Chanapocalypse/irc logs/radio 2

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Jul 21 21:15:37 *	variousNick ([email protected]) has left #radio (Leaving.)
Jul 21 21:15:37 <pacifico>	fantasize,
Jul 21 21:15:38 <pacifico>	fantasize,
Jul 21 21:15:39 <pacifico>	fantasize,
Jul 21 21:15:39 <Anonymorse>	what about wutchan?
Jul 21 21:15:39 <MizzCat>	y'all...
Jul 21 21:15:39 <lolxono>	Sniper: the 99chan radio is just PVradio
Jul 21 21:15:39 <pacifico>	fantasize,
Jul 21 21:15:39 <pacifico>	fantasize,
Jul 21 21:15:39 <pacifico>	fantasize,
Jul 21 21:15:39 <pacifico>	fantasize,
Jul 21 21:15:40 <pacifico>	fantasize,
Jul 21 21:15:40 <pacifico>	fantasize,
Jul 21 21:15:40 <pacifico>	fantasize,
Jul 21 21:15:40 <pacifico>	fantasize,
Jul 21 21:15:40 <pacifico>	fantasize,
Jul 21 21:15:40 <pacifico>	fantasize,
Jul 21 21:15:41 <pacifico>	fantasize,
Jul 21 21:15:41 <pacifico>	fantasize,
Jul 21 21:15:41 <pacifico>	fantasize,
Jul 21 21:15:41 <pacifico>	fantasize,
Jul 21 21:15:42 <lolxono>	Sniper: the 99chan radio is just PVradio
Jul 21 21:15:44 <Sniper_Jesus>	oh
Jul 21 21:15:44 <MizzCat>	C'mon now
Jul 21 21:15:48 <Anonymorse>	what about wutchan?
Jul 21 21:15:49 <Anonymorse>	what about wutchan?
Jul 21 21:15:52 *	wat ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:15:57 <OhTheLulz>	wat
Jul 21 21:16:00 <AnounymOS>	It's lulzy, but shit is going to hit us right back in the face. And ddosing korax wsan't lulzy.
Jul 21 21:16:07 <fantasize>	WITH SOME ROBOT VOICE
Jul 21 21:16:09 <fantasize>	LOL
Jul 21 21:16:12 <Seannykun>	oh
Jul 21 21:16:12 <corbs132>	on EVERY chan
Jul 21 21:16:12 <corbs132>	lol
Jul 21 21:16:15 <Seannykun>	we're getting ddos'd
Jul 21 21:16:17 <Seannykun>	lol
Jul 21 21:16:19 <pacifico>	yeah
Jul 21 21:16:19 <corbs132>	 /b/ is down
Jul 21 21:16:19 <pacifico>	we are
Jul 21 21:16:20 <Anonymorse>	lol
Jul 21 21:16:22 <Rei>	DDOS Gaia... or Habbo
Jul 21 21:16:23 *	AciD_BurN has quit (Ping timeout)
Jul 21 21:16:24 <Seannykun>	320mbit at last check
Jul 21 21:16:27 <fantasize>	LOLLLLLLLL
Jul 21 21:16:28 <fantasize>	LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL
Jul 21 21:16:29 <pacifico>	ok
Jul 21 21:16:32 <Sniper_Jesus>	IN DURING EPIC SHITSTORM
Jul 21 21:16:33 <Sniper_Jesus>	IN DURING EPIC SHITSTORM
Jul 21 21:16:34 <Seannykun>	GOOD JOB fantasize
Jul 21 21:16:35 <fantasize>	who just called me off skype
Jul 21 21:16:36 <fantasize>	?
Jul 21 21:16:37 <fantasize>	WHO
Jul 21 21:16:38 <pacifico>	i'm hitting 99chan irc
Jul 21 21:16:39 <corbs132>	take down habbo for the lul
Jul 21 21:16:44 <Seannykun>	whoever ddos'd korax
Jul 21 21:16:45 <Seannykun>	fags
Jul 21 21:16:46 <corbs132>	lulz* also gaia 
Jul 21 21:16:48 <Seannykun>	unnecessary
Jul 21 21:17:05 <nobody|afk>	none of it is necessary
Jul 21 21:17:06 <fantasize>	nah
Jul 21 21:17:06 <fantasize>	get fucked
Jul 21 21:17:06 <fantasize>	do it urself
Jul 21 21:17:06 <fantasize>	someones got my house number
Jul 21 21:17:06 <fantasize>	im not getting swatted
Jul 21 21:17:07 <fantasize>	k
Jul 21 21:17:07 <fantasize>	fuck off
Jul 21 21:17:08 <fantasize>	288mb/s
Jul 21 21:17:08 <fantasize>	it wasnt me
Jul 21 21:17:08 <fantasize>	it was pacifico
Jul 21 21:17:08 <fantasize>	i like korax
Jul 21 21:17:08 <fantasize>	lol
Jul 21 21:17:08 <fantasize>	ne way
Jul 21 21:17:09 <fantasize>	someone has my house number
Jul 21 21:17:09 <nobody|afk>	doesnt make it less funny
Jul 21 21:17:10 <phagocytosis>	raidchan is getting ddosed at 274.9Mbit/s
Jul 21 21:17:10 <fantasize>	they just called me off skype
Jul 21 21:17:16 <fantasize>	with some crappy robot voice
Jul 21 21:17:16 <corbs132>
Jul 21 21:17:22 <pacifico>	korax left RC for pV
Jul 21 21:17:26 <Sniper_Jesus>	^
Jul 21 21:17:29 *	CaptainKaboom ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:17:32 <nobody|afk>	WOW A WHOLE 274mbit
Jul 21 21:17:33 <DSFARGEG>	why are we killing the chans
Jul 21 21:17:35 <nobody|afk>	HOLY FUCK
Jul 21 21:17:36 <pacifico>	is 99chan irc down yet
Jul 21 21:17:36 <lolxono>	GUYS I DON'T HAVE A PHONE I'M SCARED
Jul 21 21:17:37 <DSFARGEG>	goddammit
Jul 21 21:17:38 <pacifico>	is 99chan irc down yet
Jul 21 21:17:38 <pacifico>	is 99chan irc down yet
Jul 21 21:17:39 <pacifico>	is 99chan irc down yet
Jul 21 21:17:39 <pacifico>	is 99chan irc down yet
Jul 21 21:17:41 <lolxono>	no
Jul 21 21:17:44 <artwctp>	Evil1 are you Casino?
Jul 21 21:17:45 <phagocytosis>	nobody I didn't say it was a lot
Jul 21 21:17:47 <lolxono>	maybe
Jul 21 21:17:49 <pacifico>	fantasize, this is the last one
Jul 21 21:17:50 <pacifico>
Jul 21 21:17:51 <pacifico>	gogogogo
Jul 21 21:17:52 <pacifico>	99chan irc
Jul 21 21:17:56 <nobody|afk>	phagocytosis i know i was just loling at it
Jul 21 21:17:57 <Dr_Jew>	pacifico, yes
Jul 21 21:18:04 <phagocytosis>	and that's proabably a combined effort
Jul 21 21:18:05 <fantasize>	pacifico
Jul 21 21:18:07 *	BRUCER ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:18:07 <Evil1>	lolwut?
Jul 21 21:18:08 <Anonymorse>	netcollect is not being hit at all
Jul 21 21:18:11 <Anonymorse>	which means
Jul 21 21:18:11 *	AnounymOS has changed the topic to: Wasn't us
Jul 21 21:18:12 *	poffy has quit (Quit: night)
Jul 21 21:18:15 <nobody|afk>	phagocytosis whoevers trying to ddos us should get more bots
Jul 21 21:18:16 <Evil1>	pacifico, tell artwctp who i am
Jul 21 21:18:18 <Anonymorse>	we go there for backup
Jul 21 21:18:21 <pacifico>	Evil1 is awesome
Jul 21 21:18:21 <corbs132> is up
Jul 21 21:18:24 <pacifico>	he's my main nigga
Jul 21 21:18:26 *	pacifico gives channel operator status to ShitRadioBot
Jul 21 21:18:26 *	[SonyBravia] removes channel operator status from ShitRadioBot
Jul 21 21:18:28 <pacifico>	.aop add ShitRadioBot 
Jul 21 21:18:28 *	[SonyBravia] gives channel operator status to ShitRadioBot
Jul 21 21:18:31 *	[SonyBravia] gives channel operator status to ShitRadioBot
Jul 21 21:18:31 <pacifico>	!radio
Jul 21 21:18:35 <pacifico>	!radio
Jul 21 21:18:36 <pacifico>	!radio
Jul 21 21:18:37 <pacifico>	omfg
Jul 21 21:18:39 <Sleep>	.halfop anondogwalker
Jul 21 21:18:39 *	[SonyBravia] gives channel half-operator status to AnonDogWalker
Jul 21 21:18:39 *	[SonyBravia] removes channel half-operator status from AnonDogWalker
Jul 21 21:18:39 *	[SonyBravia] gives channel operator status to ShitRadioBot
Jul 21 21:18:40 <pacifico>	its the ddos
Jul 21 21:18:41 *	nobody|afk removes ban on *!*
Jul 21 21:18:41 <Seannykun>	nobody|afk
Jul 21 21:18:42 <AnounymOS>	!msg Wasn't us
Jul 21 21:18:42 <pacifico>	thats whats making it lag
Jul 21 21:18:42 <phagocytosis>	we didn't hit, we hit
Jul 21 21:18:44 <Sniper_Jesus>	AQUIRE MORE BOTS
Jul 21 21:18:46 *	[SonyBravia] gives channel operator status to ShitRadioBot
Jul 21 21:18:48 <Seannykun>	it's one of the highest I've seen
Jul 21 21:18:49 <nobody|afk>	its not the ddos
Jul 21 21:18:50 <Seannykun>	I'm lol'ing
Jul 21 21:18:52 <corbs132>	oh
Jul 21 21:18:52 <nobody|afk>	the bot was banned
Jul 21 21:18:53 <nobody|afk>	!radio
Jul 21 21:18:53 <Anonymorse>	BUILD ADDITIONAL PYLONS
Jul 21 21:18:53 *	[SonyBravia] gives channel operator status to ShitRadioBot
Jul 21 21:18:54 <fantasize>	pacifico
Jul 21 21:18:55 <Seannykun>	still way too low to do shit
Jul 21 21:18:57 <pacifico>	its op'd
Jul 21 21:18:57 <fantasize>	read fucken pm
Jul 21 21:18:59 <nobody|afk>	oh
Jul 21 21:19:00 <pacifico>	ok
Jul 21 21:19:02 *	[SonyBravia] gives channel operator status to ShitRadioBot
Jul 21 21:19:02 <nobody|afk>	its broken again
Jul 21 21:19:03 <ShitRadioBot>	\\\ Raidchan Radio - SEE TOPIC \\\ Listeners: 46/500 (Peak: 52) \\\ Song: Immortal Technique - Bin Laden \\\ DJ: pacifico \\\ Listen:
Jul 21 21:19:03 <nobody|afk>	stupid pos
Jul 21 21:19:04 *	BRUCER is now known as Rekka
Jul 21 21:19:07 *	ShitRadioBot has changed the topic to: \\\ Raidchan Radio - Wasn't us \\\ Listeners: 47/500 (Peak: 52) \\\ Song: Immortal Technique - Bin Laden \\\ DJ: pacifico \\\ Listen:
Jul 21 21:19:08 <corbs132>	any java based ddos tools
Jul 21 21:19:09 <nobody|afk>	oh there it goes
Jul 21 21:19:09 <pacifico>	what the fuck
Jul 21 21:19:10 <pacifico>	illr estart it
Jul 21 21:19:11 <ShitRadioBot>	\\\ Raidchan Radio - Wasn't us \\\ Listeners: 48/500 (Peak: 52) \\\ Song: Immortal Technique - Bin Laden \\\ DJ: pacifico \\\ Listen:
Jul 21 21:19:16 <corbs132>	i had one for co$ raid in december
Jul 21 21:19:17 <Sniper_Jesus>	52 peak
Jul 21 21:19:18 *	AciD_BurN ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:19:20 <corbs132>	but lost it
Jul 21 21:19:24 <Tiak>	lol
Jul 21 21:19:25 <Anonymorse>	DAMN
Jul 21 21:19:26 <DSFARGEG>	IT WAS US
Jul 21 21:19:30 <DSFARGEG>	WE DDoS'D THE CHANS
Jul 21 21:19:32 <Anonymorse>	RC is getting hit big tiem
Jul 21 21:19:35 <DSFARGEG>	WE DID IT
Jul 21 21:19:36 <DSFARGEG>	WE DID IT
Jul 21 21:19:41 <DSFARGEG>	ITS OUR FAULT
Jul 21 21:19:44 <nobody|afk>	meh 472mbit
Jul 21 21:19:45 <Tiak>	lmao
Jul 21 21:19:49 <pacifico>	yeah
Jul 21 21:19:51 <nobody|afk>	if they double it it might matter
Jul 21 21:19:51 *	ShitRadioBot has changed the topic to: \\\ Raidchan Radio - Wasn't us \\\ Listeners: 46/500 (Peak: 52) \\\ Song: Immortal Technique - Caught in a Hustle \\\ DJ: pacifico \\\ Listen:
Jul 21 21:19:51 <Sniper_Jesus>	somebody start banning spais
Jul 21 21:19:51 <pacifico>	we're being ddos'd
Jul 21 21:19:52 <pacifico>	we're being ddos'd
Jul 21 21:19:54 <pacifico>	lol
Jul 21 21:19:55 <Hoggs>
Jul 21 21:19:55 <Hoggs>	lol
Jul 21 21:19:55 <MizzCat>	let's all get icecream!
Jul 21 21:19:56 <Tiak>	I like the handy meter on the cite
Jul 21 21:19:56 <Tiak>	*site
Jul 21 21:20:00 <MizzCat>	icecream
Jul 21 21:20:00 <pacifico>	.kb DSFARGEG 
Jul 21 21:20:00 *	[SonyBravia] sets ban on *!*@6145E817.2FA243E2.73079CD3.IP
Jul 21 21:20:00 *	[SonyBravia] has kicked DSFARGEG from #radio (Requested)
Jul 21 21:20:01 <AnounymOS>	Yer
Jul 21 21:20:01 <nobody|afk>	337
Jul 21 21:20:02 <Tiak>	486.66 mbits in
Jul 21 21:20:03 <MizzCat>	NAO
Jul 21 21:20:04 <Sniper_Jesus>	its noticable right now
Jul 21 21:20:08 <AnounymOS>	It's suposed to measure ddos
Jul 21 21:20:13 <phagocytosis>	up to 348.94
Jul 21 21:20:15 <nobody|afk>	virals box isnt getting hit at all
Jul 21 21:20:17 <pacifico>	i'm in ssh
Jul 21 21:20:20 <pacifico>	trying to restart the box
Jul 21 21:20:22 <pacifico>	bot
Jul 21 21:20:23 <pacifico>	*
Jul 21 21:20:25 <Tiak>	Hmm, I must've seen a spike
Jul 21 21:20:26 <corbs132>	wow
Jul 21 21:20:26 *	Jimmy ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:20:35 *	pacifico netstat's
Jul 21 21:20:37 *	Jimmy is now known as Klash
Jul 21 21:20:47 <pacifico>	tcp4       0      0  raidchan.http    SYN_RCVD
Jul 21 21:20:47 <pacifico>	tcp4       0      0  raidchan.http    SYN_RCVD
Jul 21 21:20:47 <pacifico>	tcp4       0      0  raidchan.http    SYN_RCVD
Jul 21 21:20:47 <pacifico>	tcp4       0      0  raidchan.http    SYN_RCVD
Jul 21 21:20:47 <pacifico>	tcp4       0      0  raidchan.http    SYN_RCVD
Jul 21 21:20:48 <pacifico>	tcp4       0      0  raidchan.http    SYN_RCVD
Jul 21 21:20:48 <pacifico>	tcp4       0      0  raidchan.http    SYN_RCVD
Jul 21 21:20:48 <pacifico>	tcp4       0      0  raidchan.http    SYN_RCVD
Jul 21 21:20:48 <pacifico>	tcp4       0      0  raidchan.http    SYN_RCVD
Jul 21 21:20:48 <pacifico>	tcp4       0      0  raidchan.http    SYN_RCVD
Jul 21 21:20:48 <pacifico>	tcp4       0      0  raidchan.http    SYN_RCVD
Jul 21 21:20:48 <pacifico>	tcp4       0      0  raidchan.http    SYN_RCVD
Jul 21 21:20:48 <pacifico>	tcp4       0      0  raidchan.http    SYN_RCVD
Jul 21 21:20:48 <pacifico>	tcp4       0      0  raidchan.http          static-78-139-16.3821  SYN_RCVD
Jul 21 21:20:48 <pacifico>	tcp4       0      0  raidchan.http          static-78-139-16.3795  SYN_RCVD
Jul 21 21:20:48 <pacifico>	tcp4       0      0  raidchan.http    SYN_RCVD
Jul 21 21:20:48 <pacifico>	tcp4       0      0  raidchan.http    SYN_RCVD
Jul 21 21:20:48 <pacifico>	tcp4       0      0  raidchan.http          static-78-139-16.4073  SYN_RCVD
Jul 21 21:20:48 <pacifico>	tcp4       0      0  raidchan.http          static-78-139-16.4055  SYN_RCVD
Jul 21 21:20:48 <pacifico>	tcp4       0      0  raidchan.http          static-78-139-16.4061  SYN_RCVD
Jul 21 21:20:48 <pacifico>	tcp4       0      0  raidchan.http          static-78-139-18.1423  SYN_RCVD
Jul 21 21:20:48 <pacifico>	tcp4       0      0  raidchan.http          static-78-139-16.4251  SYN_RCVD
Jul 21 21:20:48 <pacifico>	ok
Jul 21 21:20:52 <pacifico>	its the httpd
Jul 21 21:20:55 <pacifico>	ill just turn that jail off
Jul 21 21:20:55 <Klash>	so i hear you guys are raiderizing all of the chans
Jul 21 21:20:58 *	ShitRadioBot has quit (Client exited)
Jul 21 21:21:00 *	Illumina ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:21:01 <Tiak>	523 mbits
Jul 21 21:21:02 <pacifico>	ok
Jul 21 21:21:02 <Seannykun>	oh shit
Jul 21 21:21:04 <pacifico>	ddos is fix'd
Jul 21 21:21:05 <Seannykun>	530mbit
Jul 21 21:21:05 <Seannykun>	lol
Jul 21 21:21:06 <pacifico>	ddos is fix'd
Jul 21 21:21:13 <pacifico>	i killed the jail
Jul 21 21:21:14 <Seannykun>	pacifico
Jul 21 21:21:16 <Sniper_Jesus>	ah fuck buffer issues
Jul 21 21:21:16 <Seannykun>	stream is down
Jul 21 21:21:18 <pacifico>	oh
Jul 21 21:21:19 <pacifico>	fuck
Jul 21 21:21:19 <Evil1>	you guys must piss off alot of people
Jul 21 21:21:20 *	CountingBodiesLikeSheep ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:21:24 <Sniper_Jesus>	oh shi down?
