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Leakspin logo.

Crowdleaks (formerly Crowdleak) is an online news outlet born out of the Operation Leakspin effort. After months of DDoS'ing from another "Operation" that we can't mentioned any longer, Anonymous became soft and finally decided that the next best way to make governments fear their people was to spread government secrets to every corner of the Web. In short, Crowdleaks fights censorship and control with transparency.

Crowdleaks presents this task to participants: To transform obscure leaked cables into newsworthy and accessible articles. Crowdleaks endorses "crowd journalism," which they claim to be their invention despite previous precedents. According to Crowdleaks, a bunch of basement dwellers working together can outdo professional journalists due to peer review and the lack of stoking pro-American cocks.

Operation Leakspin


During the height of the "Operation that we can't mention any longer", a 16-year-old boy was arrested in the Netherlands for using LOIC against two credit card websites. Disturbed by that fact by a person was arrested for breaking the law, Anons everywhere gather together and resolved to made it near-impossible (if not impossible) for governments to censor the leaked cables.

Anonymous decided to overcome his ADD, develop a sense of patience, and exchange DDoS attacks with short-term benefits in favor of a long, dragged-out dogfight with far-reaching implications. From the first time since Chanology, Anonymous dedicated resources beyond posting Operation Madeupname posters on chan boards and downloading LOIC. Websites, IRC channels, and new secure publishing software was created. Anonymous named this effort "Operation Leakspin" after his favorite Flash and tune.

See also

External links