Dick Masterson

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Dick on Dr. Phil sporting a pedo mustache and rapist glasses
Ted Kaczynski took the fall for Dick

"Female anger is the weathervane of truth"

Little is was known about Dr. Dick Masterson, only that he is a messenger from God sent to enlighten women around the world about why everything sucks because of them. In other words, he is one of the most obvious IRL trolls that has ever lived but women fall for it and thus create a weird meta-troll effect where he's proven right due to the hordes of butthurt bitches left in his path. Dick Masterson is Dax Herrera's alter ego. You can follow his "teachings" the body building forum or the two podcasts he had if you want something more up to date. While he lives forever in internet infamy for teaching the world Men are better than women he has taken his character to being a cuntservative libertarian. The Dox of Dax Herrera IRL has proved rather lulzy in itself because it turns out Dick Masterson is a Cal Tech honors grad who is a literal Rocket Scientist and does this shit for kicks. No, seriously he actually talks about making rockets and drones that kill terrorists for his day job. Sorry ladies, so much for him being a retard that doesn't have any clue what he is talking about.

At first on his men are better than women forum, these facts were posted by a woman, and were quickly taken down by him or one of his mods. They got a little butthurt themselves, seems Dax doesn't like it when he is unmasked due to psychotic women writing to his family and employers to cut off his penis, but when Dax learned that Rocket Scientists aren't a dime a dozen to hire and his employer could care less, he kept doin whatever he wants living like a drunken degenerate. Dick has taken a break trolling women and now spends his time trolling Maddox into homelessness, bankruptcy and suicide.

"You're paying for the whore to leave"


A Dickovator
A typical woman's reaction to the truth. Fucking priceless.

While the majority of Dick's fame comes from his real-life escapades, he also has a website through which he shares his infinite wisdom with fellow assholes and male chauvinists of the internet. Having an advanced degree in Dickology, Dick has written many classic works, including this list of reasons he compiled on why men are way better than women.


Dick Masterson: women line up to go out with me!

Her: I don't see any women lining up to go out with you, and even if there were, I would be at the end of that line.

Dick: Well if you hit the treadmill more, you'd be at the front.

This is an example of a technique Dick has created and mastered known as the "Verbal Cunt Punt" or VCP for short. It allows dick to turn raging Feminazis back into respectable women without the need to punch or kick their filthy untouched snatches.

"Should have stayed in the kitchen where you were safe"

Top 10 Reasons why Men are Better than Women

Having a penis — in other words looking like a man and having man parts — is a man’s way of telling other men, ‘Hey. Look at me. I’m a man. I won’t fuck up whatever it is that you’re trying to do.


—10. Men have penises

Marriage was invented because women were too busy whoring it out to fuck the only the guy who was paying their rent and feeding their fat asses French bon-bons every day.


—9. Marriage is stupid

Men are natural destroyers. We pop right out of the man-womb and start on a life-long tirade of progress by tearing down the Earth with our mighty, man-manly man-fists. Goddammit, that’s awesome!


—8. Boys destroy things

Women don’t wear watches; they wear bracelets. Women wearing bracelets is like dropping a bus of retarded kids off in front of a taffy pulling machine. They can just stare for hours and never get bored.


—7. Men wear watches

Writing is stupid and an ineffective way to communicate. Men know this so they don’t give a shit about handwriting things with big hoops and loops and squiggles and shit so aliens can read notes about remembering to pick up your birth control pills after 6th period from space.


—6. Men write illegibly

Men know this so they blast off from birth like shooting man stars — burning out ten years faster, but setting the whole night ablaze with manness. Women just kind of lie around like big fat pigs in big fat puddles of shit.


—5. Men live less than women

Women’s entire lives and social circles are based around hatred.


—4. Women are racists

Women are social chameleons — or better yet: social vampires.


—3. Men are not sponges

I believe all women suffer from a mild and extremely localized form of Tourette Syndrome. The afflicted organ? Their tongues.


