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That bastard banned me from creepypasta wiki. Hailey 02:23, 16 November 2011 (CET)

Yeah, I need to finish this page tonight. Fuck him 02:27, 16 November 2011 (CET)

He was ok for a while but then i realized he was a retard when he banned me. I have a recommendation, you should have a section about ClericofMadness, Cleric is more retarded then bill. Cleric banned me a few times too. Hailey 02:38, 16 November 2011 (CET)

I asked around. Word is you go banned for ban evasion not once but three times. CommanderObvious 06:30, 17 November 2011 (CET)

I was banned on the Creepypasta Wiki once for running a spam bot. The first ban was Bill pretending to be me (for unknown reasons) which is detailed in his emails to Wikia. I have hundreds of blocks across different Wikia wikis. 06:33, 17 November 2011 (CET)
Btw, I never even found that stupid wiki till I discovered that Wikia was sending emails about it regarding Bill's impersonation of me. 06:34, 17 November 2011 (CET)

Oh, not you meep. I was talking about hailey. She was banned for vandalism and edit warring, then further banned for repeated ban evasion. Bill was an emergency admin while the head guy had computer issues. He thought he was in charge from that moment and never really came off his horse. CommanderObvious 09:11, 17 November 2011 (CET)

Yes, he is quite insane, which is why this page is funny. Idc about the other admins, I'm sure they're reasonable people. 15:42, 17 November 2011 (CET)

Apparently he has a USTREAM channel, and he revealed his boyish "good looks" long enough to get a screencap. Bill: [1] Jewstream: [2] CommanderObvious 21:31, 24 November 2011 (CET)

oh god I lol'd so hard 22:11, 24 November 2011 (CET)

Account Disabled on wikia. lol, another lolcow attempts to DFE. He's a dramawhore, so I bet he'll be back at some point. CommanderObvious 23:49, 25 November 2011 (CET)

"This account has been disabled globaly by Wikia" lol Hailey 02:54, 26 November 2011 (CET)

Also, I am taking up his blog domain and redirecting it (and you know where its going to redirect to) Hailey 03:26, 26 November 2011 (CET)

LOL, do it 03:29, 26 November 2011 (CET)

Lookie lookie where it redirects to Hailey 03:51, 26 November 2011 (CET)

;_; - well done 03:53, 26 November 2011 (CET)

Hm, no Hailey, he hasn't...yet. Not that I can tell. I think he just removed his own admin and changed the name (you can do that with a single profile click if I recall correctly). There would be a pink bar on the contribs part, and the name would NOT be changed to Account Disabled. They leave it the same. He clearly thinks this is capable of fooling us. For shame. For shame. CommanderObvious 04:07, 26 November 2011 (CET)

I was predicting that was going to be on his "Contributions" page. Hailey 04:11, 26 November 2011 (CET)

Also, Were you banned from Creepypasta Wiki? What was your username? Hailey 04:13, 26 November 2011 (CET)

That I cannot say, for the enemies of lulz would surely strike me down on sight. CommanderObvious 10:15, 26 November 2011 (CET)

Oh, Hello Bill :P Hailey 01:40, 27 November 2011 (CET)

LOL, not bill. God that's just horrible. CommanderObvious 18:47, 27 November 2011 (CET)

Oh look I'm quoted:

"Bill says that if a certain ED page isn't updated in 2 weeks, he will contribute as Bill9929 again. He doesn't specify which ED page, because apparently 'it's too embarrassing to link to me' and he 'can't talk about it here'. I'm just gonna assume it's some troll post about him."

Source -- BlittleMcTardface 04:53, 27 November 2011 (CET)

What happened to all the viruses? I thought your computer was going to get syphilis and explode for coming here...Because we totally plant viruses on our own site that we use everyday...That makes perfect sense. --zaiger (talk) 05:10, 27 November 2011 (CET)
I know, it makes like perfect sense right? I was being like totally logical right there. -- BlittleMcTardface 05:27, 27 November 2011 (CET)
P.S. That's mah name alright. :D

I thought he was ANTI-ED?

