Dan Lirette/ZoSo

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Moar info: The Dan Lirette Story.

DAN'S EPIC PWNAGE The final result of this epic troll Characters

ZoSo: Katie, Amy

Jack Napier: Amy's boyfriend Jimmy

Dan: Himself and Bunny as bunny.

Topic Posted by Katie on Dan Lirette's forum:

Don't ban me yet, I'll tell you what I know about ZoSo. She's far worse then you guys know. She's been posting insane crap on SA for years and if you want to know about it, just ask. Otherwise ban me I guess.

Zoso has posted threads about assaulting her roommate, being arrested for that and for harassing her christian niehbor to the point of getting a restraining order. I'm willing to tell you guys because I've watched what is going on and it's disgusting, I've had enough of her and if you guys want information to put her in her place, you can have it.

She lives in Michigan and I know her irl.

And the Private Message showdown:

 From: Paladin
 To: Katie
 We won't ban you yet...but guess who just applied to join the form...
 I'm going to ignore her requests...til morning.
 Til then, I guess I should delete your first post...right ?
 From: Katie
 To: Paladin
 It's up to you I guess. She knows who I am but doesn't know this name. I wasn't sure I was going to post anything about her.
 it's late so i'm going to bed, message me tomorrow
 From: Dan
 To: Katie
 You can certainly stay
 From: Dan
 To: Katie
 I used some of your info with my article here http://encyclopediaparodia.com/tiki-read_article.php?articleId=23
 I of course didn't reveal your username or where I got it.....
 From: Katie
 To: Dan
 Ok, I'm not really sure about this. I came to talk about Zoso but she's pretty vicious. Paladan was kind to delete my post, after thinking about I don't want her going after me. She thinks I'm her friend. Go ahead and ban me, sorry for this I don't think i can help.
 From: Dan
 To: Katie
 I'm not going to ban you
 And no one would have revealed you were giving info on her... at least not me or paladin; and paladin is a personal friend of mine, so I can certainly vouch for him. But I understand your caution.
 From: Dan
 To: Katie
 I checked you on FB to make sure you were real ha.
 One thing.... how do you know Zoso? From the SA forums?
 From: Katie
 To: Dan
 We were highschool friends, she is going to madonna now and I'm at state. We still talk once in awhile but I think that's over with. She gave me an SA account for my birthday last year.
 From: Dan
 To: Katie
 Oh ok.
 She seems ruthless in her attacks. Something is very wrong with that girl.
 I mean, we all have issues, but to get all freakin' obsessed is insane.
 From: Katie
 To: Dan
 She's got issues with her family that I don't think you will understand.
 What happened to her is not nice but she takes it out on everyone else. I used to feel sorry for her but she now just wants to attack people. This is not new, she's been like this for awhile, this last SA thread is insane, she's after everyone, obsessed about it.
 From: Dan
 To: Katie
 Odd... over dinner today my wife mentioned that she probably had a hard upbringing.
 Think I should take my EP page down?
 From: Katie
 To: Dan
 What's an EP page?
 From: Dan
 To: Katie
 From: Katie
 To: Dan
 I have to go to my Mom's place, be back later tonight.
 From: Dan
 To: Katie
 I can guarantee she wouldn't know. And here's why.
 If you only reveal information that is known by more than only yourself, she has no way of knowing. When sharing information, never reveal anything only you know. Reveal what is known by more than one individual.
 Also, there's not one post anywhere on moncton.net or here where I reveal who shared anything; because I don't do that.
 Taking a death pool on a severely handicapped baby is not right. Claiming I abandoned a baby is evil. I held that baby and kept contact all through.
 They just don't realize it was never their business to openly talk about like that.
 And I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Zoso opened tons of online accounts in my name.
 She did, unfortunately, have me in her hand one time. She made me think she was a good person. Heck was I wrong. She played me hard.
 She's insane.
 From: Dan
 To: Katie
 What is Zoso's first name? Obviously I won't ask for the last name and you don't even need to tell me her first, but she'll possibly change her ways if she sees that she really is being revealed by anonymous people.
 From: Dan
 To: ZoSo
 I realize you enjoy posting emails, so I'll make this email one that I'm not concerned about if it gets posted online, which I believe will. I'll also save a copy to make sure it's not edited.
 First, you came in spewing lies, blaming 4Chan and stirring up trouble. You even took a death pool on a severely handicapped baby.
 You have one option.
 Two individuals came forward with more information on you than I could have hoped to ask for.
 As Autoaim asked me to remove his page I will do the same for you, but you need to stop your nonsense.
 If you do not leave me alone and quit harassing me, you'll have another retraining order placed on you like the one you had before, and you won't be able to assault me because as soon as you continue to post your nonsense lies, I'll call the Michigan police.
 but if you quit all of this, I'll let it go like I did with Autoaim.
 if not, I'm calling your local police and keeping you on the EP page for good.
 Your choice.
 From: ZoSo
 To: Dan
 You are crazy. I never edited one thing you sent to me and you know it.
 I'm not a pathological liar like you Dan. 4chan did spam moncton.net, I saw the 4chan thread myself. I don't recall blaming them for any of my actions. I also did participate in Faith's deadpool, never hid that fact either.