Jul 21 21:21:25 <nobody|afk>	lol
Jul 21 21:21:29 <Tiak>	lawl
Jul 21 21:21:29 <CountingBodiesLikeSheep>	oh hai
Jul 21 21:21:30 <pacifico>	mother fucker
Jul 21 21:21:30 <nobody|afk>	andy is djing on pvfm
Jul 21 21:21:30 *	Klash has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Firefox])
Jul 21 21:21:31 <pacifico>	is it really
Jul 21 21:21:31 *	RaCo ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:21:32 *	maniacmaster ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:21:32 <corbs132>	this is the real anonymous... hackers on steroids
Jul 21 21:21:32 <corbs132>	lol
Jul 21 21:21:32 <pacifico>	is it really
Jul 21 21:21:34 <pacifico>	is it really down?
Jul 21 21:21:40 <Seannykun>	yeah
Jul 21 21:21:41 <AnounymOS>	We're not anonymous
Jul 21 21:21:42 <CountingBodiesLikeSheep>	sure is DOWN in here
Jul 21 21:21:43 <corbs132>	 i know
Jul 21 21:21:44 <andr0m3da|packing>	hey guys, good job, i have a present for you
Jul 21 21:21:45 <pacifico>	rawr
Jul 21 21:21:47 <AnounymOS>	We're pureblood namefaqs
Jul 21 21:21:49 <corbs132>	we are fighting anonymous
Jul 21 21:21:49 <Seannykun>	sup andr0m3da|packing
Jul 21 21:21:51 <Dr_Jew>	lol 78chan
Jul 21 21:21:52 <nobody|afk>	pacifico you fag, restart the shoutcast
Jul 21 21:21:55 <nobody|afk>	if you broke it
Jul 21 21:21:55 <andr0m3da|packing>
Jul 21 21:21:56 <Seannykun>	^
Jul 21 21:21:57 <andr0m3da|packing>	congrats
Jul 21 21:21:59 <andr0m3da|packing>	there is yer present
Jul 21 21:21:59 <Sniper_Jesus>	PV stream is up
Jul 21 21:21:59 <CountingBodiesLikeSheep>	Haha
Jul 21 21:22:00 <pacifico>	i dont know where it is
Jul 21 21:22:04 <MizzCat>	ice cream????
Jul 21 21:22:05 <klissielove>	LOL
Jul 21 21:22:05 <andr0m3da|packing>	art suggested it
Jul 21 21:22:05 *	ThunderCat ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:22:09 <CountingBodiesLikeSheep>	youll all die soon
Jul 21 21:22:13 <corbs132>	i met a few /b/tards here
Jul 21 21:22:13 <nobody|afk>	shrug in the shoutcast dir
Jul 21 21:22:14 <artwctp>	rally?
Jul 21 21:22:15 <fantasize>	oi
Jul 21 21:22:16 <fantasize>	how can u tell
Jul 21 21:22:16 <fantasize>	if sum 1 is calling u
Jul 21 21:22:16 <corbs132>	i don't know why they admit to it
Jul 21 21:22:17 <fantasize>	off skype
Jul 21 21:22:20 <CountingBodiesLikeSheep>	NIGGERS
Jul 21 21:22:20 <fantasize>	it sounds sorta fucked up yeah
Jul 21 21:22:22 <pacifico>	ok
Jul 21 21:22:23 <pacifico>	its back up
Jul 21 21:22:25 <maniacmaster>	I'm a /b/tard
Jul 21 21:22:26 <Seannykun>	CountingBodiesLikeSheep
Jul 21 21:22:26 <CountingBodiesLikeSheep>	DDOSSSS
Jul 21 21:22:28 <corbs132>	thy are blasting AnounymOS's shit
Jul 21 21:22:29 <Sniper_Jesus>	wait nvm PV is down lol
Jul 21 21:22:29 <lolxono>	liar
Jul 21 21:22:33 <nobody|afk>	lol wtf
Jul 21 21:22:34 <artwctp>	LISTEN TO THE STREAM YO
Jul 21 21:22:34 <corbs132>	its good though
Jul 21 21:22:35 <corbs132>	lol
Jul 21 21:22:38 <artwctp>	!radio
Jul 21 21:22:38 <nobody|afk>	pvfm just dropped
Jul 21 21:22:42 *	CountingBodiesLikeSheep has quit (Client exited)
Jul 21 21:22:43 <Seannykun>	yeah
Jul 21 21:22:44 <Seannykun>	ours is up
Jul 21 21:22:46 <nobody|afk>	oh there it goes
Jul 21 21:22:49 <Illumina>	zerochan lives
Jul 21 21:22:50 *	CountingBodiesLikeSheep ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:22:53 <Illumina>	for whatever reason
Jul 21 21:22:54 <Sniper_Jesus>	woot
Jul 21 21:22:55 <Seannykun>	sup CountingBodiesLikeSheep
Jul 21 21:23:08 <Illumina>	99chans irc got hammered
Jul 21 21:23:14 <Sniper_Jesus>	how
Jul 21 21:23:15 <Sniper_Jesus>	?
Jul 21 21:23:17 <Illumina>	iunno
Jul 21 21:23:23 <CountingBodiesLikeSheep>	hai seanny
Jul 21 21:23:24 <Illumina>	I fail
Jul 21 21:23:25 <lolxono>	It was funny
Jul 21 21:23:26 <Seannykun>	sup
Jul 21 21:23:28 <pacifico>	in b4 box dies
Jul 21 21:23:32 <Illumina>	I only lurks
Jul 21 21:23:32 <CountingBodiesLikeSheep>	is raidchan slow?
Jul 21 21:23:36 <Seannykun>	no
Jul 21 21:23:39 <Sniper_Jesus>	no
Jul 21 21:23:41 <lolxono>	RC R DDOS I R REPORT BAWWWWWWW
Jul 21 21:23:43 *	poon is now known as CrAsH_oVeRrIdE
Jul 21 21:23:47 <nobody|afk>	lol pvfm radio has andy on air whining about "we had a korax show going but we got ddosd"
Jul 21 21:23:49 *	itacc has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Firefox])
Jul 21 21:23:49 *	ShitRadioBot ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:23:49 <nobody|afk>	lol
Jul 21 21:23:49 *	[SonyBravia] gives channel operator status to ShitRadioBot
Jul 21 21:23:54 *	Pedro ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:23:54 <pacifico>	!radio
Jul 21 21:23:54 <ShitRadioBot>	\\\ Raidchan Radio \\\ Listeners: 16/500 (Peak: 17) \\\ Song: Immortal Technique - Fight until the end \\\ DJ: pacifico \\\ Listen:
Jul 21 21:23:55 *	ShitRadioBot has changed the topic to: \\\ Raidchan Radio \\\ Listeners: 16/500 (Peak: 17) \\\ Song: Immortal Technique - Fight until the end \\\ DJ: pacifico \\\ Listen:
Jul 21 21:23:55 <Sniper_Jesus>	lol ownt
Jul 21 21:23:57 <CountingBodiesLikeSheep>	then whats the commotion
Jul 21 21:23:59 <lolxono>	comedy
Jul 21 21:24:02 *	CrAsH_oVeRrIdE is now known as CrasH_OverridE
Jul 21 21:24:05 <Seannykun>	Nothing, CountingBodiesLikeSheep
Jul 21 21:24:16 <lolxono>	ircdrama, that's it
Jul 21 21:24:18 <CountingBodiesLikeSheep>	hmmmm
Jul 21 21:24:18 *	CrasH_OverridE is now known as poon
Jul 21 21:24:19 <ThunderCat>	wut is this nigra music
Jul 21 21:24:21 <Sniper_Jesus>	I REQUEST "SO I HERD U LIEK MUSICS"
Jul 21 21:24:27 <Seannykun>	530mbit ddos hitting us, CountingBodiesLikeSheep, but it's not affecting us in the slightest
Jul 21 21:24:29 <pacifico>	ok
Jul 21 21:24:31 *	RaCo has quit (Quit: brb, windows.)
Jul 21 21:24:34 -Global-	[pacifico] Ops: start bannign spais
Jul 21 21:24:43 <Dr_Jew>	great ddos guiez
Jul 21 21:24:44 <CountingBodiesLikeSheep>	oh
Jul 21 21:24:52 -Global-	[AnounymOS] Lol, you deal with it. You brought them here.
Jul 21 21:24:53 <nobody|afk>	andy and some faggot are on skype theyre calling rax lol
Jul 21 21:24:55 <Sniper_Jesus>	start banning spais
Jul 21 21:24:55 <maniacmaster>	no rly, I liek mudkips, and am also over 9000
Jul 21 21:24:56 <pacifico>	hey
Jul 21 21:24:57 <Anonymorse>	[00:24:05] -Global- [pacifico] Ops: start bannign spais
Jul 21 21:24:57 *	Welchd has quit (Input/output error)
Jul 21 21:24:57 <Anonymorse>	[00:24:05] -Global- [pacifico] Ops: start bannign spais
Jul 21 21:24:57 <Anonymorse>	[00:24:05] -Global- [pacifico] Ops: start bannign spais
Jul 21 21:24:59 <CountingBodiesLikeSheep>	brb turning up the VOLUME
Jul 21 21:25:01 <pacifico>	it was nt just me fgt
Jul 21 21:25:07 *	HKK ([email protected]) has left #radio
Jul 21 21:25:10 <pacifico>	.kb CountingBodiesLikeSheep 
Jul 21 21:25:10 *	[SonyBravia] sets ban on *!*
Jul 21 21:25:10 *	[SonyBravia] has kicked CountingBodiesLikeSheep from #radio (Requested)
Jul 21 21:25:13 <ShitRadioBot>	Error getting stream data
Jul 21 21:25:17 <Illumina>	spais?
Jul 21 21:25:18 <nobody|afk>	who cares about spais let them spai
Jul 21 21:25:18 <Seannykun>	[23:32:38] <CountingBodiesLikeSheep> brb turning up the VOLUME <--- lol
Jul 21 21:25:22 <lolxono>	that's funny, 500mbit does nothing. GG on the new servers trapdoor
Jul 21 21:25:23 <nobody|afk>	what are they gonna do
Jul 21 21:25:24 <pacifico>	stream still up?
Jul 21 21:25:26 *	fantasize is now known as f
Jul 21 21:25:28 <Sniper_Jesus>	ours is
Jul 21 21:25:32 <nobody|afk>	so is pvfm
Jul 21 21:25:32 <pacifico>	ok
Jul 21 21:25:34 <wat>	OOOH I AM A SPAIZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Jul 21 21:25:39 <Illumina>	spies be sappin mah radios
Jul 21 21:25:40 <Dr_Jew>	SPAI
Jul 21 21:25:42 <pacifico>	.kb lolxono 
Jul 21 21:25:42 *	[SonyBravia] sets ban on *!*@64A60155.589A7ABB.4E913C96.IP
Jul 21 21:25:42 *	[SonyBravia] has kicked lolxono from #radio (Requested)
Jul 21 21:25:44 <pacifico>	!radio
Jul 21 21:25:44 <ShitRadioBot>	The radio stream is currently down or unavailable.
Jul 21 21:25:46 <Sniper_Jesus>	ownt
Jul 21 21:25:46 <pacifico>	what
Jul 21 21:25:47 <pacifico>	!radio
Jul 21 21:25:52 <pacifico>	what the fuck is this shit
Jul 21 21:25:56 <nobody|afk>	bots stupid
Jul 21 21:25:58 <themaster1>	its up
Jul 21 21:26:01 <Sniper_Jesus>	hurf durf
Jul 21 21:26:01 <artwctp>	its up
Jul 21 21:26:02 <Illumina>	the entire internet is being attacked
Jul 21 21:26:06 <Illumina>	wait a moment
Jul 21 21:26:06 <Sniper_Jesus>	^
Jul 21 21:26:11 <phagocytosis>	I couldn't connect for a minute though
Jul 21 21:26:11 <corbs132>	i'm impressed by the way
Jul 21 21:26:15 <GameBoyColored>	lol
Jul 21 21:26:19 *	jerrcs ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:26:20 <Sniper_Jesus>	thats nice corbs
Jul 21 21:26:22 <themaster1>	7/21-7/22... the day the internet was killed
Jul 21 21:26:23 <pacifico>	OK
Jul 21 21:26:24 <pacifico>	GUYS
Jul 21 21:26:25 <pacifico>	EPIC SONG
Jul 21 21:26:26 <pacifico>	GOING ON
Jul 21 21:26:26 <corbs132>	is there a single site organizing the attack or just right in here
Jul 21 21:26:27 <pacifico>	!radio
Jul 21 21:26:27 <ShitRadioBot>	\\\ Raidchan Radio \\\ Listeners: 18/500 (Peak: 18) \\\ Song: Immortal Technique - Fight until the end \\\ DJ: pacifico \\\ Listen:
Jul 21 21:26:29 <pacifico>	no
Jul 21 21:26:29 <Illumina>	all that is /b/ is now let loose on the internets
Jul 21 21:26:30 <Sniper_Jesus>	NEVER FORGET
Jul 21 21:26:30 <ThunderCat>	im bored and i want my /b/
Jul 21 21:26:31 <pacifico>	wrong faggot
Jul 21 21:26:32 <pacifico>	!radio
Jul 21 21:26:34 <nobody|afk>	pacifico read your pm faggot
Jul 21 21:26:35 <Sniper_Jesus>	NEVER FORGET
Jul 21 21:26:39 <nobody|afk>	and then ignore it
Jul 21 21:26:43 <jerrcs>	hey pacifico mind pming? :p
Jul 21 21:26:43 <corbs132>	oh god the asshole of the internet is ruptured
Jul 21 21:26:44 <defleppard>	lol
Jul 21 21:26:47 *	OhTheLulz has quit (Quit: OhTheLulz)
Jul 21 21:26:50 <jerrcs>	it's important...
Jul 21 21:26:50 *	wat has quit (User has been permanently banned from Raidchan (no reason))
Jul 21 21:26:53 <Illumina>	digital diahrhea
Jul 21 21:26:54 <pacifico>	jerrcs, yeah
Jul 21 21:26:58 <pacifico>	thats fine
Jul 21 21:27:00 <Sniper_Jesus>	corbs: like the goatse mans ass
Jul 21 21:27:03 <ThunderCat>	aidz is aliveeee
Jul 21 21:27:05 <pacifico>	!radio
Jul 21 21:27:05 <ShitRadioBot>	\\\ Raidchan Radio \\\ Listeners: 21/500 (Peak: 21) \\\ Song: Immortal Technique - Fight until the end \\\ DJ: pacifico \\\ Listen:
Jul 21 21:27:07 <pacifico>	WHAT THE FUCK
Jul 21 21:27:08 <maniacmaster>	so you guys raid chans huh?
Jul 21 21:27:12 <pacifico>	THIS IS NOT THE SONG PLAYING
Jul 21 21:27:12 <corbs132>	sniper: oh god...
Jul 21 21:27:14 <Sniper_Jesus>	lulz
Jul 21 21:27:17 <Illumina>	partyvan radio is going! poo on your radio, im listening to daft punk
Jul 21 21:27:40 <themaster1>	lol
Jul 21 21:27:42 <corbs132>	i have bunch of live daft punk
Jul 21 21:27:45 *	jesus_9001 ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:27:46 <corbs132>	if anyone wants it
Jul 21 21:27:48 *	sigma ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:27:57 <Sniper_Jesus>	PV is talking crap on stream
Jul 21 21:28:03 <corbs132>	lol
Jul 21 21:28:03 <Illumina>	lol I like how the bandwidth meter on just stopped working
Jul 21 21:28:05 <themaster1>	RS it and post to 4chan... oh wait.. haha
Jul 21 21:28:25 <pacifico>	partyvan's stream ip plz
Jul 21 21:28:32 <corbs132>	 /r/ link to pv stream
Jul 21 21:28:33 <AnounymOS>	Don't.
Jul 21 21:28:34 <pacifico>	Illumina, i killed httpd
Jul 21 21:28:40 <pacifico>	actually
Jul 21 21:28:40 <pacifico>	yeah
Jul 21 21:28:42 <pacifico>	bad idea
Jul 21 21:28:49 <Snowy>	lolwuts going on
Jul 21 21:28:50 <corbs132> down
Jul 21 21:28:50 *	Seannykun removes ban on *!*@64A60155.589A7ABB.4E913C96.IP
Jul 21 21:28:55 <Seannykun>	I know him, pacifico
Jul 21 21:28:57 <Seannykun>	leave him lol
Jul 21 21:29:03 *	lolxono ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:29:08 <lolxono>	:(
Jul 21 21:29:15 <nobody|afk>	uh
Jul 21 21:29:17 <nobody|afk>	no its not
Jul 21 21:29:18 <Seannykun>	pacifico
Jul 21 21:29:18 <themaster1>	radio
Jul 21 21:29:19 *	lolxono has quit (User has been permanently banned from Raidchan (no reason))
Jul 21 21:29:21 *	jesus_9001 is now known as goastemaster
Jul 21 21:29:22 <pacifico>	what
Jul 21 21:29:26 <corbs132>	lol @ no reason
Jul 21 21:29:27 <Illumina>	cue up that orchestral piece with the umm swarming bee or something or another
Jul 21 21:29:27 <Seannykun>	nobody|afk
Jul 21 21:29:29 <Seannykun>	that's xenu
Jul 21 21:29:31 <Seannykun>	fag
Jul 21 21:29:32 <Illumina>	wtf I cant remember it
Jul 21 21:29:33 <pacifico>	!radio
Jul 21 21:29:33 <ShitRadioBot>	\\\ Raidchan Radio \\\ Listeners: 229/500 (Peak: 275) \\\ Song: Immortal Technique - Fight until the end \\\ DJ: pacifico \\\ Listen:
Jul 21 21:29:33 <Sniper_Jesus>	lulz korax is playing OS
Jul 21 21:29:36 <pacifico>	what the fuck
Jul 21 21:29:42 <pacifico>	its stuck
Jul 21 21:29:43 <nobody|afk>	its not korax with the stream
Jul 21 21:29:45 <f>	hey
Jul 21 21:29:45 <f>	usually when fags
Jul 21 21:29:45 <f>	call u
Jul 21 21:29:45 <f>	off skype
Jul 21 21:29:46 <f>	they keep calling back
Jul 21 21:29:46 <f>	yeah
Jul 21 21:29:47 <Seannykun>	!radio
Jul 21 21:29:47 <ShitRadioBot>	\\\ Raidchan Radio \\\ Listeners: 91/500 (Peak: 275) \\\ Song: Immortal Technique - Fight until the end \\\ DJ: pacifico \\\ Listen:
Jul 21 21:29:48 <nobody|afk>	its andy and they were on skype
Jul 21 21:29:49 <GameBoyColored>	wat
Jul 21 21:29:51 *	ShitRadioBot has quit (Client exited)
Jul 21 21:29:52 <Seannykun>	91 listeners
Jul 21 21:29:56 <Seannykun>	is it accurate?
