1000 Degree Knife

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1000 Degree Knife will be posted by the same
unfunny newfag until you like it.
1000 Degree Glowing Knife is now a meme.
Fucking terrifying.

1000 Degree Knife vs X are a series of well-researched and conclusive experiments detailing what happens when heat comes in contact with objects, it is an extremely educational and scientific trend that stemmed from the typical YouTube viewer's desire to be curious. Most creators on YouTube make these videos because of Science, although the most Scientific thing we could observe from the video is the word experiment being in the title. It altogether has garnered millions of views, proving that the Youtube is doing a great job of breeding young scientific minds and educating people that fire is hot. Due to YouTube pushing these videos so hard into peoples faces, this has become an incredible cash grab for aspiring "youtubers".

On Objects

This is the physicist, Dr. MrGear performing said experiments and obtaining very interesting results. It would seem when something extremely hot comes into contact with fucking anything, it would be affected by said heat. Some scientists debated that this finding could very well have already dated back to the caveman era but other scientists argued that what Dr. MrGear documented could not possibly be known without having shown it on video. This remains a controversial topic among the scientific community.

Clearly, the finest and brightest mind on Youtube.

On People

Sadly, this question cannot presently be answered because of YouTube's rigorous and draconian censorship. No one in third world countries has also attempted such a creative way of torture or murder either, at least not documented as of yet.

How Hot Is It Really?

In a shocking twist and turn of events, the "1000 degree" knife is not actually 1000 degrees. If you are a useless Eurofag or just an American who has actually accepted that Fahrenheit is archaic, you'll be befuddled to know that the knife is just above 500 degrees Celsius. That's half of what is required for jet fuel to melt steel beams.

The person making the videos just cuts the thing like you would cut it with a regular knife, only making it look like the fact the knife is hot is affecting anything. And unsurprisingly, retarded normalfags fell for it.


Moar info: BLMKidnapping.

1000 Degree Knife DINDU NUFFIN!

All 1000 degree knife videos where a knife that was cutting and burning an object or food until the so-called "Black Lives Matter kidnapping". On January 5, 2017, a group of dindus kidnapped a retarded Trump supporter and jokered him up with a blade. A less important instance of 1000 degree knife vs. subject was some who got insta-burned from dropping a hot knife on his arm.

Related Articles

One of the many 1000 Degree Knife victims

External Links

1000 Degree Knife is part of a series on


Visit the Memes Portal for complete coverage.

1000 Degree Knife is part of a series on YouTube.

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1000 Degree Knife is part of a series on