 Dan you can threaten me all you like, you have a few details about me that could be found by anyone. I was done with you until you started threatening autoaim's family. Now you are threatening me and posting rewards for information about me.
 Go ahead and call the police and do your fucking worst you piece of shit. Call my school, it's a big place and you have no idea who I am and you never will. Your stupid bluff about people coming forward with information about me is a fucking joke and it's not working. No one would do that to me because I'm not a scumbag like you.
 I know the truth about you, you are a short evil boy, not even a man.
 From: Dan
 To: ZoSo
 Zoso, if you weren't opening accounts as me, then who? If you weren't commenting on blogs in my name, then who? If it wasn't you, I'm surprised; you've been obsessed with me since day one.
 As per autoaim, we came to an agreement and I kept my part of the deal so don't shout me down on that issue; I removed my pages, and the disclaimer on the site is to treat it as a parody site. Nonetheless, it's not even there anylonger so what are you going on about?
 As for information on you, I know you want me to slip up and "prove" I got it from the two individuals I claim gave it to me, but that's not going to happen. You can believe your delusion of "He's reading the SA forums!" all you want, but in reality we both know that that forum is far to large for me to even get around let alone find particular information on you. Believe what you want, but I am aware that you had it rough growing up and now you're taking it out on others and have been for years. Be thankful I know a little about your past or I'd rally slam you on the EP page.
 But again, leave me alone and I'll leave you alone.
 If you don't, you're fair game, just like I was to you.
 From: Katie
 To: Dan
 I thought I was banned but I got your message.
 Zoso's first name is Amy. She went to Ladywood Highschool. She's going to a Catholic uni because otherwise her parents wouldn't pay for it. She got kicked out of her church because she got pregnant at 17 and then tried to kill the baby by using alcohol. She ended up having an abortion and so her church told her not to come back.
 I think she’s had another abortion but I’m not sure. She got worried about getting kicked out her school but wouldn’t say why.
 If you want to make her shut up, tell her that you’ll tell her school she’s had an abortion.  It’s a private university, I don’t think they would accept that.
 From: Dan
 To: ZoSo
 Hi Amy.
 I wonder if anyone at Ladywood Highschool would remember you? Or that you got kicked out of your church because you got preggo at 17 and tried to kill your own child using booze? What about your little abortion?
 I'm calling your school with verifiable information on your abortion and tons more.
 But if you leave me alone I'll forget this ever happened.
 Stop harassing me!
 From: Dan
 To: ZoSo
 All of the information I have on you is so far not known by ANYONE except your first name which I posted on the EP site. Everything is between you and I and I prefer to keep it that way.
 If you're willing to let it all go or at least trash me on a private (not public) forum, I'll delete the EP page and forget you ever hurt my wife and others through attacking me.
 Believe me; I will keep my word.
 From: Dan
 To: Katie
 By the way, if you're not comfortable givingher last name and not sure yuo can trust me, that's perfectly ok Smiley
 How long have you known Amy? Is she a drug user? (seems to be)... and she attends a CATHOLIC school? That shocked me the most.
 Dan attempts to pull Katie's heart strings:
 You know, after going after Myah's blog and crushing her and then coming after me, Amy and the otehrs didn't realize they were causing alot of problems with extended family members as well.. death pools on baby's were fun to them but made others cry. And now that the baby is gone the pain for many has only worsened. It's too bad they didn't realize that. Instead, they had a blast taking bets on a severely handicapped child's death.
 From: Katie
 To: Dan
 Well this is why I posted that thread. SA funny most of the time but cruel sometimes, this has just been cruel and she won't let it go. It's not totally bad, just a big place and they allow stuff like this to happen, I'm not really sure why.
 I think she's going to keep harming people until she gets help. This thing might be a blessing in disguise. I met her at Ladywood, we were good friends there but sort of drifted apart. I don't know if she does drugs. She's really just angry and it grows and gets worse.
 From: Dan
 To: Katie
 That's sad that she's like that... she went to a place called "4Chan" and posted stuff and 4Chan wrote to me today and called my home. Someone called "Anonymous" said they are coming for me. She just won't stop.
 Are you really Katie? Is that your name?
 From: Dan
 To: Katie
 The reason I asked your name is because your email on facebook gives it. If Zoso came in or any of the goons they could do an email check. You may want to change it
 From: Katie
 To: Dan
 Yes I'm Katie. I'm surprised you found my facebook. I might take it down since she doesn't know about it, she has a facebook account but we are not friends there. I feel like I'm playing with fire, I don't want her to know I'm talking about her.
 From: Dan
 To: Katie
 She has no idea.She believes two people are chatting with me and she has absolutely no clue; she's completely 100% stumped. She did ask who it was but I told her to get lost, leave me alone and I'd not post a single thinjg on her. She told me in her email to go "f-myself."
