Encyclopedia Dramatica:Thizzlehat Junction Center

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Thizz in peace, our hyphy overlord.

Welcome to the Thizzlehat Junction Center. This is your place to mention news and anything needing adminly attention. You can also use the shortcut TJC.

While you wait for attention, have a look at what needs to be done around here by clicking the shiny blue links below.

Real-time discussion about ED content and/or help from an ED Sysop can be found on IRC. Check your fear, drama and faggotry at the door.

About ED

Fashioned in the spirit of Ambrose Bierce's The Devil's Dictionary, Encyclopedia Dramatica's purpose is to provide a central catalog for the e-public to view parody and satire of drama, memes, e-pals, and other interesting happenings on the Internets. Our goal is to provide comprehensive, reference-style parody, to poke fun at everyone and everything. You can read more about the origin of Encyclopedia Dramatica in our About section.


Before making any contributions, be sure you have read over all of our policies. We will not hesitate to revert any idiotic edits and call you out for your stupidity.

Ways to Help


All are welcome, as long as you read and agree to the general disclaimer. The only real requirement is to create an email-confirmed account to edit articles (no anonymous editing allowed). GO TO THE FORUM, IRC, TELEGRAM, OR ASK ONE OF OUR ADMINS ON THEIR USER-TALK-PAGES FOR HELP. KTHX.

  • Got a lulzworthy subject you feel needs to be written about? Submit it to the Needed/Proposed page and someone might pick it up. Make sure you check to see if there's already an article about the subject first.

  • Write an article. This is the best thing you can do for ED.
  • Check the Bad New Articles portal to see if there's anything that ought to be expanded or cleaned up.Avoid putting deathnotices on articles as there are usually better ways to do shit
  • Check the list of wanted articles. This is automatically generated when two or more pages contain links to a page that doesn't yet exist.

Front page

  • Add images to articles, or upload better versions of wanted images. Make sure you give your image a detailed name instead of a bunch of symbols or numbers so search engines can actually find them and link to them easier.
  • Browse though unused images and files and find homes for them. Do not delete or put death notices on duplicate images, use the {{duplicate}} template instead.

  • Categorize articles. We have a list of existing categories and a list of uncategorized articles. To add an article to a category, click that page's edit link and at the bottom of the entry, type [[Category: (name of category)]] and click "Save Page." Use the "Show Preview" button to make sure you typed a category that exists (red links mean you failed). DO NOT create new categories.
  • Update/Rotate a Portal. Seriously, this would be highly appreciated. The goal is to have each one changed once every two weeks or so. Anyone can do this.

Request editor privs

If you're interested in helping out further, request editor privs, assuming you've been around for a couple months or have otherwise proved yourself.

SysOp & Editor Tasks
Article:   Quote:   Picture:   Video:
Banplz: 2 Delete: 0


Editors are able to move and edit protected pages. They are expected to help maintain the Main Page. If you're a recently promoted editor and are unsure about something, ask for assistance. Don't be afraid of making mistakes.

  • Check to make sure all the XOTN are set for the Main Page
  • Review NewFiles for content that violates ED Policy. Editors can tag with {{delete}}.


  • Also, all of the editor tasks apply to you as well


In order to cut down from the week long turn around ED currently experiences I will list articles that we need to work on Right Now TM

  • Rachel Dolezal - White lady pretends to be black. Becomes NCAA chapter president.
  • Transnigger - Goes hand in hand with Rachel Dolezal and expands our repertoire of Social Justice related content. Please help out oddguy.

