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Butterymufkin would strike terror into the hearts of MRIs, if MRIs had hearts.
Don't knock it until you've tried it because you'll certainly get your turn to try it.

butterymufkin is a sad, fat, talentless freak who is deeply in love with jameth and addicted to pitiful self-mutilation.

Not to be confused with butterymuffin, who obviously got in on internets pseudonym selection a little earlier.

Having no marketable skills, Butterymufkin spends her time "drawing" sick, derivative crap, camwhoring, and generally seeking as much attention as possible from people she will never meet, just like everyone else on LiveJournal.

She once woke up with red stains down her shirt from drooling while eating red gumballs in her sleep.

Committed LJ suicide on July 5th, 2006, but is still listed as a moderator of sex_tips.

Butterflymufkin had set up a new journal here, x-its-a-dream-x, before once again locking it.

Butterymufkin is part of a series on


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