 You do have the option of hiding your email addy from users (except admins). I'll make sure it's enabled.
 And nice to meet you, Katie
 From: Dan
 To: Katie
 Now only I can see your email addy.
 From: Katie
 To: Dan
 Ok good. Did she say she will stop?
 From: Dan
 To: Katie
 From: ZoSo
 To: Dan
 I'm not a pathological liar like you Dan. 4chan did spam moncton.net, I saw the 4chan thread myself. I don't recall blaming them for any of my actions. I also did participate in Faith's deadpool, never hid that fact either.
 Dan you can threaten me all you like, you have a few details about me that could be found by anyone. I was done with you until you started threatening autoaim's family. Now you are threatening me and posting rewards for information about me.
 Go ahead and call the police and do your I shouldn't cuss!ing worst you piece of shit. Call my school, it's a big place and you have no idea who I am and you never will. Your stupid bluff about people coming forward with information about me is a I shouldn't cuss!ing joke and it's not working. No one would do that to me because I'm not a sI shouldn't cuss!bag like you.
 From: Dan
 To: Katie
 I told her I'd call the police, her school etc etc and she called my bluff lol
 From: ZoSo
 To: Dan
 I guess you are getting better at being an internet detective. Maybe someone told you about some things but most of this is bullshit. Sorry Dan, try again.
 From: Dan
 To: ZoSo
 I have verifiable evidence to all of it.
 This is your final opportunity to leave me alone.
 What will it be?
 Your choice.
 But this is the final chance.
 From: ZoSo
 To: Dan
 You are full of shit, all that crap is fake. Go ahead and post it, I'll just come after you harder. The final choice is yours.
 From: Jack
 To: Dan
 You need to back off from Zoso. She's got a lot of friends and if you think the encyclopediadramatica page was bad, just wait. I'll come for you next.
 From: Dan
 To: Jack
 Shut your manhole.
 From: Dan
 To: ZoSo
 Amy, my offer was final. Please do come after me harder.
 You're going to go to jail or at least have charges pressed against 
 you as well as get booted from your school.
 And please don't have your followers email me.
 Don't worry about the EP page; I doubt I'll post your information on 
 it (though there's a possibility) but I will use all I have to get you 
 at your school. All I need now is your last name and "if" you used any 
 of  their systems to write your garbage you're definitely busted.
 And oh... I'll also have your pic soon as well.
 Your friends threatening me don't scare me at all.
 As a matter of fact, the tables have turned.
 Post 10000 pages on ED.
 The Internet is one thing. You're going down in real life via the 
 police and DEFINITELY your school.
 And if I do post on the EP page it'll be this evening.
 Bye bye and don't write back; you had your chance.
 From: Dan
 To: Jack
 oh and don't write me back.
 Your little Amy pal is gonna lose some edu-ma-cation if you keep it up.
 The more of you queens who write to me the more determined I am.
 From: Jack
 To: Dan
 Amy is my girlfriend you asshole. Do you want to make this personal? I’ll come to your shitty Canadian town and beat the shit out of you. Go ahead and call her school, I’ll be at your doorstep the next day.
 From: Dan
 To: Katie
 From:      Jack Napier <[email protected]>
 To:     [email protected]
 Subject:     [No Subject]
 You need to back off from Zoso. She's got a lot of friends and if you think the encyclopediadramatica page was bad, just wait. I'll come for you next.
 From:     Tim Ioy <[email protected]>
 To:     [email protected]
 Subject:     Re: Hi Amy
 Dan, You are full of shit, all that crap is fake. Go ahead and post it, I'll just come after you harder. The final choice is yours. ZoSo
 From: Dan
 To: Katie
 She's just more determined now.
 Has she any pics of her face online anywhere? You don't need to send one but if you know of a place you can point me to it Smiley
 This girl is crazy insane.
 From: Dan
 To: Jack
 Well jacko, I don't care if she's your mother. It became personal when she became obsessed with posting my personal information all over the net, making fun of a severely handicapped child and taking bets on the baby's death.
 Now, if you're willing to talk rationally about your little shitbag GF leaving me alone, we'll chat, otherwise, stop writing me silly emails about beating me up lol.
 From: Dan
 To: Jack
 Oh and you'll notice I gave her several opportunities to stop harassing me. She continues to laugh in my face. Now, move along and remove the ED page. Or you'd just better come to my home and beat me up now.
 From: Katie
 To: Dan
 omg, Jack Napier? That's her old boyfriend. He's involved with this? His real name is Jimmy, not Jim, Jimmy. He was a meth dealer, I can't believe she is still talking to him. He's a bum and doesn't work or do anything, he lived in her apartment for a year and she kicked him out. This makes no sense.
 From: Dan
 To: Jack
 "You guys don't know who you're playing with. This isn't about your forums and articles anymore. You threatened to rape my wife, Meth dealer Boy. You're ass is mine too. YOU have one chance like I gave amy to get lost for good or YOUR info is going up bitch and if you ever come to my house you'll meet Jake and if Jake doesn't tear you apart (pitbull/Boxer) I'll blow your kneecaps off."
 From: Dan
 To: ZoSo
 Didn't you kick Kimmy out of your apartment? Hopefully you aren't back with him. Meth is shitty stuff.
 And a followup from Dan to ZoSo:
