LBC Lulz News/PSN Network Closed, Due to Hackers

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PSN Network Closed, Due to AIDSHackers

(23 April 2011)

Playstation Network: Sony has now given some explanation into why PSN is still down: apparently someone hacked it. Surprisingly enough, it wasn't Anonymous this time.

Sony still hasn't given many answers, leading some to believe that Sony may just be having internal server problems, and is blaming hackers to cover up their own incompetence.

Whatever it is, it has created much lulz, as nerds everywhere are BAWWWWing and RAGEing because they can't play online.

Information Stolen: It was announced that whoever caused this massive shitstorm also claimed Dox on all accounts. Sony admitted that they fucked up big time, as the hackers now have the names, address, country, E-mail, date of births, and PSN password/logins of everyone. It is also possible that they have your billing information, too. Although this was probably done by someone that was just really fucking bored, the internet can expect a hilarious outbreak of panicked users scrambling around to change all their passwords and DELETE FUCKING EVERYTHING that concerns their credit information.