-Phobos 00:19, 12 June 2015 (EDT)


  1. - Deez nutz: this antique meme was used on Daily Show tonight by a sports figure. added 01:25, 8 May 2015 (EDT) by -hipcrime
  2. - Mark Millar: The Kick-Ass guy. added 23:46, 17 May 2015 (EDT) by JuniusThaddeus
  3. - Freebleeding, currently a redirect to Feminism#Freebleeding. added 00:02, 22 May 2015 (EDT) by -hipcrime
  4. - Shoplifting Blogs - Bitches on Tumblr are posting their Shoplifting hauls Mantequilla (talk) 21:58, 25 May 2015 (EDT)
  5. Dread Pirate Roberts - Leader of Silk Road, threatened multiple people with saying it to their face fucker offline not online see what happens when I hire a hitman
  6. David Shing - “Digital Prophet, AOL.” It also says “David Shing,” but, unless you knew him when he was a kid in Australia, you should just call him Shingy, which is also his Twitter handle and his URL." This guy just by appearance alone, lol.
  7. Silicon Valley - A place, a show, etc
  8. Star Citizen - Biggest game of the decade
  9. Molyneux - Creator of overhyped as fuck games that he then mishandles into absolute failure his most recent, Godus, is completely falling apart
  10. Fictionkin - Bizarre subset of otherkin who believe that they are fictional characters
  11. Headmates - To quote UD, "Headmates are a weird mix of schizophrenia, too much time looking at a computer screen and cheetos. It's supposedly described as having multiple personalities in your head, sometimes one taking over, another while you're watching a movie, another takes over at a feminist convention rally."
  12. TERF - Trannies vs Feminists Electric Bugaloo also Cathy Brennan
  13. Wired - Massively popular massively shitty tech focused blog/magazine
  14. TechCrunch - Extremely pretentious bullshit "blog/thought leader/omg techcrunch/tech institution"
  15. An article summarizing and looking back on GamerGate now that we have umpteen million articles about it and the faggotry has calmed down in fact it would be amazing if we could do a "Lolcows - Where are they Now?" series and occasionally do summary/lookback articles about particularly interesting/popular events
  16. leftypol - It's the 8chan board that's basically /pol/ for communists oddguy 12:03, 29 May 2015 (EDT)
  17. RevLeft- Internet's biggest communist circlejerk.Why did noone ever write an article on it?--Boudica 19:02, 16 June 2015 (EDT)
  18. Rare Pepes - newest ironic meme on 4chan and 8chan. gotta collect them all --Talk to me|Contribs 10:32, 10 June 2015 (EDT)
  19. Emoji is currently a redirect to Otaku emoticons which is not accurate. With the advent of Unicode standard emoji and things like Apple making "diverse" emoji, or as I like to call them, Negroji, there can be quite a bit of lulz on this page. Especially emoji combinations, I mean who doesn't laugh at 👌👈? (although apparently it looks better on Google Chrome than it does in firefox) --Mantequilla (talk) 17:42, 11 June 2015 (EDT)
  20. You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack Rap song by Viper. --Mantequilla (talk) 16:00, 14 June 2015 (EDT)
  21. Viper For that matter we could probably use an article on Viper in general - Phobos 17:06, 14 June 2015 (EDT)
  22. Godfrey Elfwick Troll who started the whole #wrongskin (aka transnigger) phenomenon. Has Trolled BBC as well as various other news outlets. See: GodfreyElfwick
  23. Serenity (Comic) - /co/ marathons/storytimes this classic christian comic every Christmas and Easter. The creator of the book has responded to /co/ as well.--Talk to me|Contribs 10:05, 16 June 2015 (EDT)

Should be Improved

  1. Trigger
  2. Social Justice - I wrote this article awhile back and I never finished the section on types of Social Justice Warriors if anyone finds that interesting enough to write about
  3. ISIS - Needs updating/expansion
  4. Android - Trolling Google never gets old same goes for Apple's bullshit
  5. Comcast - Srsly, these niggas.
  6. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev - Needs to be updated/improved could be fantastic AOTN material.

