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'Nuff said, move along.
User likes aardvarks.

Who the fuck am I?

I'm an older EDiot, born 1974. (And get off my fucking lawn!) Born in Toledo, live in Pittsburgh now. I've been editing ED for several years. Since 2008? I think? I dunno.

I have always liked lulzy things, but have my limits. I, however, have full respect for people who find things I don't find lulzy lulzy.

A few thoughts on Lulz

Through my travels, I have found two distinct sorts of lulz fans - and it seems people can move back and forth depending on the mood.

  1. Those who are angry at the world and don't care who they piss off or give a bad day to.
  2. Those who are at peace with things and are really nice folks who just have an incredibly warped sense of humor.

I'm the latter. (That's the second one, numbskull!) I actually love people, life and everything - though I have my days like everyone. I'm a dedicated father. I have a strong respect for other people. I also have an incredibly fucked up sense of humor (which, if you're reading this, we probably share). I get that humor is just humor. Making fun of something isn't belittling it, it's just blowing off steam.

Encyclopedia Dramatica is a great thing. It gives me a place to pour out that side of my personality without barbequing anyone's sacred cows. Aw, who the fuck am I kidding - we're barbequing those tasty sacred cows and serving them up with our zesty ED sauce! It's just in here, we're spreading around the responsibility!

So I am thankful this place exists - I was unhappy when it went away for a while!