User:RonPaulLovesBlacks/Battlefield 3

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Battlefield 3 is an upcoming first person shooter vidya gaem being developed by LICE DICE, and being published by Electronic Assholes. It is the true successor of Battlefield 2: Electric Boogaloo. The game itself is designed to troll CoDfags by taking their game off of it's pedestal. See here! Now, this should be an automatic plus to anyone who isn't a brainwashed 13 year old boy...or Craptivision.

PC Requirements

For all of the douchebags who are members of the Elite PC Gaming Group, The PC requirements are available:

  • Processor: 100 Core
  • Memory: 100 GB
  • Hard Drive: 15000 GB for Digital Version, 10000 GB for Disc Version
  • Video Memory: 800 GB
  • Sound Card: DirectX25 (lolwut?) Compatible
  • DirectX: 9000
  • Keyboard and Mouse (No shit, Sherlock)
  • DVD Rom Drive (...)

If your shitty PC doesn't meet the above requirements, you're fucked.

Please note that the above requirements are the bare minimum


Because of Battlefail 3's threatening appearance, many butthurt CoDfags like this stupid fuck decided to troll all over youtube and the rest of the internets trying to convince everyone that their game is better