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What's most amazing is there isn't a single black person within 300 miles!

Camden Town is a weird place located in Camden, North London. It's a place where chavs are hated, emos are loved and everyone is given dirty looks from stupid nigger's trying to sell you their shitty rap CD's. Ever wanted weed and a poorly printed fraudulent Lil Wayne T-shirt? Go to Camden Town, there is no fucking shortage of it.

London Riots

Despite having nothing fucking good to steal from, Camden Town was still quite prominent in the lootfest. All the chavs stole hoodies and Nike trainers from the small JD Sports near the piss-stinking station. No one quite knows what happened to all the pointless emo shit, as 99% of the people looting were fucking idiot yobs who would beat the black-haired faggots to death in a public street if they saw one.


Camden Town riot footage 09/08/11
