Chris Forcand/log5

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Chris Forcand whoring himself out to a clone of an American hero on MSN.


Solid Snake says:
[email protected] says:
Solid Snake says:
hold on
Solid Snake says:
phew that was close he almost saw me
Solid Snake says:
go on webcam
[email protected] says:
Solid Snake says:
Solid Snake says:
let me get it set up
[email protected] says:
Solid Snake says:
sorry im takin so long im nervous
Solid Snake says:
damn codec its giving me so many problems
Solid Snake says:
ok i think i know what im doing
Solid Snake says:
it says "push to talk"
Solid Snake says:

You have asked to have a video and voice conversation with [email protected]. Please wait for a response or Cancel
(Alt+Q) the pending invitation.

[email protected] does not have video and voice conversation installed (or it is disabled) and is not able to accept
your invitation.

Solid Snake says:
go on cam
[email protected] says:
i thought you were
Solid Snake says:
it says your codec is disabled
[email protected] says:
Solid Snake says:
didn't you have nanomachines installed?
[email protected] signed off