Cody Kardashian

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Easily one of MySpace's most identifiable names, Cody Kardashian, 19, carries the torch as a self made celebrity. Some celebrities are manufactured by the system. Others beat the system and manufacture themselves. To the casual culture vulture peeking in on Cody's MySpace page, the thousands of “friends” may look like magic, but the reality behind this sleight of hand is sheer marketing genius and countless hours of hard work.


—Garret Roth [AP Magazine]

Being related to a fatass with a horrible sex tape. Cody Kardashian did not turn out to be too bad.

Cody Kardashian is a self-proclaimed 18 year old internet celebrity and attention whore from Berkeley Springs, West Virginia, who is just an ugly vegan ("except for, um, sushi, and I sometimes eat chicken") cunt with awesome hair IRL.

It is noted that this thing is arguably the most attractive male on Stickam, and myspace, but having looked at said website, this is really just an achievement equivalent to being the prettiest Denny's waitress.

Most of what is seen on the internets was conjured by means of Satan's own copy of Adobe Photoshop.

The other side of Cody

At one time, Cody Kardashian was actually a human being. Photographic proof can be found only if you look hard enough, because Cody will not reveal the mysteries of his past as a prostatot to anyone. However, he was still a different little boy, so any hopes of his future should have been and indeed were dull. Speculation about his aversion to sunlight and predilection for nights filled with mass consumption of lead paint chips has recently come to the fore. Opponents of these rumors point to her extremely wide-set fish eyes as proof of obvious Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Regardless, he is clearly a retard and should be mocked at every turn. The pragmatic observer approves the likelihood of both scenarios being concurrently applicable, and the opportunity for near-endless lulzy banter remains at an all-time high.