Aaron Sorkin

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Crack makes you hornrimmed!

Aaron Sorkin is a whiny old crackhead who can't stand the lulz, case in point, his new show, "Studio 60", which is only good to watch if you're completely pretentious and full of crap, or if you're looking for an alternative to heroin. Don't say this to any yuppies or they will run you over with their Range Rovers while yelling "OMG STUDIO 60 IS SAVING TELEVISION FROM REALITY PROGRAMMING!!!!!1111", when really, wouldn't we all rather watch attention whores sucking cock for money?

Sorkin has his head so far up his own ass that in the first episode of S60 he informed his audience that "their remote is a crackpipe". Sorkin likes to pretend he doesn't know what a crackpipe looks like.


Sorkin got lulzed over at Television Without Pity (back when it was known as Mighty Big TV), where he read the forums about "The West Wing", got all emo about it, and then wrote AN ENTIRE EPISODE of a show supposedly about the inner-workings of the White House where all he did was bitch about how the moderators on forums are fat, chain-smoking nerds. Despite the fact that this is true, it was still totally lame, but it made a lot more sense once everyone figured out Sorkin is a crackhead for reals.

Sorkin is also obsessed with his ex-girlfriend Kristen Chenoweth, who isn't half bad, but that's why the character of Harriet on S60 makes one want to cut out their own ears from the inside first. He wrote AN ENTIRE EPISODE of S60 about how girls shouldn't appear in lad mags just because he was mad everyone saw his lady's boobs.

Sorkin also did 9/11. And then wrote AN ENTIRE EPISODE about it.

Also See

People article


TWOP's review of the lollercaust: http://www.televisionwithoutpity.com/articles/content/a2173/

TWOP's recap of the episode where Sorkin got his frunz on: http://www.televisionwithoutpity.com/articles/content/a2191/

  • [1] Aaron Sorkin's favourite band.