—2. Men do not have Tourette Syndrome

Whether or not you believe in Jesus, there is one fact you can’t argue with: he was a man. No religion anywhere has ever put a woman in charge of shit. That’s called dogma — man-dogma — and it means men are better than women.


—1. Jesus was a Man


DOX & Hate Mail

I don't waste my time sitting around with friends calling websites that piss me off.



Like a real man, Dick puts out his contact info for directly handling death threats. Of course, all of the women who call keep on proving Dick's point that women are stupid because they just ramble on about shit nobody cares about.

Dick Masterson serves a secondary purpose as an agent provocateur, inciting self-professed feminists to express their true feelings and views. He simply states a general view about women, and then militant feminists - women and men - bombard him with death and castration threats, often accompanied by a generalized claim about men. Because it's not sexist if you're a girl. Or a self-loathing male.

I think you need to be castrated. Why you ask? Well deary You cant have these opinions and get away with it, its like being a pedophile - Thats why you need to be castrated! DAHHHHHH!!!


—-Girl power on thoughtcrime

Thanks for reading this, and I hope I was able to educate you on something, because God knows you need a lot of it.

May God (apparently Jesus in your case) bless you with less stupider thoughts, not intelligent.


—-Harini Chandrasegaram on modesty

why do you think that thing between your legs really means anything

it would not be that hard to just cut off and look what would you really have then being a male would be well sucky the littles thing it and your on your knees holding it crying well go fuck your self (if you a can get it up)


—-angela on penis envy

If you love men so much, go suck some dick and get some fucking respect for girls.



—-hatty on persuasion through homophobia

The Biggest Problem in the Universe

Dick hadn't been updating anything on his website since last thursday. This is due to when you have a top selling book revolving around saying men are better than women, some of the women who sucked cock to get top positions in entertainment might blacklist you. He did some gay shit with UCB for way too long hoping to make connections, then On May 20th, 2014, Masterson started a podcast called The Biggest Problem in the Universe with long-time web "satirist" Maddox. The Podcast was pretty pretty Awwright at the beginning. What made the show lulzy was that the entire premise of the show is Dick trolling an Autistic 40 year old balding Armenian and Maddox being too autistic to understand it. Dick even contradicts himself multiple times just to piss Maddox off with his lack of care that that he was contradicting himself, causing Maddox to go into massive tism fits. Topics Dick talked about are:

  • Getting so drunk he took a shit in his fathers pants
  • Only doing cool drugs
  • Never using condoms during sex
  • Talking about how global warming is made up
  • Talking about how swearing and saying retard isn't cool
  • White knighting for female guest and getting his jimmies rustled when called out for being a white knight
  • Forcing Maddox to watch Titanic everytime he brought a problem that was shit

On May 31st, 2016, Maddox abruptly cancelled the successful 107 episode Podcast (not including bonus content) due to Maddox being upset that Dick was having sex with his ex girlfriend (whom Maddox had been broken up with for 3 years, and happened while he was already dating his current live in girlfriend). Being cucked by Masterson, he killed the podcast and attempted to ruin Dicks personal and professional reputation.

All Maddox/Dick drama in one video

The Dick Show

Sam Hyde's Lost MDE sketch exclusive

The Ballad of Mansplaining

Mansplaining 'mansplaining'

How the victory of Donald Trump will be

Following the untimely death of The Biggest Problem in the Universe, Masterson started his own Podcast, The Dick Show, a very HIGH ENERGY podcast. Weekly tidbits of Hot Goss are distributed like Orange Chicken samples in a mall food court. Some Greek faggot named Asterios Kokkinos, a New York liberal male feminist, and his audio engineer Sç̱͈͓͔̬̠̞z̴̙̖̥͕̪ḩ̖̣̣̙̱̬̘ṳ͈̈a͎̣̙̟̳̱̞n͇̹, an ass-farming civil war reenacting Nazi who became co-host because he talks shit to Dick and Dick is too lazy and autistic to hire a real co-host. While the show can be entertaining since it started off being slapped together together last minute and devolved into a male soap opera of drama and gossip, and as a result requires the listener to know a TL;DR backstory of drama involving an dead podcast and listen to all episodes in chronological order, otherwise entire 30 minute chunks of an episode make 0 sense. Despite being possibly the most TL;DR Podcast in human history that requires more back story and cliff notes than a table top roleplaying game, it is ranked in the top 20 highest grossing Patreons.

