Peter Thiel

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Peter Thiel is a billionaire fag and former closet case (and cofounder of PayPal and investor in Facebook) who was dragged kicking and screaming from the safety and warmth of his closet by Gawker in 2007. Despite the passage of nine years and four epochs of Encyclopedia Dramatica, so great was the grudge held by Thiel that he swore revenge against the mighty Nick Denton and his army of homosexual "journalists", half of whom Thiel has done in the gloryholes of San Francisco.

This is joke, he has no dick


In 2007, MySpace was still king of social media and Facebook was just a drop of cum running down Mark Zuckerberg's leg. Most importantly, Peter Thiel was safe in his closet, secretly jacking it to prison rape porn. Enter Gawker and Owen Thomas, who published a   very mild piece on Thiel's sexuality, ostensibly to increase awareness that there is faggotry in Silicon Valley. Thus was soweth the seeds of Nick Denton's demise. His butt-hole made him do it.


In the valley, money is truth and poor people die in shit. And the media doesn't need to be "honest" or "truthful", 'cos screaming cocksucker boys can become BILLIONaires overnight. And so Thiel, creator of the largest "bankything" on the internet, became "power-full" or some shit. After Hulkster sued Gawker Media and won $140 mill, it was revealed that Thiel had paid for the high-power LA attorneys who specialize in defamation suits. They ain't cheap, after all, and Hulk is too busy fucking fat women and paying for his transgirl daughter's bootleg hormones to have money for dat.

By now, the Facebook board should have asked PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel to resign from the social media giant’s board.

Thiel has been feeling some heat amid revelations that he secretly funded lawsuits against media outlet Gawker. (Some recent coverage on that from Fortune is here and here.)

But when Thiel decided to fund the lawsuits, as morally challenged as many believe those actions to be, he had a duty to inform Facebook’s board that he had a conflict and would need to step down.

That’s because Gawker is a Facebook customer and supplier — and as it turns out, a vocal brand ambassador for the social media company as well.


—Nice work asshole


Co-founded in 2004 by Alexander Karp and Peter Thiel (the company’s single largest shareholder), Palantir Technologies’ rapid ascent to becoming one of the highest-valued private Silicon Valley companies has been driven by lucrative contracts with the Pentagon and United States intelligence services, as well as foreign security services. In recent years, Palantir has sought to expand its data fusion and analysis business to the private sector, with mixed success.



Yes, he's a fucking libertarian

Thiel, 48, is a complicated and contradictory character. An avowed libertarian, Thiel is both a big believer in privacy from the government and a co-founder of Palantir, a multi-billion-dollar start-up that collects data about its clients’ users and monetizes their personal information. The C.I.A.’s venture-capital arm has invested in Palantir. And while Thiel has been footing the legal bills that could shutter one news organization, he has also extended his financial support to the Committee to Protect Journalists, a nonprofit foundation that defends “the right of journalists to report the news without fear of reprisal.”

Thiel believes that monopolies are a good thing for society, and that college is a waste of time and money. (His foundation selects and funds young adults under 20 years old every year to build new products and start-ups.) He has donated to conservative-libertarian pro-L.G.B.T. organizations, and has said he wishes politics could return to an era that more closely resembles the 1920s—before the New Deal, and the creation of the modern welfare state. “Since 1920, the vast increase in welfare beneficiaries and the extension of the franchise to women—two constituencies that are notoriously tough for libertarians—have rendered the notion of 'capitalist democracy' into an oxymoron,” he wrote.


On Monday, Trump revealed his slate of delegates for California in district 12, which covers San Francisco. One of the delegates pledged to Trump is Peter Thiel. House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy is also a pledged delegate for Trump in his congressional district.

Thiel in 2012 donated over $2.5 million to a Ron Paul Super PAC, he said at the time, “The campaign really is for 2016. He added, “I think we’re just trying to build a libertarian base for the next cycle.”

he put $50 mil into reddit masturbation

See also

External links


Peter Thiel is part of a series on

Homosexual Deviants

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