Telephone Ring Ring

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Ehrmaghrd teh lulz!

Telephone Ring Ring

Telephone Ring Ring, or formerly "Telephone, Wicker, ino89777, sin897" on a large scale of furry sites; is not just your average furry animal fucker, but one of the most overly dramatic and narcissistically delicious weaboo faggots in the entire fandom of animal fuckers. While the actual gender and location of the disgusting excuse of a human being is questionable, it's presumed that he lives in wetback infested mountains of Arizona according to his Facebook. Perfect place for sweaty inbred furry ass sex right? It is rumored that the crazy bitch lives in some white trash trailer park full of furry scum.

Like most furfaggots, telephone rants on and on about personal problems instead of sending lewd n00ds for all the other basement dwelling dicktissues to fap to on Encyclopedia Dramatica. But seriously if you follow the bitch on twitter or like the facebook page that the inbred fuck created for self admirance, you'll shortly become accustomed to the consistent complaining about other people becoming more popular than Telephone would like to believe he is. (Because all the furry fandom is about is popularity, and how many cocks you've sucked of course.)

A fursuit head as big as his ego.

Most of the pictures from this article are from lulz (a great site for some actual truth in the fandom) shows possible real life pictures of the loser behind the suit and whole Telephone franchise. The best part about this person is the fact that he doesn't even have to do anything.

Furry Drama

Telephone is known for talking about friends, customers, and other 'famous' furries behind their backs. Whenever caught talking shit, he quickly deletes everything and acts as if nothing was ever said. When called out on this, he will send his fanbase to 'troll' you off the internet, while sitting back and playing the victim card.

The moment a furry dies, Telephone is the first to try and profit off the death, such as Lemonade Coyote. Never knowing the person, he will instantly become "disarranged" and "knew them over 100 years ago" when he had never spoken to this person in his life. he then uses that excuse to stop Telephones working on any commissions he may have, and start accepting donations to 'help the family' of the deceased, while pocking all the money for himself.

It was brought to light recently that Telephone had over 9000 fucksuits. He denied it like Clinton denied Monica but was found out when his fetish website profiles began to come to light on the Interweb. Among the fucksuits include Wicker, Sin, and any of the horse suits that he had. When called out about the fucksuit named 'Bella', he quickly BAWLETED all videos and photos of the murrsuit.

He also has a long history of trying to 'ruin' people who don't suck his e-Penis. Some examples are: Sending legions of Fanbois to troll the person off of furry websites, creating false accusations such as rape, character theft, and e-harassment, and has sold many 'friends' character out of spite. He has gone so far as to have people harassed irl, in attempt to get them to An Hero.


Telephone is currently sucking the wallet of a horse fucker named draconicknight. Presumed to have met at a fetish convention, Telephone learned quickly that he was loaded with cash and began to leach off his wealth with any chance he could get. Many in the community call him "Dusty 2.0", as draconicknight's ex did the same thing to him, but he's too stupid to realize it.


If you're stupid enough to get anything from Skypro fursuits, get ready to wait for over 9000 years. Unlike professional costume makers, he gives no shits about you, what you ordered, and will forget all about you. He over prices his shitty suits, and if you ever do get your fucksuit, it will fall apart in 3 months tops. However, if you complain to her about the shitty workmanship he will insta-ban you on everything and cry wolf.

Claim to e-fame

Telephone became popular after piggybacking off of anyone that was e-famous within the furry community, including Uncle Kag and 2 gryphon. Because he has no real talent, he used his boyfriend's money to start going to conventions and forcing himself into photos and videos with anyone who was semi-popular. Because furries are so fucking retarded, the best way to get popular quick is to make sure everyone sees your ugly mug, and that's what he did. The moment he began to gain popularity in the furfag community his narcissistic behavior began to grow. He became a Drama Llama, and shit on anyone who didn't agree he was a God among men.

See Also

External Links

Telephone Ring Ring is part of a series on


Visit the Furfaggotry Portal for complete coverage.

Telephone Ring Ring is part of a series on


Visit the Whores Portal for complete coverage.