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Crockpotso is in an internet sissy fight with PixelArtGalore.
Please dig up lulz on them both.

Crockpotso aka Yam-Mii is an edgy, horny teenaged troll prone to getting butthurt quite easily. He is insignificant, uninteresting and wouldn't be worth an article on his own, if not for his alleged yearlong on and off war with the tremendously autistic PixelArtGalore. Said war consisted mainly of childish bickering and eventually escalated to pedophilia accusations from PAG. While there’s no proof about him being a pedo and he’s likely a kid himself, he has admitted asking for nudes from her ”jokingly” and remains a complete bitch with awful taste.


Crockpotso is as petty as he is persistent, especially when he feels like his pride has been insulted. In that case he’ll hound the offender until they apologize to him and take back their words until his fragile feefees have been soothed properly, or just until he gets upset enough and turns to sulking instead. Then the offender might have to face the wrath of his white knights, who may or may not be his own sockpuppets.

His methods of trolling also includes making terrible, terrible memes, which also function as autofellatio.

When being defensive he tries to be proper yet snarky, but unfortunately for him, his frustration is made readily apparent. In comments he proceeds to lash out at people who dare to question him and attempts to ridicule them. When confronted with those with a standard level of intellect, he’s bound to fail, which may be the reason for him being so drawn to argue with PixelArtGalore and her peers to begin with.

Response to this article

Right after he became aware of the existence of this article, Crockpotso, using the name Yam-Mii blanked the page and replaced it with the text "He’s a cool dude." His revision was reverted within seconds. After this a white knight of his has been vandalizing the article and shown his inability to use ED.

Crockpotso is part of a series on


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