Louis C.K.

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Louis "Louie" CK is a jewish Mexican ginger comedian and moderately successful troll that noone has evar herd of, that finally got a successful show on FX that panders to what people want to see. Louis CK has become well known as a launching pad for every comedians career. Since the internets, it has become a well known that every comedian steals from Louis CK.

Despite that EVERY COMEDIAN HAS STOLEN JOKES FROM LOUIS CK, he remains a pretty cool guy about it since it is easier to be a pussy.


Many people have tried to give Louis CK his own show thinking it will go well since everyone steals funny shit from Louis CK all the time. Unfortunately, they forget that Louis CK is a fat ugly ginger and nobody wants to watch a fat ugly ginger (no matter how funny it is) for 30 minutes, unless it is suffering for being such a fat ugly ginger.

Luck Louie

His short-lived HBO sitcom, "Lucky Louie", in which he co-starred with his fellow Opie & Anthony alum Jim Norton. Lulzy as it was, it nonetheless generated a small measure of drama once in a while. Despite having moar lulz than almost all other TV shitcoms, it was cancelled a few years ago due to butthurt from corporate execs who deemed its content "too racy and offensive" for their tastes.

In addition to this, he has directed/written for numerous movies, as well as for fellow ginger Conan O'Brien. As a matter of fact, he has been on Conan's couch countless times.

After failing on HBO because no one believed a fat ugly ginger should be allowed to get pussy live a life that resembled anything close to happiness, his wife left him. After a bitter divorce he went into a deep depression where he WON A COMEDY CENTRAL COMEDY AWARD, BECAME RECOGNIZED BY THE ENTIRE INTERNETS AS THE CREATOR OF ANY FUNNY ORIGINAL CONTENT EVER SAID BY ANY FAMOUS COMEDIAN AND CREATED A SUCCESSFUL TV SHOW THAT MAKES HIM FUCK TONS OF MONIES!


After realizing how much money can be made from stealing material from Louis CK, Louis CK decided to finally go the route that every other famous comedian has gone and steal material from Louis CK.

Louie is Awwright show that shows how shitty Louis CK's life is ever since his wife left him. It usually shows snips from his stand up comedy, then has something that either resulted from his stand up routine or how a standup routine evolved around a life experience. It's pretty much an awkward less shity version of Seinfeld.

Wanna be an successful comedian? STEAL FROM LOUIS CK

Their hands look like guns!


— Louis CK, on why niggers are often accidentally shot by police.

You know where "nigger" came from originally? There was some black guy bein' a "nigger", and so they called him a nigger!

...he was bein' a real nigger, and someone said, "What a nigger!", and that's where it started!


—Louis CK, being not racist

That nigger made the shit outta my coffee!


—Louie, talking about a white guy in his stand up special, Chewed Up.

The day you were born, somebody was walking by and they looked and they saw you being born, and...they said, 'hey look, there's some cunt coming out of some cunt's cunt!'


epic insult Louie crafted

It's raep tiem 4 Leary

Louie has been ripped off more than once by moar famous, yet less talented comedians. Along with many other comics, he had his material Xerox'd by Dane Cook. Despite this faggotry, Louie was rather humble towards Cook in an anonymous radio interview, and only badmouthed Cook after he was encouraged to by the host. This disappointed many of his fans, who wished he would've burned him at the stake.

More recently, however, it turns out that yet another overrated comic has taken from Louie. A few months ago on the Opie and Anthony radio show, he revealed that he was the original creator of the song, "I'm An Asshole", and that Denis Leary, taking a page out of the Dane Cook playbook, stole the bit from him and passed it off as his own. Note, however, that Leary's entire career has been built off of this kind of fraudulence.

Two months later, after being exposed as a hack, Leary went on the same show and tried to discredit Louie's story with a much weaker one, revealing Leary as a massive douchebag once again.

...TL;DR? Stealing from Louis CK is the quickest way to become rich, famous, and good looking and he will sit there and fucking take it like a little bitch!

Trolling Techniques

Ice Cream

I Say the Darndest Things to Kids

Black People!

Hey man! Why you bein' so rude?

My Father

Purity Bricks


See Also

External links

Louis C.K. is part of a series on


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