Jul 21 21:29:59 <nobody|afk>	uhm
Jul 21 21:30:00 <corbs132>	ya
Jul 21 21:30:01 <Anonymorse> <-- homor00t's ip
Jul 21 21:30:02 <Anonymorse> <-- homor00t's ip
Jul 21 21:30:02 <Anonymorse> <-- homor00t's ip
Jul 21 21:30:02 <Anonymorse> <-- homor00t's ip
Jul 21 21:30:02 <Anonymorse> <-- homor00t's ip
Jul 21 21:30:03 <nobody|afk>	sec ill tell you
Jul 21 21:30:11 <AnounymOS>	DOn't
Jul 21 21:30:12 <AnounymOS>	Hit
Jul 21 21:30:14 <Illumina>	play some epic music plz
Jul 21 21:30:14 <AnounymOS>	PV
Jul 21 21:30:16 <pacifico>	ok
Jul 21 21:30:18 <Illumina>	this is epic tiem
Jul 21 21:30:23 <klissielove>	truth
Jul 21 21:30:30 *	Pedro has quit (Quit: leaving)
Jul 21 21:30:30 <AnounymOS>	!msg Wasn't us. Get out.
Jul 21 21:30:31 <corbs132>	where are you guys from (on the internet)
Jul 21 21:30:38 <Seannykun>	gah
Jul 21 21:30:38 <Seannykun>	nobody|afk
Jul 21 21:30:41 <Seannykun>	if it is accurate
Jul 21 21:30:46 <Seannykun>	doesn't matter, stream is dead currently
Jul 21 21:30:47 <nobody|afk>	its not
Jul 21 21:30:52 <nobody|afk>	that bot is a pos
Jul 21 21:30:53 <Illumina>	streams crashed
Jul 21 21:30:59 <Seannykun>	nobody|afk
Jul 21 21:31:01 <Illumina>	buffering
Jul 21 21:31:04 <Seannykun>	it's dead currently, not the fucking bot
Jul 21 21:31:05 <pacifico>	ok
Jul 21 21:31:07 <defleppard>	1
Jul 21 21:31:08 <pacifico>	is the stream working now
Jul 21 21:31:10 <Seannykun>	ICY 401 service unavailable
Jul 21 21:31:10 <pacifico>	what song is playing
Jul 21 21:31:11 <nobody|afk>	its back
Jul 21 21:31:12 <Illumina>	its iffy
Jul 21 21:31:15 <Seannykun>	fixt
Jul 21 21:31:16 <Seannykun>	yeah
Jul 21 21:31:20 <Illumina>	five man electrical band
Jul 21 21:31:21 <Seannykun>	signs still, paci
Jul 21 21:31:22 <Illumina>	signs
Jul 21 21:31:24 <corbs132>	or just ignore me...
Jul 21 21:31:31 <AnounymOS>	Hoho
Jul 21 21:31:32 <corbs132>	also /r/ some say anything
Jul 21 21:31:37 *	nater_ ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:31:48 <Illumina>	Am there a request commands?
Jul 21 21:31:51 <Sniper_Jesus>	whats going on now?
Jul 21 21:31:59 <nobody|afk>	pacifico did you read what i pasted you faggot
Jul 21 21:32:02 <GameBoyColored>	wat
Jul 21 21:32:05 *	nater_ ([email protected]) has left #radio (Leaving)
Jul 21 21:32:07 <phagocytosis>	no, no request command currently
Jul 21 21:32:12 <Anonymorse>	/say /r/ "Dies Irae" and "O Fortuna"
Jul 21 21:32:12 <themaster1>	lol
Jul 21 21:32:17 <Anonymorse>	/r/ "Dies Irae" and "O Fortuna"
Jul 21 21:32:17 <themaster1>	!radio
Jul 21 21:32:18 <Illumina>	all known uncivilazation on the internet is being raped
Jul 21 21:32:26 <Anonymorse>	on repeat
Jul 21 21:32:27 <Anonymorse>	DO EET
Jul 21 21:32:36 <corbs132>	!request Baby Girl, I'm a Blur - Say Anything
Jul 21 21:32:37 <Illumina>	please be patient while we resolve the issue
Jul 21 21:32:55 <Anonymorse>	 <Illumina> please be patient while we poop on the tissue
Jul 21 21:32:56 <goastemaster>	Whats wrong with the radio?
Jul 21 21:33:02 <pacifico>	ok
Jul 21 21:33:03 <corbs132>	i love that 4chan is getting raped so hard while they act so invincible
Jul 21 21:33:09 <pacifico>	whatson the air right now
Jul 21 21:33:19 <corbs132>	!radio
Jul 21 21:33:20 <phagocytosis>	old call to moot
Jul 21 21:33:22 <themaster1>	you guys rock. adios
Jul 21 21:33:23 <Seannykun>	pacifico
Jul 21 21:33:24 *	ShitRadioBot ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:33:24 *	[SonyBravia] gives channel operator status to ShitRadioBot
Jul 21 21:33:27 <pacifico>	!radio
Jul 21 21:33:27 <ShitRadioBot>	\\\ Raidchan Radio \\\ Listeners: 14/500 (Peak: 15) \\\ Song: John Lennon - Working Class Hero \\\ DJ: pacifico \\\ Listen:
Jul 21 21:33:28 <Anonymorse>	oh btw
Jul 21 21:33:29 <pacifico>	ok
Jul 21 21:33:29 *	ShitRadioBot has changed the topic to: \\\ Raidchan Radio \\\ Listeners: 14/500 (Peak: 15) \\\ Song: John Lennon - Working Class Hero \\\ DJ: pacifico \\\ Listen:
Jul 21 21:33:30 *	corbs132 ([email protected]) has left #radio
Jul 21 21:33:30 <pacifico>	its working
Jul 21 21:33:31 *	themaster1 has quit (Quit: sleep)
Jul 21 21:33:33 <Anonymorse>	ED IS BACK
Jul 21 21:33:33 <Seannykun>	working class hero
Jul 21 21:33:36 <Seannykun>	I like that song
Jul 21 21:33:37 <Seannykun>	a lot.
Jul 21 21:33:37 <phagocytosis>	from I think the caturday nap or something else from some time ago
Jul 21 21:33:37 *	corbs132 ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:33:39 <pacifico>	everything is back
Jul 21 21:33:41 <Illumina>	!request tenacious D tribute
Jul 21 21:33:42 <corbs132>	!radio
Jul 21 21:33:42 <ShitRadioBot>	\\\ Raidchan Radio \\\ Listeners: 14/500 (Peak: 15) \\\ Song: John Lennon - Working Class Hero \\\ DJ: pacifico \\\ Listen:
Jul 21 21:33:42 *	pissfoot is now known as wired
Jul 21 21:33:49 <Illumina>	aww no !request
Jul 21 21:33:58 <Seannykun>	Illumina we had a request function
Jul 21 21:34:00 <corbs132>	i know
Jul 21 21:34:01 <Seannykun>	but it's broke now
Jul 21 21:34:02 *	maniacmaster ([email protected]) has left #radio
Jul 21 21:34:11 <phagocytosis>	we should get anon101 to work that into satan
Jul 21 21:34:16 <corbs132>	where is everyone from, netcollect?
Jul 21 21:34:26 <phagocytosis>	since he has the most functional bot right now
Jul 21 21:34:35 <Seannykun>	corbs132: no
Jul 21 21:34:38 *	viraL ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:34:42 <corbs132>	where?
Jul 21 21:34:45 <viraL>	fucking baww more pacifico
Jul 21 21:34:48 <viraL>	what do you expect
Jul 21 21:34:50 <viraL>	you go out of control
Jul 21 21:34:55 <viraL>	so you can use your own shit
Jul 21 21:34:58 *	chet ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:35:00 *	f has quit (User has been permanently banned from Raidchan (bye))
Jul 21 21:35:15 <Anonymorse>	guise
Jul 21 21:35:17 <phagocytosis>	lol wut
Jul 21 21:35:21 <Anonymorse>	DRDoS
Jul 21 21:35:25 <Anonymorse>	how do you do it
Jul 21 21:35:32 <Dr_Jew>	can i help ddos
Jul 21 21:35:36 <Seannykun>	530mbit ddos
Jul 21 21:35:37 <Seannykun>	still
Jul 21 21:35:44 <Seannykun>	hitting the webserver
Jul 21 21:35:49 <Illumina>	so why is Zerochan unscathed?
Jul 21 21:35:49 <corbs132>	ill help dos if you give me something cross platform
Jul 21 21:35:58 <Anonymorse>	zerochan is cool
Jul 21 21:36:00 <Anonymorse>	don't hit it
Jul 21 21:36:13 *	mib_dqczo9 ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:36:23 <Illumina>	And dont ask why I know, but why arent the furries included in the firestorm?
Jul 21 21:36:25 *	raptor-jesus has quit (Quit: )
Jul 21 21:36:36 <klissielove>	hahaha
Jul 21 21:36:36 *	Seannykun is now known as PartyVanSpai
Jul 21 21:36:51 <mib_dqczo9>	when did you guys come up with this?
Jul 21 21:36:53 <corbs132>	i love how fchan's /f/ board "females" is all furries
Jul 21 21:36:53 <corbs132>	lol
Jul 21 21:36:56 <mib_dqczo9>	the amount of lulz is amazing
Jul 21 21:37:04 <mib_dqczo9>	on the irc's 7chan is freaking out
Jul 21 21:37:05 *	f ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:37:09 <mib_dqczo9>	99chan has given up
Jul 21 21:37:11 <Dr_Jew>	shit a spy
Jul 21 21:37:14 <PartyVanSpai>	Sup.,
Jul 21 21:37:16 *	artwctp has quit (Ping timeout)
Jul 21 21:37:20 <Snowy>	lol'
Jul 21 21:37:20 <Snowy>	d
Jul 21 21:37:22 <mib_dqczo9>	4chan is like "lol no u"
Jul 21 21:37:23 *	ShitRadioBot has changed the topic to: \\\ Raidchan Radio \\\ Listeners: 15/500 (Peak: 15) \\\ Song: John Lennon - Grow Old With Me \\\ DJ: pacifico \\\ Listen:
Jul 21 21:37:24 *	PartyVanSpai is now known as Seannykun
Jul 21 21:37:29 <Snowy>	whats going on?
Jul 21 21:37:36 <Seannykun>	dunno, lol
Jul 21 21:37:38 <phagocytosis>	pandelerium
Jul 21 21:37:46 <corbs132>	frosted butts
Jul 21 21:37:46 <Snowy>	..
Jul 21 21:37:48 <Seannykun>	listener count is all fucked up, from what I can tell
Jul 21 21:37:50 <Snowy>	if u say madagascar
Jul 21 21:37:51 <Rei>	Im surprise fchan isnt down yet
Jul 21 21:37:52 <Snowy>	i will kick u
Jul 21 21:37:53 <Snowy>	o_o
Jul 21 21:37:59 <phagocytosis>	rofl
Jul 21 21:38:00 *	Teffen ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:38:02 <corbs132>	lol
Jul 21 21:38:04 <Rei>	Fucking madagascar
Jul 21 21:38:07 *	Snowy has kicked Rei from #radio (Snowy)
Jul 21 21:38:08 <Illumina>	I'm surprised... ITS NOT BUTTER
Jul 21 21:38:09 <corbs132>	ROFL
Jul 21 21:38:10 <Snowy>	o_o
Jul 21 21:38:12 <phagocytosis>	dumbass
Jul 21 21:38:13 *	Rei ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:38:13 <Seannykun>	Snowy
Jul 21 21:38:15 <Rei>	D:
Jul 21 21:38:15 <Teffen>	Hi, I'm teffen, who's incharge around here
Jul 21 21:38:19 *	f has quit (User has been permanently banned from Raidchan (not welcome))
Jul 21 21:38:23 <Illumina>	steve
Jul 21 21:38:26 <Illumina>	hes over there
Jul 21 21:38:27 <Seannykun>	Hi Teffen, I'm Sean, how are you?
Jul 21 21:38:28 <Hoggs>	lol Rei
Jul 21 21:38:28 <Rei>	I didnt realize you said kick
Jul 21 21:38:29 <Rei>	lol
Jul 21 21:38:32 <Rei>	I thought kill
Jul 21 21:38:37 <Snowy>	im not ircop
Jul 21 21:38:37 <Snowy>	lol
Jul 21 21:38:38 <Teffen>	Seannykun: delightful
Jul 21 21:38:39 <phagocytosis>	in b4 kill
Jul 21 21:38:45 <corbs132>	inb4shitstorm
Jul 21 21:38:48 <Seannykun>	Same, Teffen :D
Jul 21 21:38:50 <Rei>	I hate Madagascar... it wouldnt let Smallcox in
Jul 21 21:38:52 <mib_dqczo9>	inb4chanmageddon
Jul 21 21:38:53 <Seannykun>	Now sup bbycakes
Jul 21 21:38:56 *	Snowy has kicked Rei from #radio (Snowy)
Jul 21 21:38:58 <corbs132>	inb4 mudkipz
Jul 21 21:38:59 *	Rei ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:39:01 <Rei>	>.>
Jul 21 21:39:02 <Seannykun>	Snowy you motherfucker
Jul 21 21:39:03 <phagocytosis>	lol dumbass
Jul 21 21:39:04 <Dr_Jew>	in during shitstorm
Jul 21 21:39:05 <Seannykun>	stop kicking people.
Jul 21 21:39:06 <Snowy>	sup seannykun
Jul 21 21:39:08 <Illumina>	what if its the church of scientology?
Jul 21 21:39:08 <Teffen>	Seannykun: just a quick question, are you guys brewing up some dramastorm with ddos?
Jul 21 21:39:09 <Illumina>	OMFG!
Jul 21 21:39:10 <corbs132>	inb4cp
Jul 21 21:39:12 <Snowy>	i told him not to say madagascar
Jul 21 21:39:13 <Snowy>	:|
Jul 21 21:39:19 <Dr_Jew>	wheres the co
Jul 21 21:39:21 <Teffen>	I don't mind, I just like to know these things
Jul 21 21:39:21 <Dr_Jew>	cp
Jul 21 21:39:21 <corbs132>	@teffen, yeah.
Jul 21 21:39:22 <Rei>	Madagascan
Jul 21 21:39:22 <pacifico>	hey
Jul 21 21:39:22 <mib_dqczo9>	yeah
Jul 21 21:39:23 *	ShitRadioBot has changed the topic to: \\\ Raidchan Radio \\\ Listeners: 14/500 (Peak: 15) \\\ Song: John Lennon  - Instant Karma \\\ DJ: pacifico \\\ Listen:
Jul 21 21:39:23 <Seannykun>	Teffen: Not that I'm aware of, and also I'm not in charge, hon
Jul 21 21:39:24 <pacifico>	is the steam working
Jul 21 21:39:25 <pacifico>	!eadio
Jul 21 21:39:27 <pacifico>	!radio
Jul 21 21:39:27 <ShitRadioBot>	\\\ Raidchan Radio \\\ Listeners: 14/500 (Peak: 15) \\\ Song: John Lennon  - Instant Karma \\\ DJ: pacifico \\\ Listen:
Jul 21 21:39:36 *	Snowy has kicked Rei from #radio (I C WAT U DID THUR)
Jul 21 21:39:36 <mib_dqczo9>	so what client you guys using to do this?
Jul 21 21:39:39 <mib_dqczo9>	bwreap?
Jul 21 21:39:39 *	Rei ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:39:41 <Teffen>	I guess it's a fine time to say I'm from 7chan
Jul 21 21:39:41 <Snowy>	:D
Jul 21 21:39:42 *	DJ-Rom ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:39:42 *	DJ-Rom has quit (Z:lined (Tor exit server detected. See
Jul 21 21:39:43 <Rei>	lol
Jul 21 21:39:44 <corbs132>	Colloquy
Jul 21 21:39:47 <Teffen>	I moderate there
Jul 21 21:39:47 <Dr_Jew>	can you flood 7chan's irc with cp links?
Jul 21 21:39:48 <Seannykun>	ALso, Teffen, we're being DDoS'd ourselves, bbycakes
Jul 21 21:39:51 <Snowy>	lol...
Jul 21 21:39:51 <corbs132>	i like mIRC better though
Jul 21 21:39:57 <Snowy>	i love newfags who are using tor
Jul 21 21:40:03 <corbs132>	lol
Jul 21 21:40:05 *	lawlnonymous ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:40:06 <Teffen>	Dr_Jew: no, I'd loose operator
Jul 21 21:40:07 <Illumina>	stop making the stream notwork
Jul 21 21:40:09 <klissielove>	music stopped?
Jul 21 21:40:09 <corbs132>	i'm @ a college so i don't give a fuck
Jul 21 21:40:10 <Seannykun>	I'd assume it was those ruffians from, Teffen
Jul 21 21:40:11 *	ShitRadioBot has changed the topic to: \\\ Raidchan Radio \\\ Listeners: 14/500 (Peak: 16) \\\ Song: Immortal Technique - Internally bleeding \\\ DJ: pacifico \\\ Listen:
Jul 21 21:40:12 <pacifico>	hey
Jul 21 21:40:15 <pacifico>	someone else take the stream
Jul 21 21:40:20 <Seannykun>	nobody|afk
Jul 21 21:40:20 <Seannykun>	nobody|afk
Jul 21 21:40:20 <Seannykun>	nobody|afk
Jul 21 21:40:21 <Seannykun>	nobody|afk
Jul 21 21:40:21 <Seannykun>	nobody|afk
Jul 21 21:40:25 <mib_dqczo9>	in during flood
Jul 21 21:40:26 <Teffen>	Seannykun: hmm, I'll check that out. 