Oh dog this fagot has an account?

He had an account here that he used to blank the Clayranger89 article. 05:49, 27 November 2011 (CET)
Oh, well that makes sense then. CocaineCola 05:50, 27 November 2011 (CET)

When did this all start?

I'm curious to know how it began, and why he targeted Meepsheep in the first place.--brxbrxbrxbrxbrxbrx-brxbrx 23:41, 1 December 2011 (CET)

I'm p sure it was because I blocked him on here after blanking an article. No clue as to why he impersonated me. 23:47, 1 December 2011 (CET)

Who to trust?

I'm becoming increasingly confused about who to trust about the whole "Bill impersonating Meepsheep" thing: Bill9929 or Meepsheep?

When I asked about it, Bill said Meepsheep had his computer on a "botnet", allowing her to use his IP to vandalize Wikia and blame Bill for it. However, then I found this forum thread. I quote:

Now, that wasn't me that uploaded that pain series picture. Blame my idiot brother for that. He does things like that to piss me off.



This conflicts with what he told me and now I'm even more skeptical about which side of the story is true than I was before.

Furthermore, someone under the username "IAmNotMeepsheep" decided to drop by my wiki and vandalize for the lulz. I assumed it WAS Meepsheep and the username was just being sarcastic, but what are the odds of Meepsheep finding a puny wiki like mine that won't even yield any results when I search the URL in Google? Furthermore, why would she just so happen to register an account the same day Bill9929 registered one? (I had posted the URL in Creepypasta Wikia chat so that's how he found it)

It's all confusing, but such is the way of drama and lulz I suppose. -- BlittleMcTardface 01:21, 27 December 2011 (CET)

I do not have Bill's computer infected, nor did I ever vandalize your wiki (unless it happens to be one of the larger ones on wikia, in that case, sorry about that). He also used the brother excuse on his short-lived freenode channel. Additionally, I had no clue who he was till he tried impersonating me. 01:35, 27 December 2011 (CET)
It's not a very large wiki or even on wikia at all (it's on wikkii) so I guess that's out of the question. I wonder why he would use one supposed excuse to/at one person/place but use a different excuse on another. If he wanted to be believable he should have used one consistent story instead of multiple ones. -- BlittleMcTardface 01:50, 27 December 2011 (CET)
Ultimately, he's just some crazy shut in whose actions will never make sense. Also, how is he doing on Wikia? 01:53, 27 December 2011 (CET)
On Wikia he's doing OK, although ED is still a touchy subject for him. But he's still lurking around here, because he called me to chat saying he'd "explain everything". He claimed the "botnet thing was a joke", that you had no proof of anything, and told me to stop editing at ED. At that point I had to go AFK so he didn't get to say much more. But yeah, he can't really stop me from contributing to an entire website just because of some article about him. He could ban me from Creepypasta Wikia, but that would accomplish nothing and would be sysop power abuse for obvious reasons, and would actually ENCOURAGE me to side with ED. -- BlittleMcTardface 03:23, 27 December 2011 (CET)
LOL, he really isn't helping himself. 06:30, 27 December 2011 (CET)

Also, here he is blaming his "brother" again. 00:01, 30 December 2011 (CET)

Moar Drama and "AntiBlittleGroup"

Remember earlier I said a user named "IAmNotMeepsheep" registered and vandalized my wiki just hours after Bill did? And how I thought it might be his sockpuppet? I think I've come to a conclusion:

  • Bill9929's explanations for the impersonation incident are inconsistent (e.g. he says to some people his brother did it and to others he was on a botnet)
  • I made this thread for help in making sure
  • Searching his username in Google does not bring up his account on my wiki, so it's very unlikely that someone just searched his name and found him on my wiki

Therefore I can only conclude "IAmNotMeepsheep" was Bill's sockpuppet and have blocked him from my wiki indefinitely. There's no CheckUser though, so I cannot be 100% certain, and even then there's still proxies.

Not too long afterward, me and my "e-friends" were in a Skype group chat. I was telling them about Bill9929 and crap, and why I suspected him of sockpuppetry and whatnot, and one of them (I'll just call them by their Wikia and YouTube name: MegaGPlus) posted what I said about him in Creepypasta Wikia chat. Needless to say, drama ensued. Linkstar called me a "traitor", Bill said he was gonna start an "AntiBlittleGroup", and ClericofMadness didn't give a crap.

Everything is below...

What I said...

[5:35:27 PM] BlittleMcNilsen: it is all archived here:
[5:35:28 PM] BlittleMcNilsen:
[5:35:51 PM] BlittleMcNilsen: now at first I assumed the "impersonating meepsheep" thing was fake
[5:35:53 PM] BlittleMcNilsen: but then
[5:35:58 PM] BlittleMcNilsen: something happened to change my mind:
[5:36:08 PM] BlittleMcNilsen:
[5:36:13 PM] BlittleMcNilsen: this user right here
[5:36:22 PM] BlittleMcNilsen: joined my wiki just hours after bill did
[5:36:26 PM] BlittleMcNilsen: coincidence?
[5:36:30 PM] BoredGuyonSkype: What?
[5:36:31 PM] BlittleMcNilsen: nope, just chuck testa!
[5:36:36 PM] BoredGuyonSkype: you trolled me
[5:36:39 PM] BoredGuyonSkype: you FOOL
[5:36:41 PM] BoredGuyonSkype: ololol jk
[5:36:47 PM] BlittleMcNilsen: and then:
[5:36:58 PM] BlittleMcNilsen:
[5:37:34 PM] BlittleMcNilsen: that, plus his inconsistent excuses (e.g. telling some people it was his brother and other people he was on a botnet) pretty much killed all my respect for him

This basically says the same thing, but it was the one that was actually posted in the wikia chat...

[8:57:41 PM] BlittleMcNilsen: read up on this butthurt creepypasta wiki admin:
[8:57:41 PM] BlittleMcNilsen:
[8:59:29 PM] BlittleMcNilsen: in one part it tells of how Bill impersonated Meepsheep. I thought this was fake, but then something happened:
[8:59:35 PM] BlittleMcNilsen:
[8:59:38 PM] BlittleMcNilsen: this vandal
[8:59:47 PM] BlittleMcNilsen: joined my wiki just hours after bill did
[8:59:54 PM] BlittleMcNilsen: coincidence?
[8:59:55 PM] BlittleMcNilsen: nope!
[8:59:58 PM] BlittleMcNilsen: just chuck testa!
[9:00:00 PM] BlittleMcNilsen: and then:
[9:00:06 PM] BlittleMcNilsen:
[9:00:10 PM] BlittleMcNilsen: so yeah
[9:00:17 PM] BlittleMcNilsen: my respect for him is now dead
[9:00:23 PM] BlittleMcNilsen: and i see him only as a butthurt moron

Bill threatening me with his "AntiBlittleGroup"...

# 6:11 Bill9929 Spidey665 and Luigirules33 are going to help me set up an AntiBlittleGroup
# 6:12 BlittleMcNilsen .....
# 6:12 BlittleMcNilsen XDDDD
# 6:12 BlittleMcNilsen ROFLOLOLOLOL
# 6:12 ClericofMadness Oh wow, way to look completely butthurt bill :|
# 6:12 BlittleMcNilsen THIS IS HILARIOUS
# 6:12 BlittleMcNilsen *drinks chocolate milk of glass*
# 6:12 BlittleMcNilsen I mean
# 6:12 BlittleMcNilsen uhhh...this again? :3

All the other chat drama resulting from what MegaGPlus posted...

# 6:05 MegaGPlus Bill9929...
# 6:05 MegaGPlus I have something for you.
# 6:05 MegaGPlus [8:57:41 PM] BlittleMcNilsen: read up on this butthurt creepypasta wiki admin: [8:57:41 PM] BlittleMcNilsen: [8:59:29 PM] BlittleMcNilsen: in one part it tells of how Bill impersonated Meepsheep. I thought this was fake, but then something happened: [8:59:35 PM] BlittleMcNilsen: [8:59:38 PM] BlittleMcNilsen: this vandal [8:59:47 PM] BlittleMcNilsen: joined my wiki just hours after bill did [8:59:54 PM] BlittleMcNilsen: coincidence? [8:59:55 PM] BlittleMcNilsen: nope! [8:59:58 PM] BlittleMcNilsen: just chuck testa! [9:00:00 PM] BlittleMcNilsen: and then: [9:00:06 PM] BlittleMcNilsen: [9:00:10 PM] BlittleMcNilsen: so yeah [9:00:17 PM] BlittleMcNilsen: my respect for him is now dead [9:00:23 PM] BlittleMcNilsen: and i see him only as a butthurt moron
# 6:05 Linkstar Well Blittle
# 6:05 Linkstar what do you got to say?
# 6:06 BlittleMcNilsen i got to say
# 6:06 ClericofMadness And the point of that wall of pasting was to be a douche, mega?
# 6:06 MegaGPlus yes. :3
# 6:06 BlittleMcNilsen his formatting is broken
# 6:06 REDDOT Go ahead and disrespect people, nothing going to happen.
# 6:06 BlittleMcNilsen and so are the links
# 6:06 BlittleMcNilsen that is all
# 6:06 MegaGPlus :o
# 6:06 Linkstar The point is your a traitor
# 6:06 MegaGPlus :D
# MegaGPlus was kickbanned.
# 6:06 REDDOT lol
# MegaGPlus has left the chat.
# 6:06 Cloverbeatme!! We can't kick Blittle for having a opinion...
# 6:07 ClericofMadness Nope
# 6:07 BlittleMcNilsen k
# 6:07 ClericofMadness But I kicked Mega for trying to start shit
# 6:07 BlittleMcNilsen now who wants pizza?
# 6:07 ClericofMadness I DO
# 6:07 BlittleMcNilsen omnom
# 6:07 Linkstar Well hes a traitor if you ask me
# 6:07 ClericofMadness just not 400 boxes
# 6:07 ClericofMadness How, link? O_o
# 6:07 BlittleMcNilsen yay i'm a traitor
# 6:07 ClericofMadness What did he betray?
# 6:07 Cloverbeatme!! OH NO!
# 6:07 Linkstar I got my eye on you
# 6:07 BlittleMcNilsen k
# 6:07 Linkstar he seems like he wants to go to the other side
# 6:07 Cloverbeatme!! You're still awesome...
# 6:07 Cloverbeatme!! Blittle...
# 6:07 Linkstar and join the trolls side
# 6:08 ClericofMadness He believes what has been posted online about bill and then suspicious activity happened on his wiki
# 6:08 ClericofMadness Link, please stop :3
# 6:08 BlittleMcNilsen no
# 6:08 BlittleMcNilsen actually
# 6:08 BlittleMcNilsen i didn't believe it
# 6:08 REDDOT Who is Brittle anyway?
# 6:08 BlittleMcNilsen until the suspicious activity happened on my wiki
# ManraptorHurrr has joined the chat.
# 6:08 BlittleMcNilsen and i noticed his explanations were inconsistent
# 6:08 ClericofMadness Okay, then you read about suspicious activity and then something similar happened.
# 6:08 ManraptorHurrr suspicious... ACTIVITY?!
# 6:09 BlittleMcNilsen yes i guess
# 6:09 MoMo6 cheik outz mah new Trollpasta!!!]
# 6:09 MoMo6 i hate exclamation marks
# 6:09 Linkstar So your saying Bill spammed and fucked up our wiki and not trolls
# 6:09 BlittleMcNilsen how would trolls find my wiki anyways?
