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How does it feel to be raped by Iran?
AEL as Carmine the Ninja of Stickam
Aaron Carmine Group Therapist has skills y'all!

AaronEverettLand is an internet tough guy by day, and YouTube Stickam chat hero by night. Due to hubris, Aaron Everett Land is viewed as a very confused, mod chip bullshitter. From telling tales of working for Nike, to reminding everyone about the time Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei's evil henchmen hacked his server for Staff94.com so they could play Xbox; Aaron lives the eLife that only Homer Simpson could envy.


After spending alot of time doing stuff for the last year like, heavy drinking, clubbing, stuff you can only do with a woman and Chain Smoking....


—AEL lies about IRL

you should hear this funny shit. I was talking to this guy name vbphantom on yahoo because I infected his computer. hes pissed as hell and raging on the microphone...



  • AEL is a HACK, not to be confused with a hacker
  • Aaroneverettland is a compulsive liar, and will make up the most insane shit to impress and threaten.
  • AEL claims to work for various film design companies, but in reality modifies Xbox microchips for profit.
  • Aaron is a part-time e-bully and troller of Crossmack.
  • AEL claims that his family is "blacklisting" him; however, it's more likely that they are freaked out by him.
  • Aaron claims to be a Jehovah's Witness, although his myspace[1] lists Aaron as a lulzcow and catholic.
  • AEL is often found trolling various forums to pick on other freaks like himself. He uses the alias staff94, which is the name of the old site he bought with his daddy's credit card.
  • Aaron Land is argued to be a paranoid forum whore.
  • Enjoys being referred to as the screenname "thefatrat", which suits him well.

Araoneverettland once claimed to have hacked a old website called computer-shit-inc claimed to have shelled and or proxy over ridden the shell and changed the server time in a php nuke portal.

Under the names Staff94 and a few others on Yahoo he would talk crap and record peoples conversations even to be as stupid too. pick fights with real programmers and friends in the networking business Never really hacked or infected the person's computer of whom was rageing on the mic in a YIM chat system.

Along with his butt buddy, Immortal, a fellow internet tough guy, persuaded Mr Robert, a well known computer programmer, to make a website about the person who, in fact, was pissed off at Staff94 and his li'l gay friend immortal for the lies made up about a retired hacker under the name Mad-Hacker (the real one, people, not a fake). Saying saying things such as mad was an FBI agent, claimed to have worked for the CIA and so on. The fact of the matter is the person named Mad-Hacker was not of that type of person, but in fact a web developer, who fell upon hard times and was in the room asking Mr Robert networking and development questions. (More to come from the person who contributed this.)

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