Cbox Drama

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Cbox Drama is a frequent occurrence on websites that have a cbox. It usually involves a dozen or so teenage girls with opposing opinions. Instead of discussing the subject like mature young adults, the teen girls choose to use more direct methods and be unmindful of other people's feelings. It goes like so:

Girl 1: Even though the results of the contest are three weeks late and you keep breaking your promises with us, I still love this site! You're doing an awesome job!

Girl 2: All the wait is starting to upset me. It's rather unprofessional.


Girl 4: How could you say that, Girl 2?!

Girl 5: I know, right? Don't listen to Girl 2. She's just PMSing.

Girl 6: so, uhh... anyone watching the Olympics?

As you can see, Girl 6 pulled a powerful maneuver known as Changing the Subject to relieve the tension. The flocks of girls then proceed to forget about their discussion and talk about curling. Men from the website's community usually sit back and watch the action with much amusement, then go on to suggest that this absurdity be turned into an ED article.

See Also