 I'll wait to see how you guys handle this and respond acordingly. Hopefully you'll let it go so we can all move on with our lives. No one knows diddly squat from my side about the personal stuff and no one needs to.
 Take care
 From: Dan
 To: ZoSo
 I forgot to mention that the ED page on myah and myself need to be deleted. Keep your SA thread though.
 From: Dan
 To: Katie
 I don't think he's involved but she must have gone to him for help... now he's playing internet tough guy.
 From: Dan
 To: Katie
 Think Napier would really come to my house? I'm not worried but need to be prepared. I have a PitbullBonxer who'd eat his ass for dinner.
 From: Katie
 To: Dan
 omg, Jack Napier? That's her old boyfriend. He's involved with this? His real name is Jimmy, not Jim, Jimmy. He was a meth dealer, I can't believe she is still talking to him. He's a bum and doesn't work or do anything, he lived in her apartment for a year and she kicked him out. This makes no sense.
 Then again Jimmy could be lying, pretending they are going out to defend her.
 From: Katie
 To: Dan
 If he's still like I knew him, Jimmy is no threat at all, he's a stupid pot head meth addict that can't even drive. He has no license. I'm so shocked she is talking to him again, I really can't believe it. He screwed her out of a lot of money. Did he send anything else to you?
 From: Dan
 To: Katie
 Here's the only other one so far... but I know there will be more Smiley
 "You need to back off from Zoso. She's got a lot of friends and if you think the encyclopediadramatica page was bad, just wait. I'll come for you next."
 Weird... amy chats with a guy who ripped her off? Ouch.
 From: Jack
 To: Dan
 You want to know about amy, lets talk about the reward she told me about. Are you really offering $500 for her?
 From: Dan
 To: Katie
 No. frig no. It's a parody site. read the FAQ page.
 From: Dan
 To: Katie
 by the way, I'm not sure if you even realized this, but I really am giving 500.00 as an information reward. I know you didn't mention it but I thought I'd offer anyhow. But I want to be sure all of this is true. Napier asked if I was actually going through with it, and I told him no as it's a parody site. I could getin poo poo for this. Then again, you never asked anyway. Also, have you ever used WesternUnion or do you have a PO Box?
 And one more thing... is Napier really re haired, skinny and butt ugly?
 From: Katie:
 To: Dan
 I saw that on Zoso's article. I don't want any money, thanks however for the offer. Jimmy wants money for pot probably, I'm not surpised at all by that. He's really scummy.
 Did you get anything from Zoso about stopping this whole thing?
 I'm sort of hoping she'll learn something from this, but is this wrong? This has been on my mind all day and I don't know if this is right. I want her to get help, she doesn't listen to me. Is this the right way to do it?
 I read the emails she sent you, I don't know if she can stop.
 From: ZoSo
 To: Dan
 Let me be clear about this:
 Fuck you.
 Who ever told you that crap is full of shit and I'll figure out who it is but I doubt this is real, fuck you Dan, really. I'm not an idiot, this is all shit you could find on the SA forums, stop pretending you don't have a SA account. God you are a scumbag, go to hell.
 From: Dan
 To: Katie
 I got an email from an SA member telling me to go into IRC chat but IO don't know how to use it. Do you?
 This was the message:
 Use mibbit.com if you don't have IRC .... .... server SYRINC #cultofrick password RIIIIIICK I am serious you need to see this - sign in as ease or anencephaltastic I AM GIVING YOU AN IN DAN LIRETTE... TAKE IT... TAKE IT!
 From: Dan
 To: Katie
 Let me be clear about this:
 I shouldn't cuss! you.
 Who ever told you that crap is full of shit and I'll figure out who it is but I doubt this is real, I shouldn't cuss! you Dan, really. I'm not an idiot, this is all shit you could find on the SA forums, stop pretending you don't have a SA account. God you are a sI shouldn't cuss!bag, go to hell.
 From: Dan
 To: ZoSo
 You and I both know the truth but nonetheless after meeting with a small group tonight I have decided to let it go and not reveal anything about you.
 You can continue obsessing about me and posting away; I'm not intimidated, and the proof is that I will not reveal your abortion, abuse etc etc.
 I'm not even calling your school.
 You're free to go.
 From: Dan
 To: Katie
 If you really want to see this girl change and not do these absolutely insane things then it probably would be best to call her school, not to have her expelled but to get her help. I don't think that divulging what she writes is needed but to explain the gravity of it. That way they can mediate a solution for her that may pan out. There's no way to do it though without her last name. And even if you don't want to give it to me you can still help her alone yourself. I wrote to her and told her I wouldn't post her personal information online, as that is not needed...but I did say I would speak with the headmaster of her school. And I do believe I should. Not to spite her or see her kicked out; that wouldn't be helping her at all. But to see she gets real tangible help. She's liable to murder someone someday with the rage she displays. If you're comfortable sharing her last name, by all means do so, and I won't reveal it. If I were going to I would have revealed your name from facebook; I do hope you trust my word from what I've tried to display thus far. Also, I'm probably going to take her article down. The more I learn about her the more I see she's probably deeply depressed. I'd rather call her school and see her get help. She's certainly in need of it.
 What do you think?

ZoSo's photoshopped email

 From: Dan
 To: ZoSo
 One more thing:
 We've been watching your cultofrick IRC drama, the threats etc.
 Guess what?
 Everything has been copied. The IRC chats. The Aimoo forums. All of it.
 I may take you to your school and the police after all :)
 You should be careful; not all goons appreciate your stirring up death threats.
 From: Katie
 To: Dan
 I don't know how to use IRC, sorry.
 I'm not sure about Amy's last name. Please let me think about it.
 Fom Dan to Katie:
 No problem.
 The IRC chats are all about what they're going to do to me ha.
 Again they write with their nonsense.
 I don't think that Amy wants any kind of help. I think she enjoys being hateful.
 I gave her about 10 opportunities to stop on me as well as anyone else but she continues to tell me to go f myself.
 I think a dose of her own medicine in a nice way will convince her she can't stoop to these levels.
 Dan REALLY want's ZoSo's last name from Katie:
 Please do consider giving her last name. I left a message with Dave,the director of Public safety at Madonna University where Amy attends. Perhaps they can mediate a plan for AMy that will benefit her.
 From: ZoSo
 To: Dan
 Hi Dan,
 I heard you tried to break into IRC and our forums, but you just made a little mistake with your bluff, not one person ever made a death threat. More lies from the pathological liar.
 We know about you trying to hack peoples accounts with Jason at badfanfic. That's why you took down your little page on me and got nervous. We keep catching you doing scumbag shit in your non-stop effort to be a Jesus Internet Superstar. This is how you want to make a living, pretending to be a Christian and we are threatening that.
 You don't know who I am, I don't buy your bullshit lies. We are going to make sure you don't make a dime as a minister. I'd wish you luck as a computer repairman but if you can't even use IRC, I doubt you have a future there.
 From: Dan
 To: ZoSo
 You should stop writing. I have screencaps of everything on Aimoo and Aimoo has been notified, as well as the director of the public safety board at your school (Dave). He's presently investigating your SA thread. As well, tomorrow I'm speaking with the police. I have much more in store for you in real life. When I'm through with you you're going to be standing in front of a judge.
 ps- The eden street addy is an address I lived at before I was married you morons. lol. I now own a home.
 Oh. Click the attachments to see if we got your entire forum lol.
 From: ZoSo
 To: Dan
 Hi Dan,
 Thanks for being non-stop stupid, the mole has been banned. Sissy's friend eh? She must really like you, gonna give her a brainless baby too?
 From: Dan
 To: ZoSo
 It's all been copied and now that it has, a C%D has been sent to Aimoo. You better save your forum lol.
 Now please stop writing to me; I'm busy posting all the screencaps to moncton.net admins, my forum members and your school PSD.
 Cherrio. lol
 From: ZoSo
 To: Dan
 Hi Dan,
 Dan, just stop with the bluff you know who I am and going to call the police and my school. It's not working. I'm sending you this from a school pc, this how worried I am about you knowing who I am.
 You don't have shit. Thanks for helping us get rid of the mole.
 From: Dan
 To: ZoSo
 From Dan to ZoSo:
 Unfortunately for you, Dave is really investigating your thread lol. Call your school, ask for the Director (Dave) and see what I'm talking about.
 Oh. And I'm getting your last name tomorrow morning!! Then dave will get you; he said once I give your last name and if there's anything on the thread that is a violation of school policy, you'll be "dealt with accordingly".
 I'll be honest though; I asked that you not be booted but receive help.
 Now...this email is no longer going to work once I send this.
 I have every forum post, all emails and your last name tomorrow.
 That's all I need.
 From: ZoSo
 To: Dan
 I knew it, all a bluff, you don't know who I am. 

