Artica Sparkle

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ED does NOT need a huge list of absolute nobodies, nor does it give a shit about your petty forum feud with that bitch who doesn't agree with your Zutara OTP. Rather than spreading your butthurt vendetta over to this site, how about you read ED:101 and ED:A User's Guide to Article Building. And while you're at it, how about contributing to some actual drama you fucking idiot?

Artica's art is nothing more than countless amounts of commissions, meaning that "she" has absolutely no talent. "She" could learn to draw like everyone else but instead stays in "her" room all day while messing around on Second Life. Adding to the madness, "she" sleeps with anything, especially artists, in hopes of receiving a free commission. Artica is known for having wierd fetishes as : Vore, Cum inflation, tentacles, extreme narcissism yiff ( Fucking with the other versions of "her"self ), sticking eggs in the vagina etc.

I have always wanted to find out, who's the biggest commission whore and how much money have they generally spent on their shitty commissions 8D

if anyone knows of a listing of this kind, post it here.



—Arctunus, e621 forum post

Have you looked at the amount of Artica Sparkle pictures? The amount speaks for itself!


—Anonymous, stating the obvious

External links

Artica Sparkle is part of a series on


Visit the Furfaggotry Portal for complete coverage.

Artica Sparkle is part of a series on


Visit the Whores Portal for complete coverage.