I've got other ideas but that's a good place to start I think - Phobos 07:54, 18 May 2015 (EDT)

  • I've already added a section to Chu's article about GGinDC, as well as the rape joke of his that someone found the next day (WHICH I FOUND AND ADDED TO THAT ARTICLE MONTHS AGO btw) and his subsequent meltdown. The two other articles ideas sound good tho oddguy .
At the moment Kill The Faggot is an incomplete draft, I'll work on it more tomorrow. Feel free to jump in. reply 13:28, 6 May 2015 (EDT)
  • Looks like a good article to add to the "Lulzy Games" template (should I have even made that thing? Is it redundant?) oddguy 15:34, 6 May 2015 (EDT)
No that is a very good idea. Please do. --Mantequilla (talk) 17:03, 6 May 2015 (EDT)
  • Other staff pls elaborate on this, maybe keep it at the top of the TJC indefinitely. No matter how small the meme or internet event, we need a place to be new user's muse for writing articles. Please add to this list, and the next person who archives the TJC leave this post at the top please. --Mantequilla (talk) 00:51, 7 May 2015 (EDT)
Should we marge Encyclopedia Dramatica:Needed/Proposed with the TJC? Maybe we sort out suggestions that aren't crap. reply 08:34, 7 May 2015 (EDT)
Added CIS Gender. reply 08:38, 7 May 2015 (EDT)
  • What is there to write about "Cis" besides "Not a tranny"? oddguy 08:52, 7 May 2015 (EDT)
There was more to write about heterosexual than just "not a faggot," wasn't there? See also breederVermin    10:27, 7 May 2015 (EDT)
Made CIS Gender, or at least started to. Feel free to add more along with me. :) 1sam234 22:24, 16 May 2015 (EDT)
Cis scum is a popular insult and is a widely used term. There is quite a lot of drama related to cis. What isn't there to write about it? EDIT: [1] [2] reply 12:00, 7 May 2015 (EDT)
  • First of all, Vermin made a good point. I didn't think of that. Secondly, we already have an article for Die cis scum, so that's a separate issue, but we could write an article about cis in the same way we did about hetero and white I guess... Although I personally don't know how to go about it. oddguy 16:50, 7 May 2015 (EDT)
What about Eddie_Van_Halen ? kthxbye Vigilant's Vagoo 20:06, 16 May 2015 (EDT)

We need need a Mark Miller Mark Millar article in order to balance all this Gamersate stuff out, and the Metal Gear Solid article needs more information on Ground Zeroes and its treatment of Paz. --JuniusThaddeus 23:53, 17 May 2015 (EDT)

  • ????? What did Mark Miller do? oddguy 03:29, 18 May 2015 (EDT)
    • Sorry, I just realized that his surname is "Millar", not "Miller". Oh, and he makes dumb products. --JuniusThaddeus 07:44, 18 May 2015 (EDT)
  • lol what a faggot... I guess no one was impressed with his "acting". oddguy 07:53, 18 May 2015 (EDT)
  • Does Denton really need his own article? I don't remember finding anything interesting to say about him when I was working on the Gawker article. All the rest - Agree/don't know anything about. oddguy 08:06, 18 May 2015 (EDT)

We should be fucking with Gawker as much as possible imo. They're drama obsessed cunts, Nick Denton reportedly gets very IRL mad about people making fun of him online, and beefing with them would give us pretty great publicity. Gawker and Vice fucking hate each other so even if Gawker staff/writers refuse to acknowledge us repeatedly shitting on them Vice wouldnt give two fucks about writing a piece about it just to rustle Gawker's jimmies. As for content,

- Phobos 08:17, 18 May 2015 (EDT)

  • I do agree that fucking with Denton is always a plus. oddguy 08:22, 18 May 2015 (EDT)
Nick Denton Youre welcome. Someone please fix the video gallery thing. Lavrentiy Beria (Jr) 17:47, 19 May 2015 (EDT)
okay i did the video gallery. hopefully i didn't edit conflict you. :) -hipcrime 18:19, 19 May 2015 (EDT)

I'll e work on ISIS.I'll start on something fairly soon.If anyone has any good links lmk or try to stick them on the talk page--Boudica 08:57, 18 May 2015 (EDT)

