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Things that need to be added to article-

  • Her Other Comics - Like "Scandinavia & The World", "Love & Tentacles" and "Manala Next Door".
  • IRL Pictures Of Her - Those can be found on some of the last pages of the thread. She is ugly as hell.

 oddguy  10:49, 15 May 2013 (EDT)

  • Seconding the Scandinavia & The World subheader and more bullshit in the other webcomic subheaders, to balance out the over-sized Niels subheader. Also more DeviantART screencaps of journals, comments etc if anyone has those. G444 12:48, 15 May 2013 (EDT)
  • If I have a moment later I will try to write a section about it. If no one beats me to it.

If they do, here are points to make regarding the comic:

  • Haitalia rip-off.
  • Everyone has the same face.
  • Sausages for arms.
  • Raciest.
  • Inept political commentary.
  • People think it's funny because no one knows anything about any of these countries and they rather pretend thy enjoy the comic than to admit they don't understand a single strip of it and risk being called stupid.

 oddguy  13:06, 15 May 2013 (EDT)

About the article.

  • I put the article on the "Good New Articles" Page.

When it's done I will put it on AOTN.  oddguy  14:14, 15 May 2013 (EDT)


While browsing through the ED thread I came across a particularly striking quote by a dude called Chickenwithtie - "If her drawings are just innocent fantasies and we're the ones whit mental problems I wonder why she deleted her famous drawing of that blonde raper guy that touches his daughter." I'm wondering if we should have a morphquote block on the page with various descriptive/insightful/funny criticisms of Humon from people on ED, or maybe that would just be pointless in the grand scheme of things. G444 17:35, 15 May 2013 (EDT)

  • Couldn't hurt I guess...  oddguy  17:43, 15 May 2013 (EDT)

So Basically...

She's another mentally stunted, sexually repressed loser who couches her closeted quirky kinks in the form of "artistry", too afraid to expose or face her true "sick fuck" fantasies out of fear of rejection and ridicule. She's like a child whose wet the bed who hides the sheets to try and cover up their shame and embarrassment, rather than just admit to it openly. --Onideus   21:36, 15 May 2013 (EDT)

She's an autistic feminazi to boot. I think this lolcow will never get old.     09:34, 19 May 2013 (EDT)
So raping women in many fantasy cartoons and comics is acceptable yet when she gender-switches she's a sicko? I normally like ED and the people it pokes fun of but the person who wrote this article is obviously butthurt or offended for some reason. The artist isn't even pretentious, she even states that it is in good fun.Lumosnight 17:28, 23 May 2013 (EDT)
Where did I say anything about gender? Oooooh, that's right...*I* didn't...funny that *YOU* did though. ^__^
FYI I was actually speaking primarily about her manner of blatantly sexualizing biblically barbaric forms (primarily slavery) and then trying to couch them in the guise of "good fun" rather than the blatantly obvious SEXUALIZED interests that they are. The former of which makes her look like a raving fuckin loon of the highest order...rather than just someone who has off the wall sexual interests. The fact that it's "gender bended" only gives it the ILLUSION of being "okay" rather than completely the fuck INSANE! It's like depicting WOMEN as PEDOPHILES...generally has a MUCH softer, LESS hate-ridden "face" to it. As opposed to the opposite, which generally just makes people automatically ENRAGED without so much as a second thought. Effectively she's using "gender bending" to her advantage in attempting to couch it in the guise of pseudo-normalcy. --Onideus   14:52, 21 May 2013 (EDT)\

Since when has Norse Mythology been 'Biblical'? You're behaving like an idiot, I'm sure that you enjoy one of the many rape jokes on ED (which many of us do, despite being female) and not complain about them. In fact, if you do, then you are branded a wet towel. What she's doing is pretty much the same type of humor that appears on ED, except in this case the rape jokes are aimed towards men. So get that sand out of your vagina and quit whining you hypocrite. And no, I'm not interested in engaging in a flame war with you. Lumosnight 17:28, 23 May 2013 (EDT)

Sorry, I didn't realize you were so OCD when it came to general vernacular. I meant "biblical" as in "ancient", "old", "antediluvian", etc, etc. Actually though, if you ~really~ want to try and quibble about it, the word "Biblical" would actually cover ALL periods covered within the entire Old Testament...on the flip side though I'm ~pretty~ certain Norse mythology didn't starting coming primarily into play until around 5 AD...which, yes, makes it "Biblical" (even beyond the general definition of the word I was using).
There we go now...anything else you'd like to snit and quibble about, or are you done? Also, what's this "she" horseshit? Are you really so stupid that you think you could fool ~me~ of all people? LOL Oh now that's funny...almost as funny as believing you could ever contend against me in a "flame war". *snicker*
You seem to have missed the entire point of my original posting by the that, for her, it's not ~about~ "humor", it's about REPRESSED SEXUALITY! Granted I have no doubt that there are probably quite a number of people on ED who have sexual interests in quite a number of different subjects/articles that are covered by ED...but ED is not an INDIVIDUAL, ED is in fact a social collective that's primary point and purpose is to document drama over the Internet...and generally in a funny/humorous/satirical manner. Trying to compare the two, essentially apples and oranges, kind of makes you look like a blithering idiot...and that's being NICE about it! --Onideus   20:37, 23 May 2013 (EDT)

<cent: }er>
/!\ Warning /!\

An advanced warning to new users. Don't mind the weasel.   15:31, 21 May 2013 (EDT)
LOL, actually I never use ~true~ "text walls" on Dramatica. Back in the day, back on Usenet, we used to flame wars that would spawn 900 lines of new text PER post ~those~ were "text walls".  :)
--Onideus   15:34, 21 May 2013 (EDT)
LOL, actually I never use ~true~ "text walls" on Dramatica. Back in the day, back on Usenet, we used to flame wars that would spawn 900 lines of new text PER post ~those~ were "text walls".  :)   15:39, 21 May 2013 (EDT)
Kiddo, yer probably jacked up on so much Ritalin you can't even manage to sum up enough "care" to remember what you ate for breakfast this morning! --Onideus   20:37, 23 May 2013 (EDT)