Jul 21 21:40:29 <pacifico>	someone else take the stream
Jul 21 21:40:30 <Dr_Jew>	teffen, it'd be lulz
Jul 21 21:40:37 <Seannykun>	But, Teffen, don't take my word for it
Jul 21 21:40:44 *	Xenu ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:40:45 <corbs132>	HARVY DENT IS OVER 9000-FACE
Jul 21 21:40:46 <Dr_Jew>	you know you want to , ect
Jul 21 21:40:47 <Illumina>	I do believe the partyvan got ddos'd
Jul 21 21:41:04 <mib_dqczo9>	hey fags
Jul 21 21:41:06 <mib_dqczo9>	harvy dent dies
Jul 21 21:41:10 <mib_dqczo9>	rachel dies
Jul 21 21:41:11 <corbs132>	lol
Jul 21 21:41:12 <Seannykun>	mib_dqczo9
Jul 21 21:41:13 <mib_dqczo9>	batman gets shot
Jul 21 21:41:16 <phagocytosis>	I still believe in Harvey Dent
Jul 21 21:41:17 <Seannykun>	movie spoilers don't bother me
Jul 21 21:41:18 <corbs132>	joker lives
Jul 21 21:41:21 <mib_dqczo9>	no
Jul 21 21:41:22 <mib_dqczo9>	he dies
Jul 21 21:41:24 <lawlnonymous>	I believe in Harvey Dent
Jul 21 21:41:25 <corbs132>	oh shat
Jul 21 21:41:26 <corbs132>	lol
Jul 21 21:41:36 <ThunderCat>	KoraX>	06:36:12°pm (pacifico) yes but shhw e're blaming partyvan
Jul 21 21:41:37 <ThunderCat>		<KoraX>	06:36:27°pm (KoraX) LoL were not blaming partyvan
Jul 21 21:41:38 <corbs132>	uhhh what else... penguin turns into a real penguin
Jul 21 21:41:38 <ThunderCat>		<KoraX>	06:36:27°pm (pacifico) t
Jul 21 21:41:39 <Illumina>	SNAPE KILLS DUMBLEDOR
Jul 21 21:41:40 <ThunderCat>		<KoraX>	06:36:29°pm (pacifico) what
Jul 21 21:41:40 <mib_dqczo9>	comissioner gorden gets headshotted
Jul 21 21:41:41 <ThunderCat>		<KoraX>	06:36:31°pm (pacifico) yes we are
Jul 21 21:41:42 <Xenu>	I believe in Aurthur dent
Jul 21 21:41:43 <ThunderCat>		<KoraX>	hahah LOGS!
Jul 21 21:41:43 <ThunderCat>		<KoraX>	Greatest things on the planet.
Jul 21 21:41:45 *	fantasize ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:41:52 *	artwctp ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:41:57 <corbs132>	@illumina, posted with a slowpoke image
Jul 21 21:42:00 <Dr_Jew>	mib_dqczo9 is a spai
Jul 21 21:42:01 *	fantasize is now known as fgt
Jul 21 21:42:02 <pacifico>	fake logs are fake
Jul 21 21:42:04 <Seannykun>	[23:49:18] <mib_dqczo9> comissioner gorden gets headshotted <--- PROTIP: this never happens
Jul 21 21:42:05 *	fgt is now known as f
Jul 21 21:42:06 <Teffen>	Anyway, I've got to get going, moderator stuff.
Jul 21 21:42:10 *	f is now known as fffff
Jul 21 21:42:12 <Seannykun>	TOodles, Teffen
Jul 21 21:42:14 <Rei>	BATMAN KILLS ALFRED
Jul 21 21:42:23 <phagocytosis>	about time
Jul 21 21:42:27 <corbs132>	FROSTED BUTTS
Jul 21 21:42:27 <Teffen>	toodles
Jul 21 21:42:32 <artwctp>	JEWS
Jul 21 21:42:41 <Seannykun>	[23:48:51] <mib_dqczo9> batman gets shot <-- this does happen
Jul 21 21:42:41 <phagocytosis>	now movie batman can avoid the RIP arc that comic batman is going through
Jul 21 21:42:42 <corbs132>	let's see if we can count better than /b/, just for the hell of it
Jul 21 21:42:43 <corbs132>	1
Jul 21 21:42:43 *	Teffen ([email protected]) has left #radio (Exit)
Jul 21 21:42:45 <Dr_Jew>	RAIDCHAN DIES
Jul 21 21:42:46 <Seannykun>	I know this and I haven't even seen the movie
Jul 21 21:42:59 *	ShitRadioBot has changed the topic to: \\\ Raidchan Radio \\\ Listeners: 16/500 (Peak: 17) \\\ Song: Immortal Technique - Jedi Mind Tricks \\\ DJ: pacifico \\\ Listen:
Jul 21 21:43:03 <corbs132>	yeah we can count to one....
Jul 21 21:43:09 <Seannykun>	[23:50:23] <Dr_Jew> RAIDCHAN DIES <---- This is a lie.
Jul 21 21:43:14 <Xenu>	^
Jul 21 21:43:19 <Rei>	5
Jul 21 21:43:22 <Anonymorse>	2
Jul 21 21:43:27 <Xenu>	8775
Jul 21 21:43:27 *	fffff is now known as f
Jul 21 21:43:28 <Seannykun>	.voice Xenu
Jul 21 21:43:28 *	[SonyBravia] gives voice to Xenu
Jul 21 21:43:29 <corbs132>	1
Jul 21 21:43:32 <Anonymorse>	9876541
Jul 21 21:43:33 *	Kakama has quit (Ping timeout)
Jul 21 21:43:38 <AnonDogWalker>	i'm out, 5 day trip to ohio ^-^
Jul 21 21:43:40 <Illumina>	so we need to do something to encyclopediadramatica
Jul 21 21:43:42 <corbs132>	have fun
Jul 21 21:43:49 <Rei>	ED is down I thought
Jul 21 21:43:51 <Xenu>	Fuck the ED owner in the ear
Jul 21 21:43:51 <phagocytosis>	fixed
Jul 21 21:43:54 <corbs132>	ed is up
Jul 21 21:44:02 *	AnonDogWalker ([email protected]) has left #radio
Jul 21 21:44:05 <Rei>	Ah
Jul 21 21:44:27 *	JailBait ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:44:33 *	Panopticon has quit (Ping timeout)
Jul 21 21:44:35 <corbs132>	 /r/ raid tools
Jul 21 21:44:36 *	nil ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:44:38 <Seannykun>	wat
Jul 21 21:45:08 <Xenu>	lern2google
Jul 21 21:45:11 <Dr_Jew> is down?
Jul 21 21:45:12 *	nil has quit (Broken pipe)
Jul 21 21:45:26 <corbs132>	@xenu... yeah...
Jul 21 21:45:28 *	nil ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:45:28 <corbs132>	lol
Jul 21 21:45:31 <Seannykun>	Dr_Jew: that's what happens when the webserver gets hit
Jul 21 21:45:31 <Dr_Jew>	D:
Jul 21 21:45:31 <nobody|afk>	Dr_Jew no
Jul 21 21:45:34 *	ATG ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:45:35 *	ShitRadioBot has changed the topic to: \\\ Raidchan Radio \\\ Listeners: 17/500 (Peak: 17) \\\ Song: Immortal Technique - leaving the past \\\ DJ: pacifico \\\ Listen:
Jul 21 21:45:41 <phagocytosis>	pacifico said he killed httpd, I think
Jul 21 21:45:44 <nobody|afk>	the page is up
Jul 21 21:45:45 <Zilla->	who the fuck
Jul 21 21:45:47 <Zilla->	oh
Jul 21 21:45:47 <nobody|afk>	i just loaded it fine
Jul 21 21:45:48 <pacifico>	yeah
Jul 21 21:45:51 <pacifico>	ill put it back on
Jul 21 21:45:52 <Zilla->	wtf pacifico is on air?
Jul 21 21:45:54 <nobody|afk>	its intermittant
Jul 21 21:45:56 <nobody|afk>	yeah
Jul 21 21:45:57 <pacifico>	yes
Jul 21 21:46:02 <pacifico>	does someone else want to take this
Jul 21 21:46:02 <pacifico>	ro wut
Jul 21 21:46:05 <phagocytosis>	Zilla he's got some good music, too
Jul 21 21:46:06 <Seannykun>	nobody|afk
Jul 21 21:46:06 <Xenu>	ATG, I like your gaythugdating page
Jul 21 21:46:07 <nobody|afk>	Zilla- take over imo
Jul 21 21:46:11 <Zilla->	sure
Jul 21 21:46:12 <nobody|afk>	i gotta sleep soon
Jul 21 21:46:12 <ATG>	Xenu, :P
Jul 21 21:46:15 <pacifico>	i'll do like 2 moar songs
Jul 21 21:46:16 <Seannykun>	oic
Jul 21 21:46:16 <Zilla->	i just woke up
Jul 21 21:46:16 <ATG>	in sundevil's dreams
Jul 21 21:46:22 <nobody|afk>	Seannykun i get up at 630am now dude
Jul 21 21:46:23 <Seannykun>	didn't know Zilla- was here, lol
Jul 21 21:46:28 <Zilla->	i was asleep
Jul 21 21:46:30 <nobody|afk>	i cant be starting fuckall this late
Jul 21 21:46:31 <corbs132>	so no answer yet, where is everyone from?
Jul 21 21:46:34 <Seannykun>	yeah I forgot, you actually have to go IN to work now
Jul 21 21:46:35 <nobody|afk>	on a weekday
Jul 21 21:46:45 <Xenu>	Nobody? With a normal sleeping pattern?
Jul 21 21:46:45 <phagocytosis>	what do you do, nobody?
Jul 21 21:46:46 <Rekka>
Jul 21 21:46:46 <Xenu>	Bullshit
Jul 21 21:46:46 <Rekka>
Jul 21 21:46:47 <Rekka>
Jul 21 21:47:07 <nobody|afk>	pacifico also dont kill httpd we cant hit the admin page to fix ghosts or fucked up stream if you do
Jul 21 21:47:18 *	uneX ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:47:19 <nobody|afk>	let them syn/ddos all day who cares
Jul 21 21:47:20 <Zilla->	lolwut
Jul 21 21:47:31 <Xenu>	uneX, no
Jul 21 21:47:31 *	ShitRadioBot has quit (Client exited)
Jul 21 21:47:32 <Zilla->	did pacifico kill the chans?
Jul 21 21:47:39 <corbs132>	he organized it afaik
Jul 21 21:47:40 <uneX>	wut
Jul 21 21:47:41 <nobody|afk>	we had nothing to do with any chans dying
Jul 21 21:47:44 <Rekka>
Jul 21 21:47:46 *	uneX is now known as Google
Jul 21 21:47:48 <phagocytosis>	pv killed the chans
Jul 21 21:47:49 <corbs132>	wat
Jul 21 21:47:53 <corbs132>	it was partyvan
Jul 21 21:47:56 <Xenu>	^
Jul 21 21:47:57 <Zilla->	why does it say raidchan on it?
Jul 21 21:47:58 <Zilla->	why does it say raidchan on it?
Jul 21 21:47:59 *	takalius_ ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:48:00 <Zilla->	why does it say raidchan on it?
Jul 21 21:48:04 <corbs132>	wat
Jul 21 21:48:12 *	takalius_ ([email protected]) has left #radio (Leaving)
Jul 21 21:48:16 <Zilla->	Once upon a time, some skiddies at raidchan (see: pacifico) decided to try and create a chan-apocalypse
Jul 21 21:48:20 <nobody|afk>	Rekka now why would you do that
Jul 21 21:48:20 <pacifico>	ok
Jul 21 21:48:21 <pacifico>	its back on
Jul 21 21:48:21 <Zilla->	first line
Jul 21 21:48:22 <nil>	lol
Jul 21 21:48:26 <pacifico>	hey Zilla-
Jul 21 21:48:29 <pacifico>	i only did a part of it
Jul 21 21:48:34 <Rekka>	Got it from 7chaN
Jul 21 21:48:35 *	firestarter ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:48:36 <Sniper_Jesus>	pacifico this music sux
Jul 21 21:48:38 <Zilla->	i have no idea whats going on :P
Jul 21 21:48:38 <Illumina>	Partyvan fell down screaming already
Jul 21 21:48:38 <phagocytosis>	lol, is that ED Zilla?
Jul 21 21:48:38 <pacifico>	it was still hilarious
Jul 21 21:48:41 <Zilla->	i just woke up
Jul 21 21:48:44 *	firestarter ([email protected]) has left #radio
Jul 21 21:48:47 *	John ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:48:48 *	Mohey_Pori ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:48:49 <pacifico>	ok
Jul 21 21:48:50 <pacifico>	here
Jul 21 21:48:51 <pacifico>	!radio
Jul 21 21:48:52 <Zilla->	thats the pastabin shit that was linked
Jul 21 21:48:59 <nobody|afk>	how annoying
Jul 21 21:48:59 <Picatta>	pv didnt kill the chans
Jul 21 21:49:00 <Zilla->	gg
Jul 21 21:49:03 <pacifico>	is this song better
Jul 21 21:49:06 <Mohey_Pori>	Hey
Jul 21 21:49:08 <Mohey_Pori>	can i ask something
Jul 21 21:49:11 <corbs132>	yeah
Jul 21 21:49:11 <mib_dqczo9>	I don't believe that
Jul 21 21:49:14 <nobody|afk>	pacifico you killed the bot again fag
Jul 21 21:49:14 <phagocytosis>	Picatta, that's what I heard
Jul 21 21:49:16 <nobody|afk>	go restart it
Jul 21 21:49:18 <Picatta>	no
Jul 21 21:49:18 <f>
Jul 21 21:49:20 <f>	lul
Jul 21 21:49:21 <Picatta>	that's what pacifico said
Jul 21 21:49:22 <f>	my nick
Jul 21 21:49:24 <f>	isnt in the logs
Jul 21 21:49:24 <corbs132>	should i drink my other monster
Jul 21 21:49:25 <f>	:d
Jul 21 21:49:26 <Mohey_Pori>	I want to remain netural on everything, so can you please not ddos the overchan2?
Jul 21 21:49:27 <Illumina>	play something epic srsly
Jul 21 21:49:28 <corbs132>	or save it for later
Jul 21 21:49:30 <Picatta>	like, ten minutes ago
Jul 21 21:49:31 *	NEWWWMAN ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:49:33 *	nil has quit (Quit: i suspect its nargles)
Jul 21 21:49:35 <pacifico>	what
Jul 21 21:49:37 <pacifico>	who wrote that
Jul 21 21:49:38 <Picatta>	and everyone was laughing about it
Jul 21 21:49:42 <Picatta>	you did
Jul 21 21:49:46 <Zilla->	why are these people and why are they here?
Jul 21 21:49:47 <Picatta>	in b4 i get ddosed
Jul 21 21:49:51 <viraL>	ok
Jul 21 21:49:51 <Zilla->	err
Jul 21 21:49:54 <viraL>	viral is gonna step in
Jul 21 21:49:54 *	andy ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:49:57 <Zilla->	who are*
Jul 21 21:49:59 <mib_dqczo9>	rokits?
Jul 21 21:49:59 <viraL>	and ddos the internet
Jul 21 21:50:00 <pacifico>	in b4 baww
Jul 21 21:50:05 <corbs132>	inb4inb4inb4
Jul 21 21:50:06 <f>	ok wait
Jul 21 21:50:06 <nobody|afk>	oh mai
Jul 21 21:50:07 *	whitechocolater ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:50:08 <f>	i was wrong
Jul 21 21:50:09 *	AnonVocis ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:50:09 <f>	#
Jul 21 21:50:09 *	anononon ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:50:09 <f>	 Jul 21 20:24:34 <f> no
Jul 21 21:50:09 <f>	#
Jul 21 21:50:09 <f>	 Jul 21 20:24:34 <Picatta> bringing what down
Jul 21 21:50:09 <f>	#
Jul 21 21:50:09 <f>	 Jul 21 20:24:35 <Picatta> ?
Jul 21 21:50:09 <f>	#
Jul 21 21:50:09 <f>	 Jul 21 20:24:35 <f> you mean
Jul 21 21:50:09 <f>	#
Jul 21 21:50:09 <f>	 Jul 21 20:24:35 <Seannykun> I'd say do it
Jul 21 21:50:10 <Dr_Jew>	in b4
Jul 21 21:50:11 <f>	#
Jul 21 21:50:12 <f>	 Jul 21 20:24:36 <Anonymorse> dd0$
Jul 21 21:50:12 *	andy has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Firefox 3.0/2008052909])
Jul 21 21:50:13 <f>	#
Jul 21 21:50:14 *	f has quit (User has been permanently banned from Raidchan (AWAY))
Jul 21 21:50:26 <nobody|afk>	viral you cunt
Jul 21 21:50:29 <viraL>	what nobody|afk?
Jul 21 21:50:29 <Dr_Jew>	can we ddos google next
Jul 21 21:50:32 <viraL>	fantasize isnt welcome on raidchan
Jul 21 21:50:36 <phagocytosis>	rofl
Jul 21 21:50:42 <nobody|afk>	i was about to tell him
Jul 21 21:50:44 <Illumina>	I'm not entirely sure google would even flinch
Jul 21 21:50:45 <viraL>	another useless rfi skiddie
Jul 21 21:50:46 <phagocytosis>	ddos google, eh?