 From: Dan 
 To: Katie
 Without her last name she things I got it all from online. If I give her her last name she may quit her bullshit and piss herself lol
 From: Katie
 To: Dan
 Ok I'm trusting you with this, please don't get her kicked out of school. I've been stressed over this all day not sure what to do. She just needs help. 
 Please don't tell her anything about me, please. She will come after me and I live close to her. If I get hurt it'll be because of you. 
 Her name is Any Vander Bent.
 From: Dan
 To: ZoSo
 Delete the ED pages NOW Any Vander Bent!
 This is your last chance/
 From: ZoSo
 To: Dan
 Tell me who it is NOW! I'm not fucking kidding Dan, I'll fucking go after you for the rest OF YOUR FUCKING LIFE.
 I'll make the ED page 1000 times worse and I'll write articles on your entire fucking family. YOU HAVE 10 MINUTES TO RESPOND DAN.
 From: Dan:
 To: ZoSo
 my. Unlike you I';m not hateful.
 I am still willing to let it all go.
 Get your ED pages down or I will call the police with your name and all screen caps from your forum as well as the emails.
 You have until tomorrow.
 From: Bunny
 To: Dan
 Boy! You got ZoSo upset Ha.. I am in there forums and they are all  stirred up and trying to get people in your church involved to stop  you.  I got screen caps from their forum attached.  Might have em  on the run.
               screencaps from cultofrick forums***** 
 From: Dan
 To: bunny
 Tell Amy to check her email. I have her last name now and sent it to her. And oh I don't go to the baptist church anymore. I go to a Charismatic church.
 I am not planning to get her kicked out of school. I'm planning to call the police in her state of Michigan. Period.
 From: ZoSo
 To: Dan
 FUCK YOU DAN. You thought it was bad, it's going to get a lot worse. I'm going to find out who's talking to you. I'm taking them down and you. I'm going to destroy any chance you have of being a internet superstar. It was for lulz before, now it's personal.
 I'm from Detroit, I'm way harder then you and this isn't a joke:
 From: Dan
 To: ZoSo
 ps- Let me clear once more. I'm not afraid of your articles, or anything else online. You attacked my baby. Now I'm unhappy and you don't want Dan to be unhappy.. I'm going to the police, your school and will make sure you're sitting in a cell rotting or at the least lose your education.
 My "church" will not get involved; I no longer attend the baptist church you moron. And either way, I'm not listening to anyone but my conscience, and it tells me to call the police and your school if those ED articles are not gone by the time I log on to my system.
 You can yell and scream all you want, Amy, but I don't give a rats ass where you're from and that you're "coming for me".
 You better do it quick. The police are coming for you if the pages are not offline.
 I'll be watching the pages tomorrow and hopefully you'll come to your senses.
 I realize you need to maintain an image of toughness online, but make up an excuse and take the pages down. I don't want to have to call the police OR your school. I'm not that vindictive but will have no choice.
 Please do the right thing and hate me forever but take that trash offline, Amy.
 And oh... it was personal the moment you attacked my baby girl.
 Don't write me back.

