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Anontrack.org is now 7track.org. Again.

7track.org is a torrent tracker established by 7channers for the purpose of facilitating file-sharing within Anonymous.


In early 2008 a random 7channer named Chris set up a shitty XBTT torrent tracker on his home connection so other 7channers could post torrents in 7chan's /pro/ board. Expected bandwidth demands were exceeded and lag ensued. Chris found hosting with Jerrcs, who had earlier provided hosting for 7chan, and soon a neonatal torrent tracker named 7track crawled, bloody and screaming, from the loins of 7chan's /pro/.

After a few months of routine torrenting and IRC loitering 7track experienced its first obstacle. Although details are vague, general consensus is that Fubar leaked root login to a butthurt mod who proceeded to baleet the site from the internets. BAWW ensued, until a backup was restored and business continued as normal.

For a short while some users at 99chan set up an independent tracker named 99track, however this site never took off and 7track usurped its few active users.

In late 2008 7track upgraded its software to What.cd's Gazelle interface, making it one of the first private torrent trackers to use Gazelle. This, however couldn't contend with the fact that *chan browsers are innately retarded and antisocial, and so 7track would never become a respectable torrent tracker.

Several months later staff decided to break away from 7chan and service any and all anonymous, changing the site name to Anontrack. A few months after that other staff decided that Anontrack sounds like aids, so they changed the site back to 7track.


Since its inception, 7track has supplied its services to wutchan and 7chan's Channel7 project, while also keeping close ties to staff in 7chan and 99chan

See also

7track is part of the following series: