User talk:Zero999

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The entire time I was reading your article, your name was Gay-Z. Graham 07:55, 17 June 2014 (EDT)

Removing the pictures

First you'd be wise to read this. Then you could see how ED is not under your copyright law, so you'd have some kind of problem. But we can always strike a deal. You give us a new picture, where you sign off any copyright you could own in your region. Then we can replace the current pictures, or even down right delete them if your new uploaded image is sufficiently good. CobaltCat 10:25, 14 June 2014 (EDT)

What does my new picture have to be like? Do I have to show a clear view of my face, or can I crop my face or wear a balaclava or shades or some shit? To be frank, my main issue isn't that my photo (which I own complete copyright for) is up without permission, but that it's associated with all that shit that's untrue. This is a site for satire and humor, not spreading bullshit in an attempt to damage somebody's online reputation. That's why I want my photo taken down completely, as 80% of the page is bullshit. Matter of fact, I know who created the page and know for sure they created it out of jealously and spite. Therefore, I just want my photo down. All that over bullshit he added like paedophilia and whatnot, I don't give a fuck about. Just don't associate those lies with a photo that he uploaded without permission. Zero999 10:38, 14 June 2014 (EDT)

First it needs to be a clear picture of you. You should also have a sign that says "I lurv ED" or something to this effect. There should also be a timestamp on the sign. You don't have to upload it here. If you just send it privately, use the "e-mail this user" under my profile, and then send a link to the picture, I will talk to the rest of the admins and see what we can do. This will show to the world that the page is clearly taking the piss. I promise that I will not upload your picture to this website without your consent; however the more outrageously funny your picture is - in the spirit of ED, with you showing your dick or whatever, the bigger the odds are that I will think you are an okay guy, and remove and delete the images.
CobaltCat 10:48, 14 June 2014 (EDT)
Ugh. How do I know you ain't trolling me? Sure, I could do what you're asking, dick out and everything, but how do I know that my current pic won't just be replaced with that one? This is a satirical website, after all. I'll be in a even more fucked up situation that I am now. I'm very lucky nobody I know IRL has found this page, as that pedophilia bullshit is very damaging. How about I just take a photo of myself with "Trolled by ED" written on it and a timestamp? That way, you'll get my face and the fact I've acknowledged that I've been completely fucked over by your site; no penis needed. Man, I can't believe a nigga like me got myself in this situation. Dayum! Zero999 11:06, 14 June 2014 (EDT)
That would work, but you also need to acknowledge that you love this website. Like "trolled by ED. Love you guys <3". and a timestamp. CobaltCat 11:10, 14 June 2014 (EDT)
OK, I can do that. Matter of fact, I'll do it right now. One thing, though. Y'all need to promise that when I give you this photo, you'll take my copyrighted photo down and not replace it with this one I'm about to provide. We need to be clear on this, yo! I'll do what you're asking for sure, but I hope to fucking Jesus in high heaven that y'all aren't trolling me right now. Do I have your word that when y'all get this pic, all pics of me on ED will be taken down, including the one this nigga is about to provide? 11:18, 14 June 2014 (EDT)
You have my word. I will not replace the picture. CobaltCat 11:27, 14 June 2014 (EDT)
I taken the photo. How should I send it to you. You said via e-mail, right? Zero999 12:05, 14 June 2014 (EDT)
Yes. use the form under my profile. CobaltCat 12:16, 14 June 2014 (EDT)
Just as I thought, you were trolling me. Well, at least you know I was being genuine on my side. Thankfully, I wasn't that gullible, so I put copyright claims on that photo before giving it to you, just incase you tried to pull something like this. Therefore, I again have to ask you to take all my photos down due to me being the copyright owner. That being said, do you think that photo being up will make people realise that the page is just satire and shouldn't be taken seriously? Zero999 12:45, 14 June 2014 (EDT)
Therefore, I again have to ask you for evidence for your copyright outside of your region. Claiming copyright outside your region is perjury. CobaltCat 12:55, 14 June 2014 (EDT
I own the copyright to all my photos globally. That's why I'm so frank about asking for them to be taken down. There's other websites that used photos I took and then taken down my photos at my request, yet those photos weren't even of my face, but they still took them down due to my request. I'm not asking for much here. You can keep the entire page as it is, even the untrue bullshit about me being a pedophile, but my face photos need to be removed as I own the rights and never gave permission for them to be uploaded to ED. Also, you of all people should know that when you edit any page in this wiki, it clearly says in caps, DO NOT SUBMIT COPYRIGHTED WORK WITHOUT PERMISSION! The guy who uploaded my photos violated that. I don't see why y'all are letting him get away with it when I own and took the photos. Zero999 13:11, 14 June 2014 (EDT)
No you don't. Especially not in countries that doesn't recognize copyright laws. If you are so concerned, try talking to The Chief. A donation on the gofundme page might help. CobaltCat 13:15, 14 June 2014 (EDT)
Me, the original source of the photos, has copyrighted them, so seeing as I've found out they're being used without my permission, they should be taken down at my request. Even despite this oopyright issue, why are y'all letting the guy that created the page get a way with breaking one of your terms of use? It clearly says in bold to not upload copyrighted works, yet that exactly what he's do what he's done. Even though he's done this, y'all are just letting it slide, even when the original copyright owner is asking for his work to be taken down? Seriously, what the fuck? As for for the user Mantequilla, I can't edit his talk page. Does he read e-mails from random users? If he doesn't, I'd be wasting my time. You might call me crazy, but I'm actually willing to donate if that gets my photos taken down, but considering how you trolled me when I gave you a photo and screencap, how do I know y'all will just take my donation and still leave my photos up? Zero999 13:27, 14 June 2014 (EDT)
Actually they shouldn't be taken down, as your copyright is invalid. Your copyright is not noticed where the ED server is located. I would refer you to the forums, and create a post about it. Explain your situation. Call people faggots. There you can talk to some of the other admins. They might agree with you, they might not. That is your only shot. CobaltCat 14:10, 14 June 2014 (EDT)
Can you at least take down the timestamped photo you asked me to take? With that gone, I can at least just focus on getting the main photo removed. At least get remove it out of respect for the fact that I was genuine and provided you exactly what you wanted, right down to the text on the paper. Have a heart, man. I have enough on my plate right now. If you get rid of that, I can just focus on getting rid of the main photo. Zero999 14:17, 14 June 2014 (EDT)


Kill yourself, disgusting fucking pedophile. --15:37, 14 June 2014 (EDT)  — Preceding comment added by Mantequilla (talkcontribs), who is too much of a fucking boss to sign his own posts.