# 6:09 BlittleMcNilsen it won't even come up on google
# 6:09 Bill9929 There is no CheckUser
# 6:09 ClericofMadness I didn't even know you have a wiki .-.
# 6:09 Bill9929 I have NEVER abused multiple accounts on that wiki
# 6:09 Bill9929 its not even on Wikia
# 6:09 ClericofMadness Can we stop all the drama in chat, for the love of my sanity? D:
# 6:10 BlittleMcNilsen you're already insane
# 6:10 ManraptorHurrr I have a wiki. But it sucks. Lol.
# 6:10 Bill9929 I am not insane
# 6:10 ClericofMadness Oh, that's true.
# 6:10 BlittleMcNilsen you are the cleric of MADNES
# 6:10 BlittleMcNilsen *MADNESS
# 6:10 ClericofMadness I am insane! Also, pm, check
# 6:10 Bill9929 I did not abuse multiple accounts on your wiki
# 6:10 MoMo6 ok just go on the trollpasta wikia and search for MARIO GAYEM IZ EVIL!!!
# 6:10 Bill9929 i have never abused multiple accounts on this wiki
# 6:10 Bill9929 Have i abused multiple accounts on other Wikia? Yes but that was years ago
# 6:11 Cloverbeatme!! I'll make my guess...
# 6:11 Bill9929 and i did the same on Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects
# 6:11 Cloverbeatme!! Bill9929 has a account on your wiki...
# 6:11 REDDOT :\
# 6:11 Bill9929 There is no CheckUser to conform that that is a sock of me
# 6:11 Cloverbeatme!! Maybe the trolls searched for Bill, then found your wiki...
# 6:11 BlittleMcNilsen
# 6:11 Bill9929 Spidey665 and Luigirules33 are going to help me set up an AntiBlittleGroup
# 6:12 BlittleMcNilsen .....
# 6:12 BlittleMcNilsen XDDDD
# 6:12 BlittleMcNilsen ROFLOLOLOLOL
# 6:12 ClericofMadness Oh wow, way to look completely butthurt bill :|
# 6:12 BlittleMcNilsen THIS IS HILARIOUS
# 6:12 BlittleMcNilsen *drinks chocolate milk of glass*
# 6:12 BlittleMcNilsen I mean
# 6:12 BlittleMcNilsen uhhh...this again? :3
# 6:12 BlittleMcNilsen /discord
# 6:12 Cloverbeatme!! STOP IT BILL!
# 6:13 REDDOT Wowzee.
# 6:13 ClericofMadness Seriously. Stop it right this instant.
# 6:13 ManraptorHurrr hurr this is a weird night
# 6:13 Cloverbeatme!! STOP BEING BUTTHURT!
# 6:13 MoMo6 O_O wat's going on
# 6:13 REDDOT Drama.
# 6:13 Bill9929 Spidey665 and Luigirules33 are awesome, and DaNASCAT shouldnt of global permab& them
# 6:13 ClericofMadness Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
# 6:14 ClericofMadness Bill. Stop. Now.
# 6:14 ClericofMadness I'm not going to say that again.
# 6:14 Bill9929 SORRY
# 6:14 Bill9929 I am just upset
# 6:14 Bill9929 This is ruining my internet reputation
# 6:14 ManraptorHurrr no kidding
# 6:14 MoMo6 lulz yea
# 6:15 REDDOT My reputation is like...
# 6:15 REDDOT over 9000
# 6:15 REDDOT lololo
# 6:15 Linkstar Wow i think i have a feeling that you might lose your admin Bill. Just stop okay please, If your upset try to calm down
# 6:15 Cloverbeatme!! You're only ruining it more by starting A HATE GROUP!
# 6:15 ClericofMadness >INTERNET REPUTATION
# 6:15 Bill9929 I want to be VSTF, now i cant because of my internet reputation
# 6:15 MoMo6 i think most people think i'm a troll :(
# 6:15 ClericofMadness VTSF is invite only
# 6:15 Flatomb878 Where's lolster
# 6:15 REDDOT MoMo, you are just sociable.
# 6:15 Flatomb878 ?
# 6:15 Linkstar oh yeah cause None banned you and me on his wiki for no reason

