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Gsnfags: a Breakdown

A Gsnfag is an exceptionally huge faggot who likes to spend their time on the Game Show Network website playing 'Phrase Frenzy' with other faggots. This game is a huge steaming nest of faggotry of every sort. Gsnfags can be seen here engaging in retarded conversation with other faggots; including BAWWWWWWWWWWWing about their faggot boyfriends being in Iraq (every gsnfag's boyfriend is a faggot in Iraq), calling people they've never met by their first names, posting retarded song lyrics, competing to see how shitty their lives are, or bitching about people who quit games halfway. Some common Gsnfag hobbies include:

Gsnfag's soldier boyfriend, off in Iraq valiantly defending our great nation.

And most importantly,

  • Receiving verbal abuse
A clear shot into the mind of an average gsnfag.

Habits of the Gsnfag and How to Spot One

Most of the people there are complete faggots and don't know what to do when the Internet Hate Machine is corrupting their lolz. Some of the few, usually the faggots who think they're smartest try to argue back. This method guarantees failure, since that is of course what trolls are after - dumbasses.

Others claim to use the ignore feature (Usually proclaiming 'IGGY TIME' and thus sounding like a faggot)and just keep bitching about quitters/their lives/the trolls/faggots while cutting their wrists. They most likely cannot stand not to hear any part of what's going on, but want the troll to feel injured that someone might not be listening. Gsnfags are also unlikely to be able to find the ignore button without help from their absentee boyfriends.

Let it be noted that it is easier for a troll to find a Gsnfag than it is for a stingray to find Steve Irwin's heart. Upon entering the game, it would seem as though you had entered the bar where everybody knows your name. This is because your typical Gsnfag spends approximately 24 hours in the game each day, giving them all the time in the world to learn each other's names. Also, watch for words with the last letter typed out over nine thousand times, much like thissssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. In conversations, they will be talking about very pressing issues such as their love lives, how school is going, the latest Fallout Boy album, their mischievous antics, or just their feelings in general.

Upon locating a Gsnfag of your liking, it is necessary to get his or her attention. Studies show that the best way to do this would be to label the youngster as part of a minority or a disease, or in some cases, both at once (see black people). They will quickly respond with hostility, seeing that this is no place for jokes, as the internet is serious business. For a more in depth view of the Gsnfag, see the conversation below.

A Typical Conversation on Gsn

gsnfag1: hey room
gsnfag2: HAI!!11ONE1
gsnfag1: (((((((((gsnfag2))))))))
gsnfag2: (((((((((gsnfag1))))))))
gsnfag3: hai gaiyz my life iz tuff!
gsnfag1: ((((((gsnfag3))))) we are here for u!
gsnfag3: thanksssssss bobbyyyyyyyyy
gsnfag2: hai i'm bobby! that was anna!
gsnfag3: omglol i m so sry lololol
gsnfag1: lololololbrblolol
gsnfag2: lololBAI ANNA lolol
InternetHateMachine: NIGGERS.
bf4gsn: SHUT UP!
InternetHateMachine: He's dead.
bf4gsn: SHUT UP!
VVl2y807: sweet jesus, man.
bf4gsn: SHUT UP!
InternetHateMachine: Bf4, you're a faggot. Shut up and become An Hero.
bf4gsn: you
VV12y807: no, seriously, you're retarded.
bf4gsn: you
InternetHateMachine: JESUS WAS A NIGGER
bf4gsn: SHUT UP!
VVl2y807: i met jesus at a Walgreens.
gsnfag3: GET A LIFE
bf4gsn: IGGY TIME!

Gsnfag Vocabulary

Many Gsnfags have extremely limited vocabularies, and are thus limited to many simple words. Here's a list of the basic vocabulary.

  • Get a life
  • Iggy time
  • Ignorant


One of their favorite lines is 'you do nothng but pik fights u must hav no life' Handle this in four simple steps.

I don't know where to begin explaining everything wrong with this phrase. How does a living person "get a life?" Do we have to take one from someone? Can I take your life? Oh wait, that's murder.

