Character hate

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characterhate is a LiveJournal for nerdy fandom fags who roleplay as characters in anonymous comments, making fun of hate memes.

Characterhate: Sorry, What?

It's common knowledge that roleplay is already nerdy enough with original characters. Once you throw copyrighted characters into the mix, the shit hits the fan. Or, in this case, the fans hit the shit.

Characterhate was started last Thursday by an EllJay user who does not disclose his or her name. Despite the fact that some of the comments posted on Characterhate are very Internets lulzy, for the most part everything is stupid bullshit about Harry Potter, Doctor Who, Oedipus Rex, Roman Catholicism or Greek Mythology.

The Meltdown

The journal was only updated 15 times, and there have been no updates since December of 2006. However, the whole thing is so hopelessly lame that it deserves a brief mention here, if only as proof of what happens when fantards get bored.

Character hate is part of a series on


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