Justin Mohn

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Justin Mohn is this guy who killed and beheaded his Dad for some reason. He also had the start of a really shitty music career... That's probably why he killed his Dad: "you'll never amount to anything with your music!"

Cuz every girl's crazy 'bout a sharp dressed Mohn

Who is this Mohn in black?

He killed his dad on live YouTube.


Mohn-o y Mohn-o

If you ask me that again, I swear, I'm gonna bite your head off!!

This is where he killed his dad on YouTube.

PG-13 for all you pussies out there
Rated R for all you sick sons of bitches out there

The After-mohn-th

People said it was fake because you can find fake heads online.

Psy-op lay-up

His Music

Regardless, Justin's actions robbed the world of a promising music career. We will always dream about what might have been if society didn't destroy this precious soul.

And I thought him decapitating his father was bad



External Links

  • Apple Music Page — still up, but for how long?
  • Am I Right? Page — Justin's page for his parody song
  • Justin's YouTube Account — DELETED; below are the links to some of his videos for the sake of posterity... maybe they'll come back?