Adam Lanza/WoW
9. Through investigative efforts conducted by other law enforcement officers inctuding but not limited to detailed interviews with relatives of "the shooter" and the comprehensive review of items of evidentiary value, these Affiants iearned that "the shooter" played the online game, "World of Warcraft and that the relatives had paid for the subscription. Also, that one of the computer hard drives located within the Lanza residence (36 Yogananda Street) contained an electronic folder iabeied "videos". Vifithin this folder were three (3) video files of recorded game play of World of Warcraft (Wow). These files were named: "blarvink", "gnome". and "gnomecompressed".
10. An lnternet search for World of Warcraft revealed it to be a "Massively Muitiplayer Online Role-Playing Game hosted by Blizzard Entertainment, inc. located at 16215 Alton Parkway in Irvine, California 92618. With over 7 mtilion subscribers as of July 2013, World of Warcraft is currently the world's most-subscribed MMORPG and holds the Guinness World Record for the most popuiar MMORPG by subscribers. Additionally, in World of Warcraft the user controls an avatar (usually a pseudonym), which is the graphical representation of the user or the user's alter ego or character within the game. World of Warcraft also requires the user to pay for a subscription, either by buying prepaid game cards for selected amount of piaying time, or by using a credit or debit card to pay on a regular basis.
11. Further review of the aforementioned videos, revealed an online gaming account (character with the associated avatar, In this case, it appears that blarvink was the sole avatar utilized when logging on I piaying World of Warcraft from this computer.
12. World of Warcraft supports gaming community features such as Guilds, Internet Relay Chat and an in- game Friends List! Reat ID Friends List. Guilds are generally a group of gamers who play together as a team against other guilds. They are most commonly found in online multi-player games in which one team can face off against another. Guilds can also be formed to create ioosely based affiliations perhaps by all being fans of the same game or merely gamers who have close personat ties to each other. Guilds normally host servers with rules that they like. For instance, ifa group of gamers tike to use magical spells only, they could join a guild that runs a spells only server and the guild wouid enforce the rules. So, it is important to join a guild that has server rules you enjoy or you could easily find yourself removed from the guild.