Lord Bung

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Lord Bung was a jewtuber who started off well enough by making animation, but at some point he entered a downward spiral, which culminated in him deleting his whole channel and years and years of content before promptly disappearing from cyberspace, seemingly for good.

Early Years: Lord Bung started his channel sometime after 2010 and his content at first consisted of making animations with an anthropomorphic blue triceratops with a bunch of robot powers and above human intelligence. This character would go around fighting against and debunking vegans, conspiracy theorists, anti-science people, and other crazies who th' creator did not like. Ironically enough, Lord Bung himself would become anti science later on, so his actual opinions on things are very muddled. In one of his old videos, Pedocynical also makes an appearance.

Confinement series: It is difficult to find exact dates on this guy and his content, since he decided to delete all of that not too bad content like a complete retard. He started an animated series about SCP sometime before 2020. It followed the adventures of an immortal prisoner named connor. This series is what made him blow up, and he promptly abandoned the dinosaur content. In hindsight, Confinment got far too much attention for what it was. It was not bad, but Lord Bung spectacularly failed in so many ways to actually deliver that confinement actually comes across as rather bare bones, or, to be more thematically appropriate, rather bare dinosaur fossils. Actually, a lot of his content now comes across that way. His excuse for not making a lot if content was that he apparantly broke his arse.

Downward Spiral into extinction: Lord Bung first started spiraling downward when he thought it was a good idea to change his jewtube profile picture from his blue triceratops to an ugly, dumb looking human face that he drew. He then became non-binary and, like all sodomites, he chimped out at anyone who misgendered him, which is ironic, because he himself misgenders himself by calling himself "LORD Bung". What this also does is that it makes his old content of debunking anti-science people look very hypocritical, since humans can not really be ace, for they do not undergo mitosis. Also, despite being "no gender", one of his last videos for his confinement series, after months of inactivity, basically only amounted to being softcore coomer material. It should also be noted that his fans had donated over 100,000 shekels to him by the time he made that video, and he called it quits shortly after that, thus taking those shekels and running away, thus technically making him a chris chan/daniel larson level scammer. Even worse than any of that, Lord Bung put "BLM" in his twitter profile, thus making him a nigger worshiper on top of being a dumb mayiod. This is also very ironic, seeing as how Lord Bung himself had no trouble typing "nigger" quite a bit back in his earlier days. Once again, his exact opinions on things are around as murky as th' future of his content. In th' Summer of 2023, his downward spiral would finally crash into bedrock, for he deleted his channel because of some dumb interweb drama regarding a false r@pe allegation. Lord Bungs current whereabouts are unknown.

If this page looks low quality right now, yes it is, but I promise to maybe add more details and pictures and quality to it later.

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