Amazon Disaster

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Once upon a time, stores used to offer ridiculous sales that would have people lined up around the block before the store even opened. This would often result in death by trampling and lulzy fights between middle aged women in track suits over ugly sweaters.

Sweaters! Sweeeeeaters! decided to attempt to get this sort of result in 2006 on Thanksgiving Day by offering 1000 XBox 360s for 100 USD. Purchasing one of these consoles was to be an easy process. One simply had to be on the site at 11:00 AM, vote for something, enter a code, and complete a simple math question correctly (to weed out the Nigerians, no doubt).

Oh Shi-

Unfortunately, forgot that the Internet isn't real life. Instead of resulting in lulz and death, it resulted in about 100 million people frantically refreshing multiple browsers. The internet pulled down the metal security gate on that shit. Millions of fat fucks everywhere stared at their screens in disbelief while Nigerians everywhere tribal-danced with joy. (Apparently, they are better at simple math than Americans. Who knew?)

End Result

Fuck you,

Thousands of fat fucks everywhere died from impacted colons after demolishing whole turkeys to sedate their fail-related depression.

Related Digg article where lots of people bitch about it