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A picture of Dog Fucker Warning: Not even your cats are safe this year!

Greenwell Gate 2k16

In 2016, a group of boys at Bartram Trail High School [1] created a page mocking an autistic weeaboo named Matthew Greenwell. Greenwell, a well known furfag, was known at the school by the nickname "Dog Fucker". Matthew Greenwell always made the comment when he was called "Dog Fucker" that it was a stale meme with no value, boy was he wrong. The group of boys called their group the "Greenwell Brigade" and began shit posting the young Matt Greenwell's entire life into a stale meme. The page was also well known to like all of his own posts and comments. The page featured pictures of Matthew stolen from his mothers facebook page, including one with a caption "this is the face I make when I eat pussy". His bio read "Proud to be an American, Proud to be a furry, and proud to be a dank ass nigga if you know what I mean. He was known to enjoy bagel bites in the shower.

Furry Posting

A main feature of this page was the incredibly cringe inducing posts about his affection for the furry fandom. His cover photo proudly exclaimed him as a "Bisexual Atheist Furry", which he and his mother both deny to this day. The account was once put in a relationship with another troll account designed to slander another student at the school, Casey DeSanto. One famous post featured a picture of three feminine furs posed seductively in pirate garb with the caption "*teleports behind the three succubus' with dual shotguns*, 'heh, nothing personal, kiddo' *sprays them all down* 'I already have a girlfriend, her name is Casey"

Connections to the Bashar Al-Assad Regime

The page became popular with many fighters in the Syrian army for Bashar Al-Assad. This led the creators of the page to begin "Assad Posting" where they posted pictures of the Syrian president, often commenting on how "based one man can be". They were usually very well liked by the Syrian fighters. Greenwell also tried to solicit himself as a boy prostitute to the soldiers, with many interested in his offer. Pro Assad fighters took deep pride in the young American boy's interest and patriotism for the cause, filling the soldiers with the morale that may have helped recapture the city of Allepo the next year. Ironically, Greenwell also liked many pages about islamic terrorism and ISIS, which the Assad regime is opposed to.

Troll Interactions

The page messaged actual family members of the boy in question. His Grandmother sent him a message asking for his cousins number only to be greeted with the number for a local Domino's Pizza and a strip club, confusion did entail. The fatal flaw of the page came when one of the members of the brigade added the boy's mother and sent a message of "mommy, I love you". Also messaged was a long time friend of Greenwell, Trevor. The page messaged the friend aggressively trying to seduce him, this was met with homophobic remarks. He was bombarded with pictures of micro penises and asked if he wanted to do hard drugs like "Marlboro cigarettes and coca-cola". Trevor told the page those were not hard drugs, and that hard drugs were like "meth and exdeseed". Trevor was confirmed as an autist. The nude pictures of one of the lesser liked brigade members, Adam Howard, were spread to almost all of the pages 3000+ friends.

Liquid Greenwell

   Before the eventual downfall of the page, the real Matthew Greenwell created a facebook page (with a leauge of legends cover pictue), and messaged the page. When the page was told by Greenwell to "take this page down right now", the brigade members responded by saying "No, I'm the real Matthew Greenwell". The members of the brigade then shared the actual Greenwell's page to inform people of it not being real, labeling him "Liquid Greenwell".

Downfall and legal involvement

The two main members of the brigade once came home to discover that law enforcement had became involved. Charges were threatened against a main member, Steven Reese, who apologized over the phone to Matt Greenwell and received the response "Steven Reese... I always knew you were a fucking asshole" The boy's mother than informed the parents of Steven Reese that members of the boy's church who had friended the page became worried at the many threats of suicide and self harm. His mother stated "HE IS NOT BISEXUAL, HE IS NOT AN ATHEIST, AND HE IS NOT A FURRY", the polygraph determined, that was a lie. Steven Reese and the victims family agreed that charges would not be pressed as long as he posted a daily apology on the page before shutting it down entirely. Rest in peace great meme page.

GreenwellGate is part of a series on


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