Aleeyah Porter

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Falcon Punch!

Aleeyah Porter is a violent, angry niglet who is the latest genius to post a video of themselves committing a crime on social media, prompting Internet sleuths to hunt her down and have the party van show up at her door for great justice.

The incident

In March 2016, Porter chimped out on some poor girl, sucker punching her and pummeling her while she lied on the ground, offering no resistance.

The aftermath

A true 'oh shit' moment.

Many became outraged upon viewing the video, which was posted by the cunt on her Twitter account. It didn't take long for the Internet to track down her name, age, whereabouts, high school and various other dox.

It remains to be seen what punishment, if any, may befall Porter.


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See also

External links

Aleeyah Porter is part of a series on

Social Media

Visit the Social Media Portal for complete coverage.