...and so on...

Even ClericofMadness, the one who sysop'd Bill on that wikia in the first place, thinks this is ridiculous...

# ClericofMadness If bill bans you for stuff that is happening off-site, kindly email me about it.
# 6:10 BlittleMcNilsen okay
# 6:11 ClericofMadness That would be abuse of power ~.~
# 6:13 ClericofMadness My gods I am sorry he is being so childish.
# 6:14 BlittleMcNilsen it's k
# 6:14 BlittleMcNilsen it will just come back in his face as it will be added to his ed article
# 6:14 BlittleMcNilsen if he carries it out
# 6:15 ClericofMadness I really don't need one asspained admin turning this site into a mountain of work for the rest of us who have some modicum of sense

BlittleMcTardface 05:55, 2 January 2012 (CET)

Lol, add this to the page. 06:01, 2 January 2012 (CET)
Done. Feel free to edit it/add on to it as you please. —BlittleMcTardface 07:02, 2 January 2012 (CET)

I actually wanna see him try that "AntiBlittleGroup". —BlittleMcTardface 20:42, 3 January 2012 (CET)

Bill pulls the same shit on Wikipedia

[3], looks like the edit filter caught him before he was able to pull his usual shit. Additionally, he once again attempted to impersonate me, as well as pulled out the "brother" excuse. 03:11, 4 January 2012 (CET)

? I can't seem to find at what point he tried to impersonate you. —BlittleMcTardface 04:29, 4 January 2012 (CET)
Apparently, he tried linking to "a shock site" with my name in it (presumably last measure) 04:35, 4 January 2012 (CET)
Ah. —BlittleMcTardface 04:38, 4 January 2012 (CET)
Also just noticed this happened back in November and it wasn't noticed until now. :p —BlittleMcTardface 04:41, 4 January 2012 (CET)

oh look what i found 04:53, 4 January 2012 (CET)


and just in case the link becomes defunct:

BlittleMcTardface 19:28, 12 February 2012 (EST)



about time, lol 21:11, 15 February 2012 (EST)
gg ~Oblique 02:38, 16 February 2012 (EST)

Desysoped on Creepypasta

What does ED think?BlittleMcNælsen 01:24, 3 April 2012 (EDT)

Actually he wasn't just desysoped, but he quit the wiki:ælsen 18:23, 3 April 2012 (EDT)
success 18:27, 3 April 2012 (EDT)
hey y u haz poneh in your sig i thought you said u glad u no watch that —BlittleMcNælsen 21:17, 3 April 2012 (EDT)
P.S. Pictures 6 - 8 of this show a glimpse of the chat drama that caused him to quit and are also the screencaps that were shown as evidence to the Lord and Master of the wiki ClericofMadness as the evidence that got him desysoped.
It was his continued dramawhoring in chat that got him desysoped. I had finally seen all I needed to see as proof that his ways were not a'changing. Neither he nor Link will be getting any sort of powers anytime soon. I'm sorry one of my editors put you all through any of his idiotic shenanigans. In the future, if anyone else that uses my site is harassing users on here, vandalizing pages here, or impersonating users here, let me know so that I might bring swift and painful justice upon them. ClericofMadness 06:04, 7 April 2012 (EDT)

Moar socking

I found out that Bill is blocked on WikiIndex ( I had a hunch that I knew why, so I searched "Meepsheep" in the blocklist. Sure enough...

22:36, 29 November 2011, Comets (Talk | contribs) blocked Meepsheep (Talk | contribs) (infinite, account creation blocked, e-mail blocked)ælsen 23:35, 4 April 2012 (EDT)