Ok probably the single most needed page right now is Bahar Mustafa. This bitch is a university diversity officer who is extremely racist and sexist against whites and men. There is a petition to have her fired and arrested with over 16,000 signatures. Multiple news articles about her antics. This shit is HOT right now, just check out #supportbaharmustafa. Anyone who creates this page will have my eternal gratitude. --Mantequilla (talk) 20:54, 20 May 2015 (EDT)

  • Do we actually need a "Rare Pepe" article? Shouldn't we just expand the "Feels bad man" article? oddguy 18:45, 11 June 2015 (EDT)
yes, there are over 1000 rares circulating right now even and we need a few other articles on the related Pepe memes..--Talk to me|Contribs 10:09, 16 June 2015 (EDT)

Started an article for cringe threads.--Boudica 19:01, 11 June 2015 (EDT)

Personal attack images added to articles

I removed some of these from pages but if you guys could keep an eye out for shit like this I would appreciate it. It has been going on since the dawn of time, I know, but people are adding images of people nobody cares about, along with dox in the file descriptions, to pages like AZN, gay, fat etc just to bolster their own ego and make fun of people nobody but them knows about. some examples, click on them to read the meta page for the descriptions:

Shit like this is stupid and only does one thing, make the uploader pleased with themselves because they think they are some ebin trawler. Please be on the lookout for shit like this and remove them from pages as you see it. If you are not an admin/sysop and you see shit like this being uploaded please report it to staff so they can take the appropriate action. --Mantequilla (talk) 15:16, 6 June 2015 (EDT)

fun with the b& hammer

When banning someone, if you specify a {{template}} in the "Other/additional reason" field, BMO will add it to their userpage. reply 12:50, 8 June 2015 (EDT)

Preferably the {{kitties}} template. Vermin    14:18, 8 June 2015 (EDT)
It didn't work when I tried it, unless by "add it to their user page" you meant "add it to the reason given in the banned screen." When you used it on me, it didn't add {{furry}} to my user page (though it was already there as I had it added myself), but it did show the template as the reason given on the "you've been brutally sodomized by ___" screen.
Also, it didn't show that you banned me in RC. It was literally "surprise buttsex" as the banned screen states. Vermin    14:47, 8 June 2015 (EDT)
It should be working now otherwise I'll look tomorrow. Note that if someone already has {{banned}} on their userpage BMO won't do anything. reply 17:12, 8 June 2015 (EDT)
It works! Your user page has never been more adorable. Vermin    20:40, 8 June 2015 (EDT)


sorry if this is the wrong place to bitch, but anyone know why I can't register for the forum? When I try to sign up, I get the error, "A server error occurred. Please try again later." Been happening for a few days. Thanks. Kickass 01:40, 9 June 2015 (EDT)

It's because your user name has a curse word in it. Please make a new account named Kickbutt and try again. Vermin    02:00, 9 June 2015 (EDT)
That is not true. Use the email user function on the left side margin of my userpage and tell me what you would like your username to be and I will make the account manually. Registration is broken for some people for some reason. --Mantequilla (talk) 05:35, 9 June 2015 (EDT)
Thanks Mantequilla. I sent you an email. The ED forum needs my kickass contributions. Kickass 22:08, 9 June 2015 (EDT)
I didn't get it, try again or send an email to contact at encyclopediadramatica.se --Mantequilla (talk) 13:32, 15 June 2015 (EDT)
It's still not letting me sign up, can someone help? The forums seems pretty cool. --Neenz 16:27, 25 June 2015 (EDT)

Fabricated legal threats

I sent Tiger a message about his contribution to the YouNow article which states the "admin" wants to sue us looking for proof. Is this real? Can anyone confirm because I've heard nothing about this nor can find any evidence of it. Fake legal threats dilute the impact of real ones. Uberfukken 21:39, 10 June 2015 (EDT)

