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The following is an Email discussion that occurred between junius of Encyclopedia Dramatica and Sinom of The discussion ended without a reply to junius's final Email.

Date: Wed, 09 Mar 2016 17:11:25
From: [email protected]
To: junius <redacted>
Subject: Broken Agreement?

Hey Junius,

I couldn't help but notice Ulithium_Dragon and ShotaKitsune's real name
is on the ED page? I hope and will assume this is the
work of a rogue element and that this doesn't indicate that you broke
our agreement?

Could you remove their personal names as quickly as possible, please?
From: junius <redacted>
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Broken Agreement?
Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2016 15:33:18

I already tried:

I don't believe that I can convince VX to change his mind. Do you want to try speaking with VX? You can do so on my talk page or his or hers:

Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2016 22:18:31
From: [email protected]
To: junius <redacted>
Subject: Re: Broken Agreement?

If you couldn't change his/her mind, then I doubt I will be able too.
Besides, I still remember being banned several times for the "lolz",
when we were talking back in November. The way I see it, ED isn't know
for being a fair and enjoyable environment anymore and it has only
become worse over time. It used to stand for something more and I
remember those times well, but now it's only a shadow of their former
self and innocents now pay the price for it.

I don't even know why you would continue to choose to be affiliated with
them, as you seem a rarity among them. You remained civil and kept your
word, which I respect but the issue still stands and I would suggest
something else entirely to resolve it. By now, I think you know that
none of our community are bad people and the people, who names are
posted on there even less so, but you can still be the bigger person in
all this by deleting the whole article. You are the author, so you would
be well within your rights to do so and by doing so, you can start
changing the community from within. One has to start making some changes
for the better, and I hope that will be you.
From: junius <redacted>
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Broken Agreement?
Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2016 00:08:23

I appreciate what you've said. I really don't want to disappoint you after what you've said, but I'm a prideful person. I'm went through a lot of trouble having that article published. One of your community members doxed me, and you threatened me with a 24-hour ultimatum. And now you're asking me to leave empty-handed, after all I've been through.

I can still chose to delete the article. I haven't made my final decision yet. Before I make my final decision, I would like to know: What were you planning to do with my personal information? What exactly were you threatening to do? Also, are you sure ShotaKitsune and Ulithium_Dragon can't just learn to accept that their true names are known? I don't believe that anything will happen to them. I think that they're safe.

Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2016 20:49:11
From: [email protected]
To: junius <redacted>
Subject: Re: Broken Agreement?

Don't mention it. I felt you deserved to know my appreciation for you in
light of these events. That being said, we don't endorse doxing and no
members of ours would dox you without having to answer to me. Now you
might wonder, why I did what I did specifically regarding the 24 hours
ultimatum and the "threats"? I wanted you to be able to look at it from
another perspective. That uneasy feeling you had during that time and
might still have is the exact feeling my members felt when they saw
their personal information on ED as they knew it was up for grabs by
anyone who would have a twisted sense of justice. It wouldn't matter to
those people, if they were innocent or not. You know as well, as I do
that those people see the world in black and white. But you and me don't
see the world like that as is shown by us being able to have a civil
conversation and to even agree on some topics. Even if Ulithium_Dragon
or ShotaKitsune weren't in danger, that uneasy feeling would remain. It
is a feeling, one feels when they know someone has something precious to
them. Their privacy.

And you speak of pride, but now you have the perfect opportunity to be
proud without compromising your own honor. You would be proud of
standing up for what's right and become the change that ED desperately
needs. You would be able to hold your head up high and rejoice at the
fact that you won't be responsible for anything befallen the innocents.
From: junius <redacted>
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Broken Agreement?
Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2016 23:48:21

I'm not going to delete the article. There's more than pride or privacy at stake. I'm an archivist and a documentary. I can't delete web history and retain my integrity as a documentarian at the same time. There's a point where one can't make any more compromises without sacrificing their integrity. ED is about documenting online culture and events, so deletion can't be the "change" that ED needs. That's my final decision. We can talk some more, but I'm not going to change my mind.

Date: Sat, 12 Mar 2016 02:22:05
From: [email protected]
To: junius <redacted>
Subject: Re: Broken Agreement?

Integrity you say? Documentaries usually fall under journalistic ethics,
which your article seems to be lacking. Besides, the article is and
never was close to representing an objective truth, as it is still ripe
with inconsistencies and falsehoods/lies which you don't deem necessary
to correct, but if you are content with being an archivist of such
content then that is your business. Truth to be told, that didn't even
bother me that much as it how ED operates. There is a reason ED is
treated as a joke by the majority of people on the web, and why it is
not considered as a reliable source. So I view your reasons as excuses
to warrant inaction, which makes you a part of the problem. At the end
of the day, you broke your word, not I so I hope you can live with that.
From: junius <redacted>
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Broken Agreement?
Date: Sat, 12 Mar 2016 03:39:23

I can live with that.

If you want to fix the alleged "inconsistencies and falsehoods/lies", you or another member of your forum can create an account or use one of our Bugmenot accounts ( to do so. Some inside help from your forum would be helpful. You can also try communicating some of those alleged inconsistencies and falsehoods/lies to me, along with suggestions on how to correct them.
