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This guy is uneccesarily abrasive. Equivamptalk(Troll me here) 21:37, 2 August 2011 (UTC)

yeah I have more saved on him that I didn't post, for sake of coherency in the article. There's also some drama going on in his userpage comments as we speak. Zebragum 23:24, 2 August 2011 (UTC)

Is there any chance his "girlfriend" is a sockpuppet? They're exactly the same...! Equivamptalk(Troll me here) 23:29, 2 August 2011 (UTC)
I thought so too at first but unfortunately no. There are RL pics of her on her FA, plus she actually has a ounce of talent when it comes to art. too bad all she draws is people licking her feet. Zebragum 23:32, 2 August 2011 (UTC)


He's convinced himself that I wrote the article. screencaps coming soon.  Equivamptalk(Troll me here) 02:21, 4 August 2011 (UTC)

Oh fuck yeah. Zebragum 05:52, 4 August 2011 (UTC)

I added that he's now single. Feel free to add onto this change, as im sure he's sore about the whole thing. And I know he does check this article frequently. Looks like his girlfriend left him for some chick. Might want to add something about that at some point too. I just didn't want to fuck with the construction of the page too much as it's pretty well organized.

More lolz

I added some info that he's now single as it appears his girlfriend has left him to go scissor some chick. Hot. Anyway, I know for certain that he checks his article regularly because he's still pretty sore over it all. So, adding that he couldn't even keep a relationship with his girlfriend should just salt the wound again. Also, that he's actually part mexican not italian. Also something I know for certain.

I honestly didn't want to fuck with the article too much as it's pretty well organized but please, please feel free to add more lolololworthy things about this new change. I'm sure he'll be thrilled. XD