Jul 21 21:50:46 <pacifico>	hey
Jul 21 21:50:47 <pacifico>	what song
Jul 21 21:50:47 <nobody|afk>	that korax was just raging on air about him
Jul 21 21:50:48 <pacifico>	is
Jul 21 21:50:48 <pacifico>	on
Jul 21 21:50:48 <Zilla->	but outlaw has been here forever
Jul 21 21:50:48 <pacifico>	the
Jul 21 21:50:50 <pacifico>	stream
Jul 21 21:50:53 <Seannykun>	nobody|afk
Jul 21 21:50:56 <corbs132>	IN DURING SHITSTORM
Jul 21 21:50:56 <Seannykun>	I'm talking to rax on msn
Jul 21 21:50:57 *	IceGuest_7 ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:50:57 <Seannykun>	lol
Jul 21 21:50:58 <viraL>	Zilla- i dont care
Jul 21 21:50:59 <nobody|afk>	korax says he's gonna go kick f's ass
Jul 21 21:51:01 *	Mohey_Pori has quit (Quit: )
Jul 21 21:51:03 <viraL>	hes not welcome on raidchan network
Jul 21 21:51:07 <nobody|afk>	lol
Jul 21 21:51:22 <artwctp>	brb
Jul 21 21:51:23 <IceGuest_7>	what the fuck guys
Jul 21 21:51:24 <corbs132>	if we were to take down google... i wouldn't have a friend anymore
Jul 21 21:51:28 <corbs132>	and the world would end
Jul 21 21:51:31 <mib_dqczo9>	can we take down google
Jul 21 21:51:35 *	Xenu facepalms
Jul 21 21:51:36 <viraL>	no
Jul 21 21:51:37 <phagocytosis>	no
Jul 21 21:51:38 <AnounymOS>	What the fuck, idiots
Jul 21 21:51:39 <AnounymOS>	Shut up
Jul 21 21:51:40 <IceGuest_7>	the world WOULD end
Jul 21 21:51:41 <corbs132>	lol
Jul 21 21:51:42 <viraL>	raidchan isnt ddosing anything
Jul 21 21:51:44 *	AnounymOS sets mode +m #radio
Jul 21 21:51:45 <viraL>	this is pacifico
Jul 21 21:51:46 <Zilla->	who are these people and wtf are they doing in my #radio
Jul 21 21:51:47 <pacifico>	no
Jul 21 21:51:48 <viraL>	.up
Jul 21 21:51:48 *	[SonyBravia] gives channel half-operator status to viraL
Jul 21 21:51:49 <pacifico>	it was fantasize
Jul 21 21:51:53 <viraL>	it was fantasize then
Jul 21 21:51:53 <pacifico>	i dont even have enough bots to do that
Jul 21 21:51:54 <pacifico>	so gtfo
Jul 21 21:51:54 *	Hang_um_High ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:51:56 <viraL>	this isnt to do with raidchan
Jul 21 21:52:00 <nobody|afk>	a: whats this we shit, b: there is no we, c: raidchan didnt do shit
Jul 21 21:52:01 <pacifico>	i dont even have enough bots to do that
Jul 21 21:52:02 <pacifico>	so gtfo
Jul 21 21:52:10 <Xenu>	Zilla, someone went around going "EVERY ONE THIS SITE OF HAZZORZ R DDOS EVERYTTHING
Jul 21 21:52:11 <viraL>	k
Jul 21 21:52:14 <Seannykun>	Nothing now
Jul 21 21:52:23 <Seannykun>	whoops
Jul 21 21:52:23 <nobody|afk>	so take your random requests over to partyvan or some other gay haven
Jul 21 21:52:25 <Zilla->	thats retarded
Jul 21 21:52:25 <Seannykun>	wrong window
Jul 21 21:52:29 <AnounymOS>	.down
Jul 21 21:52:29 *	[SonyBravia] sets mode -a #radio AnounymOS
Jul 21 21:52:29 *	[SonyBravia] removes channel operator status from AnounymOS
Jul 21 21:52:29 *	[SonyBravia] gives voice to AnounymOS
Jul 21 21:52:35 <Zilla->	lol
Jul 21 21:52:43 <nobody|afk>	take down google
Jul 21 21:52:47 <nobody|afk>	fucking retard
Jul 21 21:52:51 <Seannykun>	^
Jul 21 21:52:53 <Xenu>	^
Jul 21 21:52:54 *	AnounymOS gives voice to AnounymOS
Jul 21 21:52:56 <Anonymorse>	no, Seannykun. You are the script kiddy
Jul 21 21:52:56 <Seannykun>	I'm going to bed
Jul 21 21:53:01 *	Illumina is now known as ^
Jul 21 21:53:08 <Zilla->	pacifico how long?
Jul 21 21:53:11 <nobody|afk>	you get enough to do shit to google and i'd be stunned
Jul 21 21:53:13 *	Seannykun has quit (Quit: night <3)
Jul 21 21:53:17 *	klissielove has quit (Client exited)
Jul 21 21:53:28 *	Owner ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:53:32 <Xenu>	I can DDoS google if I had enough C4
Jul 21 21:53:46 <pacifico>	Zilla-, 2:34
Jul 21 21:53:50 *	^ is now known as DenialOfStructure
Jul 21 21:53:54 <Zilla->	kkk
Jul 21 21:53:59 *	Zilla- sets mode +N #radio
Jul 21 21:54:02 <AnounymOS>	I'm going to sleep
Jul 21 21:54:07 <Zilla->	lol
Jul 21 21:54:09 <AnounymOS>	And then I'll wait for shit to blow over
Jul 21 21:54:10 <Zilla->	you never sleep
Jul 21 21:54:15 *	phlow ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:54:20 <Zilla->	you are going to play pokeymans
Jul 21 21:54:22 *	artwctp has quit (Ping timeout)
Jul 21 21:54:24 *	Johnell ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:54:24 <AnounymOS>	It was lulzy for a bit
Jul 21 21:54:25 *	Johnell has quit (Quit: Johnell)
Jul 21 21:54:26 <Xenu>	!radio
Jul 21 21:54:28 *	apus ([email protected]) has left #radio
Jul 21 21:54:30 *	DenialOfStructure has quit (Quit: )
Jul 21 21:54:35 *	artwctp ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:54:36 *	f ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:54:37 *	Inigo has quit (Quit: <Inigo> I could have sworn I heard "stash" and "catnip" <Inigo> someone is being naughty <lene> no you didn't! tis be a figment! j00 hearing things!)
Jul 21 21:54:37 *	Alex ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:54:43 *	preficks ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:54:45 *	klissielove ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:54:45 *	Illumina ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:54:49 <Zilla->	lol
Jul 21 21:54:52 *	JailBait ([email protected]) has left #radio
Jul 21 21:54:54 *	artwctp ([email protected]) has left #radio
Jul 21 21:54:54 *	artwctp ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:54:54 <Zilla->	pacifico dropped stream
Jul 21 21:54:54 *	[SonyBravia] gives channel operator status to artwctp
Jul 21 21:54:57 <Zilla->	so i took it
Jul 21 21:54:57 *	Owner has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Firefox])
Jul 21 21:54:58 <artwctp>	what the duck
Jul 21 21:55:04 <Zilla->	shits going down
Jul 21 21:55:08 *	spraynard ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:55:15 <Zilla->	apparently we are being blamed for ddosing the internet
Jul 21 21:55:16 <AnounymOS>	Also
Jul 21 21:55:22 <Xenu>	Yep
Jul 21 21:55:24 <AnounymOS>	Wait a few hours before you unmute tha channel
Jul 21 21:55:31 <Zilla->	rgr boss
Jul 21 21:55:40 *	g0ldlion ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:55:42 <artwctp>	why
Jul 21 21:55:46 *	clownsocs ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:55:47 <viraL>	its not us
Jul 21 21:55:48 <Xenu>	lol @ all the fags
Jul 21 21:55:48 <viraL>	it's f
Jul 21 21:55:50 <viraL>	and pacifico
Jul 21 21:55:50 <pacifico>	its f 
Jul 21 21:55:51 <AnounymOS>	Why do you have to ask?
Jul 21 21:55:51 <Zilla->	cause there are a bunch of fucktards
Jul 21 21:55:52 <pacifico>	not me
Jul 21 21:55:53 <pacifico>	i did like
Jul 21 21:55:54 <pacifico>	one site
Jul 21 21:55:57 *	lawlnonymous has quit (Quit: )
Jul 21 21:55:58 <Zilla->	that are all like ZOMG DDOS GOOGLE
Jul 21 21:56:01 <pacifico>	Zilla-, 22 seconds
Jul 21 21:56:02 <AnounymOS>	Actually
Jul 21 21:56:03 <pacifico>	Zilla-, 22 seconds
Jul 21 21:56:06 <Zilla->	lol
Jul 21 21:56:07 <viraL>	lol @ f and pacifico
Jul 21 21:56:11 *	Kane ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:56:12 <pacifico>	8 seconds
Jul 21 21:56:12 <viraL>	i should ddos both of them
Jul 21 21:56:12 <viraL>	ok
Jul 21 21:56:13 Usage: MSG <nick> <message>, sends a private message
Jul 21 21:56:15 <pacifico>	4
Jul 21 21:56:15 <pacifico>	3
Jul 21 21:56:15 <pacifico>	2
Jul 21 21:56:16 >Rekka<	.
Jul 21 21:56:16 <pacifico>	1
Jul 21 21:56:21 <pacifico>	go
Jul 21 21:56:22 <Xenu>	Wait... ONE GUY took out the chans? Dayum son.
Jul 21 21:56:27 *	Alex has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Firefox 3.0.1/2008070208])
Jul 21 21:56:28 <Zilla->	pacifico: you dropped a while ago
Jul 21 21:56:30 <pacifico>	oh
Jul 21 21:56:32 <Zilla->	lol
Jul 21 21:56:37 *	IceGuest_7 ([email protected]) has left #radio
Jul 21 21:56:37 *	IceGuest_7 ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:56:39 <nobody|afk>	brb checking logs
Jul 21 21:56:40 *	Illumina ([email protected]) has left #radio
Jul 21 21:56:47 <nobody|afk>	im going to find out who posted that fucking pastebin
Jul 21 21:56:53 *	WhyIMewted ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:57:01 <AnounymOS>	Rekka
Jul 21 21:57:08 <AnounymOS>	iirc
Jul 21 21:57:11 <AnounymOS>	Does it matter?
Jul 21 21:57:17 <AnounymOS>	It's just a log
Jul 21 21:57:32 *	darkside ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:57:48 <artwctp>	also: LOL at #insurgency fags thinking ima spy
Jul 21 21:58:05 <artwctp>	just goes to show how retarded shits gotten
Jul 21 21:58:22 *	Quaorck has quit (Quit: Leaving)
Jul 21 21:58:31 <Eno_>	you are a spy
Jul 21 21:58:33 <Zilla->	is #insurgency on our network?
Jul 21 21:58:33 <AnounymOS>	Shit went retarded when ddos started happening on sites that weren't chans and korax
Jul 21 21:58:44 <nobody|afk>	picatta you stupid nigger why are you posting shit to pastebin
Jul 21 21:58:45 *	IceGuest_7 has quit (Quit: Light travels faster then sound, which is why some people appear bright, until you hear them speak)
Jul 21 21:58:49 <Zilla->	god damn it
Jul 21 21:58:52 <Zilla->	someone juked stream
Jul 21 21:58:54 <Zilla->	oh well
Jul 21 21:58:57 <Xenu>	Art:  i has been retarded for some time
Jul 21 21:59:00 <Picatta>	because hail satan
Jul 21 21:59:00 *	#radio :You need voice (+v) (#radio)
Jul 21 21:59:05 <Zilla->	either that or i ghosted it :3
Jul 21 21:59:07 <AnounymOS>	nobody|afk
Jul 21 21:59:10 *	WhyIMewted ([email protected]) has left #radio
Jul 21 21:59:11 <AnounymOS>	Why are you raging?
Jul 21 21:59:15 *	d ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:59:15 *	d has quit (Quit: d)
Jul 21 21:59:16 <Zilla->	.voice mbs
Jul 21 21:59:16 *	[SonyBravia] gives voice to MBS
Jul 21 21:59:20 <nobody|afk>	meh its just more drama
Jul 21 21:59:21 *	mib_dqczo9 has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
Jul 21 21:59:22 <MBS>	lol
Jul 21 21:59:25 *	clownsocs has quit (Quit: )
Jul 21 21:59:25 *	d ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 21:59:25 *	d has quit (Quit: d)
Jul 21 21:59:25 <pacifico>	nobody|afk
Jul 21 21:59:28 <pacifico>	this is hilarity
Jul 21 21:59:28 <nobody|afk>	why post it
Jul 21 21:59:29 <viraL>	ok im bored
Jul 21 21:59:31 <viraL>	pacifico lets rape the chans
Jul 21 21:59:36 <AnounymOS>	lol viraL
Jul 21 21:59:39 <nobody|afk>	i support viral
Jul 21 21:59:41 <viraL>	<3
Jul 21 21:59:44 <viraL>	k hold on
Jul 21 21:59:45 <viraL>	prepare for death
Jul 21 21:59:47 <AnounymOS>	Keep it to the chans at least
Jul 21 21:59:50 *	klissielove has quit (Client exited)
Jul 21 22:00:01 <viraL>	yea i will
Jul 21 22:00:15 *	artwctp has kicked corbs132 from #radio (IM FROM YOUR MOMS HOUSE)
Jul 21 22:00:23 <Xenu>	lol
Jul 21 22:00:28 *	corbs132 ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 22:00:32 <AnounymOS>	Actually
Jul 21 22:00:35 <artwctp>	dont PM me asking "LOL WHERE ON DA INTERBUTTS ARE JOO FROM!?
Jul 21 22:00:38 <AnounymOS>	I think I'll remove moderation
Jul 21 22:00:42 <nobody|afk>	also
Jul 21 22:00:42 *	AnounymOS sets mode -m #radio
Jul 21 22:00:44 <nobody|afk>	wired is a nigger
Jul 21 22:00:47 <Xenu>	NOOOOO
Jul 21 22:00:47 <corbs132>	didn't see you were op or anything
Jul 21 22:00:48 <artwctp>	inb4 shit storm
Jul 21 22:00:52 <nobody|afk>	i didnt even notice i was joined to #drugs yesterday
Jul 21 22:00:57 <pacifico>	how long as it been +m
Jul 21 22:01:02 <nobody|afk>	i dunno i didnt notice
Jul 21 22:01:02 <Sniper_Jesus>	jesus finally
Jul 21 22:01:04 *	Illumina ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 22:01:04 <AnounymOS>	Like
Jul 21 22:01:05 <Zilla->	not long enough
Jul 21 22:01:07 <AnounymOS>	20 minutes
Jul 21 22:01:09 <phagocytosis>	man, I remember being +v for like 5 minutes back in the day... it was nice
Jul 21 22:01:09 <pacifico>	rofl
Jul 21 22:01:18 <artwctp>	+m is like a huge bitchslap
Jul 21 22:01:18 <nobody|afk>	i never notice +m
Jul 21 22:01:32 <Xenu>	+m is like a huge stfu
Jul 21 22:01:37 <MBS>	literally
Jul 21 22:01:40 <f>	OMG
Jul 21 22:01:40 *	anononon has quit (Ping timeout)
Jul 21 22:01:42 <f>	fuck up
Jul 21 22:01:43 <f>	ALL OF U
Jul 21 22:01:44 <f>	PLEASE
Jul 21 22:01:48 <MBS>	fuck up?
Jul 21 22:01:50 <Sniper_Jesus>	fuck up?
Jul 21 22:01:53 <Zilla->	fuck up?
Jul 21 22:01:55 <Sniper_Jesus>	lol
Jul 21 22:01:55 <Xenu>	DID YOU CALL ME A FUCKUP SON?
Jul 21 22:01:56 <corbs132>	fuck up?
Jul 21 22:01:58 <Sniper_Jesus>	fuck up?
Jul 21 22:01:59 <g0ldlion>	fuck up?
Jul 21 22:02:01 <whitechocolater>	HWO DO I FUCKUP
Jul 21 22:02:02 <phlow>	I, for one, would like to fuck down.
Jul 21 22:02:02 <phagocytosis>	I already fucke dup, thanks
Jul 21 22:02:04 <corbs132>	wat
Jul 21 22:02:07 <Illumina>	lasers!
Jul 21 22:02:07 *	AnounymOS sets mode +m #radio
Jul 21 22:02:10 <AnounymOS>	And right there
Jul 21 22:02:12 <Xenu>	lol
Jul 21 22:02:13 <MBS>	fucke dup?
Jul 21 22:02:19 <Zilla->	.devoice mbs
Jul 21 22:02:19 *	[SonyBravia] removes voice from MBS
Jul 21 22:02:21 <Zilla->	no
Jul 21 22:02:25 <AnounymOS>	.voice phagocytosis
Jul 21 22:02:25 <Zilla->	.voice mbs lol
Jul 21 22:02:25 *	[SonyBravia] gives voice to phagocytosis
Jul 21 22:02:30 <Zilla->	.voice mbs
Jul 21 22:02:30 *	[SonyBravia] gives voice to MBS
Jul 21 22:02:36 <MBS>	lol
Jul 21 22:02:36 <Xenu>	radio ded
Jul 21 22:02:41 <Zilla->	its ddos
Jul 21 22:02:47 <Xenu>	I know
Jul 21 22:02:50 <nobody|afk>	its not ddos or irc would too
Jul 21 22:02:51 <phagocytosis>	ty OS
Jul 21 22:02:51 <Xenu>	took them long enough
Jul 21 22:02:54 <nobody|afk>	its prolly syn on 8000
Jul 21 22:02:58 <Zilla->
Jul 21 22:02:58 <viraL>	nobody|afk it is ddos
Jul 21 22:03:02 <Zilla->	look at the chart
Jul 21 22:03:04 <viraL>	ok ill hold down all the chans until they stop ddosing us
Jul 21 22:03:08 <pacifico>	in b4 moot makes a news post about us
Jul 21 22:03:08 <pacifico>	in b4 moot makes a news post about us
Jul 21 22:03:08 <pacifico>	in b4 moot makes a news post about us
Jul 21 22:03:09 <pacifico>	in b4 moot makes a news post about us
Jul 21 22:03:09 <pacifico>	in b4 moot makes a news post about us
Jul 21 22:03:10 <Xenu>	lol
Jul 21 22:03:11 <nobody|afk>	i KNOW its getting ddosd faggots
Jul 21 22:03:12 <pacifico>	in b4 moot makes a news post about us
Jul 21 22:03:13 <Zilla->	i had to check :P
Jul 21 22:03:14 <nobody|afk>	im saying
Jul 21 22:03:16 <viraL>	ok ill hold down all the chans until they stop ddosing us
Jul 21 22:03:16 <viraL>	ok ill hold down all the chans until they stop ddosing us
Jul 21 22:03:16 <viraL>	ok ill hold down all the chans until they stop ddosing us
Jul 21 22:03:16 <viraL>	ok ill hold down all the chans until they stop ddosing us
Jul 21 22:03:17 <viraL>	ok ill hold down all the chans until they stop ddosing us
Jul 21 22:03:19 <nobody|afk>	the ddos isnt what killed the stream
Jul 21 22:03:23 <MBS>	inb4 all chans wiped off face of the planet
Jul 21 22:03:32 <nobody|afk>	its prolly another syn flood on 8000
Jul 21 22:03:33 <pacifico>	in b4 moot makes a news post about us
Jul 21 22:03:33 <AnounymOS>	What the fuck
Jul 21 22:03:35 <AnounymOS>	Seriously
Jul 21 22:03:38 <nobody|afk>	Zilla- what error do you get in sam?
