <3:        rotfl
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: you didnt catch dangasm just now
  †··¤Ðr.Phâîl¤··†: shall i put the log on ED?
  zack -elitist-:   is dan in here?