Miriam Weeks

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Nobody has heard of this person, but whoever they are, vandalizing this article only makes us want to learn more...

Now that Miriam Weeks has become the most famous Duke University skank since Crystal Gail Mangum, we have ourselves quite a "teachable moment" for other wannabe sluts thinking about doing porn over Xmas break. Here are some lessons Miriam Weeks really shoulda followed...

Lessons for Being a College Pornslut without being outted like Miriam Weeks

Lesson #1: DON'T expect to remain anonymous if you have a JewSchnoz and MidgetTits

So Miriam Weeks thought she had the perfect plan: choose a pseudonym (Belle Knox), guzzle some jizz on-camera over Winter Break, get paid, and return! What could possibly go wrong?

Well, plenty, if you have a very recognizable profile like Miriam Weeks:

Yeah...no local Duke porn-spanker could ever recognize HER!

So before long, Dukesters were spreading the word about Miriam Weeks spreading her legs. As expected, the doods on the Duke Board at CollegiateACB were quick on the draw:

(BTW, googling the quote leads to this Miriam Weeks blogpoast decrying, lol, rape!)

Needless to say, this lead to Miriam Weeks being recognized pretty much everywhere on campus. Which prompted her next fuckup:

Lesson #2: If you're being recognized on campus, DON'T go whining to teh media

This should be OBVIOUS (if not, just google Streisand Effect). But apparently Miriam Weeks' regular ingestion of cum interfered with her thinking...

As a result, Miriam thought she could whine like a butthurt bitch to the media...

...and she thought she could remain ANONYMOUS in all this!

Lesson #3 If you're outed as a pornslut IRL, then it's time to STFU and GTFO of North Carolina

It remains to be seen if Miriam Weeks follows this last bit of advice, but it's prolly too late anyway. But [Miriam Weeks] has a PLAN!

I hope to major in Women Studies and Sociology, and someday be a lawyer! I am a member of Duke's Moot Court, Duke Human Rights Student Advisory Board, and on the Executive Board of Duke Second Languages in Action. In my free time I enjoy sleeping, eating Milanos, and perusing Netflix.


Miriam Weeks

From a pornstar to a lawyer! Now there's a short career hop! Then again, Miriam might just be better off seeking a sugar daddy...

THAT'S the ticket!

External Links

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