Jul 21 22:03:38 <AnounymOS>	Guys
Jul 21 22:03:39 <MBS>	lol lets prank call moot
Jul 21 22:03:42 <nobody|afk>	10054?
Jul 21 22:03:43 *	phlow has quit (Quit: )
Jul 21 22:03:43 <Zilla->	10054
Jul 21 22:03:46 <MBS>	ddos his phone
Jul 21 22:03:47 <nobody|afk>	thats syn
Jul 21 22:03:49 <nobody|afk>	keep trying
Jul 21 22:03:50 <Zilla->	oic
Jul 21 22:03:52 <Zilla->	yea
Jul 21 22:03:52 <nobody|afk>	itll go through
Jul 21 22:03:53 *	xaxlee ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 22:03:55 <Zilla->	i set reconnect to 5 sec
Jul 21 22:04:06 <nobody|afk>	its prolly pv synflooding 8000
Jul 21 22:04:07 <Xenu>	serious?
Jul 21 22:04:09 <Zilla->	ill raise that back to 30 after its doen
Jul 21 22:04:10 <artwctp>	why would we call moot
Jul 21 22:04:18 <AnounymOS>	I set +m, but the channel is still failing hard
Jul 21 22:04:19 <MBS>	idk
Jul 21 22:04:22 <artwctp>	a toad is more eloquent than he is on the phone
Jul 21 22:04:27 <Xenu>	I wonder how many rickrolls he gets
Jul 21 22:04:30 <nobody|afk>	ive never heard moot on the phone
Jul 21 22:04:33 <Zilla->	OS .aop/hop/vop del
Jul 21 22:04:33 <viraL>	i have
Jul 21 22:04:34 <viraL>	hes a faggot
Jul 21 22:04:38 <nobody|afk>	i watched the panel videos
Jul 21 22:04:38 -Global-	[viraL] moots #: +15037813812
Jul 21 22:04:45 <nobody|afk>	he spoke coherantly and all
Jul 21 22:04:46 *	lot has quit (Client exited)
Jul 21 22:04:47 <artwctp>	"uhhh hi" <labored breathing>
Jul 21 22:04:55 <Xenu>	I kinda want to call now
Jul 21 22:04:57 <nobody|afk>	he's a total tool dont get me wrong
Jul 21 22:05:08 <nobody|afk>	just sayin the only time ive seen/heard him talk was the panel vids
Jul 21 22:05:14 <Xenu>	^
Jul 21 22:05:17 <viraL>	ive spoke to him on the phone lol
Jul 21 22:05:17 <nobody|afk>	and it wasnt painful or anything
Jul 21 22:05:25 <viraL>	i pranked him and called him gay and he started throwing out flames
Jul 21 22:05:27 <viraL>	lolol
Jul 21 22:05:32 <viraL>	.voice f
Jul 21 22:05:36 <nobody|afk>	.voice f
Jul 21 22:05:36 *	[SonyBravia] gives voice to f
Jul 21 22:05:37 <AnounymOS>	mr. mature :3
Jul 21 22:05:42 <AnounymOS>	.up
Jul 21 22:05:42 *	[SonyBravia] sets mode +a #radio AnounymOS
Jul 21 22:05:42 *	[SonyBravia] gives channel operator status to AnounymOS
Jul 21 22:05:50 *	Mech has quit (Ping timeout)
Jul 21 22:05:57 <Xenu>	you'd think he'd be used to being called a faggot
Jul 21 22:06:00 *	edavidburg ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 22:06:00 *	edavidburg has quit (Broken pipe)
Jul 21 22:06:08 <Zilla->	k so
Jul 21 22:06:08 *	klissielove ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 22:06:14 <Zilla->	i;m going to get food
Jul 21 22:06:16 <nobody|afk>	moots parents should have beat him more
Jul 21 22:06:18 <Xenu>	fuck, someone killed my vent
Jul 21 22:06:22 <Xenu>	RAEG
Jul 21 22:06:30 <nobody|afk>	actually they still should beat him
Jul 21 22:06:31 *	Anonymorse has quit (Ping timeout)
Jul 21 22:06:34 <pacifico>	rofl
Jul 21 22:06:38 <pacifico>	we're talking to moot
Jul 21 22:06:40 <Zilla->	reconnect should make music work when they get bored of syn
Jul 21 22:06:50 <wired>	:o
Jul 21 22:06:51 <wired>	pacifico
Jul 21 22:06:53 *	Mech ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 22:06:53 <wired>	call cell now
Jul 21 22:06:54 <viraL>	lolol
Jul 21 22:06:56 <viraL>	me and pacifico
Jul 21 22:06:57 <Xenu>	Tell him to make some soup, because his site is down
Jul 21 22:06:57 <viraL>	are on the phone
Jul 21 22:06:58 <viraL>	with him
Jul 21 22:06:59 <nobody|afk>	wtf is korax talking about on air
Jul 21 22:07:01 <viraL>	right now
Jul 21 22:07:08 <nobody|afk>	he says people are talking about ddos more
Jul 21 22:07:12 <nobody|afk>	did i miss something
Jul 21 22:07:32 <f>	pacifico
Jul 21 22:07:34 <f>	u do realise
Jul 21 22:07:36 <f>	we have a whole nerd army
Jul 21 22:07:38 <f>	bawwing at us now
Jul 21 22:07:39 <pacifico>	rofl
Jul 21 22:07:41 <f>	brace for impact
Jul 21 22:07:44 <artwctp>	record it
Jul 21 22:07:44 <artwctp>	record it
Jul 21 22:07:45 <artwctp>	record it
Jul 21 22:07:58 <artwctp>	RECORD EVERYTHING
Jul 21 22:07:58 <f>	viraL
Jul 21 22:08:00 <pacifico>	hes such a faggot
Jul 21 22:08:01 <Xenu>	Fuck it, I'm calling mootfaggot
Jul 21 22:08:03 <pacifico>	he knows viraL though
Jul 21 22:08:03 <pacifico>	rofl
Jul 21 22:08:04 <f>	have u made teh script yet
Jul 21 22:08:04 <f>	?
Jul 21 22:08:05 <pacifico>	this is hilarious
Jul 21 22:08:07 <viraL>	yea lol
Jul 21 22:08:07 <pacifico>	hes bugging us
Jul 21 22:08:10 <f>	link
Jul 21 22:08:16 *	asdfasdf ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 22:08:20 <wired>	call my cell fag
Jul 21 22:08:21 <f>	link
Jul 21 22:08:22 <f>	link
Jul 21 22:08:22 <f>	link
Jul 21 22:08:22 <f>	link
Jul 21 22:08:23 <f>	link
Jul 21 22:08:47 *	wired ([email protected]) has left #radio (Left all channels)
Jul 21 22:08:50 *	wired ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 22:08:53 *	Dr_Jew ([email protected]) has left #radio
Jul 21 22:09:03 *	Dr_Jew ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 22:09:05 <AnounymOS>	so
Jul 21 22:09:17 *	Anonymorse ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 22:09:17 *	[SonyBravia] gives voice to Anonymorse
Jul 21 22:09:18 <AnounymOS>	There was about 75 people in the channel before shit started
Jul 21 22:09:19 <Anonymorse>	wtf
Jul 21 22:09:19 <Anonymorse>	wtf
Jul 21 22:09:20 <Anonymorse>	wtf
Jul 21 22:09:29 <Zilla->	oh yea
Jul 21 22:09:32 <nobody|afk>	lol
Jul 21 22:09:36 <Zilla->	did kami come back while i was asleep?
Jul 21 22:09:37 <nobody|afk>	spais
Jul 21 22:09:46 <Zilla->	O NOES SPAIS
Jul 21 22:09:47 <Xenu>	OS, someone was bnitching to the entire internet, etc
Jul 21 22:09:49 <nobody|afk>	Zilla- uhm i dunno i think i might have seen him for 2secs
Jul 21 22:09:54 <Zilla->	gay
Jul 21 22:09:55 <nobody|afk>	but i dont remember for sure
Jul 21 22:10:01 <wired>	lol
Jul 21 22:10:02 <nobody|afk>	that mighta been last night i saw him
Jul 21 22:10:03 <Zilla->	i linked him to a sinatra rar
Jul 21 22:10:04 *	wired gives channel operator status to wired
Jul 21 22:10:04 *	[SonyBravia] removes channel operator status from wired
Jul 21 22:10:07 <wired>	:\
Jul 21 22:10:09 <wired>	fail
Jul 21 22:10:10 <AnounymOS>	Xenu, the mistake was that they talked about it in here.
Jul 21 22:10:12 <pacifico>	wired, /os set superadmin on
Jul 21 22:10:14 <wired>	i know
Jul 21 22:10:15 <f>	wired u fail
Jul 21 22:10:16 <AnounymOS>	If they had kept it to another channel
Jul 21 22:10:18 *	wired gives channel operator status to wired
Jul 21 22:10:18 *	[SonyBravia] removes channel operator status from wired
Jul 21 22:10:20 <wired>	fuck
Jul 21 22:10:22 <Xenu>	truth
Jul 21 22:10:23 *	wired adds self
Jul 21 22:10:24 <pacifico>	wired do .up
Jul 21 22:10:27 <wired>	thats so fail
Jul 21 22:10:29 <wired>	.up
Jul 21 22:10:31 <wired>	gay
Jul 21 22:10:33 <AnounymOS>	lol
Jul 21 22:10:33 <f>	AnounymOS
Jul 21 22:10:35 <wired>	i'm adding myself to access list
Jul 21 22:10:35 <f>	we dont care but
Jul 21 22:10:38 <f>	i am boss
Jul 21 22:10:38 <AnounymOS>	.access list
Jul 21 22:10:39 <f>	who r u
Jul 21 22:10:39 <nobody|afk>	fuckout you
Jul 21 22:10:54 <Xenu>	But all I know is that someone came to the 99chan irc all like EVERYONE HIDE ALL THE CHANS ARE DOWN BAWWWWW
Jul 21 22:11:00 <Xenu>	Then PV bitched a bit
Jul 21 22:11:05 <viraL>	ok
Jul 21 22:11:06 <Xenu>	then 99chan irc got fucked
Jul 21 22:11:07 <AnounymOS>	f, all I care about is this channel being spamgrounds for idiocy
Jul 21 22:11:08 <viraL>	i am abotu to destroy
Jul 21 22:11:11 <viraL>	the chans again
Jul 21 22:11:14 <f>	03;07;20pm <+Xenu> then 99chan irc got fucked
Jul 21 22:11:14 <AnounymOS>	I don't want to set +m
Jul 21 22:11:15 <f>	that was me
Jul 21 22:11:16 <f>	lol
Jul 21 22:11:17 <f>	:d
Jul 21 22:11:19 *	[SonyBravia] gives channel operator status to wired
Jul 21 22:11:24 <wired>	better
Jul 21 22:11:27 *	wired gives voice to Ziggy1 xtrecate xaxlee whitechocolater vinfag Ves Timboss Tiak ThunderCat Tarball takalius spraynard
Jul 21 22:11:27 *	wired gives voice to Spawn Snowy[bnc] Sniper_Jesus smug Slaw skizzer[m3n] sigma SHAGGSTaRR Satan Romnous Rekka Rei
Jul 21 22:11:27 *	wired gives voice to preficks poon Picatta Ninja337 NEWWWMAN natthew nater name_name morklitu MizzCat Mech MDK
Jul 21 22:11:27 *	wired gives voice to LICKITUNG Lawnchair L_B L[london] Kylelol krimcl klissielove kitsunesnacks Kane John jerrcs Illumina
Jul 21 22:11:27 *	wired gives voice to i_fuck_sluts Hoggs Hang_um_High Guest|7833 Google Goatman goastemaster GenKreton GameBoyColored g0ldlion FuBaReD eyebrows
Jul 21 22:11:27 *	wired gives voice to Evil1 ERGENEKON|AFK easyboy EarRaep DR|Sellepish Drav draptoor Dr_Whut Dr_Jew defleppard David_Kudmipz darkside
Jul 21 22:11:27 *	wired gives voice to corbs132 chet CaptainKaboom Captain_Msniper BufferMoar brambi_ bloodkips belair ATG asdfasdf apples|car[14k] AnonVocis
Jul 21 22:11:27 *	wired gives voice to anonaids anon101|spooning AciD_BurN viraL SovietRussia
Jul 21 22:11:27 *	wired gives voice to Zilla- Snowy Sleep pacifico artwctp andr0m3da|packing nobody|afk [SonyBravia]
Jul 21 22:11:27 *	[SonyBravia] removes channel operator status from andr0m3da|packing
Jul 21 22:11:28 <wired>	lol
Jul 21 22:11:31 <pacifico>	wired
Jul 21 22:11:32 <nobody|afk>	wired
Jul 21 22:11:32 <AnounymOS>	Motherfucker
Jul 21 22:11:32 <pacifico>	dont do that in here
Jul 21 22:11:33 <pacifico>	faggot
Jul 21 22:11:34 <Zilla->	...
Jul 21 22:11:34 <nobody|afk>	you stupid faggot
Jul 21 22:11:36 *	wired removes voice from Ziggy1 xtrecate Xenu xaxlee whitechocolater vinfag Ves Timboss Tiak ThunderCat Tarball takalius
Jul 21 22:11:36 *	wired removes voice from spraynard Spawn Snowy[bnc] Sniper_Jesus smug Slaw skizzer[m3n] sigma SHAGGSTaRR Satan Romnous Rekka
Jul 21 22:11:36 *	wired removes voice from Rei preficks poon Picatta phagocytosis Ninja337 NEWWWMAN natthew nater name_name morklitu MizzCat
Jul 21 22:11:36 *	wired removes voice from Mech MDK MBS LICKITUNG Lawnchair L_B L[london] Kylelol krimcl klissielove kitsunesnacks Kane
Jul 21 22:11:36 *	wired removes voice from John jerrcs Illumina i_fuck_sluts Hoggs Hang_um_High Guest|7833 Google Goatman goastemaster GenKreton GameBoyColored
Jul 21 22:11:36 *	wired removes voice from g0ldlion FuBaReD f eyebrows Evil1 ERGENEKON|AFK Eno_ easyboy EarRaep DR|Sellepish Drav draptoor
Jul 21 22:11:36 *	wired removes voice from Dr_Whut Dr_Jew defleppard David_Kudmipz darkside Crothers corbs132 chet CaptainKaboom Captain_Msniper BufferMoar brambi_
Jul 21 22:11:36 *	wired removes voice from bloodkips belair ATG asdfasdf apples|car[14k] Anonymorse AnonVocis anonaids anon101|spooning andr0m3da|packing AciD_BurN viraL
Jul 21 22:11:36 *	wired removes voice from SovietRussia Zilla- Snowy Sleep pacifico artwctp
Jul 21 22:11:37 <pacifico>	they are pissed
Jul 21 22:11:39 <wired>	ok ok
Jul 21 22:11:39 <wired>	fine
Jul 21 22:11:40 <wired>	fine
Jul 21 22:11:43 *	pacifico removes channel operator status from wired
Jul 21 22:11:45 <wired>	...
Jul 21 22:11:46 <wired>	faggot
Jul 21 22:11:47 <AnounymOS>	lol
Jul 21 22:11:48 <pacifico>	they told me to
Jul 21 22:11:49 <pacifico>	on skype
Jul 21 22:11:49 <viraL>	only DJ's have +o
Jul 21 22:11:51 <viraL>	only DJ's have +o
Jul 21 22:11:52 <viraL>	only DJ's have +o
Jul 21 22:11:56 <Sleep>	dj's have +h
Jul 21 22:11:56 <wired>	pacifico isnt a dj
Jul 21 22:11:59 <nobody|afk>	yeah he is
Jul 21 22:12:00 <pacifico>	yes i am
Jul 21 22:12:00 <viraL>	yes he is
Jul 21 22:12:02 <Sleep>	right..?
Jul 21 22:12:04 <pacifico>	lul'd
Jul 21 22:12:04 <wired>	wtf
Jul 21 22:12:05 <viraL>	no Sleep
Jul 21 22:12:06 *	anon111222333 ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 22:12:06 *	anon111222333 has quit (Quit: anon111222333)
Jul 21 22:12:06 <viraL>	djs have +o
Jul 21 22:12:07 <nobody|afk>	he was on for awhile earlier
Jul 21 22:12:07 <AnounymOS>	DJs doen't even have +h
Jul 21 22:12:07 <wired>	you're a DJ
Jul 21 22:12:08 <wired>	wow
Jul 21 22:12:09 <Sleep>	oh
Jul 21 22:12:10 <wired>	he's a faildj
Jul 21 22:12:13 <nobody|afk>	he did ok
Jul 21 22:12:18 <nobody|afk>	imo
Jul 21 22:12:20 <nobody|afk>	he played your song
Jul 21 22:12:21 *	pacifico sets mode -m #radio
Jul 21 22:12:22 *	viraL sets mode +q #radio viraL
Jul 21 22:12:22 *	[SonyBravia] sets mode -q #radio viraL
Jul 21 22:12:23 <wired>	lol i want to be a DJ
Jul 21 22:12:23 <Anonymorse>
Jul 21 22:12:24 <Anonymorse>
Jul 21 22:12:24 <pacifico>	oh yeah
Jul 21 22:12:24 <Anonymorse>
Jul 21 22:12:24 <Anonymorse>
Jul 21 22:12:25 <Anonymorse>
Jul 21 22:12:25 <Anonymorse>
Jul 21 22:12:26 <pacifico>	wired, i played your song
Jul 21 22:12:27 <pacifico>	oh yeah
Jul 21 22:12:27 <pacifico>	oh yeah
Jul 21 22:12:30 <wired>	XD
Jul 21 22:12:31 <AnounymOS>	Behave now
Jul 21 22:12:31 <Anonymorse>	some spai
Jul 21 22:12:32 *	OperServ sets mode +a #radio viraL
Jul 21 22:12:33 <viraL>	:D
Jul 21 22:12:33 <viraL>	!