Rules of Engagement

  • Everybody is a target.
  • Anything can be ridiculed to provoke a gsnfag.
  • If nothing presents itself, go apeshit on whoever talks.
  • Remember your target. Do NOT use your mom jokes.
  • Due to their ever-present tendencies, constantly exploit gsnfags' illiteracy and lack of clever retorts.
  • Make them look like the bad guys. Rational, logical posts beat blind rage every time.
  • Gsnfags are touchy about their drug problems, especially if they whore themselves out to get them.
  • WRYbombing can never be done alone, unless you have a raid tool.
  • "Whatever" is gsnfag-speak for "I have no more comebacks."
  • Racial slurs are enough to make every gsnfag in range RAGE. Use these sparingly.
  • If you are ever ONCE threatened with violence, you win.

Notorious Gsnfags

Plenty more to come.

Trolling GSN

Gsnfags, of course, beg for trolls like Nigras beg for Chikkunz, and Anon delivers. There are plenty of ways to get them pissed, the most famous of which are:

Great success!
Not a fail or a win. But mostly fail.
  • Spam racial slurs (See image)
  • "I hear [gsnfag] is _______."
  • Telling them their grandma's should die
  • Alluding to aforementioned Communism
  • Religious jokes
  • Bashing the war/America
  • And the without-a-doubt most effective trolling technique is to spam: WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Over and over, filling up the text box and flooding the screen (Can also be used for racial slurs.)
  • Pretty much any kind of spam, actually.
Can't argue with that kinda logic!

Great Ways to Piss Gsnfags Off


While all of the above techniques are very effective, there are even better ways to do nothing more than to just piss them off. Some of the best techniques include frequent and blatant racism (Use black person as much as possible, as quickly as possible. On GSN, racism is, in a gsnfag's eye, equal to a lack of intelligence and/or friends.. Exploit this mental flaw.

  • "I hate the bands you like"

As fun as gratuitously using the word nigger is, some other ones are also pretty lulzy. Whenever someone mentions they like x Band, insult that band. Insult it a lot. The pure fury of a gsnfag in band rage mode is only comparable to a bull elephant in musk.

GASP!!1!11ONE! Gsn Dramas!

As there would be with any gathering of depressed faggots, there are many dramas on Gsn's "Phrase Frenzy". Much trouble ensues when the Internet Hate Machine appears (see conversation above), causing the innocent, peace loving cocksuckers of Gsn to go into a state of panic and stress. Among the many lulzworthy attacks on Gsnfags, some simply cannot go unremembered:

The Apocalypse

Wrybot's illustration of Penelope's prophecy.

Last Thursday, the great prophet Penelope75 warned sinners that a robot was being built in Belgium that would provide us with all sorts of wealth and happiness, but here comes the kicker: the robot is really Satan OMG! So the deal is, if you take the bait provided by the machine, Jesus ruins your shit and you go to Hell. Those who want nothing to do with the machine, however, get decapitated for rebelling against society. Penelope has also told us that you need not worry about that last part. All you have to do is accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior and Jesus will save you...if you were born and still remain a Christian...and maybe if you're a Jew. But that's it. Heaven only has so much room.

Legendary Trolls

  • InternetHateMachine (ip b&)
  • EpicFailGuy(ip b&)
  • Wl2Y807 (ip b&)
  • ExplodingVan (ip b&)
  • NeedsMoarP00per

Other famous trolls include:

  • Itookadump15 (Knows his shit)
  • Longcat (ip b&)
  • Tacgnol (ip b&)
  • PENISGRAVY (ip b&)
  • The Guy on the Couch
  • your mom

Yeah, black person, no more IP bans. GO GO GO


The Conspiracy of Gsnfags

Gsnfags, though some may know them as Christians, are actually no good, filthy Jew people. There is evidence that they are conspiring to kill OVER 9000 people at a well-known movie company. Their assassination has been bumped up to the #1 spot on their list!!!!!11!1 - All because their God, (Harry Potter)'s last movie is going to be released later than expected. The only statement given by the Gsnfags was given by their spokesperson, some guy: "We will still get our Harry." Which is what someone would expect a fag to say. Especially a Harry Potter fag. Who knows if these Jews will get their "Harry" (which is probably some kind of slang term for some kind of sex thing), but one thing is for certain: No one is safe from these Gsnfags.

The Prophecy

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