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А когда мне можно будет курить «Куришку» и бухать «Бухашку»?


Известный анекдотБуш.

Растишка (Rastishka) — magic elixir of growth shitty mix of sugar and kefir-yogurt they are selling to idiotic parents like a wonderful thing for feeding fucking children permanent absorbtion of what will grow tits, cocks, beards, nose hair, ass hair, pubic hair - and everything of that without gender differences. The side effect is growing height because product has got the drugs affecting to pituitary gland.

A bit of history

Hulk likes Rastishka

In the start of the millenium jews with support of ZOG decided to take over the dairy market hitting the defenceless point - larvas humans and their parents. Brain washing played with low instincts: parents wants healthy kids and kids wants to fress something. Ironically that new product tested on jews in The Trird Reich Laboratories, but failed. Ugly mutants (consequences) they had broken against the wall. But the final version of product released as is because they spent a lot of money and wants to get bloody PROFIT. «Rastishka» was selling as explosive mix of steroids vitamins and minerals that eater will grow 4 inches per week. At least, in the first TV-ad (only not sickening) there was a boy can't use elevator, but when he taken 3 doses of «Rastishka» he did it. It wasn't hard to give 25 roubles for a jar (in 2000-s! in Russia!) when you can get 4 jars of normal yogurt. One view to that price insulted rogues and jews.

Composition of feed

Sources near the manufacturers of parts of that shit For the great justice we must descry that there's a nice quality control of the poison, but it doesn't redusing «good» properties of product (they are only mixing on the factories) we know that there's a yogurt, liquid (water), thickeners like carrageenan, gum, modified starch and poison with the name «fruit filler». If you've eaten the last one, you'll have got a irritation near the eating hole for a week. There's bloody LOTS of flavors and dyes in the recipe written by ZOG. That meriting special mention there's a lot of tricalcium citrate. Doctor-cun said it's a bad way to stimulate growth of endoskeleton of the great apes, it's like eating the chalk. Parents are sure that shit is better than normal kefir, and that delivers lulz.

Dino the Dinosaur

He ate «Растишка»!!1
He didn't!!1

At first there was a living crap with a ruler as a symbol. It had looked to us like to the shit and tried to be a symbol. That crap was for show. And suddenly jews from Danon remembered that children loves yogurts and CARTOONS, and children's brains are easy to wash. The Third Reich Labs was openned, and they found a pictures on walls made of blood and vomit. They has chosen new mascot. That was a mix of Pedobear and Shotacat from Jurrasic period - Dino the Dinosaur [1] It's an original name, just like Peter the Pig, but authors decided to release it. Bydlo had eaten.

Dino is boring cartoon character, typical hero, sportsman, komsomol and alpha male. When kids seeing it, they are running to it with happy faces.


Ads for the «Rastishka» is made of pieces of bullshit stuck by Dinosaur semen.

Plots are easy:

  • Little shota failing in the sport games and crying like a little girl. Then Dino appears and gives dose of «Rastishka», and boy got muscles like a female bodybuilder, and he is becoming a hero: winning football matches against all brazils in the world, winning cross against Sonic the Hedgehog, knocing out the Valuev/Chuck Norris.
  • Little loli wants to play with boys, but they don't want that. Dinosaur. Dose of «Rastishka». Loli impressing shotas with grown primary secondary sex characteristics.
  • Once fucking shit like a genie appeares near the children and makes them small like Novodvorskaya's cock. Dinosaus with dose. Again. And kids becomming giant monsters with hairy balls (no gender differences) and then they are raping defenceless fucking shit.
  • Evil genius is suffering evil garbage like stopping the time (stopping square's clock, lol) or cancelling quite hour. Loli and shota want to stop him, but failing. Dinosaur with a dose. And genius getting in his face.

It's like cartoons claming to the post of normal entertainment that children will love and eat «Rastishka» till it is flowing from twat (no gender differences). It's terrible that children are doing it. Little elite is resisting, but bydlo is hopeless - they will fap to the dino when fing out how to do it.

Moveover, in ads they are using old images that children don't know. For example, in the video where characters are walking on the moon there's: box with legs from soviet cartoon «Тайна третьей планеты», reducing box from «Остров ржавого генерала», creature with tube mouth from «Муми-тролль». And, in the ads of another fast-food shit (like a cereal) there's bad arrangement of music from the film «Гостья из будущего». Secondarity will be seen by everybody watched original.

  • Ads for parents. Doctors-killers saying that children wil be healthy if you'll give «Rastishka» to them by a force and there's a educational toys in the zips. For example: don't stick your cock into the socket. Killed with a fire because all scientific shit was a lie, and Pu-Pu don't want.

Ads with white coats are prohibited. If you'll watch TV-ads now, you'll see men in white jackets. Bydlo doesn't care about that - there's a lot of confidence to the men in white.

The clone wars

Anothes jewish companies wants gesheft too.

Skeletons — epic shit for making kids goths and necrophiles. 4 dead teens — drugs addicted, fat hikkikomori, slut and cunt (not characters, but templates) — were eating cheese and drinking yogurt and saying they have got fucking durable bones. And that's tasty, but you cant say it without tongue. There's a lot of shit without any logic, for example, phone inclines the names correctly(Russian language!). Or fucking annoying «funny dialogues».

Anonimous will remember that is the most mad Chonishwilley's role.
Pool is closed some years ago because children don't care about their bones. If you'll have broken one, you will not go to school — that's nice.

Nesquik — some pieces of shit by the Bunny who loves children too. There wasn't a lot of ads, and all plots are in the «TV-ads» section.


Bydlo still eating shit, and subject is made in some forms:

  • Classic — normal plactic jar with yogurt. It's just 3 times smaller but costs 3 times more.
  • Yogurt with sweets — Idea and design is stolen from the «Pokemon» yogurt that design is stolen from «Prince» yogurt. It's a jar with hollow cover where there's a sweets. You should take them out and mix with yogurt. It's like they can't do it on the factory. Let's take one, throw it into the yogurt, wait for a half of a year and see the result, lol. We can do it with a celeral too. In «Pokemon» You was able to find a picture of pokemon, but there's only fucking green pedo… Fail.
  • Drinking — Classic variant diluted with donkey urine for drinking.

See Also

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  1. Danonino, but stupid translators changed his name.