Jul 21 22:12:35 <Anonymorse>	logged all that shit
Jul 21 22:12:35 <f>	Anonymorse we kniow
Jul 21 22:12:37 <wired>	thanks for the publicity negra
Jul 21 22:12:37 <Anonymorse>	wtf
Jul 21 22:12:38 <pacifico>	hip hop fanatics wired 
Jul 21 22:12:39 <pacifico>	i played that
Jul 21 22:12:42 <Kane>	u gusys are funneh
Jul 21 22:12:43 <wired>	XD
Jul 21 22:12:45 <wired>	good
Jul 21 22:12:51 *	nondescript_22343 ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 22:12:53 <nobody|afk>	lol korax has more listeners and is all happy on air
Jul 21 22:12:54 <f>	VOICE
Jul 21 22:12:55 <viraL>	i just destroyed
Jul 21 22:12:55 <f>	ME
Jul 21 22:12:56 <viraL>	the chans
Jul 21 22:12:56 <f>	OR
Jul 21 22:12:56 <viraL>	:3
Jul 21 22:12:57 <f>	SOMETHING
Jul 21 22:12:58 *	anon111222333 ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 22:13:02 <nobody|afk>	meanwhile WERE GETTING SYNFLOODED
Jul 21 22:13:06 <f>	VIRAL
Jul 21 22:13:07 <f>	VIRAL
Jul 21 22:13:08 <f>	VRAIL
Jul 21 22:13:09 <viraL>	WHAT
Jul 21 22:13:10 <f>	VIRAL
Jul 21 22:13:11 <f>	CUNT
Jul 21 22:13:12 <f>	GIVE ME
Jul 21 22:13:12 <viraL>	WHAT
Jul 21 22:13:13 <f>	THE SCRIPT
Jul 21 22:13:14 <f>	FOR OWNAGE
Jul 21 22:13:16 <f>	NAO
Jul 21 22:13:17 <viraL>	THE ARRAY SCRIPT?
Jul 21 22:13:18 <wired>	tomorrow
Jul 21 22:13:20 <Zilla->	...
Jul 21 22:13:21 <f>	YES
Jul 21 22:13:22 <viraL>
Jul 21 22:13:22 <viraL>
Jul 21 22:13:22 <viraL>
Jul 21 22:13:23 <f>	THE ARRAY SCRIPT
Jul 21 22:13:24 <smug>	hm
Jul 21 22:13:24 <f>	THAT WILL TAKE DOWN
Jul 21 22:13:26 <f>	ALL THE CHANS
Jul 21 22:13:26 <f>	OK
Jul 21 22:13:27 <wired>	i think i'll make a song about the v&
Jul 21 22:13:27 <f>	THANKYOU
Jul 21 22:13:28 <f>	LOL
Jul 21 22:13:29 <Zilla->	get this shit out of my #radio
Jul 21 22:13:29 <jerrcs>	viraL: are you even doing anything? :/
Jul 21 22:13:30 <Zilla->	get this shit out of my #radio
Jul 21 22:13:32 <Zilla->	get this shit out of my #radio
Jul 21 22:13:33 <Zilla->	get this shit out of my #radio
Jul 21 22:13:34 <Anonymorse>	viraL: you missed one
Jul 21 22:13:40 <Anonymorse>	7chan
Jul 21 22:13:41 <Zilla->	>:|
Jul 21 22:13:42 <viraL>	Zilla- YOUR radio?
Jul 21 22:13:47 <wired>	lol
Jul 21 22:13:48 <pacifico>	i think 7chan is down this time
Jul 21 22:13:49 <viraL>	i dont have been with 7chan
Jul 21 22:13:49 <Zilla->	fuck you
Jul 21 22:13:50 <viraL>	i dont have been with 7chan
Jul 21 22:13:50 <viraL>	i dont have been with 7chan
Jul 21 22:13:51 <Dr_Jew>	MY RADIO
Jul 21 22:13:51 <viraL>	i dont have been with 7chan
Jul 21 22:13:54 <viraL>	beef*
Jul 21 22:13:55 <viraL>	beef*
Jul 21 22:13:55 <viraL>	beef*
Jul 21 22:13:56 <viraL>	beef*
Jul 21 22:13:56 <pacifico>	i think 7chan is down this time
Jul 21 22:13:57 <pacifico>	i think 7chan is down this time
Jul 21 22:13:57 <pacifico>	i think 7chan is down this time
Jul 21 22:13:58 <f>	viral
Jul 21 22:13:59 <jerrcs>	7chan isn't down and we're not going anywhere.
Jul 21 22:14:00 <AnounymOS>	You can speak about wtf you want. Don't flood right now, though.
Jul 21 22:14:00 <f>	thats a diff sscript
Jul 21 22:14:01 <wired>	actually
Jul 21 22:14:05 <jerrcs>	the loads are normal, the traffic is a-okay
Jul 21 22:14:06 *	wired sets mode +q #radio wired
Jul 21 22:14:06 *	[SonyBravia] sets mode -q #radio wired
Jul 21 22:14:07 <f>	VIRLA THATS A DIFF SCRIPT
Jul 21 22:14:12 <wired>	i hate you fucking retarded bots
Jul 21 22:14:15 <viraL>	.k wired go away
Jul 21 22:14:17 <viraL>	shit
Jul 21 22:14:34 *	wired rm's them from botserv
Jul 21 22:14:34 <wired>	lawl
Jul 21 22:14:34 <Anonymorse>	sup 7chan
Jul 21 22:14:34 <corbs132>	still +m?
Jul 21 22:14:34 <wired>	that would be funny
Jul 21 22:14:34 *	derek ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 22:14:34 <pacifico>	its sad
Jul 21 22:14:34 <pacifico>	that 7chan
Jul 21 22:14:35 <AnounymOS>	Ah fuck it
Jul 21 22:14:35 <pacifico>	has better hosting
Jul 21 22:14:37 <pacifico>	than 4chan
Jul 21 22:15:47 <AnounymOS>	I'm going to bed.
Jul 21 22:15:47 <wired>	4chan fails though, so its not really sad
Jul 21 22:15:47 <nobody|afk>	its not a bot shirtbird its just chanserv
Jul 21 22:15:47 <Zilla->	fuck this
Jul 21 22:15:47 <nobody|afk>	more or less
Jul 21 22:15:47 *	Hidds ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 22:15:47 *	nil ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 22:15:47 *	goastemaster has quit (Broken pipe)
Jul 21 22:15:47 *	klissielove has quit (Quit: lololololol)
Jul 21 22:15:47 *	Zilla- has quit (Broken pipe)
Jul 21 22:15:47 *	Captain_Msniper has quit (Broken pipe)
Jul 21 22:15:47 <pacifico>	Oh god
Jul 21 22:15:47 <pacifico>
Jul 21 22:15:47 <pacifico>
Jul 21 22:15:47 <pacifico>
Jul 21 22:15:47 <pacifico>
Jul 21 22:15:47 *	Hidds has quit (Quit: )
Jul 21 22:15:47 *	Kylelol has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Firefox 3.0.1/2008070208])
Jul 21 22:15:50 *	Dr_Jew has quit (Broken pipe)
Jul 21 22:15:50 *	Xenu has quit (Broken pipe)
Jul 21 22:15:50 <f>	VIRAL
Jul 21 22:15:50 *	jerrcs2 ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 22:15:50 *	[A]nounymos ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 22:15:50 *	goastemaster ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 22:15:51 *	Anus_McHemmoroid ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 22:15:53 *	Zilla- ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 22:15:56 <viraL>	lol
Jul 21 22:15:58 *	[1]RoadKi|| ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 22:15:58 <f>	2 late
Jul 21 22:15:59 <viraL>	lag
Jul 21 22:15:59 <jerrcs2>	heh
Jul 21 22:15:59 *	Mech has quit (Ping timeout)
Jul 21 22:16:01 <[A]nounymos>	nice
Jul 21 22:16:02 *	anon111222333 has quit (Broken pipe)
Jul 21 22:16:02 <pacifico>	Many of you may be aware of the current storm looming in the distance. The general chan sphere is being thrown increasingly into chaos by the spambots of Anontalk. 12chan is being spammed to hell. 420 /b/ is a radioactive zone. 99chan is down. 7chan? Have you seen their front page? They told their users to peacefully, and LEGALLY report to their isp. As of 11 pm Eastern Standard Time, pings to have ceased to resolve.
Jul 21 22:16:03 <jerrcs2>	you guys are extremely boring
Jul 21 22:16:03 <pacifico>	To put it simply, our usually peaceful coexistence has been threatened by a hostile and outside force that is hellbent on our mutual destruction. If there was any shred of a doubt, it should be gone now. We knew about this months ago, and yet nothing was done. And by our inaction we have allowed the problem to grow and grow until it has become something that not even the full combined force of the chans can keep at bay.
Jul 21 22:16:03 <pacifico>	The hordes of /b/ raided anontalk a few days ago, in the thousands. Flooding, spamming, all a just recompense for the months of faggotry endured at the hands of anontalk. But nothing prepared them for what awaited, not even Ackbar could have foreseen the trap we had stumbled into. was the most exploit ridden, malware spewing website that I have seen for as long as I can remember. The effects were swift and brutal. Nothing stood in their way,
Jul 21 22:16:03 <pacifico>	 whether it be firefox, linux, peerguardian or whatever the skiddies used to cover their tracks. It had come down to the final showdown, and all our overwhelming numbers? they meant nothing. The newfags only served to add minions to the anontalk swarm, bots which were used to crush down 4chan in a fiery orgy of DDOS. Those who escaped fled, stricken with terror, shouting and spamming nonsensically for eyes and ears which remained closed. Few cared or b
Jul 21 22:16:03 <pacifico>	othered to read the dire warnings, until it was too late.
Jul 21 22:16:03 <pacifico>	The worm which they loaded into the newfags computers is a versatile sonuvabitch. It spreads, copies itself, and randomizes its core processes so that it can change and evade the most sophisticated defense mechanisms in real time, all without a central server update. It sends itself through AIM, skype, irc, hamachi, etc. and anyone who has had contact with a victim is vulnerable. It completely takes control of a compromised system, and automatically scan
Jul 21 22:16:03 <pacifico>	s the ports of its next targets, looking, just looking for a way in.
Jul 21 22:16:03 <pacifico>	What you can do:
Jul 21 22:16:03 <pacifico>	Well what can you do, really I even don?t know what to do anymore. Everyone is totally disorganized. Ill try and briefly outline what I know.
Jul 21 22:16:03 <pacifico>	1. THIS IS NOT A RAID, we have tried that, the results are well known. Right now we are not seeking numbers, because numbers work against us. What we need are people who actually know what they are doing to meet on irc @ irc:// Quality, not quantity.
Jul 21 22:16:03 <pacifico>	2. DDOS seems to be the only thing to keep them down without an hero in the process. BUT BE WARNED, they change the dns A LOT and redirect requests to other sites and servers (ours). You absolutely must be on irc to have realtime updates of the backend ip, or you will end up ddosing chans. This is not something that can simply be left on all night, you have to literally watch it like a hawk.
Jul 21 22:16:03 <pacifico>	3. Keep it a secret, 7chan fucked up by publicly showing their support for the fight by telling people what to do on their front page, now the cat is out of the bag. Keep things low key, don?t mention where you come from. The last thing I intended was to actually get you guys involved over your heads in this.
Jul 21 22:16:03 <pacifico>	Also all the spambots are controlled via IRC or http,
Jul 21 22:16:03 <pacifico>	we don't know as it's source code is not availabe.
Jul 21 22:16:03 <pacifico>	The bots constantly change the spam text and has memory based spam as in.
Jul 21 22:16:03 <pacifico>	-Generate random key.
Jul 21 22:16:03 <pacifico>	-spam with randomkey
Jul 21 22:16:03 <pacifico>	-link to random key
Jul 21 22:16:03 <pacifico>	-generate insult to random key
Jul 21 22:16:03 <pacifico>	Its highly likely that if your being spammed by random bullshit, it?s the bot.
Jul 21 22:16:03 <pacifico>	Also,
Jul 21 22:16:03 *	Ninja337_ ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 22:16:03 *	Hogggs ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 22:16:04 <f>	i just baww'd
Jul 21 22:16:04 *	nobody ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 22:16:05 *	Evil1 has quit (Connection reset by peer)
Jul 21 22:16:05 *	AnounymOS has quit (Connection reset by peer)
Jul 21 22:16:05 <artwctp>	ALFSgildufikf'
Jul 21 22:16:05 *	Ninja337 has quit (Connection reset by peer)
Jul 21 22:16:05 *	Hoggs has quit (Connection reset by peer)
Jul 21 22:16:05 *	anon111222333 ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 22:16:06 *	Evil1 ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 22:16:06 <artwctp>	f
Jul 21 22:16:06 <pacifico>	in b4 shit storm
Jul 21 22:16:06 <artwctp>	ff
Jul 21 22:16:06 <artwctp>	f
Jul 21 22:16:06 *	GameBoyColored_ ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 22:16:06 <artwctp>	f
Jul 21 22:16:07 <artwctp>	f
Jul 21 22:16:07 *	Captain_Msniper ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 22:16:07 <artwctp>	f
Jul 21 22:16:07 <artwctp>	f
Jul 21 22:16:07 *	anon111222333 has quit (Quit: anon111222333)
Jul 21 22:16:07 <artwctp>	f
Jul 21 22:16:08 <artwctp>	f
Jul 21 22:16:08 <artwctp>	f
Jul 21 22:16:08 <artwctp>	f
Jul 21 22:16:08 <artwctp>	f
Jul 21 22:16:08 <artwctp>	f
Jul 21 22:16:08 *	Lawnchair_ ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 22:16:09 *	Rekka has quit (Connection reset by peer)
Jul 21 22:16:09 <artwctp>	ff
Jul 21 22:16:09 *	andrei_ ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 22:16:11 <Sleep>	...
Jul 21 22:16:11 <nobody>	fucking nigger
Jul 21 22:16:12 <viraL>	artwctp stfu
Jul 21 22:16:14 *	ERGENEKON|AFK has quit (Ping timeout)
Jul 21 22:16:15 *	Mech ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 22:16:22 *	ERGENEKON|AFK ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 22:16:24 <pacifico>
Jul 21 22:16:24 <pacifico>
Jul 21 22:16:25 <pacifico>
Jul 21 22:16:25 <pacifico>
Jul 21 22:16:26 <pacifico>
Jul 21 22:16:27 <pacifico>
Jul 21 22:16:28 *	Mech has quit (Quit: )
Jul 21 22:16:29 *	AnonVocis has quit (Connection reset by peer)
Jul 21 22:16:29 *	kitsunesnacks has quit (Ping timeout)
Jul 21 22:16:29 <pacifico>	hurry
Jul 21 22:16:30 <jerrcs2>	hey btw pacifico
Jul 21 22:16:31 <pacifico>	before it crashes
Jul 21 22:16:32 *	Timboss has quit ( root.core)
Jul 21 22:16:32 *	Ves has quit ( root.core)
Jul 21 22:16:32 *	SHAGGSTaRR has quit ( root.core)
Jul 21 22:16:34 *	Hanus ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 22:16:39 <jerrcs2>	pings dont ever get through on our server
Jul 21 22:16:39 *	Slaw has quit (Ping timeout)
Jul 21 22:16:41 <jerrcs2>	we block all pings
Jul 21 22:16:42 *	Kangaskhan ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 22:16:45 *	preficks has quit (Client exited)
Jul 21 22:16:49 *	Rekka ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 22:16:50 *	Rekka has quit (Client exited)
Jul 21 22:16:50 *	preficks ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 22:16:51 <viraL>	viraL > chans
Jul 21 22:16:51 *	belair ([email protected]) has left #radio
Jul 21 22:16:53 *	Rekka ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 22:16:54 *	AnonVocis ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 22:16:56 <viraL>	viraL > chans
Jul 21 22:16:56 <andr0m3da|packing>	wtf is going on here
Jul 21 22:16:56 <viraL>	viraL > chans
Jul 21 22:16:57 <viraL>	viraL > chans
Jul 21 22:16:57 <viraL>	viraL > chans
Jul 21 22:16:57 <corbs132>	lol
Jul 21 22:16:57 <viraL>	viraL > chans
Jul 21 22:16:57 <viraL>	viraL > chans
Jul 21 22:16:57 <f>	u mean me
Jul 21 22:16:58 <viraL>	viraL > chans
Jul 21 22:17:00 <f>	:D
Jul 21 22:17:00 <viraL>	f
Jul 21 22:17:02 <viraL>	im doing
Jul 21 22:17:03 <artwctp>	RAPE
Jul 21 22:17:06 <phagocytosis>	lol moot updated the status blog ~45 min ago
Jul 21 22:17:07 <viraL>	9.8k bots
Jul 21 22:17:07 *	nobody|afk has quit (Connection reset by peer)
Jul 21 22:17:09 <viraL>	what r u doin
Jul 21 22:17:10 <Zilla->	andr0m3da|packing: come back later
Jul 21 22:17:13 <f>	i just did
Jul 21 22:17:13 <f>	6k
Jul 21 22:17:13 <Zilla->	shits going down
Jul 21 22:17:14 *	Slaw ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 22:17:14 <f>	lol
Jul 21 22:17:16 <Zilla->	and its all retarded
Jul 21 22:17:17 <viraL>	im doing more
Jul 21 22:17:18 <viraL>	so fuk u
Jul 21 22:17:19 <phagocytosis>	Remember kids: DDoS is cruise control for cool.
Jul 21 22:17:22 <f>	ur gay
Jul 21 22:17:23 <nobody>	.up
Jul 21 22:17:23 *	[SonyBravia] sets mode +a #radio nobody
Jul 21 22:17:23 *	[SonyBravia] gives channel operator status to nobody
Jul 21 22:17:24 <f>	mine hit harder
Jul 21 22:17:27 <viraL>	no they dont
Jul 21 22:17:27 <pacifico>
Jul 21 22:17:27 <viraL>	lol
Jul 21 22:17:27 *	msgmcmuffin ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 22:17:27 <pacifico>
Jul 21 22:17:28 <pacifico>
Jul 21 22:17:28 <pacifico>
Jul 21 22:17:28 <pacifico>
Jul 21 22:17:29 <pacifico>
Jul 21 22:17:29 <pacifico>
Jul 21 22:17:31 *	MudkipSnacks284 ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 22:17:31 <pacifico>
Jul 21 22:17:37 *	jerrcs has quit (Ping timeout)
Jul 21 22:17:40 <nobody>	thank you for a link to a site thats getting ddosd
Jul 21 22:17:41 <f>	7chon shud be dead
Jul 21 22:17:43 *	[SonyBravia] gives channel operator status to Zilla-
Jul 21 22:17:43 <wired>	uhm..
