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Welcome to the GUN SHOW

CaptainAtheist is a 20-year-old Romanian YouTube video maker whose persona is a bad combination of CapnOAwesome and TheAmazingAtheist. He wears a mask that makes him look even more like a fuckwit than the usual YouTube atheist.

Religious Beliefs

You make little people become fanatics, just like you and they're gonna throw they're life away to fallow some shitty book written by a bunch of drunks while they were working they're bottle up



Captain Atheist, being an atheist, believes in nothing and doesn't give a shit why we are here and how we got here. He hates all religious people because they are not as hardcore as he is, having thrown their lives away to follow a book.

If you look at a woman with lust, you have already committed adultery with her in the eyes of God



It's not really my fault if I look at a woman with lust.... my dick is to blame


—Captain Atheist

Captain Atheist demonstrating "self-control" on his imaginary dick

Since God cannot chastise Captain Atheist for his sinful urges, he must do it himself, through a process he kindly demonstrates to us: striking his erection and shouting "DOWN, SINNER!" at it. There are places that will charge you half your monthly paycheck to perform the same service, which just goes to show how smart and frugal atheists really are.

Captain Atheist enjoys quoting famous atheists, though he sometimes has trouble with identifying them properly:

Richard Dwaking argued this quite well



Quating George Carling




CaptainAtheist has not disabled comments on this video. Kindly leave as many intelligent arguments as possible to prove him wrong.

External Links

See Also

CaptainAtheist is part of a series on YouTube.

Visit the YouTube Portal
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