ED retard on the Dick Show

One of ED's admins made a shit video about maddox and Dick invited him onto the podcast. What followed was 30 minutes of autism and telling everyone about what a failure Zaiger is.

Personal and Professional Reputation

On September 25th, 2016, Maddox launched an attack on Masterson's "personal AND professional reputation". Maddox released a video trying to spin an innocuous statement by Masterson into him being a rape apologist, and subsequently sicked the helldogs of the SJW world on him, getting him fired from Upright Citizen's Brigade. Even under pressure and threats, Dick still refuses to disavow any of his work standing by every single word ever written on his site and book.

Yup, because it's not like just any retard can start an 8chan board and post anything

Dick Masterson: Autism whisperer

Dick Masterson proved to have a very useful weapon in his arsenal that Maddox did not count on. What does a man do when your former business partner attacks you, runs a smear campaign, and leaves you with a fan base of autists? You weaponize that autism.

Maddox's attack failed miserably and backfired, the Patreonis kicked in a whopping $18,465 (2/2/17) to the Dick fund, spiraling him into a 24-hour, 7 day a week alcoholic rage, condensed into an hour and a half long Podcast. Dick then channeled the power of Autism to outsource the work of finding examples of Maddox advocating for sexual asault which caused Maddox to disavow his only successful book, go through the accounting ledger to show Maddox was lying about his financials claim and actually owed Dick over $5k, spawn a parody of Maddox that earns more money on Patreon than the real Maddox, buy up domains realted to Maddox and all people associated with Madcast media, troll Maddox's twitch stream, create a #1 charting comedy album about what a cuck faggot Maddox is and chart higher Maddox's #4 charting comedy album, and pick apart the content of his new book to prove that the entire thing is Maddox recycling old rants from Biggest Problem in the Universe.

Dick has weaponized autism by separating his audience into two catagories: top autist and bottom autist. He incentivizes weaponized autism by giving autists 'life advice' in a simple to understand way even a retard can understand and mocking them when there is too much tism (aka labeling them a bottom autist). Dick is able to do this because he is an autism himself, however instead of focusing his autism into Thomas the Tank Engine and Sonic, he focused it on guns, bombs, telling women they are inferior to men, and trolling. Basicly Dick is /pol/ IRL, minus being half spic and loving jews.

(Yes, a top autist parody of Maddox actually makes more money than the real Maddox)

HOT GOSS: Dick vs Maddox & other associated drama

When Dick and Maddox broke up due to 'Autistic differences' Dick attempted to end things as nice as he could saying Maddox was a legend and he was grateful for the opportunity to host a podcast with him. However because Maddox is incapable of acting like an adult, and both of them are notorious internet trolls this quickly dissolved and turned into a bloodbath free for all. As Maddox had already pissed off his fans by killing the podcast they loved and becoming an unfunny cuck, Maddox took the cowards way forward sneaking around implying shit he couldn't back up about Dick and sending his employees to dox, harass employers, and do his general dirty work while publicly pretending to be above it all and to be a good boy who dindu nuffin. Dick having the fact that Maddox made a bitch of himself on his side, handled it like a man by publicly airing his dirty laundry and shaming him. Dick later got a bit more creative and him as well as his army of people who hated Maddox decided to have some fun and:

"I'm not triggered you shithead"