Special:Contributions/Daryl_Dixon--Boudica 00:30, 11 June 2015 (EDT)
Ptff... even if it were real, they can't really do anything about it. This is the internet. ••General Niggerson Page me. 00:34, 11 June 2015 (EDT)
That's not the point doofus--Boudica 00:36, 11 June 2015 (EDT)
oh well. but the threat's half a year ago. so they probably didnt do anything. ••General Niggerson Page me. 00:56, 11 June 2015 (EDT)
ok i see where it's from now. i'm going to edit the article to correctly represent that log. Uberfukken 23:22, 11 June 2015 (EDT)
  • ALL legal threats should go through me first before ANY action is taken. email contact@ if you have any questions. Also LOL at posting a C&D on a wiki. Certified mail is the ONLY legal avenue to pursue such an order. --Mantequilla (talk) 14:03, 15 June 2015 (EDT)
:D Lavrentiy Beria (Jr) 22:21, 20 June 2015 (EDT)

you've got 105 characters

Create a subpage named /tweet and its contents will be tweeted with the relevant AOTN, POTN or VOTN. If an AOTN runs from June 18, 2015 to June 19, 2015, you'll add /tweet to the earliest date, June 18, 2015.

Result: https://twitter.com/ED_Updates/status/610159917631012864 reply 23:45, 14 June 2015 (EDT)

Adding popular #hashtags will make sure the tweet gets the most visibility. DO NOT add the {{hashtag}} template. Do it in plaintext. The #EDXOTN tags (as well as the article title for AOTN) get tweeted automagically so no need to add them. Adding a short description to the POTN and VOTN in /tweet is encouraged though. --Mantequilla (talk) 13:57, 15 June 2015 (EDT)
This needs to be added to cascade protection. I'll do it when I sober up. If I sober up. —  VX  02:22, 24 June 2015 (EDT)
Done. —  VX  14:19, 25 June 2015 (EDT)

The Redditor Question

I'm sorry, but why are you guys letting the fucking Wizardchan spilloff use ED as a platform for their autism movements? I thought we were better than that...even after the death of .com...


  • Who? oddguy 06:45, 25 June 2015 (EDT)
What movement? If you refer to this "reddit exodus," that falls within SJW coverage. —  VX  14:19, 25 June 2015 (EDT)

Yo, ops

No one has received VD since March. I'd toss some around myself, but the common folk haven't caught my notice of late. —  VX  02:05, 26 June 2015 (EDT)

Done. —  VX  16:45, 27 June 2015 (EDT)
Maybe people could nominate themselves for it, like they did to become an EDitor before, and we can pick the one with the most impressive contributions, history, why they deserve it, etc. 1sam234 17:27, 27 June 2015 (EDT)
I was gonna give 1sam it but he became sysop sooo... Tigercommander 17:39, 27 June 2015 (EDT)
I don't think there's a rule against giving VD to sysops though. :) The page about the VD says "All registered users are eligible for the prize". 1sam234 18:13, 27 June 2015 (EDT)
I already distributed them, seeing as no one replied. —  VX  21:35, 27 June 2015 (EDT)
I saw that. I'll nominate myself for one for July 2015 though. :) 1sam234 22:23, 27 June 2015 (EDT)

Redditors are confused

[3] [4] (lol) [5]

And that's just the last month, and leaves out people looking for porn and other trivial shit. Lavrentiy Beria (Jr) 04:40, 26 June 2015 (EDT)

--LmaoZedong 26th June 2015


hi: the wiki is currently configured to display images from Wikimedia Commons when the file is missing locally. for instance a link to File:112.jpg (a file that is either missing or was never here) uses a Commons redirect to a picture of a Volvo. pls see this page at MediaWiki.org. apparently $wgUseInstantCommons is currently set to true. i presume it needs to be set to false. :) Hipcrime (talk) 11:07, 10 December 2020 (PST)

edit filter II electric etcetera

hi: the edit filter is tripping me up again:

Error: The text you wanted to save was blocked by the spam filter. This is probably caused by a link to a blacklisted external site. The following text is what triggered our spam filter: mywikibiz.com

is there any way to just do away with the entire edit filter? Hipcrime (talk) 12:14, 14 December 2020 (PST)

  i don't control the blacklist thing, you might just hit up umk for that