Jul 21 22:17:45 *	SovietRussia has quit (Ping timeout)
Jul 21 22:17:45 <nil>	can't we all just get along ;_;
Jul 21 22:17:45 *	PastorIsaiah ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 22:17:46 <nobody>	thats real fucking helpful pacifico
Jul 21 22:17:47 <viraL>	7chan is dead
Jul 21 22:17:47 <nil>	can't we all just get along ;_;
Jul 21 22:17:48 <wired>	raidchan is being ddosed
Jul 21 22:17:49 <nil>	can't we all just get along ;_;
Jul 21 22:17:52 <phagocytosis>	no
Jul 21 22:18:02 *	GameBoyColored has quit (Ping timeout)
Jul 21 22:18:05 -Global-	[viraL] me and f have successfully raped the chans ok
Jul 21 22:18:07 <nobody>	pacifico if you have that link open still screen it and upload
Jul 21 22:18:10 <nobody>	7c is fucked
Jul 21 22:18:10 -Global-	[pacifico] in during shit storm
Jul 21 22:18:11 *	Lawnchair has quit (Ping timeout)
Jul 21 22:18:12 -Global-	[pacifico] in during shit storm
Jul 21 22:18:12 -Global-	[pacifico] in during shit storm
Jul 21 22:18:12 *	Xenu ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 22:18:13 -Global-	[pacifico] in during shit storm
Jul 21 22:18:13 -Global-	[pacifico] in during shit storm
Jul 21 22:18:13 -Global-	[pacifico] in during shit storm
Jul 21 22:18:14 -Global-	[pacifico] in during shit storm
Jul 21 22:18:14 -Global-	[pacifico] in during shit storm
Jul 21 22:18:14 -Global-	[pacifico] in during shit storm
Jul 21 22:18:15 -Global-	[pacifico] in during shit storm
Jul 21 22:18:15 -Global-	[pacifico] in during shit storm
Jul 21 22:18:15 *	anon111222333 ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 22:18:16 *	NEWWWMAN has quit (Quit: )
Jul 21 22:18:24 <jerrcs2>	just fyi
Jul 21 22:18:32 <wired>	i dropped httpd for a second
Jul 21 22:18:33 *	lin ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 22:18:34 <f>	people please liston join us at #anontalkraid raid chan is plaining on attacking you next its not 4chan doing this!
Jul 21 22:18:34 <f>	>> 	Anonymous 08/07/21(Mon)21:43 No. 1193188
Jul 21 22:18:34 <f>	bump
Jul 21 22:18:34 <f>	>> 	Anonymous 08/07/21(Mon)21:44 No. 1193210
Jul 21 22:18:34 <f>	actually it was orriginally believed to be anontalk, but we have confirmed it is raidchan doing this.
Jul 21 22:18:34 <wired>	viraL
Jul 21 22:18:35 <wired>	I HAVE
Jul 21 22:18:39 <wired>	to recompile thier kernel
Jul 21 22:18:41 <pacifico>	wired, kill the jail
Jul 21 22:18:41 <jerrcs2>	7chan is still up, we never allowed pings (its blocked at a hardware firewall), and we havent gone down ALL day
Jul 21 22:18:41 <wired>	for firewall
Jul 21 22:18:42 <jerrcs2>	thanks
Jul 21 22:18:43 *	Fry ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 22:18:45 <viraL>	wired
Jul 21 22:18:46 <viraL>	i dont care
Jul 21 22:18:47 <wired>	ok
Jul 21 22:18:48 <viraL>	their ddos is pathetic
Jul 21 22:18:50 <viraL>	so who cares
Jul 21 22:18:50 <Zilla->	for fucks sake
Jul 21 22:18:51 <andr0m3da|packing>	enjoy my vag, fuckers [ ]
Jul 21 22:18:55 *	nil has quit (Quit: i suspect its nargles)
Jul 21 22:18:57 <viraL>	jerrcs2 i dunno what you're smoking bro
Jul 21 22:18:58 *	lin has quit (Quit: i suspect its nargles)
Jul 21 22:18:59 <wired>	fail syn floods are fail
Jul 21 22:19:00 <viraL>	but 7chan is down
Jul 21 22:19:02 *	anon111222333 has quit (Quit: )
Jul 21 22:19:03 *	anon111222333 ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 22:19:05 <jerrcs2>	its not down, i can load it here
Jul 21 22:19:06 *	mario ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 22:19:10 <nobody>	jerrcs2 uh why cant i open 7chan in a web browser
Jul 21 22:19:16 <ERGENEKON|AFK>	eunff
Jul 21 22:19:16 *	nil ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 22:19:17 <nobody>	if its not down
Jul 21 22:19:20 <Tarball>	your internet is broke
Jul 21 22:19:20 *	PastorIsaiah has quit (Quit: )
Jul 21 22:19:20 <g0ldlion>	how do i shot interwebs?
Jul 21 22:19:22 <f>	07:17 -!- You're now known as f
Jul 21 22:19:22 <f>	07:17 -!- Cannot join to channel #anontalkraid (Channel is full)
Jul 21 22:19:22 <f>	07:17 -!- Cannot join to channel #anontalkraid (Channel is full)
Jul 21 22:19:22 <pacifico>	 ATTACK ON RAIDCHAN | BROUGHT TO YOU BY [m3n]| LOIC: | MUSIC TO RAID TO                                                          
Jul 21 22:19:22 <pacifico>	00:19 -!- nukio [[email protected]] has joined #anontalkraid
Jul 21 22:19:22 <pacifico>	00:19 -!- Topic for #anontalkraid: ATTACK ON RAIDCHAN | BROUGHT TO YOU BY [m3n]| LOIC: | MUSIC TO RAID TO
Jul 21 22:19:22 <pacifico>	00:19 -!- Topic set by EvilHom3r[m3n] [] [Tue Jul 22 00:15:30 2008]
Jul 21 22:19:22 <pacifico>	00:19 [Users #anontalkraid]
Jul 21 22:19:22 <pacifico>	00:19 [~Znew          ] [ [SS]Mengele  ] [ beanie       ] [ Drill          ] [ Longcat                 ] [ rg           ] 
Jul 21 22:19:22 <pacifico>	00:19 [&EvilHom3r[m3n]] [ acacaca      ] [ beardog      ] [ EffNine        ] [ Lurk                    ] [ rufus        ] 
Jul 21 22:19:22 <pacifico>	00:19 [&ifywar        ] [ achtung      ] [ BirdFlu      ] [ Empire         ] [ Maging                  ] [ SiniStar     ] 
Jul 21 22:19:22 <pacifico>	00:19 [&mootykins     ] [ ae           ] [ bkb          ] [ England        ] [ Mamemu                  ] [ sohig_off    ] 
Jul 21 22:19:22 <pacifico>	00:19 [@[nig]Nigga    ] [ Afndale      ] [ bloodkips    ] [ Ew             ] [ merg                    ] [ Someblackguy ] 
Jul 21 22:19:22 <pacifico>	00:19 [@januszeal     ] [ Altari       ] [ bluewhale    ] [ Exit           ] [ Mexanon                 ] [ suomynona    ] 
Jul 21 22:19:22 <pacifico>	00:19 [@jesus_9001    ] [ AltF4        ] [ BobaFett     ] [ fgsfds_dsfargeg] [ Murdoc                  ] [ superfiedman ] 
Jul 21 22:19:22 <pacifico>	00:19 [@KiNG          ] [ ANIN         ] [ BobTehHobo   ] [ Guest|2249     ] [ mw                      ] [ talley       ] 
Jul 21 22:19:22 <pacifico>	00:19 [@nlitement     ] [ anon101      ] [ BrickTamland ] [ Guest|9792     ] [ NIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGER] [ Tarball      ] 
Jul 21 22:19:22 <pacifico>	00:19 [@poolcloser    ] [ anon2        ] [ bumblebee    ] [ Hoggs          ] [ NoName                  ] [ ThunderCat   ] 
Jul 21 22:19:22 <pacifico>	00:19 [@STOPRACISM    ] [ anon2534     ] [ Cats         ] [ hw             ] [ None3                   ] [ Undead       ] 
Jul 21 22:19:22 <pacifico>	00:19 [@Teferi        ] [ anoneep      ] [ cestan       ] [ IComeAnon      ] [ nukio                   ] [ Vercingetorix] 
Jul 21 22:19:22 <pacifico>	00:19 [%Anonyless     ] [ anonemoose123] [ Chrishanson  ] [ inar           ] [ Nyx-                    ] [ vox          ] 
Jul 21 22:19:22 <pacifico>	00:19 [%mackad00      ] [ AnonVocis    ] [ Cyberstryke  ] [ jeois          ] [ Over9000                ] [ wa_u_pleb    ] 
Jul 21 22:19:22 <pacifico>	00:19 [+Anon1234      ] [ anonymoot    ] [ Dark_Fusion  ] [ jimmmym        ] [ preficks                ] [ Zyb          ] 
Jul 21 22:19:22 <pacifico>	00:19 [+bats          ] [ apesapes     ] [ David_Kudmipz] [ kamenridernigra] [ prophecy                ] 
Jul 21 22:19:22 <pacifico>	00:19 [+Eekdacat      ] [ arecibo_     ] [ DawnOfAshes  ] [ kitty_kaiti    ] [ RaCo                    ] 
Jul 21 22:19:22 <pacifico>	00:19 [+enigma        ] [ Artem        ] [ death2       ] [ Kwanzalot      ] [ raptor-jesus            ] 
Jul 21 22:19:22 <pacifico>	00:19 [+Frank_Horrigan] [ asrsn7       ] [ defleppard   ] [ Lcil           ] [ rev                     ] 
Jul 21 22:19:22 <pacifico>	00:19 [+grinman       ] [ Batman       ] [ Dimatodd     ] [ Legion         ] [ ReX                     ] 
Jul 21 22:19:22 <pacifico>	00:19 -!- Irssi: #anontalkraid: Total of 115 nicks [8 ops, 2 halfops, 6 voices, 99 normal]
Jul 21 22:19:22 <pacifico>	00:19 -!- Channel #anontalkraid created Mon  Jul 21 09:53:11 2008
Jul 21 22:19:23 <ERGENEKON|AFK>	stop fighting for fuck sakes.
Jul 21 22:19:24 <pacifico>	jesus chrsit
Jul 21 22:19:25 <pacifico>	dude
Jul 21 22:19:25 <nobody>	its not my net
Jul 21 22:19:32 <Fry>	SUCK MY COCK
Jul 21 22:19:34 <whitechocolater>	7CHAN /B/ is down
Jul 21 22:19:36 <msgmcmuffin>	ffffffff
Jul 21 22:19:46 <Fry>	HARD AND FAST
Jul 21 22:19:46 <f>	oi
Jul 21 22:19:47 <Xenu>	ggggggggggg
Jul 21 22:19:49 <Fry>	UNTILL I CUM
Jul 21 22:19:50 <f>	dd0$ partyvan ircd's
Jul 21 22:19:50 <f>	dd0$ partyvan ircd's
Jul 21 22:19:51 <f>	dd0$ partyvan ircd's
Jul 21 22:19:51 <f>	dd0$ partyvan ircd's
Jul 21 22:19:52 <f>	dd0$ partyvan ircd's
Jul 21 22:19:52 <f>	dd0$ partyvan ircd's
Jul 21 22:19:54 <msgmcmuffin>	FRY WRYYYYYYYYY
Jul 21 22:19:54 <andr0m3da|packing>
Jul 21 22:19:55 <andr0m3da|packing>
Jul 21 22:19:55 <andr0m3da|packing>
Jul 21 22:19:55 <andr0m3da|packing>
Jul 21 22:19:56 <andr0m3da|packing>
Jul 21 22:19:56 *	Anus_McHemmoroid has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Firefox])
Jul 21 22:19:56 <andr0m3da|packing>
Jul 21 22:19:56 <andr0m3da|packing>
Jul 21 22:19:57 <artwctp>	This Just in: NIGGERS
Jul 21 22:19:57 <andr0m3da|packing>
Jul 21 22:19:57 <andr0m3da|packing>
Jul 21 22:19:58 <andr0m3da|packing>
Jul 21 22:19:58 <andr0m3da|packing>
Jul 21 22:19:59 <andr0m3da|packing>
Jul 21 22:19:59 *	andr0m3da|packing has quit (User has been permanently banned from Raidchan (no))
Jul 21 22:20:04 <Fry>	soup msgmcmuffin =O
Jul 21 22:20:06 <nobody>	i agree with f
Jul 21 22:20:09 <jerrcs2>	you're right, im increasing the worker #s right now to accept more connections
Jul 21 22:20:12 <nil>	=_= all of you are getting suckered into someones lulzy plot to start ddosing each other, not raidchan, not partyvan, not anontalk, its some outside party who wants to see the chans dead and disunited
Jul 21 22:20:13 <jerrcs2>	ok /b/s back
Jul 21 22:20:15 <Xenu>	that vag gives me a 403
Jul 21 22:20:15 <Fry>	i agree with your mother
Jul 21 22:20:17 <f>	dd0$ partyvan ircd's
Jul 21 22:20:17 *	lin ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 22:20:17 <nobody>	VIRAL STOP ZLINING YOU JEW
Jul 21 22:20:17 <f>	dd0$ partyvan ircd's
Jul 21 22:20:17 <f>	dd0$ partyvan ircd's
Jul 21 22:20:18 <f>	dd0$ partyvan ircd's
Jul 21 22:20:18 <f>	dd0$ partyvan ircd's
Jul 21 22:20:18 <f>	dd0$ partyvan ircd's
Jul 21 22:20:19 *	MizzCat ([email protected]) has left #radio
Jul 21 22:20:19 <f>	dd0$ partyvan ircd's
Jul 21 22:20:19 <f>	dd0$ partyvan ircd's
Jul 21 22:20:22 <wired>	and they are ddosing hte ircd
Jul 21 22:20:24 <viraL>	nobody spammers are annoying
Jul 21 22:20:26 <nobody>	shes an aop in here
Jul 21 22:20:28 <viraL>	o
Jul 21 22:20:30 <nobody>	she just wasnt upped
Jul 21 22:20:31 <viraL>	didnt know taht k
Jul 21 22:20:34 <nobody>	take that shit off pls
Jul 21 22:20:38 <artwctp>	viral you faggot
Jul 21 22:20:38 <viraL>	lazy
Jul 21 22:20:38 <viraL>	u do it
Jul 21 22:20:41 <mario>	FRY
Jul 21 22:20:42 <viraL>	<3 u artwctp
Jul 21 22:20:45 <viraL>	dont forget our plan
Jul 21 22:20:47 <viraL>	operation kfc
Jul 21 22:20:49 <mario>	ILU FRY
Jul 21 22:20:50 *	nil has quit (Quit: i suspect its nargles)
Jul 21 22:20:52 <jerrcs2>	site is still up
Jul 21 22:20:52 <artwctp>	i wont
Jul 21 22:20:56 *	lin has quit (Quit: i suspect its nargles)
Jul 21 22:20:59 <mario>	I WANT YOUR COCK
Jul 21 22:21:01 <viraL>	jerrcs2 you're retarded dude
Jul 21 22:21:01 <jerrcs2>	please guys, you're boring me. im just going to go to sleep soon..
Jul 21 22:21:04 <viraL>	7chan is down
Jul 21 22:21:05 <Fry>	KILL YOURSELF MARIO
Jul 21 22:21:09 <Fry>	WITH A RUSTY FUCKING NAIL
Jul 21 22:21:10 <mario>	OK
Jul 21 22:21:12 <Fry>	YOU FLAMING FAGGOT
Jul 21 22:21:17 <pacifico>	00:20 <%Anonyless> point out spys to those who can ban plz
Jul 21 22:21:17 <Zilla->	.down
Jul 21 22:21:17 *	[SonyBravia] removes channel operator status from Zilla-
Jul 21 22:21:17 *	Sleep has quit (Ping timeout)
Jul 21 22:21:18 <mario>	OH
Jul 21 22:21:19 <pacifico>	00:20 <%Anonyless> point out spys to those who can ban plz
Jul 21 22:21:20 <jerrcs2>	sure it loads a bit slow, but my boxs are still up and the httpd is just having trouble accepting more connections
Jul 21 22:21:23 <pacifico>	YOU DO THIS TOO
Jul 21 22:21:24 <pacifico>	YOU DO THIS TOO
Jul 21 22:21:24 <pacifico>	YOU DO THIS TOO
Jul 21 22:21:24 <mario>	I THOUGHT YOU HAD A PENIS
Jul 21 22:21:31 *	andr0m3da|packing ([email protected]) has joined #radio
Jul 21 22:21:33 <g0ldlion>	:O
Jul 21 22:21:36 <andr0m3da|packing>	fags
Jul 21 22:21:38 <jerrcs2>	thanks for your entertainment, have a nice night :)
Jul 21 22:21:41 *	jerrcs2 has quit (Quit: )
Jul 21 22:21:43 <nobody>	meh who cares fucking piccatta already posted logs on pastebin pacifico
Jul 21 22:21:43 *	[A]nounymos is now known as AnounymOS
Jul 21 22:21:46 <AnounymOS>	.up
Jul 21 22:21:46 *	[SonyBravia] sets mode +a #radio AnounymOS
Jul 21 22:21:46 *	[SonyBravia] gives channel operator status to AnounymOS
Jul 21 22:21:47 <Sniper_Jesus>	jesus christ just stop the madness
Jul 21 22:21:49 <nobody>	bit late
Jul 21 22:21:50 <g0ldlion>	so why are so many nigras here tonight?
Jul 21 22:21:52 <AnounymOS>	pacifico is a spai
Jul 21 22:21:55 <Xenu>	^
Jul 21 22:21:56 -Global-	[viraL] Raidchan > other chans
Jul 21 22:21:56 <AnounymOS>	i seen him
Jul 21 22:21:57 -Global-	[viraL] Raidchan > other chans
Jul 21 22:21:57 <andr0m3da|packing>	.up
Jul 21 22:21:58 -Global-	[viraL] Raidchan > other chans
Jul 21 22:21:58 -Global-	[viraL] Raidchan > other chans
Jul 21 22:21:59 *	msgmcmuffin bites off g0ldlion's tongue with his sheath because it has sheathteeth
Jul 21 22:21:59 <mario>	i am a spai
Jul 21 22:22:00 <pacifico>	oh
Jul 21 22:22:01 <pacifico>	that was hi
Jul 21 22:22:03 <viraL>	Ok
Jul 21 22:22:03 <Tarball>	ok viral 7chan is "down" so no need to attack it anymore right?