The "Black Wednesday" Saga

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Continued from Iain Hall

Guess who?

The "Black Wednesday" Saga

On the 29th of August, someone who seemed to be one of Iain's most loyal supporters, Fang, turned against him [1], admitting that he only felt sorry for him. Iain immediately deleted many of the comments from his blog.

"I gave you the benefit of the doubt for a long while because I felt sorry for you and stuck up for you even when it made me look like an idiot. However, you can’t even use a spell check. Get a job, and stop using my money to fund your noddy car."


—Fang turning on Iain

In response to Fang telling Iain how it is, Iain accused Fang of threatening him with physical violence. The violence being euphemistically and jokingly referred to as "ocular penetration" by Fang if Iain tried to stalk him. However, due to The Onion's Skull Fucking Bill of 2007 [2], this rendered Fang's joke redundant. On Friday 5th October 2007 Iain again complained of "explicit threats of violence" from Fang. [3]

However, Iain has repeatedly emailed Fang in an attempt to bait him. On October 2nd (3 days before Iain complained of "explicit threats of violence") Iain emailed Fang:

"Seeing your latest, and rather pathetic efforts, I suggest that these links may help you with your obvious,and admitted, abuse problems."


—Iain Hall, 2/10/07.

Iain then provided links to dubious pornography and alcohol rehabilitation centres. Fang told Iain not to bother emailing him again. [4]However in true Iain Hall style, he once again emailed Fang on the 19th October 2007 with nonsensical rambling accusing him of numerous crazy and unsubstantiated allegations. God only knows what Iain is taking about:

"Fang I'm willing to bet that you still live with your mummy and dream about having a life of your own because clearly you don't have at present. As I have said before Fang the fact that you pay for the domain name and the hosting for that site says heaps about just how sad and sorry your life is. What is it now about ten or twelve hates sites devoted to me that you have created? Your updated page is still a yawn though and you obviously up until very late writing all of that crap What you fail to is that the people who do read that page do come and check on my actual blogs they are very often pleasantly surprised to find that I am not as you try to paint me at all and then they just think that the you are a sad sorry wanker obsessed with me. Oh and I don't need to look for a job I actually have one and I enjoy it very much because it is very satisfying and rewarding. But you just don’t get the idea that when you don’t have to pay rent (because you own your home out right, and anther one as well) then you don’t have to work every hour that God gives us to just keep your place on the consumer treadmill. As I said, you need to get a life because your obsession with me is no substitute. I suggest that you might begin by trying to do some thing of social virtue like picking up litter or helping a charity and after a while you may learn the value of humility and altruistic service. Some thing you are entirely lacking at present. Cheers Comrade Iain"


—Iain Hall, the greatest email he's ever sent19/10/07.

The email will be used by MIT as a blue print for studies of delusional-moronic-stay-at-home-unemployed-stalking-bloggers. Even Professor Noam Chomksy can't explain the linguistics behind this email as it totally blows his theory of generative grammar out of the water.

However, Chomsky's branch of cognitive psychology; genuine insights in linguistics imply concomitant understandings of aspects of mental processing and sub-human nature may help explain Iain's regressive behavior and writing style. Further, unlike Nim Chimpsky [5], Iain Hall may provide the missing link between animal language acquisition to that of sub-humans.

In Iain's latest unsolicited email to Fang on 22nd October 2007, Iain made thinly veiled depraved threats and typical false accusations regarding harassment, even going as far to liken Fang to a pedophile:

"Finally you have been posting consistently from the same IP address so don’t delude yourself that you are untraceable and that you can hide forever should you continue to harass me. Take heed from the recent story of that paedophile that delighted in posting pictures of his crimes with his face distorted in a swirl. That scumbag is now in a Thai jail cell, likewise you could end up in a whole world of trouble should you continue as you have been of late."


—Iain Hall, 22/10/07.

In the same email Iain incriminated himself admitting he stalked or as he describes it "fights" with Jeremy, Bruce, Mikey and others. In other words he harasses, stalks and threatens all in sundry. He claims to have "done a penance for (his) sins" but has never once apologised for stalking, harassing or trying to get them sacked.

"The fights that I have had with others (Jeremy, Bruce Mikey et al) are for all intents and purposes over. I have done a penance for my sins and I have moved on to other interests and other topics to blog about."


—Iain Hall, 22/10/07.

According to an undisclosed source, Fang has not responded to any of Iain's emails. While Iain Hall claims he is the victim, he is in fact, the perpetrator of stalking and threatening behavior. His sending of links to dubious pornography, alcohol rehabilitation centres and his threatening email alluding to a recent story involving an alleged pedophile and rapist[6], speaks volumes about Iain, his motives and his sick, disturbing mindset.

  • The emails were provided to the author by Fang as a duty to the safety of the internet community and society as a whole. The world salutes your honorable and noble actions in bringing these emails to light Fang. Make sure you check the next Queen's Birthday Honours List and nominations for Australian of the Year.