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This person has Assburgers Syndrome,
so you can't say anything bad! :-(

Be aware of that, you insensitive fuck.
This luser is a lolcow, and should be trolled to death in the usual fashion.
You can help by posting their nude pix or spamming their talk page.

Well... It has come...

Yes, that's what he looks like, I didn't photoshop it to make him look like a fat whale with cancer

Possibly worse than Chris Chan... I present you, DrewTheFox.

This is a 15 year old kid who is obsessed with The Amazing World Of Gumball, He's also in love with Anais from TAWoG, and he loves... LOVES Speedos

This kid thinks that his art is worthy of getting a lot of watchers and fans, enough to ask everyone for requests and also make shitty art that looks like something a 5 year old would draw. And let's not forget that this speedo lover puts this short abominations on fucking everything, and I mean... FUCKING EVERYHTING.

It would've been funny to see his shenaningans every time of the day, but unfortunately, his account was deactivated which means that this kid tried to escape from us or he tried to start clean and better in his new account [[1]] (He still insists it's not fucking him)

He also figured out how to make new accounts via IP Hacking, but those accounts he used didn't last(though I don't fucking care about the people he harmed, I cannot believe this retard could actually hack someone's IP)

Drew The Rip-off

For starters, one could actually think this kid is the next generation of our artists, and his "artwork" kinda reminds me of someone.

"I Love Anais, She Love Me" - Drew The Fox

His "Original character" Drew The Fox. I can officially say that he is very original

And not to mention that Drew looks just like Tails from Sonic. This character is well known for the before mentioned couple that he ships... A fucking 4 year old from a Cartoon Network show and himself, isn't that just the sickest fetish you've ever heard about?

Not to mention that he also suffers from Autism... Like if the internet gave I shit that he's not able to do some stuff because of his condition, such a bratty little whiny bitch

And to highlight all of this, his butthurt character and responses with poorly constructed grammar (I mean, this kid doesn't have any idea of what the fuck is grammar)

Graphic Description of his butthurt:

Graphic Description of his really bad grammar and EXCESSIVE USE OF CAPITALS!!!!!!!!!1!!11!11!! ONe ElvEnetenn

Youtube "fame"

As a Godzilla fan, and also a VHS and DVD Collectionist he mades his videos with his collections, in which you can enjoy a lot of things, like... his heavy breathing, chewing, "The Front, The Spine, The Back" and a lot of fun stuff that you'll sure love

As an example of his good fame, here are some of his shitty videos:

Yes, that's him, and... he sounds like he has several brain damage

Veggietales? Are you fucking serious?

Gallery of Fail(Drew's artwork, grammar fails and butthurt)

[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]

External Links

  • Main dA Account: DrewTheFox (DELETE FUCKING EVERYTHING!!!1!1!1!!111! One elevenmillion)
  • dA account in use: Gojirafan1954 (No, I'am Patrick - DrewTheFox as GojiraFan1954)
  • Youtube Account: [2]
  • If y'all want to check Drew's old bullshit: [[3]] (Wayback Machine)

DrewTheFox is part of a series on Aspies.

DrewTheFox is part of a series on


Visit the DeviantART Portal for complete coverage.

DrewTheFox is part of a series on


Visit the Furfaggotry Portal for complete coverage.