  • Buy up Maddox's sponsor domains
  • Redirect Domains of his co-hosts websites to
  • Read private "Please get back with me" letters he wrote his ex
  • Creating Billboard charting albums about what a cuck Maddox is to out sell his album
  • Creating a parody of Maddox called Madcucks
  • Buying a billboard outside of Madcast Media's official P.O. Box saying what a cuck Maddox is.
  • Having the parody of Maddox make more money than the real Maddox
  • Releasing bonus content from Madcucks that outsells Maddox's bonus content
  • Having a "podcast network" that isn't even really a network, but is still more popular and gets more downloads than Maddox's official Madcast Media network that he hyped up for over 2 years to relase shortly before his book
  • Shit talking Maddox's sponsors
  • Explaining how Maddox makes his money off shirts by selling shitty quality Guildan shirts
  • Buying the domain to the super secret domain that Maddox was originally going to name his book
  • Releasing a Madcucks book with that same exact name making fun of what a faggot cuck Maddox is
  • Releasing the financial records of Biggest Problem in the Universe
  • Making fun of guests that go on Maddox's show
  • Getting a restraining order against his current girlfriend Jessica "M3ntal Jess" Blum
  • Trolling his twitch stream
  • Shitting on Maddox's podcast reviews
  • Leaking Maddox's chat logs
  • Stealing Maddox's audio engineer and making him co-host in exchange for him never working for Maddox again
  • Taking the Patreon name Maddox
  • Suing Maddox of trademark patent disputes

Dick soon learned just from his own personal beef with Maddox that Drama was profitable and makes for quality content. Other Drama sagas on his podcast include (but are not limited to):

  • Making his liberal writer vote for Donald Trump
  • Getting a mod of /r/the_donald to Box a liberal faggot greek Asterios whose only stated training regimen was to "get as fat and train as little as possible just like the real Donald Trump"... and the /r/the_donald mod lost!
  • Everyone forever mocking the losing mod's girlfriend, a furfag cat-kin
  • Having a fan almost kill himself on air (see Valentine's Day Massacre)
  • Inviting Null on as a guest and as a result KiwiFarms getting shut down the next day
  • Inviting Mike Cernovich on as a guest and then letting his writers and fans mercilessly mock and ridicule Thernovich ever since
  • A war between his facebook and reddit group who hate and fuck with each other all the time
  • Advising listeners to drink wrecklessly and do only the cool drugs.

Dick also has a long list of enemies of the Dick show who he personally will punch in the face the moment an opportunity arises where he can and legally get away with it. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Maddox
  • Macast media
  • Tim Pool
  • Elon Musk
  • Bill Nye
  • Neil DeGrasse Tyson
  • Mark Maron
  • All members of Last Podcast on the Left
  • Amy Schumer
  • Security Guards
  • The Poice
  • All employees of the US government (excluding military)

Dick Masterson: Zionist shill?

While Dick doesn't talk about the Jews a lot, it has occasionally come up and has made statements sounding like he want to suck circumcised cock.

Dax speaking out against der fuhrer

While it's unclear if he just fucking around or if Dax secretly worships the children of satan, you should trust Dick as much as you would trust any Isreali. There is a good chance Dick will try and fuck your girlfriend, take your population of fans, and claim he has an ancestral right to it as he lawyers up and rapes you in court.

The Valentine's Day Massacre

On February 14th, 2017, Dustin, a random guy who had made a Facebook page for the show and appointed himself Moderator, brought 3 of the saddest stories to the bonus episode, at one point leaving listeners wondering if the current caller had killed himself. Among the other callers were a sexually-abused and near-homeless trap and a guy with.. well, with just a shitty life. Mind you, he brought these callers into a comedy show. Dustin, as a result of his actions, was sentenced to a day in the stocks down at the marketplace where customers could hiss and curse at him, along with the occasional golden shower.

External Links

Dick Masterson is part of a series on


Visit the Sex Portal for complete coverage.

Dick Masterson is part of a series on


Visit the Trolls Portal for complete coverage.

Dick Masterson is part of a series on


Visit the Truth Portal for complete coverage.