ZoSo IM's ED admins:

[19:39] ZoSoZodiac: hey, i need favor [19:39] flyboywn: Shoot [19:40] ZoSoZodiac: the troll we are doing on Dan requires zoso to be in a "meltdown" can i post a giant fuck you message to the top of his article, he still thinks I own ED [19:41] ZoSoZodiac: from dan [19:41] ZoSoZodiac: Amy. Unlike you I';m not hateful.

I am still willing to let it all go. 
Get your ED pages down or I will call the police with your name and all screen caps from your forum as well as the emails. 
You have until tomorrow. 

[19:41] flyboywn: I have an idea [19:41] flyboywn: hang on [19:43] ZoSoZodiac: i think i love you if you are doing what i think [19:43] flyboywn: http://encyclopediadramatica.com/Dan_Lirette [19:44] ZoSoZodiac: lol [19:44] flyboywn: That way if need be the fuck you page can be oversighted [19:45] flyboywn: Sufficient? [19:45] ZoSoZodiac: FUCKING PERFECT MAN [19:45] ZoSoZodiac: thanks a ton [19:45] flyboywn: How long do you need it there [19:46] ZoSoZodiac: 24 hours, we are in the final stages of the troll [19:46] ZoSoZodiac: it's fucking epic [19:46] ZoSoZodiac: i promise you, we are going to blow your mind [19:46] ZoSoZodiac: we found out shit that is unreal [19:46] flyboywn: You'd better provide [19:46] ZoSoZodiac: we will [19:47] ZoSoZodiac: it's not just dan, we are going to cause a weeks worth of drama on badfanfics [19:47] ZoSoZodiac: thanks so much man, the IRC channel is freaking out in delight [19:47] flyboywn: That's cool [19:48] flyboywn: Do what you have to, the other sysops know so you should be good [19:48] ZoSoZodiac: <3 <3, later man

 From: ZoSo
 To: Dan
 Special message for you Dan on your page it's going to get worse.
 From: Dan
 To: ZoSo
 Do you relaize I am reading your thread about VC and HBC and how "we haven't told carolyn the whole story yet"? Tell him we aren't going thursday unless he comes clean ;)
 VC will stand for this when they see the emails, posts, pages etc etc and how you admitted to being sockpuppets of Dan Lirette.
 I'm showing my wife the threads, pics and emails. As well as to my Pastor. And to the member who we're meant to see on thursday.
 Let them all know this will be all over with tomorrow, once and for all.
 No EP page. No posts. No games. Even my forum thread is coming down.
 Keep your ED page.
 You tried to hurt the wrong people and now the police are goingto be involved first thing in the morning when I wake up.
 Don't you ever write to me again you little tramp.
 From: Dan
 To: ZoSo
 Your pic also. Not hard to identify.
 Take it! JUST TAKE IT!
 here's a deal. Take Myah's page down and keep mine up.
 Then we';re even and I won't say a peep.
 My word.
           pic of some random person 
 From: ZoSo
 To: Dan
 From: Dan
 To: ZoSo
 I'm calling the police tonight, Amy. Now.
 No games anymore.
 I am sending Myah your name and info and all screencaps, as well as Paladin and my pastor and the HBC pastor.
 From: ZoSo
 To: Dan
 From: Dan
 To: ZoSo
 Naw tehy told me to call the detective department in the morning. I called the Livonia Police Department; you have a record.
 Again, I am willing to let this go.
 Let me be clear that I'm not afraid of HBC, VBC or any other "C".
 I'm not happy that you've attacked Faith, my wife or myself as you have.
 And if you don't let it go, you're going to be charged and lose your school! Are you THAT Insane over the internet, Amy?
 Let it go.
 From: ZoSo
 To: Dan
 I'm not Dan letting anything go. You want a personal fight, you got it. You could have just ignored all this but you threatened my friends family. You are now calling the cops on me, fine Dan. 
 You are not a christian, just a charlatan trying to dupe people. You are probably a rapist, want the cops to investigate that? 
 From: Dan
 To: ZoSo
 Stop writing to me, Amy.
 You had your chance.
 Do whatever you want to now.
 From: ZoSo
 To: Dan
 You are scared of something. You did rape her didn't you? What are you scared of? You are bluffing, you didn't call the Livonia cops. I can smell your fear Dan.
 From: Dan
 To: ZoSo
 You made your choice.
 With all the emails, screencaps etc I have on you and with your harassment already on file, you're pretty much done.
 Now please stop writing to me, Amy Vander Bent.
 You had your chance and threw it back at me several times.
 Patience only runs so far and mine ran out.
 get lost tramp.
 From: Bunny
 To: Dan
 ZoSo is saying u killed a bunch of people on motorcycles. This stuff just doesn't end. Dan, make sure u don't have stuff about this on the internet anywhere.  Or I guess if there was then ZoSo found it. 
 From: Bunny
 To: Dan
 She did. They are flipping out and taking up a collection.  Oh, they know u don't go to HCB anymore they have people from Victory or something like that. 
 From: ZoSo
 To: Dan
 Do it. I'll tell them what I know about Myah, did you rape her? What you so scared of? What are you hiding Dan? 
 Yeah, let's go ahead and let the police sort this out, I'm calling your bluff Dan. 
 I dare you to put up the EP pages, lets let the cops see those too. I have them screencapped, if you've got nothing to hide, lets let it all hang out. Think harassment is one way. You offered a reward for my information, I'm guessing you paid out too. 
 Fuck you Dan. You haven't got shit and I now you are hiding something else. 
 From: Katie
 To: Dan
 I could barely sleep last night because of this. Please don't kick her out of school and please do not call the police. 
 Did she say she would stop? 

