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Image of a Hugbox.
The hugbox about to annihilate an aspie, effectively performing a level fatality.

Not to be confused with Huegbox.

The hugbox is a BDSM device mainly used by retards who are too faggy to admit they are kinky bastards. As a meme it was initially coined by sdf, "Go back to your hugbox" is a frequently-flung insult to those who have been trolled by Bantown. A hugbox is a purported remedy for Asperger's Syndrome and other forms of autism. It is a machine wherein an aspie crawls inside, and is squashed by two giant labial folds, thus producing the feeling of being loved, because a machine that looks like a torture instrument did it with an industrial paper printer is perfect at simulating real love, amirite?. It is also a very profound metaphor for LiveJournal and many other online forums.

The hugbox insult is also a great way to troll autism-themed communities. It's guaranteed to earn you countless replies from angry fucktards telling you that you are a horrible human being. Just remind them how glad they can be not to be nerds any more, now that they've digivolved into some new kind of tard.

Proper Usage

A hugbox IRL. You think we make this shit up?

Used primarily in insult form in response to complaints/improper requests, or as a valediction.

<sdf> Go back to your hugbox, aspie.
-!- Brattie was kicked from #bantown by sdf [Go back to your hugbox.]



[23:27] * Adrianna ([email protected]) has joined #hugbox
[23:27] <Adrianna> hai!
[23:27] * Dr_Sheneequa hugs Adrianna
[23:27] * Dr_Sheneequa hugs Adrianna
[23:27] * Dr_Sheneequa hugs Adrianna
[23:27] * Dr_Sheneequa hugs Adrianna
[23:27] * Dr_Sheneequa hugs Adrianna
[23:27] * Dr_Sheneequa hugs Adrianna
[23:27] * Dr_Sheneequa hugs Adrianna
[23:27] * Dr_Sheneequa hugs Adrianna
[23:27] * Dr_Sheneequa hugs Adrianna
[23:27] * Dr_Sheneequa hugs Adrianna
[23:27] * Dr_Sheneequa hugs Adrianna
[23:27] * Dr_Sheneequa hugs Adrianna
[23:27] * Dr_Sheneequa hugs Adrianna
[23:27] * Dr_Sheneequa hugs Adrianna
[23:27] * Dr_Sheneequa hugs Adrianna
[23:27] * Dr_Sheneequa hugs Adrianna
[23:27] * Dr_Sheneequa hugs Adrianna
[23:27] * Dr_Sheneequa hugs Adrianna
[23:27] * Dr_Sheneequa hugs Adrianna
[23:27] * Dr_Sheneequa hugs Adrianna
[23:28] * Dr_Sheneequa hugs Adrianna
[23:28] * Dr_Sheneequa hugs Adrianna
[23:28] * rEph hugs Adrianna
[23:28] * rEph hugs Adrianna
[23:28] * rEph hugs Adrianna
[23:28] * rEph hugs Adrianna
[23:28] * rEph hugs Adrianna
[23:28] * rEph hugs Adrianna
[23:28] * rEph hugs Adrianna
[23:28] * rEph hugs Adrianna
[23:28] * rEph hugs Adrianna
[23:28] * rEph hugs Adrianna
[23:28] * rEph hugs Adrianna
[23:28] * rEph hugs Adrianna
[23:28] * rEph hugs Adrianna
[23:28] * rEph hugs Adrianna
[23:28] <Adrianna> WTF
[23:28] * rEph hugs Adrianna
[23:29] * Dr_Sheneequa hugs Adrianna
[23:29] * rEph hugs Adrianna
[23:29] * Dr_Sheneequa hugs Adrianna
[23:29] * Dr_Sheneequa hugs Adrianna
[23:29] * rEph hugs Adrianna
[23:29] * rEph hugs Adrianna
[23:29] * Dr_Sheneequa hugs Adrianna
[23:29] * Dr_Sheneequa hugs Adrianna
[23:29] * Dr_Sheneequa hugs Adrianna
[23:29] * Adrianna ([email protected]) has left #hugbox

Inventor Temple Grandin and her hugbox

Instructions on how to use your hugbox. Seems like a good opportunity for some asspie's parents to manufacture an unfortunate accident.

I thought "oh, I gotta try that"


—A woman who gives new meaning to the term "Bulldyke".

Hugbox: The Movie

HBO recently released a made-for-tv movie called Temple Grandin. It stars Claire Danes. No fucking lie. [1]

The touching true-life story of a woman and her hugbox


Now that you're finished with this article, you can be given a proper sendoff:

Go back to your hugbox, you retarded fuckhole!!

See Also

External Links

Hugbox is part of a series on Aspies.

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