 From: Katie
 To: Dan
 She's calling papers? What is going on, I'm confused, she's not stopping? You have her picture??
 From: Katie
 To: Dan
 Should I call her, I'm really worried, would this give me away? I screwed up, she's going to come after me.
 From: Katie
 To: Dan
 Please let me know what is going on, I'm scared to death. I shouldn't have done this.
 I have to get ready for work, please let me know if you told her about me. 
 From: ZoSo
 To: Dan
 Dan, what do you got? Nothing. 
 I'm laughing at you Dan, you lost. Check your ED page.
 We all know what you did, we are laughing at you Dan.
 You lose. Game over, insert a another quarter.
 You are a murderer.
 From: Dan
 To: ZoSo
 Actually the RCMP are coming to take a statement and will have the 
 Livonia Police deal with you.
 Take care.
 From: ZoSo
 To: Dan
 Bluff to the end eh champ. Make sure you mention you raped Myah and offered $500 for information on me. 
 You got nothing. You have my full name and can't do anything with it.
 Laughing at you Dan. Belly laugh.
 From: Dan
 To: ZoSo
 Guess we'll see ;)
 From: ZoSo
 To: Dan
 Dan seriously, I have screenshots of you offering a reward for my personal info. Are you dumb enough to indict yourself?
 Sure, go for it. 
 From: Dan
 To: ZoSo
 I am dumb enough yes.
 Too late anyway. the RCMP are taking a report and your school is 
 coming for you  as they asked for the emails etc etc.
 From: ZoSo
 To: Dan
 Dan this is pathetic. It's not even funny, you did something so this is all a bluff. Now I just wonder what it is.
 From: Dan
 To: ZoSo
 You're right. It's not funny.
 You think I'm all bluff but thus far I've shown I'm not with even 
 having your last name. Oh and I called Ladywood High to get info too.
 You dug yourself a hole you can't get out of. You had your chance. Now 
 thye police will deal with you.
 From: ZoSo
 To: Dan
 Yeah yeah. I can't believe I was worried last night. Go do your worse Dan you limp dick cockswab. Are you really married? Fuck.
 From: Dan
 To: ZoSo
 I'm actually writing to Dave now. Sending all screengrabs and the best 
 part is when I get to fiole a report with the Codiac regional RCMP.
 You're done Amy :)
 From: Dan
 To: ZoSo
 Oh and Myah has all your info now as does amyleefan, paldin and soon 
 everyone :)
 But that's nothing. It's the Livonia Police. The detective department 
 is handling you :)
 Yeah! You have no idea how excited I am.
 From: ZoSo
 To: Dan
 So the police bluff didn't work, now we are moving onto my school. *sigh*
 From: Dan
 To: ZoSo
 lol. Have fun.
 From dan to Zoso and Madonna:
 Greetings., As per our conversation today I have confirmed Amy attends your school.
 I have attached screengrabs of her harassment, but there is actually an entire forum dedicated to death threats, my phone number and home address etc etc.
 This young lady has been using school systems to perpetrate foolishness and it's illegal.
 I don't want to have to take action against the school itself so this is why I am askingyou to deal with it.
 We are filing an RCMP report for the Livonia PD today seeking to have this but job student charged for harassment as she's already in the PD system.
 Thanks in advance.
 Click attachments.